PAS Jennifer

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Section A.

Prefixes ( im-, in-, anti-, un-)

1. Be ______________ (friendly) to the other children.
2. There was an ____________ (war) demonstration in front of the city hall.
3. Your homework is ____________________ (complete).
4. He is very __________________ (patient) with young children.
5. The sisters look like each other, but they are ______________ (like) in most ways.
6. The pre-test was ____________ (perfect), but the retest was perfect.
7. Please lock the front door, and _____________ (lock) the back door.
8. The _______________ (direct) route is slower than the direct one.
9. Hospital spray is using an __________________ (bacterial) agent.
10. The doctor gave _________________(biotics) to treat the bacteria infections.
11. Mark is always so ________________ (patient), he hates writing.
12. He’s a nice little boy, a bit ___________________ (mature) , but very intelligent.
13. The authorities are being particularly ___________________ (helpful) . They don’t do
anything about the problem.
14. It was very ____________________ (polite) of you to show your tongue to that old lady!
15. This sofa is so ____________________ (comfortable) , it is impossible to sit on it. We need
to buy a new one.
16. He said he was sorry, but I could tell that he was being _________________ (sincere).
17. In the past people thought that it was ________________ (modest) for women and men to
swim together.
18. This chicken looks ____________________(attractive), I don’t want to eat it.
19. Jim is ____________________ (social), he always avoids the crowds.
20. The skin serum has an ___________________ (aging) formula.

Section B. Choose the most appropriate word from below to complete each sentence.

antiseptic antisocial antibacterial antibiotic

anticlockwise antidote antifreeze antiwar

1. You must wash your hands with _____________________ soap to keep them clean and
germ free.
2. Behaving rudely in public is ____________________.
3. Mum put some _________________ on his cut.
4. The doctor gave me an ____________________ direction.
5. The dying man received the __________________ just on time.
6. I think that people should get along with one another and that makes me
7. The doctor used ____________ to stop the toxins from the poisonous spider bite.

Section C.Match.

Word Definition

antibodies a liquid that lowers the

freezing point of water

antifreeze a medicine for allergies

anti-skid something that kills bacteria

which can cause infection

antihistamine a medicine used to treat

poisons in venom

anticlimax a disappointing ending

antivenom to stop people committing

the crime of fraud

anti-fraud designed to prevent skidding

antiseptic things made by the body to

fight disease.

Section D. When/ While (Simple Past - Past Continuous tense)

D.1 Complete the sentence below.
1. I _____________________ (listen) to the radio when I _______________ (hear) this
fantastic song.
2. When the teacher ______________ (said) ‘Stop!’ I _______________ (try) to finish the last
3. I feel really silly! While I _________________ (dance) , I ______________ (fall) and
_________________ (broke) my elbow.
4. Tim ______________ (play) a computer game when his mum ___________ (call) him for
5. I ___________________ (look) for a file on memory stick when I _____________ (notice)
there was a virus.
6. Ron ______________ (find) a really interesting website about dance music while he
___________________ (surf) the internet.
7. My mum ________________(have) breakfast near the computer when she
_______________________ (spill) her cup of coffee on the keyboard.
8. When you ____________________ (see) me yesterday, I ________________ (go) to school,
but I ______________________ (go) to the doctor’s -I felt terrible.
9. I ______________ (switch) the computer because it ______________(make) a strange
10. My dad _________________(listen) to classical music when I ________________ (arrive)
home for school.
11. We ______________ (play) video games when my mum _____________(say) “Turn the
volume down!”.
12. My cousin ________________ (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he _______________ (live) in
13. My little sister __________________ (draw) a picture while I ________________ (study) for
my French exam.
14. While they ______________(try) to fix the computer, all the lights _____________ (go out).
15. When we ________________ (leave) school yesterday, it _______________ (pour) with rain.
16. When you _________________ (see) Paul, ______________ he ______________ (wear) a
black jacket?
17. I __________________ (try) to log on when the WiFi _______________ (stop) working.
18. While Dad _______________ (print) an article, the printer _______________(run out) of
19. Complete the paragraph with the correct verbs in brackets.

Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when I _____________________(try) to do my

English homework on my laptop, the battery __________________(run out). I
______________ (lie) on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to
concentrate. I _____________ also ________________ my friend Daniel on facebook.
Ok, so I ___________________ (not concentrate) very hard on my homework and I
_________________ (forgot) to plug in my laptop! I didn’t notice that the battery was
getting low. I was just finishing the essay when the screen ________________ (go)
black. I ____________________ (lose) everything. I ______________ (scream) in
frustration. My dad _____________ (come) running into my bedroom. I _____________
almost ______________ (cry) so he _________________(give) me his laptop. I
_______________ (try) to remember everything in my essay-it _______________ (be)
quite difficult especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos. Anyway,
while I was watching one, the WIFI stopped working. In the end it was probably better
because I ____________________ 9manage) to finish the essay.

Section E. The Passive

Fill in the sentence with the present active or the past active
1. This safe__________________________(not open) for twenty years.
2. English ____________________________ (speak) all over the world.
3. Many accidents ______________________ (cause) by dangerous driving.
4. In the United States, elections for President __________________ (hold) every four years.
5. Originally the book _______________ (write) in Spanish a few years ago.
6. The roof of the building ____________________(damage) in a storm a few days ago.
7. A cinema is a place where films ______________________ (show).
8. The battle of Hastings _____________________ (fight) in 1066.
9. The park gates ___________________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
10. The film _______________ (shoot) under the supervision of the director.
11. Colour films ____________________ (introduce) in the late 1920s.
12. A black belt ________________ (wear) by judo masters.
13. The accused ___________________ (take) to court yesterday.
14. Children ____________________ (teach) by parents and teachers.
15. Olives _______________________ (grow) in Dalmatia.
16. Whisky ___________________ (make) in Scotland.
17. The internet ___________________ (use) by millions of people.
18. The robbers _____________________ (find) in the park last night.
19. In some countries paper ___________________ (not recycle) yet.
20. The first train station ___________________ (open) 200 years ago.
21. Chess _____________________ (play) in ancient Persia.
22. Grapes __________________ ( need) to make wine.
23. Hundreds of people ________________ (employ) by the government.
24. Many buildings _____________________ (damage) in the storm last week.
25. My bag ____________________ (steal) yesterday.
26. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people _________________ (take) to hospital.
27. Many American programmes _________________ (show) on Croatian television.
28. Stamps _______________ (sell) in a post office.
29. The telephone _________________ (invent) by Alexander Bell in 1876.
30. Put the verbs in the present passive to the past simple passive.

A Jigsaw Puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle _______________ first _____________ (make) to help children learn
geography. It ___________________ (invent) in 1763 by the Englishman John Spilsbury.
The game ________________ (name) after a jigsaw which __________________ (use) for
cutting out the pieces. The pieces originally ________________ (make) of wood. Jigsaw
puzzles ___________ (play) all over the world.

Section F. Passive (Positive, Negative and Questions)

Find and correct the mistakes below.
1. He surprised by the loud noise.
2. They were ate dinner at six o’clock.
3. Was your car fix?
4. This photo was take by my uncle.
5. Who was cooked dinner?
6. When did the airplane invented?
7. He was watched his favourite TV show.
8. Robert was bite by a dog.
9. They were interview by a reporter.
10. I’m sorry. You are not allow to go inside.
11. Pluto discovered in 1930.
12. Why did the party canceled?
13. I was really enjoyed my holiday last summer.
14. My friend wasn’t careful. She was fell off her bicycle.
15. The room was cleaned this morning.
16. When was the story write?

Re-write the sentences below- use the passive form.

1. Egyptians built the Pyramids thousands of years ago.

2. Did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb in 1878?

3. Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930.

4. The Chinese first used paper money over a thousand years ago.

5. Steve Jobs didn’t introduce the first iPad in 1986.

6. When did Karl Benz invent the first real car?

7. People watched the first TV in the 1920s.

8. People made the first McDonald’s hamburger in 1955.

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