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Psychology (Perception) MCQ.

 Tick the correct option.

1. Sensation is to ------ as perception is to-------.

a. Vision, olfaction. b. conscious , unconscious
c. awareness , interpretation d. taste, vision.
2. Visual accommodation involves a change in which structure?
a. Lens b. Cornea c. Retina d. fovea.
3. If object a overlaps object b we perceive object a as closer.. which depth cue are using?
a. Relative size b. linear perspective c. Proximity d. Interposition.
4. --------- is the ability to sense the position and movement of our body parts.
a. Proprioaction b. proprioception c. proprioliction d. proprioprediction.
5. A researcher interested in the relationship between physical stimuli and our psychological
experience would be studying.
a. Extra sensory perception b. proprioception c. auditory realism d. psychophysics
6. When a person enter a dark room their pupils------ to allow more light to enter their eyes.
a. Constrict b. curve c. dilate d. “a” or “c”
7. Wave------ is to pitch as wave ------ is to loudness.
a. Length, frequency b. Peak, trough c. Pressure, distinctiveness d. Frequency, amplitude.
8. In depth perception, accommodation would be most useful for which activity?
a. Playing gulf b. Threading a needle c. Driving a car d. Flying a kite.
9. What is the visible part of the ear called?
a. Pinna b. Funnel c. Tibia d. dilate.
10. The optic never carries information to.
a. The retina the cortex b. the retina then the thalamus
c. the thalamus then the cortex d. The cornea then the retina.
11. Where would you find taste buds?
a. On the tongue b. on the walls of the mouth c. at the back of the throat d. all of the above
12. Damage to the-----may cause sensor neural hearing loss.
a. Eardrum b. pinna c. Stapes d. Cilia.
13. Which are the 4 basic sensations our skin can detect?
a. Vibration, warmth, tingling, pain. b. pain, friction, cold, warmth.
c. pain, pressure, hot, cold. d. itching, tickling, friction, aching.
14. Which of the following is not one of six senses?
a. Proprioception b. Transduction c. Olfaction d. taste
15. Which of the following gestalt principle?
a. Intensity b. Density c. Proximity d. Frequency.
16. When detecting color, hue depends on wave-------while brightness depend son-------.
a. Height, length b. Length, height c. Intensity, consistency d. Consistency, intensity.
17. What is the stimulus for vision?
a. Electromagnetic energy b. electro visual energy
c. electrostatic energy d. Electroconvulsive energy
18. People are more likely to notice a 50 cent increase in price of a candy bar than are to notice a
50 cent increase in price of I pad.
a. The absolute threshold b. Weber’s law c. Signal detection d. opponent processes
19. What is another team from difference threshold?
a. Absolute threshold b. difference adaptation
c. just noticeable differentiation d. Sensory differentiation
20. According to the next, how many different taste sensations are there?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
21. Movement of hair cells in the -------triggers never impulses which are sent to the brain.
a. Pinna b. Cochlea c. Milieus d. retina
22. Which of the following not a part of the vestibular system.
a. Horizontal canal b. Anterior canal c. sacule d. invictiule
23. Damage to your olfactory membranes would most like impair your ability to.
a. See b. Hear c. Smell d. Feel pain.
24. Which of the following is not a set of opponent process theory?
a. Red/blue b. Red/green c. Yellow/blue d. White/black.
25. Your ability to focused on TV show while ignoring about supper illustrates.
a. Synesthesia b. Selective attention c. Sensory attention d. sensory adoptions
26. The fact that you may notice a disgusting smell when you first walk into a room but stop
noticing it if stay in the room for a while illustrates.
a. Synesthesia b. Selective attention c. Sensory attention d. sensory adoptions
27. ------- --------- theory argues that pain is determined by the operation of two types of never
fibers in the spinal cord.
a. Opponent process b. young Helmholtz c. gate control d. neutral location
28. The middle ear contains three little bones. there are.
a. Pinna, cochlea, cilia. b. incuse, anvil, stapes
c. hammer, anvil, stirrup d. Tympani, ossicle, pinna
29. Signal detections analysis examines our ability to.
a. Tell the difference between blue and green b. detect signals of distress in a baby
c. detect the latent meaning of a dream d. Separate true signals from background noise.
30. What do we call the field of psychology that focuses on improving the development of
technology by using psychological knowledge?
a. Human factors b. signal dissection c. humanistic psychology d. computer science.

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