Nursing Informatics Chapter 2

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School of Information Technology Education Chapter 2: Midterms

have made possible many changes to the healthcare

Part 2: Nursing Informatics industry. The first work to be modified consisted of
special administrative functions such as finance, payroll,
Technology billing, and nurse staffing and scheduling support. Later,
2.1 Computer Hardware the computer allowed fantastic changes in the practice of
Computer hardware is defined as all of the physical radiology and imaging, allowing noninvasive
components of a computer. A computer is a machine visualization not only of internal structures, but even of
that uses electronic components and instructions to the metabolic and movement functioning.
components to perform calculations, repetitive and
complex procedures, process text, and manipulate data Computer-enhanced surgical instruments enabled
and signals. Computer technology has evolved from surgeons to insert endoscopy tools that allow for both
huge, room-sized electronic calculators developed with visualization and precise removal of diseased tissues,
military funding during World War II to palm-sized leaving healthy tissues minimally damaged and the
machines available to virtually everybody. Today, patient unscarred. Virtual reality programs in surgery
computers are encountered in most areas of people’s have greatly enhanced the scope and complexity of
lives. surgeries that are now amenable to much less invasive
The basic hardware of a computer composes the surgeries. As a result, massive damage to skin,
computer’s architecture, and includes the: subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and organs have been
-electronic circuits eliminated from many procedures. Today, millions of
-microchips, processors patients who formerly would have needed weeks in the
-random access memory (RAM) hospital for recovery are now released from the hospital
-read-only memory (ROM) the same day as of their surgery or in a day or two at
-graphic and sound cards. most.
These are attached to a component called a
motherboard. The motherboard is a square or Required Hardware Components of a Computer
rectangular board with circuits into which are plugged the The box of any computer contains a motherboard (Fig.
main electronics of the computer. 2.1). The motherboard is a thin, flat sheet made of

Devices that may be inside the computer case but are

not part of the architecture include:
• Internal hard drive
• Cooling system
• Modem
• Ethernet connectors
• Optical drives
• Universal serial bus (USB)
• Multiformat media card readers

In addition, devices attached or linked to a computer that

are peripheral to the main computer box are part of the
system’s hardware. These include input and output
devices such as:
• Keyboard
• Touch screen • FIGURE 2.1. Motherboard with CPU, Chips, and Slots.
• Mouse
• Printer
• Fax

The storage components are:

 external hard drives
 thumb drives
 floppy drives
 tape drives
 sound systems
o earphones
o microphones
o speakers
o subwoofers
 computer monitors • FIGURE 2.2. CPU Chip Attached to Motherboard.
Typically, computer systems are composed of many
different components that enable the user to a firm, nonconducting material on which the internal
communicate with the computer, and with other components—printed circuits, chips, slots, and so
computers to produce work. Computer hardware on—of the computer are mounted. The motherboard
advances during the late 1900s and into the 2000s is made of a dielectric or nonconducting plastic material.
Electric conducting lines are etched or soldered onto the
bottom of the board. The motherboard has holes or
perforations through which components can be affixed
so they can transmit data across the circuits on the
motherboard (Fig. 2.2). Typically, one side looks like a
maze of soldered metal trails with sharp projections
(which are the attachments for the chips and other The mainframe computer is the most common fast,
components affixed to the motherboard). The large, and expensive type of computer used in
motherboard contains the microchips (including the large businesses (including hospitals and other
central processing unit [CPU]), and the wiring, and slots large healthcare facilities) for processing, storing,
for other microprocessors—composes the foundation of
and retrieving data.
the computer’s architecture.

A computer has four basic components, these are: 3) Microcomputers (Personal Computers or
1) CPU PCs)
2) Input & Output Although mainframe computers provide critical
3) Controllers service to the healthcare industry, much smaller
4) Storage Media computers are also an essential part of healthcare
computing systems. Computers designed to
Memory support a single user are called microcomputers or
Memory refers to the electronic storage devices or personal computers (PCs). Much smaller and less
chips on the motherboard of a computer. There are powerful than a mainframe, PCs were designed to
three key types of memory in a computer: be used by one person at a time.

1) Read-Only Memory. (ROM) is a form of 4) Handheld Computer/Digital Assistants

permanent storage in the computer. It carries These are small, special function computers,
instructions that allow the computer to be booted although a few “full function” handheld computers
(started), and other essential machine instructions. were introduced in the late 1990s. Even though of
ROM storage is not erased when the computer is smaller size than the laptop and notebook
turned off. microcomputers, some have claimed to have
almost the same functionality and processing
2) Random Access Memory. (RAM) refers to capabilities.
working memory used for primary storage. It is
used as temporary storage. Also known as main They differ in size, composition, memory and
memory, RAM can be accessed, used, changed, storage capacity, processing time, and cost. They
and written on repeatedly. The contents of RAM are generally have had different applications and are
erased whenever the power to the computer is found in many different locations in the healthcare
turned off. Thus, RAM is made ready for new industry.
programs when the computer is turned on again.
3) Cache. Cache is a smaller form of RAM. Its A network is a set of cooperative interconnected
purpose is to speed up processing by storing computers for the purpose of information
frequently called items in a small, rapid access interchange. The networks of greatest interest
memory location. include local area networks (LANs), wide area
networks (WANs), and the Internet, which is a
MAJOR TYPES OF COMPUTER network of networks. For a computer to participate
The computers discussed so far are general on a network, it must have at least two pieces of
purpose machines, because the user can program hardware:
them to process all types of problems and can
solve any problem that can be broken down into a 1. Network adapter or network interface
set of logical sequential instructions. Special card. A network interface card (NIC) is a
purpose machines designed to do only a very few computer circuit board or card that is
different types of tasks have also been developed. installed in a computer so that it can be
A category of special purpose computers includes connected to a network.
the tablet computers, personal digital assistants
(PDAs), and smartphones. 2. Communication medium (cabling).
Today, four basic types of computers are generally The “communication medium” is the means
recognized. Each type of computer was developed by which actual transfer of data from one
as the computer industry evolved, and each was site to another takes place. Commonly used
developed for a different purpose. The basic types communication media include twisted pair
of computers include: cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optics, telephone
lines, satellites, and compressed video.
1) Supercomputers
The largest type of computer is the supercomputer.
First developed by Seymour Cray in 1972, the early 2.2 Advanced Hardware & mHealth
supercomputer research, development, and
production were carried out by Cray Corporation or HARDWARE
one of its affiliates. A supercomputer is a Advances in computer hardware continue two
computational-oriented computer specially trends: (1) more powerful processing in ever-
designed for scientific applications requiring a smaller packages and (2) more power distributed
gigantic amount of calculations that, to be useful, across many, many machines, most commonly
must be processed at superfast speeds. seen in cloud services. For example, tablets used
to be a bridge between a desktop and a
2) Mainframes smartphone, allowing mobility but lacking the range
of computing capability that a laptop provided. This
distinction is disappearing as tablets evolve to devices such as laptops and desktops. Battery
provide the same capability as a laptop. A technology has also improved significantly, with
smartphone is a powerful handheld computer with most devices able to go a shift between charging.
an operating system and the ability to access the Within the palm of a nurse’s hand is a fully capable
Internet. Wearable devices, the size of a piece of computing device able to perform complex and
jewelry, collect physiological measures and powerful operations. Many mobile devices are
wirelessly send that data to smartphones or cloud using high-resolution touch screens. When clinical
services via the Internet. Implantable devices, such information systems are designed to display well on
as an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, not only smartphones and tablets, these devices will
monitor physiological responses, they also provide emerge as the primary computing device for all
interventions. Research on injectable microchips users. These devices already support text
continues, and raises many security, privacy, and messaging, voice, and video.
ethical issues. A common example of mobile device
access to cloud services is when the user of a
smartphone takes photos, edits the photos, and
One of the latest trends in healthcare IT is the
shares them, all without having to go back to a
concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
desktop machine in order to edit and share. The
Products in the marketplace today, such as the
length of time a mobile device can work powered
iPhone, iPad, and similar devices from other
by a rechargeable battery is the limiting factor for
vendors, have produced loyal customers who do
mobile computing. The most common complaint
not want to have multiple communication devices
about the limitation of a mobile device is battery life,
attached to their waistband or filling the pockets of
which becomes problematic when there is a high
their lab coat. They prefer one device, the device
level of background activity. For example, running
that they own. In many hospitals the IT department
multiple interactive mobile applications (apps) in the
has already ensured that their devices are secure
background, each of which drains power, shortens
and able to meet government regulations. Back-
the amount of time the device can be used before
end IT systems are required to ensure that a given
having to recharge the battery.
device does not introduce vulnerabilities into the
system. Mobile Device Management products
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION provide policy enforcement on end-user devices,
The ability of a mobile device to connect with remote wipe capability, and endpoint integrity. To
networks in multiple ways is the foundation of implement BYOD, owners of the devices must be
mobile computing and mHealth. Technology used willing to abide by the hospital’s mobile device
to wirelessly communicate with a mobile device policy and allow their devices to be managed. As
includes mobile telecommunications technology, the concept of unified communications continues to
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Radio-Frequency grow, fed by the challenge to attain worklife
IDentification (RFID). Mobile telecommunications balance, BYOD is becoming increasingly attractive
technology continues to evolve. Fourth-generation in many organizations.
(4G) networks that provide faster performance and
more capabilities are replacing third-generation
(3G) networks. A 4G network supports all Internet
2.3 Computer Software
Software is the general term applied to the
Protocol (IP) communication and uses new
instructions that direct the computer’s hardware to
technology to transfer data at very high bit rates,
perform work. It is distinguished from hardware by
significantly improving both the speed of transfer
its conceptual rather than physical nature.
and volume of data over that possible with a 3G
Hardware consists of physical components,
whereas software consists of instructions
communicated electronically to the hardware.
TECHNOLOGY IN MOBILE Software is needed for two purposes.
Under the ACA, innovative technology is seen as CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE
an integral component of an integrated, accessible, There are three basic types of software:
outcome-driven healthcare system. Mobile
technology may be key to providing more effective 1) System Software
preventative care, improving patient outcomes, consists of a variety of programs that control the
improving access to specialized medical services, individual computer and make the user’s
and driving system-wide cost reduction. Services to application programs work well with the hardware.
patients and families at home will be personalized System software consists of a variety of programs
and delivered by providers equipped with apps for that initialize, or boot up, the computer when it is
smartphones, tablets, and laptops. first turned on and thereafter control all the
functions of the computer hardware and
applications software. System software helps
MOBILE DEVICES speed up the computer’s processing, expands the
Smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous in the
power of the computer by creating cache memory,
healthcare setting. What started out as consumer
reduces the amount of confusion when multiple
devices are now in the hands of almost all
programs are running together, “cleans up” the
clinicians. In a short period, mobile device
hard drive so that storage is managed efficiently,
performance has improved radically, putting them
closer and closer in capability to general computing
and performs other such system management homes places these data at risk as the data
tasks. move from the source to the destination
2) Utility Software
include programs designed to keep the computer Databases
system operating efficiently. They do this by adding It is an organized collection of related data. Placing
power to the functioning of the system software or notes in folders and folders in file cabinets is one
supporting the OS or applications software example of creating a paper database; however,
programs. As such, utility programs are sort of you can organize and store data in many different
between system software and applications formats in a database.
software, although many writers identify this
software as part of the system software category. Types of Data
Six types of utility software can describe the When developing automated database systems,
majority of utility programs, although there is no the designer defines each data element. As part of
formal categorization system for such programs. this process, the designer classifies the data. There
The categories include at least Security programs, are two primary approaches to classifying data in a
disk management utilities, backup for the user’s database system.
data, screen savers, archival assistance software,
and programming environment support programs. 1) Conceptual Data
classifications may include financial data,
3) Applications Software patient data, or human resource data. The
includes all the various programs people use to do conceptual view of the data has a major impact
work, process data, play games, communicate with on how the designer indexes the data.
others, and watch videos and multimedia programs
on a computer. Unlike system and utility programs, 2) Computer-based Data
they are written for system users to make use of For example, data can be numbers or letters or
the computer. When the user orders the OS to run a combination of both. The designer uses this
an application program, the OS transfers the classification to build the physical database
program from the hard drive, or removable media, within the computer system. It identifies the
and executes it. number of spaces necessary to capture each
data element and the specific functions that the
system can perform on these data.
2.4 Data and Data Processing
Defining Data and Databases
Data States
When discussing digital data, it is important to
discuss the three states of data—data at rest, data
in motion, and data in use.
1) Data at rest generally refer to data on
storage devices such as a removable one
like a USB thumb drive, a hard drive, tape,
and a cloud sever. This is archived data that
rarely change. You could consider patient’s
past medical records data at rest.

2) Data in use refer to data that a database

program is currently reading or writing; it
resides in the computer’s temporary
memory. This is its most vulnerable state as
it becomes open to access or change by
others. Some of these data may contain
sensitive data-like social security numbers,
birth dates, health insurance numbers,
results of diagnostic tests, and so forth.

3) Data in motion are data moving between

applications, over the network, or over the
Internet. Data in motion are an increasing
concern in healthcare because streaming
data are now available from sensors,
monitoring devices, mobile devices, and so
forth. Monitoring activities of patients in their

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