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Unit 6 – Healthy living

Vocabulary – Parts of the body

Ankle – глужд Liver – црн дроб

Bone – коска Lungs – бели дробови

Brain – мозок Skin – кожа

Chest – граден кош Thigh – бут

Chin – брада Throat – грло

Forehead – чело Toe – прст на нога

Heart – срце Tongue – јазик

Heel – пета Veins and arteries – вени/ артерии

Hip – колк Wrist – зглоб на рака

Kidney – бубрег

Vocabulary – Words connected with health

Be/ become addicted to – станува зависен од Go for a check up – оди на прелед/ контрола

Be allergic to – алергичен на Have a balanced diet – има избалансирана

Be in danger in – во опасност
Have/ give an injection – прими инјекција
become obese – се здебелува
Have an operation – има операција
Be painful – боли
Have a temperature – има темрература
Break – крши/ раскинува
Increase the risk of – зголемува ризик од
Dislocate – измести
Injure yourself – се повредува себеси
Eat fatty food/ food high in salt – јаде мрсна
храна Put on/ lose weight – се здебелува/ослабува

Feel dizzy – вртоглавица Relieve symptoms – да се намалат

Fracture – фрактура
Shiver – треска
Get/ catch an infection – фати инфекција
Sprain your wrist/ ankle – исчашува зглоб на
Get/ give a prescription – даде рецепта рака/ нога
Get over an illness – да оздрави
Suffer from heart disease – страда од срцева Twist your ankle – го свиткува зглобот
Work out – вежба
Take your blood pressure – мери притисок

Treat somebody for – лечи некој од

Conditional Sentences

Type Use If- clause Main clause Example

Zero Facts Present Simple Present Simple If you study, you get A.
Conditional General rules

First Real for the Present Simple Will+ infinitive If you study (today),
Conditional future (Future Simple) you’ll get A (on the test

Second Unreal for the Past Simple Would+ infinitive If you studied
Conditional present (yesterday), you’d get A
today. (but you didn’t

Third Unreal for the Past Perfect Would + have + If you had studied (last
Conditional past past participle week), you would have
got A (yesterday).

If the if-clause comes first we separate the 2 clauses with a comma and if the main clause comes first
we don’t put comma (if is a conjunction).

 Unless – if not…
 As long as/ Provided/ providing (that)… - if/ only if
 In case – because maybe

I wish/ If only

 We use I wish/ If only + past simple to talk about imaginary situations in the present.
 We use I wish/ If only + past perfect to talk about past situations that we would like to be
different (regrets)
 We use I wish/ If only + would/ wouldn’t+ infinitive to talk about somebody’s behavior that
we want to criticize and change.

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