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Project topics

1. Comparative analysis of financial statement of a public and private

Insurance company
2. Comparative analysis of financial statement of a public and private Banks
3. Application of process costing for companies
4. Income tax in india
5. Taxation of individuals
6. Cost analysis of a company
7. Accounting Challenges of cooperative society
8. Tax saving options for individuals

 Select any research area from above

 Font type: Times New Roman
 Font size: 12- for content , 14- for title
 Line spacing : 1.5 for content and 1-for table work
 Paper: A4
 Margin : left 1.5, up- down – right -1
 The Project report shall be submitted in spiral file
 The project report should have minimum 25000 words, maxi 40000
words (50 to 80 pages)
 Date of sub is 30 nov 2023

 Introduction(25-30)
 Brief Intro, History, definition , Types, offices, concept , Advantages

 Chp 2 RM (10-12)
 Obj, hypothesis, scope , limitations, popn , sample, data collection , tools,

 Review of literature(25-30)
 Summary

 Data analysis, Interpretation and presentation(30-35)
 1 pie diagram
 2 bar diagream

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