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1S 10 20 -HomtuooYk=

d5ShoYt anuutY typequetionu

ro picol Ytgion exhibitspeCie Yihnel oJ Comporid ts
Pola YtqioryJustify A
iTropital Teqion art bestownd by thilkeY ytattahDA
Ond iQrrple tood due ho diailable Sunlight 9nc
folar Ytqionl art (Oveed outr with Snow eth
alma DO Uetation
h)Only handtul spzuies oE anitea gve (on Surzil
hee due o their adoption
i Speiel richovJ alubyShow latitudinalqadient
to many planhand animalspPLie): 1t i highot lawt
latitu desgnd t h t i a steadu declibe foward
thepole) Thretore topical Ytgioni Show ner

3How dae qereh divtrsihy offert Sulfenanue ot a

i) Tenetic divauitydevelopl the copabillly ot_the
3peLieo adopt to the varying change in the
Ehvi Yonotn
ii) Ihz loavg Variatitn ot thz_dittertnt gene seb
allowon Indiviwalor the whole_popuulahiono
haue tht Copauty to endure evirohmEntal shreu
in any torm
itd Somt jndivimal have a Lopacity to
eoduyt the intrrasing pollu hon in the envir ooDt
wherea SomE donpt haue it
iv) Thor thot donot havt shos in fer Hliy ov
eUrO dea th from the Same LOnditoD

V)bolewho axtable endu and adapt o thi

ond live in abetter ulay
o a
selechion whlth leadhabitah
vi) Thi i apartictlaxhabita i
loj ot qenttic diverity in ca attet
v) Thu dut ko
Sultenanle of Some SpeLLPJ:

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