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Dini : Hi, Randi. Did you see Gilang’s latest Instagram post about motivation?

Randi : Yeah, I just checked it out. It is so inspiring. He always knows hot to lift our spirits.
Dini : Absolutely! His words really hit me. I am grateful for friends like him who constantly motivate us.
Randi : Definitely. It is amazing how a simple post can make such a big impact. Let’s strive to be as
motivating as Gilang.
Dini : Agree. We should share our own stories and spread positivity too. Together we can inspire others
like Gilang does.
Randi : That’s the spirit! Let’s start making a difference, one post at a time.

1. How many people are talking in the dialogue above?

2. Who did post about motivation?
3. Where did he post the motivation quote?
4. What can we infer from the dialogue above?

Complete theses sentence below with adjective clause!

5. Students …. work hard in studying get good scores.
6. This girl ….reads a bad news is so sad
7. My friend ….. parents live abroad is absent today.
8. Kotabaru, the city ….they live is very far from Banjarmasin.
9. The reason….Erwin did not pass the exam is because he was so lazy to study.
10. Six o’clock was the time…..we were supposed to arrive there
11. The questions …..has been answered by Abdi is very difficult.
12. I met a beautiful girl….sweater is black brown
13. The university ….I learned my Bachelor’s degree has built a new business school building

Read the dialogue below then answer the question correctly!

Dinar : Have you guys noticed how much pollution there is around neighborhood lately?
Yahya : Yes, it’s quite alarming. We should do something to maintain the environment and keep it clean
and healthy
Dinar : Absolutely! I think we should start by reducing our use of plastic. It’s harmful to the environment
Yeni : I couldn’t agree more. We can bring our own reusable bags when we go shopping and say no to
single-use plastics
Dinar : That’s a great idea! We should also conserve water by taking shorter showers and fixing any leaks
we find.
Yahya : Good point. Water is a precious resource and we need to use it wisely. Additionally, we can plant
more trees and flowers to improve air quality and create a greener environment.
Yeni : I love that idea. Trees not only provide shade but also absorb carbon dioxide. Let’s gather our
friends and organize a tree-planting event.
Yahya : Count me in! Together, we can make a positive impact and inspire others to take care of the
environment too.
Dinar : Absolutely, Yahya. Let’s lead by example and encourage everyone to join us in preserving out
beautiful surroundings.

14. What did Dinar notice around the neighborhood lately?

15. We should do something to maintain the environment and keep it ….. and healthy.
16. Why do we need to reduce our use of plastic? Because it is ….to the environment.
17. When can we bring our reusable bag ?
18. What can we need to fix when we find something to conserve water beside taking shorter shower?
19. What is precious resource they mention above?
20. What does the tree absorb beside providing the shade?
21. Who will start the move to gather friends and organize the tree-plant event?
22. Where does the discuss about the project for their environment above?

Read the text below then answer the questions correctly!

The Importance of Drinking Water

How much do you drink water today? Water is often considered insignificant but behind it all, it turns out
the water has important functions for our body. There are several reasons why you should drink enough water.
Firstly, interstitial fluid is obtained by drinking lots of water. Water is used by the body to digest food and
help transport nutrients throughout the body. In addition, interstitial fluid also useful for producing saliva and
regulating body temperature.
The second reason is that it helps kidney work. Our kidney processes 200 liters of blood in our body every
day. It also filters out waste and delivers urine to the bladder. To do all the tasks, our kidney needs enough water
because water is used to clean anything that is unnecessary for our body.
Furthermore, drinking water can moisturize our skin. It makes our skin feel fresh, soft, bright, and smooth.
Additionally, drinking water every day can also improve the function of our brain. It can help us to concentrate
more and unleased the nervous system in the brain.
In conclusion, drinking water is important because it is needed for our interstitial fluid, helps kidney work,
is good for healthy skin and improves the function of our brain.

23. How many paragraphs does the text have?

24. Water is used by the body to digest ….. and help transport nutrients throughout the body
25. How much the litters of blood does our kidney process?
26. What does the impact of drinking water to our skin?
27. Drinking water can make our skin feel …… except
28. Drinking water also is good for our …..
29. What did the impact of drinking water to our brain? It unleased….system
30. In the last paragraph, how many function of drinking water did u read?

Read the text below and answer the questions correctly!


Food waste is a big problem and it needs to be stopped. Food wasting is bad for the Earth and the
environment, wastes money and waste resources. If we all work together, this problem of food wasting can be
To start with, wasting food is bad and destructive for the Earth’s environment. When food rots with other
organics in landfill, it gives off methane gas, which is 25x more powerful than carbon pollution.
Food waste can also cause infestation of rodents, which can cause disease and sickness to spread to
everyone. It is also unjust that we toss out perfectly good, excess food, while people are dying every second.
Secondly, wasting food also wastes your money. Instead of throwing perfectly good food for away to
landfill, we should do something useful with it like giving it away to homeless people that don’t have money to
buy food.
Lastly, wasting food wastes resources. When you toss out food, you’re also wasting everything that helped
make it.
We need to stop buying food we don’t need and then waste. If we buy food, we must make sure we eat it.
Wasting food is not sustainable for our Earth, wastes our money and wastes many valuable resources.

31. What is the title of the text above?

32. How many paragraphs do you find from the text above?
33. Who don’t have money to buy food does the text above tell us?
34. How much does the methane gas give off if we waste food?
35. Please re write the second paragraph from the text above!

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