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Letter of


1 April 2019

To whom it may concern

I confirm the following statements on behalf of Retail Employees Superannuation Pty Limited, the Trustee of Retail
Employees Superannuation Trust (Rest):

Rest is a complying fund

Rest is a resident regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)
Act 1993 (SIS Act). Rest is a registrable superannuation entity (R1000016). Rest is not subject to a direction under
section 63 of the SIS Act. Rest Super and Rest Corporate are eligible to be nominated as a default fund as they each
meet the minimum statutory death insurance requirements for choice of fund. When you become a member of
Rest Super, Rest Corporate, Rest Pension or Acumen, you become a member of Rest.

Rest Super and Rest Corporate each have a MySuper product. The MySuper unique product identifier is
62 653 671 394 831.

Rest will accept contributions and rollovers

Rest is able to accept ongoing superannuation contributions (for all members except Rest Pension members) from
you or your employers who either register through ‘Employer Join Online’ at or complete an employer
application, available by calling 1300 305 775 to request a copy. For rollovers to Rest please use the following unique
superannuation identifiers (USI):

Product USI
Rest Super or Rest Corporate RES0103AU
Acumen RES0104AU
Rest Pension RES0102AU

Yours sincerely

Vicki Doyle
Chief Executive Officer

If there’s anything we can do

Member enquiries Employer enquiries Overseas callers 
Download the
1300 300 778 1300 305 775 +61 2 8571 5593 Rest App

PO Box 350 Parramatta NSW 2124. The Trustee company of Retail Employees Superannuation Trust ABN 62 653 671 394 is Retail Employees Superannuation
Pty Limited ABN 39 001 987 739 AFSL 240003. 521.7 04/19 ISS15

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