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Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain Cognitive dom: intellectual skills and abilities Create required for learning, thinking critically and problem A nts solving Evaluate information 4 ate generate new Analyze litre Break down judgments ‘based on evidence found avenge 4 Apply information to Td mato = calculate ply attribute compose Uncerstand Kno APE to relationships — compe Remember | (| “fares | | Sis” | cetegorze seas eesin eine iontee contrast check develop and tecogize calculate compare ‘compare devise ieee complete ciiicize conclude formulate compare demonstrate debate contrast generate classify execute differentiate cticize hypothesize ‘arrange describe itustrate experiment critique plan define discuss implement inspect defend prepare identity explain modify infer examine produce indicate sive examples organize investigate justify propose label interpret Practice organize measure revise list paraphrase prepare outine recommend summarize match predict solve question support synthesize memorize present show separate reflect recall report use test recite rewite write recognize summarize ‘Developed by the Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo ©O8) Retrenoe: Anson, Waton DA (00%, Taxoramy fr eamng ecg and ebesg : “Dis eave Commons bons es ters ei ‘weak, sna Buld upon out work son-commerdaly. a lng as they ete ‘Sand nace fchangos were mace, Use Us claton fora Bloom's Taxonomy Cagndve Domain. Cente for Teaching Excatance, Unversity Siar Sip Seon coy of eatona Qptas “oLongrn IUPUI Center of Teaching and Leaning (2008) Blooms Tan "Revse Key Wor, Model Questens, {Clnstuctoral Strategies Ratnved fom: wan cetrupu.educiisdldeestBcem revsedD2% l | Remember | Understand | Apply | Analyze | __ Evaluate Create | Learning |» Flasheards [+ Case studies |» Calculate + Casestides [+ Debates | + Brainstorm Activities | Highlgntkey |S Conceptmap [+ Case-studies | Compare and |* Compare ang | Decision-making words 2 Demonstrations | Conceatmap |" contrast ith |" contrastcwith |” tasks + ust Diagrams | + Creating charts, tables, | chat, tables, | + Develop and + Memoy — |2 Flowcharts examples Venn diagrams} | Vonn describe new activites |S Group + Demorstatons |» Concept map | iagrems) soutons oF + Reading discussions [+ Fipped + Debates + Conceptmap | plans materais | hing map cazercom | Discussions |* Journal + Design project + Watnng — | Matixactvty | + Gallrywak /+ Flowchart | + Prosandcons | Performances resentaions | Piayisketches |» Gamifcation | Graph ist 2 Presentatons ‘and videos © Summarize © Group work © Group © Mind map «Research 3 Thinkpatshare | + Lab investigation [+ Reviewpaper |" projects experiments + Mind map + Wate + Map + vestionnsies assignment 2 Problem. | + Repor’survey solving tesks | Thinkpir + Shoranswers |" share ‘Role pia + Gieker = Concepimap ]+ Dscussion [Analysis paper |» Argumeniaive |» Develop riera questions | Greate a board post. | Case study cxpersuaswe |” toevaluate + Filintne summary + Exortolo | Evaluation essay product or Danks + Escay © Labreports cnlenia + Debates Soluton + Label Diagrams |¢ One-minute | Criique + Discussions | » Grant proposal + Match * Infographics paper hypothesis, [+ Presentation | + Outine + Multiple [4 Maticactity | Presentation | procedures ete. |¢ Provide altematve chove 2 Oneminita” [+ Protien- | Mudiest point |" altemative solutons + Quizzes papor folvng tasks |S Oneminuta foltions | Research + Trusandfalse |+ Presentation | + Shortanswere |” pager + Report propasal questions | Prowde + Research paper examples 2 Review paper + Quizzes + Shor answers @LS ‘Developed bythe Centre for Teaching Excelence, Unversity of Wateioe References: Adelson, - 4 Nation DA. (200%), Taxonomy fr leaning esching an assessing: ‘rmsior af Sion Taxonomy of Esucaton! Ojectiae Naw Yo Langan IUPUI Center of Teaching and Leaning (2008) Blooms Tan "Revse Key Wor, Model Questens, {Clnstuctoral Strategies Ratnved fom: wan cetrupu.educiisdldeestBcem revsedD2% none loese ts terse, ‘weak; andbuld upen Gu wk an-conereraly as ong as tay eet band indeatetananges were made Uses ation fama Blooms Yatenony: Capnive Semain Cents fr Teschng xceianes, Unverty otiiaerte

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