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Please watch the video or study the power point presentation or article and answer the questions

provided on the answer sheet.

Prokaryotic cell structure and function: (2:53mins.)

Characteristics of eucaryotic cells:


Procaryotes vs. eucaryotes: What are the differences?:


Answer please……..
1. Please provide a photograph of a procaryotic and eukaryotic cell with labeled structures. (8

2. Complete the table by stating the function of the structures of prokaryotic cell. (8 points)
Structures Functions
1. cytoplasm
2. nucleoid
3. cell wall
4. capsule
5. cell membrane
6. pili
7. ribosomes
8. flagella

3. Complete the table by stating the function of the structures of eukaryotic cells.(14 points)

Structures Functions
1. cell wall
2. cell membrane
3. cytoplasm
4. mitochondria
5. golgi apparatus
6. lysosomes
7. plastids
8. nucleus
9. peroxisomes
10. nucleolus
11. endoplasmic reticulum
12. vacuole
13. pseudopod
14. cilia

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