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You are going to write a short essay in response to the following:

“Some people believe that your personality doesn’t change over time. To
what extent to do you agree with this idea? Give specific examples to support
your opinion.”

For a long time, there has been debate around the idea of personality
changing. Research done in the past had been fairly inconclusive, so many
people formed their own ideas from personal experience. Much of these ideas
and arguments stem from the nature vernus nurture debate. Some people claim
that we have our personality from birth and it does not change. However, if you
believe most of our personality develops from our nurture, or personal
experiences, I would support the idea that our personality can change
drastically as you age.

Studies on a varitey of participants have confirmed that several variables

can change personalities. Communities, family condition, education and work
experiences have an effect on person’s character. For example, a person might
be born as a sanguine person, but raise in a broken family. As a result, he could
become a pessimistic person when he grew up.

There is also evidence that people can train themselves to be more

different. For instance, in the modern society, with the development of
technology, companies often invest in training programs to make employees
more extroverted, more thinking or more feeling towards others. If a company
can train their employees to become such people, that firm will develop as
rapidly as possible.

Other factor can affect to personality is education.Taking an example of

children, they get punishments from their parents and teachers if they speak foul
languages. Through this lesson, they will recognize that there would be negative
impacts on them after using bad words, which may lead them not to use those
words anymore. For these reasons, characteristics are changeable.
In conclusion, personality is connected to our genes , but these do not
define us. Environmental factors mean that as humans we can and do change
throughout our lives.

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