Psychology Past Paper Solved

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Past papers 2013

Short Questions
Qno1: Define learning?
Ans: The psychology of learning is a theoretical science that covers the various psychological theories that relate with
learning. Throughout history, there has been many various psychological learning theories.
Qno2: What is meant by sensation?
Ans: Sensation is input about the physical world registered by our sensory .Receptors, such as our eyes, ears, mouth, nose,
and skin.
Sensation; It is often influence by learning, memory, emotions, and expectations.
Qno3: Define any five reactions to frustrations?
Ans: Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment.
*(Five reactions to frustration)
Frustration include anger, Quitting (burn out or giving up) loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, stress and depression.
Qno4: Name and define different type of communication?
Ans: (There are three main types of communication we use on a daily basis).
1. Verbal communication.
2. Nonverbal communication.
3. Visual communication.
*Verbal communication is the use of words and sound to express yourself to another person.
*Nonverbal communication refers to the process wordless cues. This includes thing expressions, posture, and rate of
speech, pitch and tone of voice.
*Visual communication;- Our minds react different to visual stimuli- people learn and retain information that is presented
to them visually much better than which is only provided verbally .
Qno5: How individual behavior in a group?
Ans: According to lawing, the theory of B,=F(p, E),Where behavior is a function of interaction between person (P) and
environmental factors( E) (Lewin,1951)Due to this individual make their own personality and characteristics which help
them in future .
Qno6: What are the psychometric approaches to personality?
Ans: psychometric approach is based on direct measurement of creativity and/or its perceived correlates such as
knowledge, ability, attitudes, and personality traits in individual. It studies everyday creativity using various test (plunker
& Renzuli).
Past papers 2014
Short Questions
Qno1 :( Repeat) Difference between sensation and perception?
Ans: Sensation and perception are two separate processes that are very closely related .Sensation is input about the
physical world obtain by our sensory receptors, by which the brain select, organizes, and interprets these sensations.
Qno2: (Repeat) what is school of thought, Give name of three school of thoughts in field of psychology?
Ans: The different school of psychology represent the major theories with psychology.
1. Structuralism and functionalism.
2. The psychoanalytic school of thought.
3. The humanistic school of thought.
Qno3: Briefly describe observational Method?
Ans: Observational is a research method commonly used by psychologists and other social scientist .The Techniques
involves observing involves studying the spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings.
In unstructured observations, the researches records all relevant behavior without system.
Qno4: (Repeat) what is Creative thinking?
Ans: The mental processes leading to a new invention, solution, or synthesis in an area. A creative solution may use
preexisting elements (e.g..., objects, and ideas).
Qno5 :( Repeat) Briefly Describe case study Method?
Ans: Case study in psychology refers to the use of a descriptive research approach to obtain an in-depth analysis of a
person ,group ,or phenomenon .A variety of techniques may be employed including personal interviews, direct,
observation, psychometric test and archival records.
Qno6 :( Repeat) Define and Explain persuasion?
Ans: persuasion, the process by which a person's attitudes or behavior are, without duress, influenced by
communications from other people. One’s Attitudes and behavior are also affected by other factors.
For Example (verbal threats, physical coercion, one’s physical states).
Q no7: (Repeat) Define the concept of different level of consciousness in Freud’s psychotherapy?
Ans: Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness.1. Conscious, 2. Preconscious, 3. Unconscious.
Each of their levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud’s ideas of the ID, ego and superego. While there elements are
stored out of our awareness, they are nevertheless thought to influence our behavior.
Q no 8: (Repeat) List down the physical change happen in emotional states?
Ans: The most obvious signs of emotional arousal involve changes in the activity of the visceral motor (Autonomic)
system. Thus, increases or decreases in heart rate, cutaneous blood flow (blushing or turning pale) piloerection, sweating,
and gastrointestinal motility can all accompany various emotions.
Past papers 2015
Short Questions
Q no 1: (Repeat) Define psychometrics?
Ans: psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and techniques of psychological measurement of
knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with the study of differences
between individuals.
Qno2: Define personality?
Ans: personality psychology is the branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals. It is
a scientific study which aims to show how people and individually different due to psychological forces.
Qno3: Define Motivation?
Ans: Motivation is the process that indicts, guides, and maintains good-obtained behaviors. It is what causes you to act,
whether. It is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge motivation involves the
biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior.
Q no 4: Explain industrial business psychology?
Ans: Industrial organizational psychology is the branch of psychology that applies psychological theories and principle to
Often referred to as (1-0) psychology, this field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related issues .such as
the physical and mental well-being of employees.
Qno5: What is meant by reactions to frustration?
Ans: Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfilment of an individual's will or goal and is likely to
increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked.
Qno6: Explain analysis of data?
Ans: Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate,
condense and recap, and evaluate data.
AN Essential component of ensuring data integrity is the accurate and appropriate analysis of research findings.
Qno7: Differentiate between Mind and Brain?
Ans: Brain and mind are not the same. Your mind is part of the invisible, trance dent world of thought, feelings, attitude,
belief and imagination .The brain is the physical organ most associated with mind and consciousness, but the mind is not
confined to the brain Qno8: What is the purpose of giving psychotherapy?
Ans: Psychotherapy is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties.
Psychotherapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-
being and healing.
Qno9 :( Repeat) what is creative thinking?
Ans: The mental processes leading to a new invention, solution, or synthesis in an area .A creative solution may use
preexisting elements (e.g....., objects, and ideas)
Qno10: Explain figure ground concept of perception?
Ans: figure ground perception refers to the tendency of the visual system to simplify a scene into the main object that we
are looking at (the figure) and everything else that forms the background (or ground).
Past paper 2016
Short Questions
Qno1 :( Repeat) briefly describe Experimental Method?
Ans: (A closer look at the experimental method in psychology).
The experimental involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another
variable .This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment and the manipulation of variables to test a
Qno2: Define the concept of "Archetypes and collective unconscious" in Jung’s theory?
Ans: Jung believed that the collective unconscious is made up of instinct and archetypes .That manifest basic and
fundamental pre-existing images, symbols of forms, which are repressed by the conscious mind. Human may not
consciously know of their archetypes, but they hold strong feelings about them.
Q no 3: Explain field of clinical psychology?
Ans: Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorder, some
of these specialty areas include child mental health, adult mental health, learning disabilities, emotional disturbances,
substances abuse, and geriatrics and health psychology.
Q no 4: (Repeat) Explain factors influence perception process?
Ans :( There are two factors of influence perception process).
1. External factors
2. Internal factors
*External factor;-The External factors relate to what is to be perceived and situation .These are size, intensity, frequency,
status, etc.
*Internal factor; - Personality- traits influence how a person select perception.
Motivation- people will select perceptions according to what they need in the moment.
Experience-The patterns of occurrences or associations one has learned in the past affect current perceptions.
Q no 5: What is frustration Explain different reactions in frustrated situations?
Ans :( frustration is a common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment. )
External causes of frustration involve conditions outside an individual's control, such as a physical roadblock, a difficult
trash, or the perception of wasting time.
Qno6: (Repeat) List down the physical change happen in emotional states?
Ans: The most obvious signs of emotional arousal involve changes in the activity of the visceral motor (autonomic)
system. Thus, increases of decreases in hear rate, cutaneous blood flow (blushing or turning pale) piloerection , sweating,
and gastrointestinal motility can all accompany various emotions.
Q no 7 :( Repeat) briefly describe the bipolar mood disorder?
Ans: Bipolar disorder called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include
emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless
and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.
Q no8: (Repeat) why pituitary gland called "Master gland”? Explain.
Ans: The pituitary gland is often called the master gland because it controls several other hormone glands in your body,
including the thyroid and adrenal. The ovaries and testicle.
Q no 9: Define psychometrics?
Ans: psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and techniques of psychological measurement, which
includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with
the study of differences between in dividuals .
Q no 10: (Repeat) process of Effective communication?
Ans: Effective communication leads to understanding- The communication process is made up of four key components.
Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback .There are also two other factors
are present in the form of the sender and receiver.
Past paper 2017
Short Questions
Qno1 :( Repeat) briefly describe the bipolar mood disorder?
Ans: Bipolar disorder formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swing
that include emotional highs mania or hypomania and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad
or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.
Qno2: (Repeat) Briefly Describe case study method?
Ans: Case study in psychology refers to the use of a descriptive research approach to obtain an in - depth analysis of a
person, group, or phenomenon. A variety of techniques may be employed including personal interviews, direct,
observation, psychometric test, and archival records.
Qno3: Explain factors influence perception process?
Ans: There are two factors of influence perception process.
1. External factor
2. Internal factor
External factor: - The external factor relate to what is to be perceived and situation .These are size, Intensity, frequency,
status, etc., internal factor: - personality- traits influence how a person select perception.
Motivation- people will select perceptions according to what they need in the moment.
Experience -The patterns of occurrences or associations one has learned in the past affect current perceptions.
Qno4: (Repeat) Define the concept of different level of consciousness in Freud’s psychotherapy?
Ans :( freed divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness).
1. Conscious.
2. Preconscious.
3. Unconscious.
Each of three levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud’s ideas of the Id, ego and superego. While three elements are
stored out of our awareness, they are nevertheless thought to influence our behavior.
Qno5: List down the physical change happen in emotional states?
Ans: The most obvious signs of emotional arousal involve change in the activity of the visceral motor (autonomic) system.
Thus, Increases of decreases in heart rate, cutaneous blood flow (blushing or turning pale), piloerection, sweating, and
gastrointestinal motility can all accompany various emotions.
Qno6: why pituitary gland called "Master gland”? Explain.
Ans: The pituitary gland is often called the master gland because it controls several other hormone glands in your body,
including the thyroid and adrenals. The ovaries and testicle.
Qno7: Process of effective communication?
Ans: Effective communication leads to understanding .The communication process is made up of four key components.
Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors
are present in the form of the sender and receiver.
Qno8: Explain biological basis of behavior?
Ans: All human behavior is a product of biological structure and processes, highly organized on multiple interconnected
levels. Understanding these biological precursors for psychological disorders, such as drugs that influence
neurotransmitter function.
Q no 9: Describe thinking and its process?
Ans: Though (also called thinking) is the mental process on which beings form psychological associations and models of
the word .Thinking is manipulating information, as when we form concept, engage in problem solving, Thought, the act of
thinking, produces more thoughts.
Q no 10: Explain James Lange theory emotions?
Ans: The James - Lange theory of emotion suggests that emptions occur as a result of physiological reaction to events, this
theory suggests that seeing an external stimulus lead to a physiological reaction
Past papers 2018
Short Questions
Q no 1: difference between sensation and perception?
Ans: sensation and perception are two separate processes that are very closely related .Sensation is input about the
physical world obtain by our sensory receptors, and perception is the process by which the brain select, organizes, and
interprets these sensations.
Q no 2: what is school of thought, give name of three school of thought is field of psychology?
Ans: The different school of psychology represent the major theories within psychology.
1: Structuralism and functionalism.
2: The Psychoanalytic school of thought.
3: The humanistic school of thought.
Q no 3: what is creative thinking?
Ans: The mental processes leading to a new invention, solution or synthesis in an area - A creative solution may use
preexisting elements (e.g. .,. objects, ideas).
Q no 4: Briefly Describe case study Method?
Ans : Case study in psychology refers to the use of a descriptive research approach to obtain an in depth analysis of a
person , group , or phenomenon .A variety of techniques may be employed including personal interviews , direct ,
observation , psychometric test , and archival records .
Q no 5: Define and Explain persuasion?
Ans : Persuasion the process by which a person ' s attitudes or behaviour are , without duress , influenced by
communications from other people .one's attitudes and behaviour are also affected by other factors
For Example: (verbal threats, physical coercion, one's physiological states).
Q no 6: Define the concept of different level of consciousness in Freud’s psychotherapy?
Ans: Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness.
1. Conscious 2. Preconscious 3. Unconscious.
Each of three levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud’s ideas of the Id, ego and superego .which three elements are
stored out of our awareness, and they are nevertheless thought to influence our behavior.
Q no 7: List down the physical change happen in emotional stated?
Ans: The most obvious signs of emotional arousal involve changes in the activity of the visceral motor (autonomic)
system. Thus, Increases of decreases in heart rate, cutaneous blood flow (blushing or turning pale), piloerection , sweating
, and gastrointestinal motility can all accompany various emotions .
Q no 8: what is persuasion? How it change the behavior of other person?
Ans: persuasion the process by which a person’s attitudes or behavior are, without duress, influenced by
communications from other people. Persuasion aims to change behavior .It can be accomplice by altered a person attitude
favorable or unfavorable view of something .That might, in turn, alter the person’s disposition to act on way or another.
Q no 9: Briefly describe the bipolar mood disorder?
Ans: Formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swing that include
emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless
and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.
Q no 10: Briefly describe experimental method?
Ans: (A closer look at the experimental method in psychology). The experimental method involves manipulating one
variable to determine if change in one variable cause changes in another variable .This method relies on controlled
method, random assignment and the manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis.
Past papers (2019)
Short Questions
Qno1.what is the normal reaction to frustration?
Ans. Some of the typical responses to frustration include anger, quitting (burn out or giving up), loss of self-esteem and
self-confidence, stress and depression. Anger can be a healthy response if it motivates us to positive action but all too
often the actions we engage in when angry are destructive.
Q no2.When does an individual require therapy?
Ans. Individual therapy is a form of therapy in which the client is treated on a one-on- one basis with a
therapist .Individual therapy allows the therapist and client to focus on each other, building a rapport and working
together to solve the client's issue.
Qno3.(Repeat)Name and define types of communication?
Ans. There are three main types of communication.
1. Verbal communication 2.No verbal communication 3.visual communication
* Verbal communication;-Verbal communication refers to the production of spoken language to send an intentional
message to a listener.
* Nonverbal communication;-Nonverbal communication (Nvc) is the transmission of messages or signals through a
nonverbal platform such as eye contact facial expression, gestures ,posture, and the distance between two individuals.
*Visual communication;-Visual communication is the conveyance of ideas and information in form that can be seen .Visual
communication is a broad typography, drawing, graphic design and electronic resources.
Qno4. Group’s norms are important to follow. Why?
Ans .Having a set of norms - o ground rules- that a group follows encourages behaviors that a group do its work and
discourages behaviors that interfere with a group's effectiveness .Norms are part of the culture. They exist whether are
part of the culture .They exist whether or not you acknowledge them.
Qno5.Emotions make person weak. How?
Ans. Behavior is different form emotions but is very strongly influenced by them. Emotions can also affect our behavior
directly, as in the case of aggression, anger, tension or fear, they are more likely to act aggressively towards others.

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