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Lecture notes
nternational Economics:
 Focuses on the economic interactions between countries.
 Analyzes international trade, exchange rates, balance of payments, and globalization.
 Focuses on the behavior of individual agents, such as consumers, firms, and workers.
 Analyzes how these agents make decisions regarding resource allocation, production, and consumption.
 Examines market structures, including perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic
 Examines the overall performance of the economy at the national or global level.
 Key indicators include Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment rates, inflation, and national income.
 Studies the factors that influence economic growth, such as government fiscal policy, monetary policy, and
international trade.

Introduction to Economics:
 Definition of Economics
 Scarcity and choice
 Opportunity cost
 Supply and demand
 Elasticity
 Consumer behavior
 Production and costs
 Market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition)
 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
 Unemployment
 Inflation
 Fiscal policy
 Monetary policy
 Economic indicators
International Economics:

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