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Juliana Mae D.

1. What were the theories of the formation or the peopling of the Philippines?

 The first is the Out-of-Taiwan Theory which Peter Bellwood proposed in the 1980s.
according to Bellwood, the Filipinos belonged to a race called Austronesians, from the
word Austros (South) and Nexos (which means Island – people from the southern
islands. The Austronesians originated from what is now Southern China and Northern
Vietnam. They were responsible for building the massive rice terraces in Kunming and
Lan Son in Vietnam. And the last is the central origin theory proposed by Jocano in
which he said that the Filipinos came from one group of immigrants. Manuel proposed
his Philippinesian theory saying that the origin of the Filipinos can be explained by the
family of their languages and dialects.
2. What was the Wave Theory accepted then as the theory of the peopling of the Philippines?

 Prior to the emergence of Bellwood Solheim and other prominent theorists, the widely
accepted origin theory of the Filipino population was one that focused on the wave
theory of migration. According to this theory, the Aeta or Negrito people were the initial
wave of inhabitants in the region that is now known as the Philippines. It was believed
that this group was followed by a series of subsequent waves of migration, each
contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the nation. This theory has been the subject of
much debate and scrutiny in recent years, with new research and discoveries shedding
light on the complexities of the Filipino origin story.

3. Why was the Wave Theory debunked?

 Bellwood and Solheim's findings ultimately invalidated the Wave Theory. They both
argued that migration didn't happen in waves, but rather in a gradual manner. Solheim's
theory suggested that people first migrated from the south, but eventually moved in
various directions in pursuit of better living conditions.

4. Why was the Wave Theory criticized as endorsing racism?

 Critics say that finding the root of people that is peacefully staying in a place is them
being racist.
5. Why did Rizal did not consider the Negritos as his ancestors?

 Rizal declined to recognize the Negritos as his ancestors. He believed that the Negritos
were a primitive people and that they were incapable of attaining civilization. His refusal
to acknowledge them as his forebears may have been due to his belief that the Negritos
were too uncivilized to be considered part of his cultural heritage.

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