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Studypool – Tutor application

Subject: Writing
Who is the fictional character that you identify most with and why?
Movies/TV series are fantastic sources of entertainment. Behind the intricate
storylines that have us on the edge of our seats, make us shed tears of
sympathy or cause us to experience the comedic evening of our lifetime, lie
characters- the basis of a story. Without a character, stories are implausible.
And sometimes, certain characters start to feel like mirrors.
The fictional character I find myself resonating with the most hails from the
Japanese movie “Your name”- a delightful and exceptionally emotional film
that revolves around the themes of young love and the fulfilment of dreams; a
“dream come true.” Her name is Mitsuha Miyamizu and she is a 17 year old
student residing in a tiny town of Itomori, Japan with her younger sister and
her grandmother. Deeply unsatisfied with her life there and with a voracious
appetite to dream big, she wishes that she had been born as a “handsome
young boy in Tokyo.” This fateful wish ("I hate this town! I hate this life! Please
make me a handsome Tokyo boy in my next life!"- Mitsuha Miyamizu, Your
name) ultimately leads to the whole crux of the movie, which involves her and
her love interest switching bodies, living out each other’s lives and gradually
falling for each other along the way.
There are two key reasons for my profound sentiment of identifying with her.
The first is her sheer determination to achieve her dreams, no matter how far-
fetched or impossible they may seem to those around her and the second
simply being the fact that she is a terribly hopeless romantic. As a person who
loves the idea of love and cherishes the thought of fulfilling your dreams and
receiving happiness you truly deserve, I absolutely adore her character and her
semblances with me. Even in terms of general personality, I feel like we share
an admirable number of both, positive and negative traits- kindness,
determination, supportiveness and a hunger for adventure pertaining to the
former while my thorough levels of impatience and my hot temper addressing
the latter.
Sometimes, fictional realms and characters become a second home of sorts, a
sanctuary we can turn to for comfort. Mitsuha is one such comfort character
for me and I will always be thankful for the day I stumbled across this movie
and beheld her for the first time!

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