010 MSDS - Toilon (IXPE - Foam)

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Material Safety Data Sheet
Section 1 : Identification
1. Product name : Physically Crosslinked PE Mother Sheet
2. Company Identification
1) Prepared by : PT. TOILON INDONESIA
2) Address : Jl. Raya Serang Km 16.8 Desa Telaga Cikupa, Tangerang 15710
3) Telephone & Fax : +62-21-5940-4086(T) +62-21-5940-4084(F)
4) Issue data : 2014. 10. 01

Section 2 : Composition / Ingredient Data

1. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) CAS No. 24937 78 8 > 75%
2. Low Denisty Polyethylene(LDPE) CAS No. 09 002 88 4 < 5%
3. Blowing Agent(ADCA) CAS No. 123 77 3 < 15%
4. Flame Retardant CAS No. 1309 64 4 < 5%
5. M/B pigment < 0.5%

Section 3 : Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information

This product is NOT a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910. 1200.

Section 4 : Physical and Chemical Characteristics

1. Boiling Point : N/A
2. Vapor Pressure : N/A
3. Vapor Density : N/A
4. Specific Gravity : 0.03 to 0.50
5. Odor : Light
6. Solubility in Water : None
7. Evaporation Rate : N/A
8. Melting Point : 95 ~ 120°C

Section 5 : First Aid Measures

After contact with the molten product, cool with cold water and consult a doctor.

Section 6 : Fire Fighting Measures

1. Suitable Extinguishing Agents : CO₂, Water Jet
2. Special Hazard Caused by the Material, its products of Combustion or Resulting
Gases : Formation of toxic gases is possible during heating or in case of fire.
Avoid to breath the fumes.
3. Protective Equipment : Put on breathing apparatus
Material Safety Data Sheet

Section 7 : Accidental Release Measures

1. Person-related Safety Precaution : Void
2. Measures for Environmental Protection : Void
3. Measure for Cleaning/Collecting : Void

Section 8 : Handling and Storage

1. Info for Safe Handling : Prevent formation of dust
2. Info about Protection against Explosion and Fires : Keep breathing equipment
3. Requirement to be met by Warehouses and Containers : Keep away the flames
4. Further Info about Storage Conditions : Storage preferably in cover places

Section 9 : Exposure Controls and Personal Protection

1. General Protective and Hygienic Measures : Avoid skin contact with the molten

Section 10 : Stability and Reactivity

1. Stability : Stable
2. Thermal Decomposition : No decomposition
3. Dangerous Products of Decomposition : The thermal decomposition can
produce fumes with carbon monoxide.

Section 11 : Toxicologic Information

When used and handled properly according to the standard conversion systems,
the product dosen't have any harmful effects according to our experience and
the information provided to us.

Section 12 : Environmental Protection and Disposal Considerations

1. Environmental Hazard : N/A
2. Disposal Recommendation : N/A

Section 13 : Transport Information

No dangerous good according to international transport regulations.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Section 14 : Other Information
The above information is based on data of which we are aware is believed to be
correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be
applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be
unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may
suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility
for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon the condition that
the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the
material for his particular purpose. Therefore, no warranty either express or
implied of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose is made with respect
to the product or the information contained herein.

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