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Name: Dian Prasista Widyadana

Class: A 2023
Nim: 2305086010

Experience in joining Intensive Writing Course and practicing peer

As a college student, I realized that writing was an important part of achieving success.
My belief grew stronger when I joined a writing intensive course. It was my first time writing
in such a way, and I hoped it would improve my writing skills for the better. Since joining this
course, I have learned some new things in writing that are not taught in school. For example, I
have learned about how to determine the topic and main idea before writing a paragraph, the
importance of choosing an interesting topic, starting paragraphs with sentences that support
each other, using the correct phrases, and analyzing different types of written works. These are
all new lessons for me.
During this writing course, we were not only assigned to write what the lecturer told us
to write but we were also assigned to review and critique our partner's writing and share our
work. This peer review process helped me to understand how my partner sees my writing and
how I see my partner's writing. In addition, we also learned how to determine the topic and
supportive sentences, as well as how to make our writing interesting and desirable to readers.
Through this peer review, I was able to develop and improve my writing skills while learning
how to assess others' writing and the impact of different perspectives on writing.
For me, the most important thing is how we want to put effort into developing our
writing skills. keep improving by practicing a lot and keep trying to put everything we think
about into writing. At first, I was nervous and not confident to write because I thought my
writing was very bad, with ungrammatical grammar, no characteristics in writing, just writing.
However, I feel that nothing is impossible in the world as long as we are willing to continue
learning and trying our best so that my writing will improve and be useful for me in the future.

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