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Creating global citizens through innovation and excellence in education.

21 November 2023
Dear Parents,
Greetings from Bhavans’ Private International English School, Abu Dhabi!
“Winter is coming” as the famous saying in drama series, so winter is round around
the corner in UAE. During winter there is a rise in the number of common cold,
influenza, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections cases. Also seen increase in
dry skin, cold sores, dryness of eyes and pink eyes during this season.
Children and parents must be cautious during the winter. The drastic changes in
temperature and changing weather are known to increase respiratory infections
because it causes changes to our immune system.
Students are indoors more often, allowing viruses to pass more easily from one
child to another. These viruses spread via droplets from coughing and sneezing.
And the cold, dry air weakens resistance.
A lack of vitamin D is also contributing to seasonal respiratory ailments. Evidence
suggests that very low vitamin D causes increased rates of viral respiratory
infections. Vitamin D supplements and sun exposure can help overcome this

Most Common Seasonal Illnesses:

The common illness that can affect anyone in the winter are:

Common Cold
It is very common, hence its name. More than 200 viruses can cause colds. The
most common is the rhinovirus. It is spread by droplet infection. Will complain of
running nose, sneezing, throat discomfort, fatigue, aches, and low-grade fever. It
will last for a few days to one or two weeks.
Keep children hydrated and cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing. Take
adequate rest. Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.
Children can take anti pyrectics like paracetamol for fever, steam inhalation, saline
drops, and saltwater gargling. Vitamin C supplements help to improve immunity.

Mussaffah, Sector 9, MBZ
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ph : 025591777 / 0567033925
Creating global citizens through innovation and excellence in education.

Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses.
Influenza occurs in outbreaks and epidemics worldwide, mainly during the winter
season. Although acutely debilitating, influenza is usually a self-limited infection.
Complaints of high-grade fever, body aches and myalgia, sore throat, sneezing,
headache and might vomit or have diarrhea.
Children must take adequate rest, fluids, and consult with doctor.

During winter season there are increased cases of Asthma exacerbation. Cold air is
a major trigger for asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath.
People with asthma should be especially careful in winter.
Stay indoors on very cold, windy days. If you do go out, wear a scarf loosely over
your nose and mouth. Do not miss your regular medications and keep reliever
inhalers close by.

Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug) is a food-borne illness caused by contaminated
foods or surfaces, and it’s especially common in the winter. It is highly contagious.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all it takes is a
tiny amount of virus particles to become infected. Young children and the elderly
are especially at risk.
Complains of8 vomiting or diarrhea. Like with any contagious illness, you can
decrease your chances of catching it by washing your hands regularly. ORS- oral re-
hydration fluids reduce the risk of dehydration.

Dry skin
Dry skin is a common condition and is often worse during the winter, when
environmental humidity is low.
Moisturizing is essential during winter. Use thick moisturizing creams, they act as a
sealant to stop the skin’s natural moisture evaporating away. The best time to apply
moisturizer is after shower while your skin is still moist, and again at bedtime.

Mussaffah, Sector 9, MBZ
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ph : 025591777 / 0567033925
Creating global citizens through innovation and excellence in education.

Cold sores
Cold sores — also called fever blisters — are a common viral infection. They are
tiny, fluid-filled blisters on and around your lips. Cold sores are a sign that you are
under stress. After the blisters break, a crust forms over the resulting soreness. Cold
sores usually heal in two to four weeks without leaving a scar.
Conjunctivitis- Pink Eye
Conjunctivitis is when the white of your eye becomes irritated or inflamed due to
viruses, bacteria, allergens, or irritants. Studies have shown that it is common
during the winter—it is contagious, depending on which type you have. Meet your
eye doctor for eye drops and at home make sure to wash your hands regularly and,
of course, avoid touching your eyes.
Tips for managing illness.
1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
2. Cough and sneeze covering your mouth to avoid droplet spread of infection to
3. Ensure the child drinks plenty of oral fluids. Keep children hydrated.
4. Avoid coffee. Green tea is a much better option since it helps fight allergies.
5. Encourage them to eat more seasonal fruits- citrus fruits like orange, apple, etc.
provides vitamin C- which helps to improve immunity. Have a healthy balanced
6. Avoid sending school if your child has fever and is not well. [ “If a child is suffering
from fever, vomiting/diarrhea, pink eyes, persistent cough, rashes on
hands/foot and mouth, it is a good idea to keep them at home as it will help
them recover faster and prevent the spread of infection to other kids.]
7. Get the child vaccinated after consulting your doctor
Wishing all a healthy winter season and a healthier and better new year…
Thanks and regards

School Clinic
Private International English School
Mussafah-Abu Dhabi -UAE
Tel :+971 2 5591777 Extn .205
Mussaffah, Sector 9, MBZ
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ph : 025591777 / 0567033925

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