Bio 1 Peta - 3RD Quarter S1S2

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Name: Shannnen Nicole Andrea B. Asido
Section: STEM 11-YA-31


A single cell splits into two identical daughter cells during mitosis (cell division). One cell divides
once into two identical cells during mitosis. Growth and the replacement of worn-out components are
the two main goals of mitosis. Mistakes produced during mitosis can affect the DNA and result in genetic
abnormalities if not immediately fixed (Labxchange, 2019).

For this performance task, you will experience the most important simple game of your life. “This
game is rather easy to complete if you are familiar with the different phases in the cell cycle. If you are
not, pay extra attention to the image of the cell cycle in the introduction. As "Cell Division Supervisor"
inside the cell nucleus, your job is to control cell division to ensure each cell cycle stage occurs in the
correct order. You also have to ensure the cell has successfully replicated its genetic material at specific
checkpoints in the cell cycle. If you make more than three mistakes during one cell division, the cell will
be destroyed, and you will have to start again” (Labxchange, 2022).


1. For station 1 of your performance task, click this link to access the game and use a
laptop/computer or browser before you begin the game.
2. During the game, always look at figure 1, which can be found in your game, to observe the
following process and cycle you must take. Always read the instruction on the monitor and follow

Figure 1
3. At first try, you may be clueless about what to click but make sure you read every text provided
on the monitor in the game.
4. Make sure to finish the game. Good luck!

1. Attached screenshot of the game after you click “Start Interactive,” where it shows “Loading

2. What is the game all about?

- It is about to control cell division to make sure each stage of the cell cycle occurs in the correct order.
You also have to ensure the cell has successfully replicated its genetic material at specific checkpoints
in the cell cycle. If you make more than three mistakes during one cell division, the cell will be destroyed
and you will have to start again.

3. What is the supervisor’s function (CDK & cyclin) in the game?

- There are special "supervisors" (CDK and Cyclin) which make sure that everything procedes in the right
order during the Cell Cycle. If something is wrong with a cell, they pull the brake and repair the damages
before letting the cell proceed. Or, they see to it that damaged cells are destroyed.

4. What will happen to the cell if the “supervisors” will not function properly?

- If the "supervisors" are not working properly, the cells may become cancer cells, which often have altered
chromosomes. They may divide uncontrolled and much too fast. These mutated cells finally form a clump
- a tumor. Understanding the control mechanism of the Cell Cycle is necessary for under- standing how,
for example, cancer arises.

5. In a short essay, discuss the process of mitosis based on the game and our discussion.

- Mitosis is the process by which a cell replicates its chromosomes and then segregates them,
producing two identical nuclei in preparation for cell division. The cell's contents are often evenly divided
into two daughter cells with identical genomes after mitosis.
6. Attached screenshot of the game when you reached GAP 1.

7. Attached screenshot of the game when you reached S phase.

8. Attached screenshot of the game when you reached GAP 2.

9. Attached screenshot of the game where it says “The End.”

Name: Shannen Nicole Andrea B. Asido
Section: STEM 11-YA-31


“The tissues of multicellular, complex animals are four primary types: epithelial, connective,
muscle, and nervous. Recall that tissues are groups of similar cells (cells carrying out related functions).
These tissues combine to form organs—like the skin or kidney—that have specific, specialized
functions within the body. Organs are organized into organ systems to perform functions; examples
include the circulatory system, which consists of the heart and blood vessels, and the digestive system,
consisting of several organs, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Organ systems
come together to create an entire organism” (Labxchange, 2020).

In this performance task section, students must understand how several cell types within the
same organism can have distinct appearances.


1. For station 2 of your performance task, click the link to access the short game.
2. Attached screenshot of the game before you start matching.
3. Read the description of each cell type to visualize the illustration corresponding to the cell’s
name tag. To match each cell type to the correct illustration, drag the name tag to the correct
image and click “submit answer” if you are sure of your answer. Try again if your answers are
incorrect until you correctly match all the cells’ names.
4. Attached screenshot once you match the cell types correctly and the game says “correct.”

1. Based on our discussion, what are the different animal tissues?

- Epithelial tissue made up of layers of tightly packed cells that line the surfaces of the body for
protection, secretion, and absorption.
- Muscle tissue made up of cells contain contractile filaments that move past each other and change the
size of the cell. There are three types of muscle tissue: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle.
- Nervous tissue made up of the nerve cells (neurons) that together form the nervous system, including
the brain and spinal cord.
- Connective tissue made up of many different types of cells that are all involved in structure and support
of the body.
2. Choose one of the animal tissues that we discussed. Discuss the chosen tissue and add actual
images of the tissue under the microscope. You can use the internet and google image for the
actual images of animal tissue (attached 1-2 images).

- Epithelial tissue or epithelium forms the outer covering of the skin and also lines the body cavity. It forms
the lining of respiratory, digestive, reproductive and excretory tracts. They perform various functions
such as absorption, protection, sensation and secretion. Epithelial tissue is formed from a tightly fitted
continuous layer of cells. One surface of the epithelial tissue is exposed to either the external
environment or the body fluid. The other surface is attached to tissue by a membrane, which consists
of fibres and polysaccharides secreted by epithelial cells. There is little intercellular material present
between cells. There are specialised junctions present between the cells of the epithelium that link
individual cells. The cells making up epithelia are often closely bound to one another through specialized
structures called tight junctions. They are also free from blood vessels and nerves and are supported
by a connective tissue called the basement membrane. They have polarity with a distinct basal domain
facing the basement membrane and the other apical surface facing the lumen of an organ or the external

1. Screenshot of the game, which shows that your matching is correct.

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