Cassava Silage

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The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding cassava silage on body weight
change milk yield and composition of lactating dairy cows. Cows of different breed composition
and parity from different farms were allocated to two treatment diets in a completely
randomized design. The animals were supplemented with cassava silage or maize bran. Basal
diets were farm specific. Cows given cassava silage had a positive (5g/d) weight gain while those
on control diet lost weight (56g/d) and the difference was significant (P<0.05). Calves bucket
fed milk from cows offered cassava silage were heavier (374g/d) than those bucket fed milk
from cows fed maize bran (279g/d) although the difference was not significant (P>0.05).
Animals that were fed cassava silage produced more milk than the control group (P<0.05). The
results demonstrated that cassava silage as supplement can be effective in increasing milk
production in dairy cows.

1 Introduction
The feed resources used by smallholder farmers for livestock production in the dry season are
predominantly natural pastures and crop residues such as maize stover and rice straws. These
forages contain very low nitrogen content (2-4% CP) and have a high fibre content
(>650g/kgDM) of low degradability (Manyuchi, 1995) and if fed alone they cannot meet the
maintenance requirement of lactating cows (120 g CP/kg) (ARC, 1984) The most economical
and feasible method of improving the utilization of low quality feed advocated by researchers is
supplementation of high nitrogen multipurpose tree legumes like Leucaena leucocephala
(Richards et al., 1994; Van Eys et al., 1986 and Flores ef al, 1979f However, it has been observed
that Leucaena tree is being attacked by psyllids, which reduce the yield per hectare and
nutritive value. Furthermore, Leucaena is not commonly found in smallholder farmers grazing
areas, but if found, it’s in small quantities that cannot even satisfy the maintenance
requirement of ruminants. Recently, farmers have been discouraged from using commercial
feed due to escalating prices and erratic availability due to maize shortages caused by drought.
The reduction of the cost of feed for ruminants by choosing to use indigenous forages, that are
drought tolerant and widely grown in the country, can be an important strategy that will
support the expansion of the smallholder dairy farming and will promote the development of a
sustainable dairy cattle production business.

Cassava leaves may be better nitrogen supplement than most f conventional protein sourcese
to low cost of producing it by smallholder farmers. In addition, cassava tuberous root is an
essential source of carbohydrate. Since the energy source in cassava consists of starch and
sugars in the proportion of 80:20, the starch in cassava is easily digestible in the rumen
(Wiarasin, 1992 and Sathaposiri, 1990 The digestion rate in the rumen has a value of 11.8% per
hour (Tamminga, et al., 1990) and the rate of digestion in 24 hours in the rumen is equal to 89%
(Kritaphon et al., 1991). Fresh cassava leaves has been used successfully in pigs. Lekule et al,
1988, reported a growth rate of over 500g/day in growing finishing pigs when fresh cassava
roots formed the only energy source. Protein content of cassava leaves varies according to
variety and maturity (200-350g/kg DM) (Sudaryanto, 1995) but is in excess of that proposed as
the minimum requirement for lactation (120g CP/kg DM) and growth (113g/kgDM) (ARC, 1984).

There can be a problem with the use of cassava as a source of nitrogen in ruminants because it
contains anti-nutritional factors like cyanogens, which can depress feed intake, digestibility and
rumen metabolism. Ruminants are more prone to hydrogen cyanide (HCN) poisoning than
other animals because other rumen microbes produce enzymes that hydrolyze cyanogenic-
glycosides and release HCN into the bloodstream (Bradbury et al., 1991). f If cyanogens are
consumed in large quantities (HCN >3mg/kg body weight) (Cheekers, 1985), death results
rapidly from inhibition of ATP formation. This causes tissues to suffer energy deprivation. Signs
of cyanide poisoning are labored breathing, excitement, gasping, staggering, paralysis,
convulsions, coma and death. Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) is highly poisonous to animals.
Detoxification can be achieved through peeling and drying, water soaking and fermentation
(ensiling), boiling and roasting.

To ascertain the safety of cassava silage, studies were conducted in Malawi (Mhone et. al.,
2003) to determine cyanogens levels at various stages of the silage preparation process. The
cyanogens levels in the freshly chopped and mixed cassava foliage and roots were
358.04+36.53 mg HCN equivalent per kg fresh weight. The major contribution of total
cyanogens is from foliage. These levels dropped to 28.7645.01, 8.46 1.11 and 6.9541.33 mg
HCN equivalent, per kg fresh weight after one day, two weeks and three weeks respectively.
The safe level of HCN contents in cassava as feed for animals is 100ppm (Tewe, 190 Therefore,
in this study the silage is safe as feed with regard to cyanogens by second week, though as feed,
silage is ready by the third week of ensiling.

Other studies conducted in Malawi (Sandifolo et. al., 2003) on leaf harvesting method showed
significant differences in root and leaf yield. Leaf harvesting reduced root yield but the
reduction was more in ratooning (14.6 tons/ha) than in detopping (23.8 tons/ha) as compared
to no leaf harvest (37.7tons/ha). However, more leaf yield is harvested in ratooning (42.8
tons/ha) than in detopping (32.2 tons/ha). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in
leaf yield (34.4, 37.1 and 40.9 tons/ha) among varieties (Mkondezi, Silira and Mbundumali
respectively) but root yield differed significantly, Mkondezi yielding higher (34.2 tons/ha) than
Silira (20.9 tons/ha) and Mbundumali (21.1 tons/ha).
Cassava is now being grown in most parts of Malawi, if judiciously utilized can play a substantial
role as a protein supplement to low quality crop residues especially during the dry season. Little
work has been conducted in Malawi on the effect of supplementing lactating cows with cassava
silage on milk production.

1.1 Objective
To evaluate the effect of feeding cassava silage on feed intake, milk production and body
weight change of lactating dairy cows.

2 Materials and Method

2.1 Silage preparation, sampling and feeding

Cassava silage was made, by mixing thoroughly 80% chopped cassava foliage and 20% chopped
cassava roots and placed in pits. Mixed materials were compacted in each pit, after filling, pits
were covered with a plastic sheet and soil on tap and left to ferment. After fermentation period
of 3 weeks the quantities of silage offered to lactating cows each day were taken from the silo,
after removing spoiled silage, the silo was then recovered. For mixed foliage and roots, and
silage samples were collected in duplicate, soon after mixing and 60 days after ensiling
respectively for proximate analysis.

2.2 Animals and their management

2.2.1 On Station Oestrus synchronization and Animal Management
Nine months prior to the start of the experiment, 9 crossbred heifers were synchronized in
oestrus using prostaglandin F2α, injections given twice 11 days apart. Soon after the second
injection heifers were artificially inseminated. After three months, pregnancy diagnosis was
carried by palpation that revealed that all 9 heifers were pregnant showing a 100 % conception

Six lactating ¾ crossbred (Malawi zebu x Friesian) cows were grouped in 2 groups of 3 cows
each according to date of calving. The treatment diets were randomly allocated within each
group. The animals were confined individually in well-ventilated pens a month before the
commencement of the trial to acclimatize them to experimental conditions and were treated
against internal and external parasites. During the experimental period, feed was given twice a
day at 07:00 and 15:00 hours. Feed refusals were collected every day before feeding at 07:00
and 15:00 hours and weighed to calculate total feed intake by difference. During the trial milk
yield was recorded twice daily at AM and PM milkings. Immediately after each milking (am and
pm) on Mondays and Fridays, milk samples were taken for butterfat, protein, lactose and total
solids analysis and were determined according to the methods of AOAC (1990). The percentage
of solids-not-fat (SNF) was calculated by the difference between total solids and the fat
percentages. Calves were in individual pens, bucket fed and given the same feed as their dams.
Cows were weighed at the beginning, middle and at the end of the experiment while calves
were weighed every week for 12 weeks to assess rate of live weight change. Water was always
available from troughs. The experiment lasted for 98 days including an adaptation period of 14

2.2.2 On-Smallholder Farm

One smallholder dairy farmer from each of the following villages, Nguluwe, Jati and Chakhola in
Thyolo, Kasungu and Mzimba districts respectively was selected. Each dairy farmer had two
participating Holstein lactating cows. Basal diets were farm specific, that is, what each trial farm
normally feeds the dairy cattle except the supplement, cassava silage or maize bran. Cassava
silage making, feeding of animals and milking procedure were the same as the above on-station

2.3 On-Commercial Farm

Katete commercial dairy farm was selected from the central region of Malawi. The selection
was based on willingness of the farm management to participate in the experiment and
proximity of the farm to the research station. Twelve Holstein cows in their mid-lactation
participated in the experiment. Cassava silage making, feeding of animals and milking
procedure were the same as the above on-station trial.

3 Statistical Analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) using General Linear Models of Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
Institute inc. 1994 was done for all data. The data of milk yield and milk composition were
analyzed according to an analysis of covariance model using the milk yield as the covariate and
the diet as the main effect while live weight and feed intake were also analyzed according to an
analysis of covariance model using the initial weight as the covariate and the diet as the main
effect. A Turkey's Studentized Range Test was used to test the significance difference between
the means.
4 Results

4.1 Milk yield and composition

Diet type had a significant effect on milk yield. Cows supplemented with cassava silage
produced more (p< 0.05) milk than those fed maize bran. Diet type had no significant effect on
milk protein, lactose and total solids. However, cows fed cassava silage produced milk of high
(p< 0.05) fat content and low solids-not fat compared with those fed maize bran (Table 4.3).

4.2 Live weight change of cows and calves

Diet type had a significant effect on cows live weight change (Table 4.4). Cows fed cassava
silage recorded positive (p< 0.05) weight gain while those fed maize bran lost weight and were
Statistically significant. Diet type had no significant (p> 0.05) effect on calves live weight gain.
Calves fed cassava silage gained more weight than those given maize bran. (Table 4.5)

Table 4.1 Chemical composition Cassava Silage cv Mkondezi

Item DM (%) CP (%) NDF (%) ADF (%) ASH (%)

Cassava 35.8 14.33 47.8 35.04 5.2
Maize bran 90 6.75 - - 6.2

Table 4.2 Least square means for milk yield by cows fed cassava silage

Place Milk yield (kg/day) Milk yield (kg/day)

Maize bran Cassava silage
Chitedze Research Station 4.89±0.68a 7.10±0.68b
Katete Dairy Farm 10.34±0.76a 16.59±0.76b
Njati village Farmer 10.43±0.95a 14.56±0.95b
Chakhola village Farmer 6.72±0.59a 8.12±0.59b
Nguluwe village Farmer 9.25±0.76a 13.29±0.76b
a, b
means with different subscripts in row differ (P<0.05)
Table 4.3 Least Square means for milk composition by cows fed maize bran and cassava silage

Item Maize bran Cassava silage

Milk composition (%)
Milk fat 2.93±0.14a 3.69±0.14b
Milk protein 3.05±0.01a 3.00±0.01b
Lactose 4.51±0.05a 4.49±0.05b
Solid-not-fat 8.75±0.07a 8.50±0.07b
Total solids 11.35±0.59a 11.42±0.59b
a, b
means with different subscripts in row differ (P<0.05)

Table 4.4 Least Square means for live weight change of lactating cows fed maize bran amd
cassava sillage at Chitedze Research Station

Item Maize bran Cassava silage

Number of cows 3 3
Initial weight (kg) 247±26.84a 268±26.84b
Final weight (kg) 242±23.63a 269±23.63b
Live weight change (g) -56.18±9.47a 5.24±9.47b
Number of days of 90 90
a, b
means with different subscripts in row differ (P<0.05)

Table 4.5 Least square means for live weight change of calves fed maize bran and cassava
silage at Chitedze Research Station

Items Maize bran Cassava silage

Number of calves 3 3
Initial weight (kg) 54±4.26 51±4.26
Final weight (kg) 65±2.76 68±2.76
Daily gain (g) 299±80.60 334±80.60
Number of days of 90 90
5 Discussion

5.1 Cassava Silage Chemical Composition

The CP content of cassava silage obtained from this trial (143 g/kg DM) was well above the
proposed minimum requirement for lactation (120 g/kg DM) and growth (113 g/kg DM) in
ruminant animals as reported by ARC (1984). This means that the crude protein obtained from
cassava silage was sufficient to meet the animals’ requirements for maintenance and milk

5.2 Milk yield and composition

The high milk yield and milk fat observed in this study when cows were fed cassava silage were
similar to that reported by Kavana P.Y. et al., (2003). The high fat content can be attributed to
that cassava silage in the rumen might have favoured the production of more acetic acid which
subsequently led to an increase in fat synthesis and hence more milk fat (Morrand-Fehr P. et it

5.3 Feed intake

The feed intake of cassava silage obtained from this study was 25.66 g/d and when expressed
as a percentage of live weight it was approximately 10%. This is similar to what is reported in
literature that the feed intake on fresh basis for cattle as a percentage is 10% (ARC, 1984)

5.4 Live weight change of lactating cows and calves

Lactating animals are expected to closely maintain their body weight when their nutritional
requirements are met (ARC, 1984). However, the weight loss observed in cows supplemented
with maize bran indicates greater utilization of body reserves to support milk production. In
addition, the weight gain observed in this study when cows were fed cassava silage indicates
that, cassava silage supported milk production and even resulted in positive weight gain. The
non-significance in weight gain among the calves could be attributed to similarities in milk
nutrients consumed by Calves from different treatment diets,

6 Conclusion
From the results obtained from this study it can be concluded that cassava silage can effectively
be [ used as supplement to increase milk production in lactating dairy cows.

7 Recommendation
This paper therefore, is a proposal put forward to the Agricultural Technology Clearing
Committee (ATCC) to consider releasing Cassava Silage as a supplement for use by dairy farmers
in Malawi fs {o increase milk production from lactating dairy cows.
8 Acknowledgements
The authors are grateful to IITA/SARRNET for financial assistance.

9 References

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