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SINDH NOORA MARCH 2025 KEY DEMANDS ‘These demands, rooted in the principles of equality, dignity, and justice, encapsulate the aspirations and rights, of the khwajasira community and their alles. I is imperative for the government and public institutions to recognize, respect, and act promptly upon them. 1. Criminalize all forms of discrimination and hate-speech based on gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics. Rigorous implementation and follow-up on reported cases are crucial for the safety and dignity of all citizens, 2. Murders of khwajasiras must not be dismissed through the Qisas and Diyat law. Every life is precious, and justice must not be compromised, 3. Khwajasira persons wishing for the X gender marker must never be subjected to medical gatekeeping. Their identity is for them to define and must be respected without unnecessary barriers 4, Address the housing crisis faced by khwajasira individuals. Charging extra or denying housing based on gender identity, gender expression, or sex characteristics, should be criminalized. 5. Incorporate designated seating for khwajasira individuals in all public transport within Sindh, reaffirming their right to safety and equality in daily commutes. 6. Strictly enforce the existing 0.2% employment quota for khwajasira individuals in all public sectors within Singh. This ensures equal opportunities and representation in pulblic service roles. 7. Design a khwajasira-specific HIV program with dedicated funding from the government. This program should be governed or overseen by a body of community-based activists to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. 8. Revise the educational curriculum to encompass the profound political and cultural history of khwajasiras in Sindh Moorat March is a locally organized March for the indigenous Khwaja Sira community of Pakistan. SUNDAY, 19 NOVEMBER , 2023 SUPPORT US ‘Asa locally run movement that speaks for the rights to, safely, healthcare, and education for the khwejasira ‘community, Sindh Moorat March relies on donations. Your donations help raise awareness against the ways in which the community hes been marginalized and bring sustainable reforms that ensure equality forall ‘You can donate on the following bank account: Sindh Bank Limited Account number: 03326015261000 IBAN: PK13SIND0003326015261000 ‘Swift code (for international donors) : SINDPKKA South Asia. Their significant positive roles and contributions in ancient societies and empires. Detailed and sensitive coverage of khwajasira and intersex conditions in biology. 9. Khwajasira individuals mustn't be denied their lawful rights to assets and inheritance. Legislation should be in place to censure they are treated equitably in all inheritance matters. 10. Khwajasiras should be officially recognized as a protected indigenous population. Their rights, cultural significance, and contributions must be acknowledged and preserved through specific legislation. Tl. Public educational institutions must rigorously enforce a designated quota for khwajasira persons, promoting equal ‘opportunites in higher education. 12. Ban unnecessary surgeries on intersex children without informed consent ‘3PM | SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER, 2025 | FRERE HALL, KARACHI @sindhmooratemarch (J @MooratMarchsMM Pe IB SIS BS gyle Cogs ante we gle plate GAS aly Le welgd Call PLL Ve REPEL BEY Calg yo oS Gldac Ine nels se 9p 9b 5 Sayed Sp ile He » rgb alin Bale S pled s3] lay 48 9S Cove died S ssh GS lanl » Ghlae gyla Gyge esi GES SS OL LS ot lay wht DE Sus Gb dl Ole Syl ay SY 29) ct WSUS outlay 95 BaeeS owe Se on IS 240 Fe S Sole AAS ae oe ot ctle Sue oye IY Olde! oe Bee S nse») CHT Sty JS 9 Tu SY Sindh Bank Limited Account number: 03326015261000 IBAN: PKI3SINDO003326015261000 ‘Swift code (for international donors) : SINDPKKA ash S soll alia Byine Sy) 2 yeh wim 95 asl aro SSSI a3) Cees! 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