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My Reflection
As a student, I have been exposed to different grading systems used in schools. Grading is a
method of assessing a student's academic performance and is used to determine a student's progress and
achievement. However, grading systems can vary widely in their structure and criteria for evaluation,
which can have a significant impact on a student's academic experience.
In my own experience, I have encountered both positive and negative aspects of the grading
system. On the one hand, receiving good grades can be a source of motivation and validation for the hard
work put into studying. It can also be a useful tool for self-assessment and identifying areas that need
improvement. However, the pressure to maintain high grades can also lead to stress and anxiety,
especially if the grading system is perceived as unfair or arbitrary.
My reaction to the grading system is mixed. While I recognize its importance as a tool for
evaluating academic progress, I also believe that it can be limiting and narrow in its focus. Grading often
prioritizes memorization and test-taking skills over other important skills such as critical thinking and
creativity. It can also reinforce a fixed mindset in students, where they may view grades as a reflection of
their intelligence rather than a reflection of their effort and growth.
Going forward, I think it is important to approach the grading system with a more holistic
perspective. This can involve incorporating alternative forms of assessment such as portfolios and
project-based learning that allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of a student's skills and
knowledge. It can also involve rethinking the role of grades in the learning process and encouraging a
growth mindset that prioritizes effort and learning over a fixed outcome.

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