Studying and Learning During The Pandemic

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Studying and Learning

During The Pandemic

The pandemic has forced people to stay at home. This of course affects schools.
Even though students aren’t able to go to school, they will still be able to study
through the use of online classes. In my school, we use the app called ‘Google
Meet’. This app allows the students and teachers to communicate directly without
any physical interactions. We also use another app called ‘Google Classroom’ so
that every student has the same information on assignments, home works, tests,

With online classes, studying becomes far more flexible than usual. Rather than
being at school for most of our day, we can instead do our online classes and still
be able to do other activities. Online classes also have a shorter time period than
physical school. Even though online classes are much more comfortable, they are
much harder than physical school. Part of the reason is that limited interactions
times with teachers as compared to normal face to face school. Moreover, students
are given so many assignments to complete. It also doesn’t help that most of those
assignments are related to making projects. For example, essays, Power Points,
Mind Maps, videos, voice recordings, and so much more. These projects are very
time consuming and sometimes very frustrating.

In my opinion, studying during the pandemic is more comfortable since I get to do

other activities during school. I also like that most of the classes use ‘Google meet’
so that we can keep in touch with the teachers and our friends. Overall, online
classes are very flexible and fun.

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