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SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

In this module, you are going to explore and understand different concepts in the field of Chemistry. Chemistry
is the study of matter and the ways in which different forms of matter combine with each other. You study chemistry
because it helps you to understand the world around you. Everything you touch or taste or smell is a chemical, and
the interactions of these chemicals with each other define our universe.

Chemistry forms the fundamental basis for biology and medicine. From the structure of proteins and nucleic
acids to the design, synthesis and manufacture of drugs, chemistry allows you discover that a basic understanding of
chemistry is useful in a wide range of disciplines and career paths. You will also discover that an understanding of
chemistry helps you make informed decisions about many issues that affect you, your community, and your world. A
major goal of this module is to demonstrate the importance of chemistry in your daily life and in our collective
understanding of both the physical world we occupy and the biological realm of which we are a part.

At the end of each lesson in this module, you are to demonstrate an understanding of:
• properties of matter and its various forms,
• atomic structure;
• formulas and names of compounds;
• the mole concept in relation to Avogadro’s number and mass;
• the relationship of percent composition and chemical formula;
• the use of chemical reactions; the quantitative relationship of reactants and products in a chemical reaction;
• the mathematical relationship between pressure, volume and temperature of a gas, the partial pressures of
gases in a mixture,
• quantitative relationships of reactants and products in a gaseous reaction; and
• the behavior and properties of gases at the molecular level

At the end of each lessons in this module you are to design using multimedia, demonstrations, or models, a
representation or simulation of any of the following:
a. atomic structure;
b. gas behavior;
c. mass relationships; and reactions

➢ G.R.A.S.P.S.
You were a Chemist. You were invited to an online webinar to discuss any of the following:
a) atomic structure b.)gas behavior ,c.) mass relationship and d.) chemical reactions but before the webinar proper
the Chemistry Society would like to see and evaluate how your talk will run to ensure that webinar will flow smoothly.
With that, you were tasked to design using multimedia, demonstrations or models, a representation or simulation of
any of the mentioned topic. Your work will be evaluated through scientific accuracy, appropriateness of design,
and content presentation.
• The expected culminating output for the first grading period is a MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION

General Chemistry 1
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Lesson 1: Properties of Matter

Matter is something that occupies space and has its own mass. It is something that can be felt by us. Some
examples of matter are air, water, food, table, pen, gold, sand, fruits, plants, trees, bottle, plastic, stones, oil, fan,
chair etc. All these things occupy space and have their own masses. Both, living things and non-living things are
matter. The entire universe is composed of matter.In this lesson, you are going to know more about matter and its
properties. For you to be guided with the lesson, check on the competencies below and read the contents on this
lesson carefully.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

describe matter and its properties; and
distinguish properties of matter in terms of use

Before we proceed to the lesson proper, since it is the first day of the school year please be oriented in the
vision and mission of the school:
1.1. Vision
MVGFCI shall be among the leading educational institutions in Nueva Ecija that is known for its accredited
academic programs, high rating in nationally recognized examinations and high employment rate of its graduates.
1.2 . Mission
In the pursuit of its Vision, MVGFCI shall assure quality and relevance in its curriculum, instruction, research,
extension, and student services through continuous quality improvement
Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. Mass is a measure of an object's inertia.
It is proportional to weight: the more mass an object has, the more weight it has. However, mass is not the same as
weight. Weight is a force created by the action of gravity on a substance while mass is a measure of an object's
resistance to change in motion. Volume is a measure of the amount of space occupied by an object. Volume can be
measured directly with equipment designed using graduations marks or indirectly using length measurements
depending on the state (gas, liquid, or solid) of the material. Atom is the fundamental building block of matter
composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Element is a uniquely identifiable atom recognized by the number of
protons in the nucleus.

Properties of Matter
Properties of matter can be divided in two ways: extensive/intensive, or physical/chemical.

Physical properties can be measured without changing

the chemical's identity. The freezing point of a substance
Extensive properties depend on the amount of is physical. When water freezes, it's still H 2O.
matter that is being measured. These include mass
and volume. Chemical properties deal with how one chemical reacts
with another. We know that wood is flammable because
Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of it becomes heat, ash, and carbon dioxide when heated
matter. These include density and color. in the presence of oxygen.

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Hey, Gallegan! Below is a picture about matter, I want you to figure out the answer for the question and write it on the
provided box.

Source: 5
Date Accessed: June 27, 2020

Guide Question:
1. What is common among these examples? What are these? How do you
say so?

Good! You’re done with the picture analysis. Now, read the
concepts shown in the diagram below.

General Chemistry 1
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AhUD62EKHb7iBZQQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=657&dpr=1#imgrc=CFEv2HvBbnkzMM Date Accessed: June 29,


All properties of matter are either extensive or intensive and either physical or chemical.
Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter that is being
measured. Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of
matter. Both extensive and intensive properties are physical properties, which means they can
be measured without changing the substance’s chemical identity.

For example, the freezing point of a substance is a physical property: when wat
er freezes,
it’s still water (H2O)—it’s just in a different physical state.

A chemical property, meanwhile, is any of a material’s properties that becomes evident

during a chemical reaction; that is, any quality that can be established only by changing a
substance’s chemical identity. Chemical properties cannot be determined just by viewing or
touching the substance; the substance’s internal structure must be affected for its chemical
properties to be investigated.

Let us assess your learnings on this lesson by answering the guide questions below.

Question and Answer Written -Forum:

1. How do the school promote its vision and mission in the lesson discussed today?

2. How are materials similar and different from one another?

3. How can we distinguish the properties of matter?

4. How do the properties of materials relate to their use?

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Directions: Please visit the following links for video clip viewing and write your insights using the
space provided below:
Video Links:
a. Matter and Its Properties by:DUELL Chemistry
b. Chemical vs. Physical property:





Congratulations! You are done with the topic about

properties of matter

General Chemistry 1
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Lesson 2: Matter and Ways to Separate it through Properties

One important physical property is the state of matter. Three are common in everyday life: solid, liquid, and gas. The
fourth, plasma, is observed in special conditions such as the ones found in the sun and fluorescent lamps. Substances can
exist in any of the states. Water is a compound that can be liquid, solid (ice), or gas (steam).

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

• use properties of matter to identify substances and to
separate them

Gases, liquids and solids are all made up of atoms, molecules, and/or ions, but the behaviors of these particles
differ in the three phases. The following figure illustrates the microscopic differences.

Microscopic view of a gas. Microscopic view of a liquid. Microscopic view of a solid.

Remember that:

• Particles in a:
o gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. o liquid are close together with no
regular arrangement.
o solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.
• Particles in a:
o gas vibrate and move freely at high speeds.
o liquid vibrate, move about, and slide past each other.
o solid vibrate (jiggle) but generally do not move from place to place.
• The following table summarizes properties of gases, liquids, and solids and identifies the microscopic behavior
responsible for each property.

Some Characteristics of Gases, Liquids and Solids and the Microscopic

Explanation for the Behavior lots of free space between

little free space
gas liquid between particles
assumes the shape and assumes the shape of the particles
volume of its container part of the container which it particles Solid
can move past one occupies another particles can retains a fixed volume and shape
rigid - particles locked into place
past one another
compressible not easily compressible
not easily compressible little
free space between particles

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flows easily flows easily does not flow easily

particles can move past one particles can move/slide past one rigid - particles cannot move/slide
another another past one another

Classification of Matter

Matter can be classified into two categories: pure substances and mixtures. This classification is
based on the internal composition of that matter. Using composition to describe matter is better than
using its state, because the internal makeup makes matter unique, and not its phase or state.

As we discussed above, matter have different classifications. And with that, properties
varies and so as the ways on how it can be separated. Check on the different ways on how matter
can be separated.

Separating Mixtures
Below are some common separation methods:

Paper Chromatography
This method is often used in the food industry. It is used to identify chemicals (coloring
agents) in foods or inks. For example, if a scientist wants to know how many substances are in
a particular blob of ink, paper chromatography can be used.

This is a more common method of separating an insoluble solid from a liquid. An example of such a mixture is sand
and water. Filtration is used in water treatment plants, where water from rivers is filtered to remove solid particles
This is great for separating a mixture (solution) of a soluble solid and a solvent. The process involves
heating the solution until the solvent evaporates (turns into gas) leaving behind the solid residue. Simple

General Chemistry 1
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This method is best for separating a liquid from a solution. In a way, the concept is similar to evaporation, but
in this case, the vapor is collected by condensation. For example, if you want to separate water from a salt solution,
simple distillation would be great for this.

Fractional distillation
Similar to simple distillation, fractional distillation is best for separating a solution of two miscible liquids.
(Miscible liquids are liquids that dissolve in each other). The Fractional method takes advantage of the different
boiling points of the two liquids.
Magnetism is ideal for separating mixtures of two solids with one part having magnetic properties. Some
metals like iron, nickel and cobalt have magnetic properties whiles gold,

Separating funnel
In this technique, two liquids that do not dissolve very well in each other (immiscible
liquids) can be separated by taking advantage of their unequal density. A mixture of oil and
water, for example, can be separated by this technique.

Now, since you already know what ar e the ways of separating matter. It is now time for you
to do the following activity.


 Identification-Recognition Activity
Using the activity below, the students will identify the substances present and
ways to separate them using the properties they knew about matter.
Given What substance is it? Property used to Ways to
( Element, Identify Separate it
compound, mixture) ( Chemical or ( write your own
Physical) idea)

silver and aluminum do not. Magnetic elements are attracted to a magnet.

A separation process is a method that converts a mixture or solution of chemical substances into two or more distinct
product mixtures.At least one of results of the separation is enriched in one or more of the source mixture's constituents. In
some cases, a separation may fully divide the mixture into pure constituents. Separations exploit differences in chemical
properties or physical properties (such as size, shape, mass, density, or chemical affinity) between the constituents of a

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mixture. Processes are often classified according to the particular differences they use to achieve separation. If no single
difference can be used to accomplish the desired separation, multiple operations can often be combined to achieve the desired

General Chemistry 1
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With a few exceptions, elements or compounds exist in nature in an impure state. Often these raw materials must go
through a separation before they can be put to productive use, making separation techniques essential for the modern
industrial economy.
The purpose of separation may be analytical, can be used as a lie component in the original mixture without any
attempt to save the fractions, or maybe preparative, i.e. to "prepare" fractions or samples of the components that can be
saved. The separation can be done on a small scale, effectively a laboratory scale for analytical or preparative purposes, or
on a large scale, effectively an industrial scale for preparative purposes, or on some intermediate scale.
In this activity, you are to discuss various ways to separate mixtures and solutions using

Directions: Observe the pictures for each item Score:

and discuss ways on how it can be separated
using what you know about physical properties.
Write your answers on the space provided.


What is the way to separate the following…. Discuss here the ways on separating it….

( w
dissolve-saturated; date accessed July 10, 2020

( s-and-
compounds-PRM00343/; date accessed July 10,
what you know about physical properties of matter.

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test_fig1_268436260; date accessed July 10, 2020)
_em.htm; date accessed July 10, 2020

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Source: Inks
(; date
accessed July 10, 2020

Lesson 3: Chemical Formula of Common Compounds

A compound consists of two or more types of elements held together by covalent or ionic bonds.
Elements cannot be divided into smaller units without large amounts of energy. Compounds, on the other hand, can
have their bonds broken with practical amounts of energy, such as the heat from a fire. Since you already knew what
matter is and its properties, it is now your turn to learn concepts about chemical compounds.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
• describe a chemical formula;
• identify the different formula of common chemical substances; and
• recognize the formulas of common chemical substances


Before we discuss the lesson, try to answer the following pre-assessment. You may write your answers on the
spaces provided.
1. What is a formula?

2. How do we write a chemical formula?

3. How can we identify chemical substances?

4. How can we recognize the formula of a common chemical substance?

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If you’re done answering, you may now proceed to the reading of the contents about the lesson. Read carefully
and do not rush!
A chemical formula is a notation used by scientists to show the number and type of atoms present in a
molecule, using the atomic symbols and numerical subscripts. A chemical formula is a simple representation, in
writing, of a three dimensional molecule that exists. A chemical formula describes a substance, down to the exact
atoms which make it up.

There are three basic types of chemical formula, the empirical formula, the molecular formula, and the
structural formula. Each one of these chemical formula provide slightly different information about the makeup of a
substance, and clues to its three dimensional shape and how it will interact with other molecules, atoms and ions. In
a chemical formula, the letters represent the atomic symbol of each atom. The subscript (lower) represents the number
of each atom, while the superscript (higher) represents the charge on a given atom. A coefficient before a chemical
formula represents that many units of the molecule. Each of the different types of chemical formula is read a little
Add more ideas about the lesson, by copying the links on your smartphones and watch
the videos attentively!
Common Compounds and Chemical Formula


video, you may now go back to the -2021
pre-assessment activity and change your answers.

How to Write Chemical Formula

In order to write a chemical formula, it is important to know the symbol of the elements present in the
compound, formula of the radicals and the valency of the elements in that compound. Following points should be kept
in mind while writing a chemical formula.

o Most of the compounds are binary compounds i.e. they have two elements. Compounds with more
than two elements are also known.
o An atom with a positive charge is called a cation whereas an atom with the negative charge is called
an anion.
o For a compound containing a metal and a non-metal, the metal is named first followed by the non-
metal. For example: NaCl which consists of Na+ (metal ion) and Cl– (non-metal ion)
o Anions having -1 negative charge usually have a suffix as –ide. For example:
F– – Floride o Anions having oxy o anions (oxygen + another element) usually have a suffix as –
ate. For example –
SO42- (Sulphate) o When a polyatomic anion has H– ion, bi- or hydrogen is used as a suffix.
For example – HCO3–-Bicarbonate or hydrogen carbonate
o Some polyatomic anions can be named as:

Chemical Formula Polyatomic Anion

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NH2– Amide

PO43- Phosphate

CN– Cyanide

Check on the following examples, the answers had been done for you.
Problem 1: In one molecule of the compound, determine how many atoms of every element are present for each one
of these chemical formulas.

1. HCN – hydrogen cyanide –It’s a toxic gas

2. C18H21NO3 – codeine, a painkilling drug
3. Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 – Hydroxyapatite, that is present in the enamel of the tooth


1. One atom is present in each of the elements hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Remember
that the subscript 1 is understood when no subscript is mentioned.
2. This formula points out that in one molecule of the compound, 18 carbon atoms, 21 hydrogen atoms, one
nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms are existent.
3. There are ten calcium atoms. The amounts of phosphorous, hydrogen and oxygen are affected by the
subscripts outside the parentheses. There are six phosphorous atoms and two hydrogen atoms existent.
Oxygen atoms exist in two positions in the formula.
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There are overall 26 oxygen atoms: two from the OH subunit (2×1) and 24 from the PO 4 subunits (6×4)

Directions: Identify and write the chemical formula of the following compounds.

1. Nitrogen monoxide __________________________

2. Sliver Nitrate __________________________

3. Nitric Acid __________________________

Remember that a chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that constitute
a particular chemical compound, using a single line of chemical element symbols, numbers, and sometimes also other symbols,
such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, commas and plus (+) and minus (−) signs.

Hey Gallegan! You are done with the practice activity, it is now time to make an assessment with the lesson. Do the
activity below.

Directions: Read, understand and identify the name of Score:

the chemical compounds. Write legibly and neatly. Use
the space provided after each item.

1. Acetic acid = __________________________________________

2. Ascorbic acid =__________________________________________ 3. Butane
4. Glucose =__________________________________________ 5. Hydrochloric Acid
6. Water = _________________________________________
7. Carbon Dioxide =__________________________________________
8. Salt = _________________________________________
9. Table Sugar =_________________________________________
10. Nitrogen Dioxide =_________________________________________

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Watch the following video for additional information about the lesson
Video Link: Chemical Formula and Models

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Consumer products, also referred to as final goods, are products that are bought by individuals or households for personal
use. In other words, consumer products are goods that are bought for consumption by the average consumer. As you go on

n Express Yourself

Directions: Describe the picture below. Write your answer on the space provided.

Source: Outsource Consultants ( /;

date accessed August 7, 2020)


with this lesson, you are going to know more about the products that you used, may it be personal or commercial.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
describe consumer products; and
compare and contrast consumer products on the basis of their components for use
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For better understanding of consumer products, copy the links in your smartphones and
watch the videos attentively:
What are consumer products?:
Chemical in Food Products: What are the
consumer products?
Consumer products, or final goods, are products sold to consumers for their own use or enjoyment and not as
means for further economic production. These are products that are ready of use and utilization.
Read and analyse the pictures below and answer the questions that follows:

Products can be defined quite broadly. We will now focus on one special category of products: consumer
products. Consumer products are those types of products you have to do with most often: in private purchasing.
Examples of consumer products include television, clothing, furniture, airline services. These shopping products have
higher prices and distribute through fewer outlets. Marketers promote these products through personal selling and
different advertisement campaigns. Consumer products are defined as products that satisfy a consumer's wants or
Types of Consumer Products
Firstly, what specifically is a consumer product? A consumer product is a product bought by final consumers
for personal consumption. But not every consumer product is the same. There are four different types of consumer
products. Marketers usually classify consumer products into these 4 types of consumer products: 1.Convenience
products; 2.Shopping products; 3.Speciality products; and 4.Unsought products.

These 4 types of consumer products all have different characteristics and involve a different consumer
purchasing behaviour. Thus, the types of consumer products differ in the way consumers buy them and, for that
reason, in the way they should be marketed. Most of our consumer products are either regulated by Department of
Trade and Industry, Food and Drug Administration and Bureau of Food and Drugs to ensure safety for human

A fast moving consumer good is a product that is quickly consumed such that it is purchased on a regular
basis. For example, food, beverages, cosmetics, stationery and personal care products. All of these contains different
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chemicals and types of matter. Most of the consumer products that is high of demands were processed food and
cleaning materials.
If you ever look at the nutrition labels on processed foods — and you might be reading these labels all wrong
— you probably know there are tons of chemicals in most packages. You also probably glance over the alphabet soup
of additives without a second thought. But what happens when you take a closer look at what’s really in most of these
products? Are these foods really safe?
Some common chemicals found on food consumer products are listed below:
 Acrylamide - According to the Food and Drug Administration, acrylamide is a chemical that sometimes forms as a
result of high-temperature cooking processes, such as frying or roasting. In some animal studies, the chemical resulted
in a greater risk of cancer, though additional longterm studies are needed. Acrylamide comes from cooking of natural
sugars in foods and is not artificial — foods that most often form acrylamide during cooking include potatoes, grains,
and coffee. To avoid the chemical, stick to foods that are boiled or steamed.

 Ammonium Sulphate- This chemical is an inorganic salt most often used in the baking industry. Ammonium sulfate
is commonly used as a dough conditioner, surfactant, or dough strengthener; bread companies use the substance to
improve the volume and shelf life of their bread. According to one case study in the National Library of Medicine
Database, excessive consumption of the chemical may cause major short-term gastrointestinal distress.
 Benzene- is a carcinogenic chemical used in industrial production of some plastics and released into the air from
automobiles and burning coal and oil. Sometimes referred to as the “yoga mat compound,” benzene made its way into
some soft drinks and other mass-produced beverages that contain both benzoate salts and ascorbic acid or erythorbic
acid. High heat exposure causes formation of the chemical, revealed in 2005 when studies on soft drinks discovered
the carcinogen in many products. The FDA claims to be working closely with the beverage industry to eradicate the
chemical for good.

 Butylated hydroxyanisole, or BHA, is a food preservative you can find both in your favorite breakfast food and in
petroleum products. The National Institutes of Health claims that BHA “is reasonably anticipated to be a human
carcinogen;” however, the FDA approved the chemical for use in many food products, including active dry yeast,
various types of potato shreds, beverages and desserts prepared from dry mixes, shortening, and dry breakfast
cereals. The FDA claims that BHA is “generally recognized as safe for use in food,” so long as the food meets certain

 Calcium sulfate is an FDA-approved additive used as a stabilizer and to add firmness to processed foods. You can
find the chemical in all kinds of foods, ranging from dairy products such as cheese or condensed milk to grain-based
products like bread or pasta. Even some protein sources, such as tofu, sometimes are produced with calcium sulfate.
Luckily, the substance is generally regarded as safe for use in small amounts.

 Ethyl Carbanate ( Urethane)Ethyl carbamate, or urethane, is a naturally-occurring chemical component of fermented

substances. You’ll find it in beer, wine, and foods made with fermentation processes. This includes bread and even
some soy sauce. According to the World Health Organization, urethane is genotoxic and classified as a Group 2A

carcinogen. However, the same organization considers any ethyl carbamate found in foods to be of “low concern” —
though consuming the chemical in alcoholic beverages was considered more risky.
The following are the types of consumer products.

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Source:Blogspot (
products.html; date accessed August 10, 2020)
Remember that consumer products should be properly used with utmost care and safety to
avoid untoward incidents and problems. Expiration, chemical components and manufacturing
processes must be considered also. Functions and use is dependent of the nature and components
of the products. That is why, we need to be careful in using different consumer products.


Directions: Read, understand and answer the questions briefly but substantially. Use the space
provided for your answers.
1. What are consumer products?

2. What makes consumer products different from other products?

3. How do we know consumer products is different in terms of use compare to other product?

4. Is component and use a factor? Why? Why not?

5. Why do we need to know the difference among consumer products?

Part II. Directions: Compare and contrast the four types of consumer products using the Venn Diagram below.

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Since you already know the different properties of matter and examples of consumer products in the previous lessons. Now,
it is time for you to know how to separate matter using the properties you have learned and be able to understand simple
separation techniques for any use it can be applied.


Directions: Read, understand and answer the pre-activity below. Write honestly you answer inside of
the table.

What do you know about the topic? What do you want to know about the topic?

For better understanding of the lesson, copy on your smartphones the links that are
stated below for your video clip viewing and answer the guide questions that follows:
GSCE Chemistry-Fractional Distillation and Simple Distillation o

Guide Questions
1. What are the different separation techniques? Explain each technique.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

define separation techniques; and
describe various simple separation techniques such as distillation, chromatography

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2. Describe various simple separation techniques such as distillation, chromatography.

Most of the time the substances that we see around us are not in their pure form. They are basically a mixture
of two or more substances. Interestingly, mixtures tend to also come in different forms. Therefore, there are several
types of separation techniques that are used in segregating a mixture of substances. As for the need for separation, it
is usually done to remove all the unwanted materials and obtain useful components.

We can separate an analyte and an interferent if there is a significant difference in at least one of their chemical
or physical properties.

Separations Based on Size

Size is the simplest physical property we can exploit in a separation. To accomplish the separation we use a
porous medium through which only the analyte or the interferent can pass. Examples of size-based separations
include filtration, dialysis, and size-exclusion.

In a filtration we separate a particulate interferent from soluble analytes using a filter with a pore size that will
retain the interferent. The solution that passes through the filter is called the filtrate, and the material retained by the
filter is the retentate. Gravity filtration and suction filtration using filter paper are techniques with which you should
already be familiar. A membrane filter is the method of choice for particulates that are too small to be retained by filter

Separations Based on Mass or Density

If the analyte and the interferent have different masses or densities, then a separation using centrifugation
may be possible. The sample is placed in a centrifuge tube and spun at a high angular velocity, measured in revolutions
per minute (rpm). The sample’s constituents experience a centrifugal force that pulls them toward the bottom of the
centrifuge tube. Those species that experience the greatest centrifugal force have the fastest sedimentation rate and
are the first to reach the bottom of the centrifuge tube. If two species have the same density, their separation is based
on a difference in mass, with the heavier species having the greater sedimentation rate. If the species are of equal
mass, then the species with the larger density has the greatest sedimentation rate.Centrifugation is an important
separation technique in biochemistry.

Separations Based on a Physical Change of State

Because an analyte and its interferent are usually in the same phase, we can achieve a separation if one of
them undergoes a change in its physical state or its chemical state.When the analyte and the interferent are miscible
liquids, separation by distillation is possible if their boiling points are significantly different.

Separation Based on a Chemical Change of State

Recrystallization is another method for purifying a solid. A solvent is chosen in which the analyte’s solubility
is significant when the solvent is hot and minimal when the solvent is cold. The interferents must be less soluble in the
hot solvent than the analyte or present in much smaller amounts. After heating a portion of the solvent in an Erlenmeyer
flask, small amounts of sample are added until undissolved sample is visible. Additional hot solvent is added until the
sample redissolves, or until only insoluble impurities remain. This process of adding sample and solvent is repeated
until the entire sample is added to the Erlenmeyer flask.

Any insoluble impurities are removed by filtering the hot solution. The solution is allowed to cool slowly, which
promotes the growth of large, pure crystals, and then cooled in an ice bath to minimize solubility losses. The purified
sample is isolated by filtration and rinsed to remove any soluble impurities. Finally, the sample is dried to remove any
remaining traces of the solvent.
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Further purification, if necessary, is accomplished by additional recrystallizations.

Changes in Chemical State

Distillation, sublimation, and recrystallization use a change in physical state to effect a separation. Chemical
reactivity also is a useful tool for separating analytes and interferents. For example, we can separate SiO 2 from a
sample by reacting it with HF to form SiF4. Because SiF4 is volatile, it is easy to remove by evaporation. If we wish to
collect the reaction’s volatile product, then a distillation is possible. For example, we can isolate the NH+4NH4+ in a
sample by making the solution basic and converting it to NH3. The ammonia is then removed by distillation.

Separation techniques are used to separate mixtures into its constituent elements
and/or compounds. Recall that a mixture is contains elements and/or compounds which are not
chemically combined together.

By separating the constituents of the mixtures, we are able to find out the properties of
the known/unknown substances from mixtures and possibly use them for the production of usef ul
substances such as medicines. Depending on the physical and chemical properties of the
substances in the mixture, we can choose the most appropriate separation technique to isolate
them from the mixture.

Simple Distillation: To separate and collect so lvent from a solution of solutes, or in a

mixture of two different liquids (with different boiling points), with the use of heat.

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The logic behind how simple distillation works is actually the same as that of evaporation. The only difference
is that a closed neck container (distillation flask) is used to hold the mixture to be heated, with a opening/tube by the
side (of the container) connected to a condenser. The setup for simple distillation should look something like this:

As the sea water mixture is heated, water boil and changes into water vapour gas. Since
hot air rises and cold air sinks, the hot water vapour moves to the top of the flask and passes
into the condenser.The tubes on the condenser are attached to a water so urce, with the water
flowing in through the lower end and flowing out through the higher end of the condenser. This
creates a cooler surface for the hot water vapour to condense on. As the condenser is tilted
downwards, towards the collecting container at the end of the setup, the condensed water flows
and drips into the collecting container.

Fractional Distillation: Used to separate miscible liquids with different but very close
boiling point. This method is more efficient than simple distillation.A fracti onating column is
introduced between the distillation flask and the condenser. The upper portion of the column,
which is closer to the condenser, is cooler than the lower portion and hence, only gases with the
same temperature as the upper portion are allo wed to pass on to the condenser. On the other
hand, the gases with higher boiling points will condense and flow back to the bottom into the
distillation flask, and is heated into a gas again. At the end, liquid with the lowest boiling point
will be the first to boil and hence the first to be distilled out and collected.

Page 26 of 86

Paper Chromatography: Used to separate

a mixture of solutes (or liquid) with different
solubility and degree of adsorption.

This method uses a porous or absorbant

medium (e.g. paper or jel) and a solvent which can
move over the material. This method is commonly
used for separating a mixture of dyes in ink or
different types of sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose,
sucrose). In partic ular, to carry out paper
chromatography, get a rectangular piece of filter
paper and draw a pencil line 2 cm away from the
bottle edge of the paper. Note that pen cannot be
used to draw the line here as its ink mixture will be
resolved and there will be no reference line le ft at
the end of the experiment.

Place a drop of sample ink or mixture on the line. Let the sample dry before placing more sample
on the same spot. Place the other known components (e.g. red, blue and green dye if we are separation
an ink sample) on the line, with a distance away from the first ink sample, for comparison.

Place the chromatography paper on a suitable solvent (e.g. ethanol). The solvent will “run” up
the chromatography paper after some time.

As the solvent travels up the paper, the dyes are dissolved in the solvent. Since some dyes are more soluble, they
travel up the paper faster than the rest. The less soluble dyes are absorbed more strongly on the paper near the pencil line.
This means that identical dyes will travel the same distance along the length of the paper. When the solvent reaches near the
top of the paper, remove the paper and mark the location where the solvent stops running. By comparing the ink sample with
the colour dyes, we know the composition of the ink sample. For this case, we can conclude that the ink sample contain red,
blue and green dyes

Page 27 of 86

Assessment Time !
Directions: Describe the separation technique shown in the picture.

Page 28 of 86

Lesson 5: Isotopes

Each element on the periodic table consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and electrons are charged
particles, but neutrons have no charge. The charge of a proton and electron are equal in magnitude, but have opposite signs.
We say that protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. Together, protons, neutrons, and electrons
make up the mass of the element, which is also called an atom. These subatomic particles are very small, and cannot be seen
with the human eye. However, their masses have been measured.
Mass of electron = 0.00054858 amu = 9.10940*10-31 kg
Mass of neutron = 1.008665 amu = 1.67495*10-27 kg
Mass of proton = 1.007277 amu = 1.6726*10-27 kg
Amu stands for atomic mass unit. Obviously, the mass of a proton and neutron are very similar, while the mass of
an electron is much less than the other two particles. If you know the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an element,
it is a simple matter to calculate the mass of that element. This brings us to two common terms used in chemistry, atomic
number and mass number. The atomic number is the number of protons in an element. The atomic number is what is used
to identify the element. The mass number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. As you go on this lesson,
you are going to understand another type of matter in isotope form.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

describe isotopes and its uses; and

recognize common isotopes and their uses


Directions: Ponder on the question below and answer it based on how you understand it. Use the space provided for
your answer.

Guide Question: How can isotopes be beneficial?

For better view of the lesson, copy on your smartphones the link below and do video clip viewing then answer
the given questions below.
Isotopes :
Uses of Radioisotopes:

Guide Questions for the video clip viewing:

1. What are isotopes?

2. What are the uses of isotopes?

3. How important are isotopes?

Page 29 of 86

An isotope is a variant form of a chemical element, containing a different number of neutrons in its nucleus.
Most elements exist as several isotopes. Many are stable, others are radioactive, and some may only exist fleetingly before
decaying into other elements. Isotope, one of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic
number and position in the periodic table and nearly identical chemical behaviour but with different atomic masses and
physical properties. Every chemical element has one or more isotopes What are examples of isotopes?
• Carbon-14. A naturally occurring radioactive isotope of carbon having six protons and eight neutrons in the
nucleus. ...
• Iodine-131. It is an isotope because it contains a different number of neutrons from the element iodine
How can we identify the isotopes?
Isotopes are alternative “versions” of elements that have a different atomic mass but the same atomic number.
The atomic number of an element is determined by the number of protons present on its atom, while the atomic
mass is calculated based on the present neutrons. Isotopes of the same element have different amounts of
neutrons, as compared to protons. There two main types of isotopes: radioactive and stable. Both types are
used widely in several industries and fields of study.

How do you figure out isotopes?

The mass number of an isotope represents the mass of the isotope's protons and neutrons. Calculate the
number of neutrons in an isotope, by subtracting the atomic number from the mass number. For example, carbon-
12 has six neutrons, since the atomic number of carbon is six

Uses of Isotopes

Stable isotopes of oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon are used in environmental and ecological
experiments. One scientific procedure using a stable isotope is geochemistry; it is a field of geology that studies the
chemical composition of geologic materials, such as minerals and rocks. By using stable isotopes, geochemists can
determine the age of the geologic material they are studying.

Radioactive isotopes have an unstable proton-neutron combination. These isotopes decay, often emitting
certain types of radiation that include alpha, beta and gamma rays. There are also several types of radioactive isotopes
depending on the creation process: long-lived, cosmogenic, anthropogenic and radiogenic. Long-lived radioactive
isotopes emerged during the creation of the solar system, while cosmogenic radioactive isotopes occur as a reaction
of the atmosphere to cosmic rays emitted by stars. Radioactive isotopes find uses in agriculture, food industry, pest
control, archeology and medicine. Radiocarbon dating, which measures the age of carbon-bearing items, uses a
radioactive isotope known as carbon-14. In medicine, gamma rays emitted by radioactive elements are used to detect
tumors inside the human body.

Anthropogenic isotopes are purely man-made and created through nuclear activities, such as weapons
testing and nuclear fuel, while radiogenic isotopes are the end result of radioactive decay

Different chemical forms of isotopes are used for brain, bone, liver, spleen and kidney imaging and also
for blood flow studies. Used to locate leaks in industrial pipe lines and in oil well studies. Used in nuclear medicine for
nuclear cardiology and tumor detection. Used to study bone formation and metabolism.

Chromium-58 Chromium-63

Page 30 of 86

# of protons Example:
24 24
# of neutrons

34 39
# of electrons
As you can see in the table, the only difference of isotopes to a
24 24 common element is in the number of neutrons and the total
atomic mass.

Page 31 of 86

Uses of Some Isotopes

Among types of isotopes, the radioisotopes are the most beneficial but hazardous if not properly used.
Radioactive isotopes have a variety of applications. Generally, however, they are useful either because we can detect
their radioactivity or we can use the energy they release. Radioactive isotopes are effective tracers because their
radioactivity is easy to detect. A tracer is a substance that can be used to follow the pathway of that substance through
some structure. For instance, leaks in underground water pipes can be discovered by running some tritiumcontaining
water through the pipes and then using a Geiger counter to locate any radioactive tritium subsequently present in the
ground around the pipes. (Recall that tritium, 3H, is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.)

Here are some list of radioactive isotopes and their uses.

• Carbon-14 (half-life is 5,370 y) is particularly useful in determining the age of onceliving artifacts (e.g.,
animal or plant matter).
• Cobalt-60 or cesium-137. This kills a lot of the bacteria that cause spoilage, so the product can stay
fresh longer.
• Iodine-131 to test for thyroid activity and can also help destroy the tumor cells.
• Cobalt-60 is a useful isotope for this operational procedures in tissue destruction.
• Technetium for brain, thyroid, liver, bone marrow, lung, heart, and intestinal scanning; blood volume
• Two radioactive isotopes of sodium—sodium-22 and sodium-24—are used in medicine and other
applications. They can be used as tracers to follow sodium in a person's body. A tracer is a radioactive
isotope whose presence in a system can easily be detected. The isotope is injected into the system
at some point.
• Krypton Isotopes are used in various medical and scientific applications. Kr-82 is used for the
production of Rb-81/Kr-81m generators. Many of the stable isotopes of Krypton are used in the study
of the pulmonary system. Kr-78 can be used for the production of Br-75 although production of Br-75
via Se-76 is more common. Kr-86 has been used to define the standard measure of length: 1 meter
is exactly 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of this isotope.

Assessment Time Score:_____

Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Write the answer LEGIBLY and NEATLY.
1. What do you call the atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers?_____
2. What are the two elements with known isotopes?___________________________________
3. What are the three isotopes of hydrogen?_________________________________________ 4. What are the uses of
the isotopes of oxygen?______________________________________
5. Krypton-85 was an isotope that is used for what purpose?____________________________
6. Iodine-123 is used for what purpose?____________________________________________
7. Cobalt-60 an isotope that is used for what purpose?________________________________
8. Sodium-24 is used in what tracing?_____________________________________________
9. Cesium 137 is used in what kind of therapeutic treatment?___________________________
10. Carbon-14 is used in what?___________________________________________________ Lesson 6: Chemical

At this point, you already learned properties of matter, separation techniques and isotopes Now it is time to
discuss the topic that is part of your performance tasks. This lesson is a scaffold lesson for you to create your chemical
representations of a certain element.Chemical representations refer to various types of formulas, structures, and
symbols used to represent chemical processes and conceptual entities (e.g., molecules and atoms).
Page 32 of 86

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

enumerate compounds and its chemical formula; and
represents compounds using chemical formulas, structural formulas and models;


Directions: Ponder on the question below and answer it based on how you understand it. Use
the space provided for your answer.
Guide Question:
1. How can we represent compounds?
_________________________ __________________________________________

For better view of the lesson, copy on your smartphones the link below and do video clip
viewing then answer the given questions below
Chemical Formula and Models U

Guide Questions for the video clip viewing:

1. What is a chemical formula?

2. How are models useful in chemical representations?

What do you know about this topic?.

What do you want to asked about this topic? Specify your question.

___________________________________________________ A chemical formula is a format used to express the

structure of atoms. The formula tells which elements and how many of each element are present in a compound. Formulas
are written using the elemental symbol of each atom and a subscript to denote the number of elements. This notation can be
accredited to Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius.
The most common elements present in organic compounds are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
With carbon and hydrogen present, other elements, such as phosphorous, sulfur, silicon, and the halogens, may exist
in organic compounds. Compounds that do not pertain to this rule are called inorganic compounds.

Page 33 of 86

a. Chemical Formula

b. Structural Formula

c. Model Representations

Chemical compound , any substance composed of identical molecules consisting of

atoms of two or more chemical elements. In a chemical formula, the elements in a compound
are represented by their chemical symbols, and the ratio of different elements is represented by
subscripts. The subscript 2 after the H shows that there are two atoms of hydrogen in the

You can generalized from the concept above that there are three main representations of
chemical formula. The chemical formula is used a quick way to show the composition of
compounds. Letters, numbers, and symbols are used to represent elements and the number
of elements in each compound. Mixtures are two or more substances that are mixed together but not chemically
joined. We can see that chemicals on the products that we are using in everyday life is on chemical formula.
Chemical formulas are used to describe the types of atoms and their numbers in an element or compound.
The atoms of each element are represented by one or two different letters. When more than one atom of a specific
element is found in a molecule, a subscript is used to indicate this in the chemical formula. Other representations are
made for specific view of the elements in relation to its properties and type

Wrap-Up Forum

Directions: Read, understand and answer the following wrap-up questions.

Page 34 of 86

Page 35 of 86

1. What are the concepts you still want to clarify on this lesson?

Assessment Time! Score:

Directions: Write the corresponding representations for each of the following compounds. (3 pts. each item)

Page 36 of 86

Compounds Molecular Formula Structural Formula Model Formula

1. Barium Oxide

2. Zinc Oxide

3. Carbon

Page 37 of 86

Page 38 of 86

Lesson 7: Chemical Nomenclature

A chemical nomenclature is a set of rules to generate systematic names for chemical compounds. The
nomenclature used most frequently worldwide is the one created and developed by the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). In order for you to fully recognize ways on how to do chemical naming, check on the following
targets below:

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

name compounds given in their formula; and
write formula name given the name of the compound


Directions: Read the question below and answer it using prior knowledge.

Guide Question:
1. How do we name the compound? Explain.

For better understanding of the lesson, copy the link below and watch the video then
answer the follow up questions after.

Writing Chemical Formulas : E

Guide Questions for the Video Viewing:

1. What are the steps in writing a chemical formula?

2. What are the factors to consider in naming the compounds?

3. How should we write a chemical formula?

4. Explain how writing of the formula important in dealing with compounds.

Page 39 of 86

Naming Simple Binary Compounds

Binary compounds contain two and only two chemical elements. The name of a compound is derived from
the names of its elements and some general agreements among chemists. This gives us the following procedures:
1. The name of an inorganic compound is made up of the names of the elements of which it is composed.
2. The elements are always named in the order most metallic to least metallic.
3. The name of the second element in a binary compound is modified to end in -ide. The ending - IDE replaces the
previous ending of the element name and is not simply added to it; it would therefore be incorrect to write "sodium

Naming Molecules of Simple Binary Compounds

Naming compounds is fairly easy. Every elements symbol starts with a capital and sometimes has a second
lower-case letter after it. Look at the molecule and divide it up into the positive and negative elements. Name the
positive element first, followed by the negative element.
Example: NaCl is made up of Na and Cl. Na is sodium, Cl is chlorine but in a compound it is modified to
chloride. So the name is Sodium chloride.

Example: SrI2 is made up of Sr and I. (The number of I is not important for naming purposes, at least
not yet). Sr is strontium and I is iodine which is modified to be iodide. So the name is strontium iodide.

The steps of knowing the chemical nomenclature is beneficial in the reverse process and these are:
1. Identify the elements with their symbols. Write the positive element first followed by the second element.
2. Look on the periodic table and find the valences of the elements and write them in above and to the right
of the symbols as superscripts.
3. Cross multiply the valences and place the numbers as subscripts below and to the right of the symbol.
4. Stop and check that the total positive charges and total negative charges balance out to zero (0).
5. If the numbers generated are divisible by a common denominator then divide them to get the lowest possible
6. Erase the superscripts and any ones (1) because a "1" is always assumed.
Example: What is the formula for calcium chloride? Get the symbols:
Ca Cl

Get the valences: Ca+2 Cl-1

Cross multiply: Ca+21 Cl-12

Stop and check: (1 X +2) + (2 X -1) = +2 -2 = 0 Okay!

Erase the superscripts: CaCl2

The formula of calcium chloride is CaCl2

Page 40 of 86

Example: What is the formula for Sodium nitride? Get the symbols:
Na N

Get the valences: Na+1 N-3

Cross multiply: Na+13 N-31

Stop and check: ( 3 X +1) + ( 1 X -3 ) = +3 -3 = 0 Okay!

Erase the superscripts: Na3N

The formula of sodium nitride is Na3N Common Chemical Nomenclature

Some compounds have been known for so long that a systematic nomenclature cannot compete with
well-established common names. Examples of compounds for which common names are used include water
(H2O), ammonia (NH3), and methane (CH4).

Naming Ionic Compounds

(Metals with Non-metals)

The names of ionic compounds are written by listing the name of the positive ion followed by the name of the
negative ion.

NaCl sodium chloride (NH4)2SO4 ammonium

NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate
We therefore need a series of rules that allow us to unambiguously name positive and negative ions before
we can name the salts these ions form.

Naming Positive Ions

Monatomic positive ions have the name of the element from which they are formed.

Na+ sodium Zn2+ zinc

Ca2+ calcium H+ hydrogen
K+ potassium Sr strontium

Some metals form positive ions in more than one oxidation state. One of the earliest methods of
distinguishing between these ions used the suffixes -ous and -ic added to the Latin name of the element to
represent the lower and higher oxidation states, respectively.

Fe2+ ferrous Fe3+ ferric

Sn2+ stannous Sn4+ stannic
Cu+ cuprous Cu2+ cupric
Chemists now use a simpler method, in which the charge on the ion is indicated by a Roman numeral in
parentheses immediately after the name of the element.

Fe2+ iron(II) Fe3+ iron (III)

Sn2+ tin(II) Sn4+ tin(IV)
Cu+ copper(I) Cu2+ copper(II)
Polyatomic positive ions often have common names ending with the suffix -onium.
Page 41 of 86

H3O+ hydronium
NH4+ ammonium

Naming Negative Ions

Negative ions that consist of a single atom are named by adding the suffix -ide to the stem of the name of
the element.

ClO4- ion is therefore the perchlorate ion.

There are only a handful of exceptions to these generalizations. The names of the hydroxide (OH -), cyanide
(CN-), and peroxide (O22-) ions, for example, have the -ide ending because they were once thought to be
monatomic ions.

Naming Simple Covalent Compounds

( Non-metals with non-metals )
Page 42 of 86

Oxidation states also play an important role in naming simple covalent compounds. The name of the
atom in the positive oxidation state is listed first. The suffix -ide is then added to the stem of the name of the
atom in the negative oxidation state. HCl hydrogen chloride
NO nitrogen oxide
BrCl bromine chloride

As a rule, chemists write formulas in which the element in the positive oxidation
state is written first, followed by the element(s) with negative oxidation numbers.

The number of atoms of an element in simple covalent compounds is indicated by

adding one of the following Greek prefixes to the name of the element.

1 mono- 6 hexa-
2 di- 7 hepta-
3 tri- 8 octa-
4 tetra- 9 nona-
5 penta- 10 deca-

The prefix mono- is seldom used because it is redundant. The principal exception to this
rule is carbon monoxide (CO).


Directions: Read and answer the following assessment neatly and legibly.
Part1: Identify the chemical formula of the following compounds.
_____________1. Silver nitrate
_____________2. Manganous sulphate
_____________3. Ammonium oxalate
_____________4. Sodium hydroxide
_____________5. Magnesium nitride
Part 2: Recognize the name of the compound based on its chemical formula.
_____________6. C6H12O6
_____________7. Li3N
_____________8. Na2O2
___________________ 9. MgO
_____________10. CaH2

Lesson 8: Empirical Formula

Chemicals can be represented in many ways. It can be in models and chemical formula. At this point you
are already familiar with the previous representations, so it is time now for you to know more about other

Page 43 of 86

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

describe and discuss empirical formula and percent composition ; and
calculate the empirical formula from the percent composition of a compound


Directions: Read the question below and answer it using prior knowledge. Use the space
provided for your answers.

Guide Question:
• How can we calculate empirical formula from the composition of the compound?

For better understanding of our lesson, copy on your smartphones the link below
and watch it attentively! After the video clip viewing answer the chart that follows:

How to Calculate Empirical Formula U

What I understand on the Lesson through What I want to know about the lesson
Module Reading that I don’t understand during the video
clip viewing

Empirical measurements are based on a measurable (empirical) quantity like mass. Knowing the mass of
each element in a compound we can determine its formula. There are two types of formulas, empirical and molecular.

Empirical Formula: Lowest whole number ratio of the elements in a compound

Molecular Formula: Actual whole number ratio of the elements in a compound.

Page 44 of 86

The Empirical formula is the lowest whole number ratio of the elements in a compound. We discovered that
benzene and acetylene have the same mass percent composition, and thus it is logical that they have the same ratio
of elements to each other, that is, they have the same empirical formula.

The empirical formula shows the kind and proportions of atoms in a substance in its simplest form. The
chemical formula, on the other hand, is the shorthand way of writing a substance by using chemical symbols and
number subscripts with the exact numbers of atoms.

Determining the Percent Composition of Compounds

First, let's practice finding the percent composition of compounds. To find the percent composition, you need
the formula, from which you find the molar mass (from which you find the mass percentage) of each

1. Write the formula.

2. Use the formula to determine molar mass.
3. Use the molar mass to determine the mass percentage of each element.

If you have a compound that has the formula C2H5OH, first determine the mass of each element.

• mass of C = (2 moles C / 1) * (12 g C / 1 mole) = 24 g C

• mass of H = (6 moles H / 1) * (1 g H / 1 mole) = 6 g H

When you are counting the number of hydrogens, don't forget to count the one at the end of the formula!

• mass of O = (1 mole O / 1) * (16 g O / 1 mole) = 16 g O o Total mass = 24 g + 6 g + 16 g = 46 g

Next, determine the percent of each element in the total compound.

• C = (24 / 46) * 100% = 52%

• H = (6 / 46) * 100% = 13%
• O = (16 / 46) * 100% = 35%

Determining the Empirical Formula

Now, let's practice determining the empirical formula of a compound. To do this, you need the percent
composition (which you use to determine the mass composition), then the composition in moles and finally,
the smallest whole number mole ratio of atoms.

1. Find the percent composition.

2. Use the percent composition to determine the mass composition.
3. Use the mass composition to determine the composition in moles.
4. Use the composition in moles to find the smallest whole number ratio of atoms.

For this example, our compound has 72% Cl, 24% C and 4% H. First, determine the mass of each of the
elements in 100 g of the substance.

• 72 g Cl
• 24 g C
• 4gH
Next, determine how many moles there are of each element in 100 g of the substance by using the molar
mass of each element.

• (72 g Cl / 1) * (1 mole Cl / 35.5 g Cl) = 2 moles

• (24 g C / 1) * (1 mole C / 12 g C) = 2 moles
• (4 g H / 1) * (1 mole H / 1 g H) = 4 moles

Page 45 of 86

Divide each one by the smallest number of moles.

• Cl = 2 / 2 = 1
• C=2/2=1
• H=4/2=2

So, the empirical formula is CH2Cl.

Now, let's put it all together. So, pretend you have made something in the lab. You know
you reacted 0.35 g of a compound containing carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen with some oxygen,
and you made 0.50 g of carbon dioxide and 0.50 g of water. You want to know how many of
each atom is in the compound that you started with. In other words, you want to know the
empirical formula. Using the space below and write legibly your answers.


Directions: Read the question below, understand it carefully and answer it briefly but
Guide Question: How can we calculate empirical formula from percent composition?



Directions: Read, understand and solve for the empirical formula of the following compounds.
1. Determine the empirical formulas for compounds with the following percent compositions:
(a) 15.8% carbon and 84.2% sulphur

Page 46 of 86

(b) 40.0% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen

Lesson 9: Molecular Formula

As you go along this lesson, you can be more familiar with the different empirical measurements. The previous lesson includes
empirical formula and now it is time for you to know more about molecular formula.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

describe and discuss molecular formula and molar mass; and
calculate molecular formula given molar mass.

Before proceeding to the lesson proper, copy the link below and paste it on the search engines of your
smartphone and watch it attentively! After watching, fill in the chart provided below.
Page 47 of 86

• How to Calculate Empirical Formula


What I understand on the Lesson through Module Reading What I

want to
about the
that I
d during
the offline

Page 48 of 86

How do you find the molecular formula?

Divide the molar mass of the compound by the empirical formula molar mass. The result should be a whole
number or very close to a whole number. Multiply all the subscripts in the empirical formula by the whole number
found in step 2. The result is the molecular formula.

What are the examples of molecular formula?

For example, the molecular formula of butene, C4H8, shows that each freely existing molecule of butene
contains four atoms of carbon and eight atoms of hydrogen. Its empirical formula is CH2. One molecule of
ethylene (molecular formula C2H4) contains two atoms of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen
a. Is chemical formula the same with molecular formula?
A molecular formula is not a chemical name, and it contains no words. Although a molecular formula
may imply certain simple chemical structures, it is not the same as a full chemical structural formula.

b. Molar Mass- The molar mass is the mass of a given chemical element or chemical compound (g) divided by
the amount of substance (mol).
The molar mass of a compound can be calculated by adding the standard atomic masses (in g/mol) of the
constituent atoms

Page 49 of 86

Molecular Formulas

Molecular formulas give the kind and number of atoms of each element present in the molecular compound.
In many cases, the molecular formula is the same as the empirical formula. The chemical formula will always be some
integer multiple (nn) of the empirical formula (i.e.
integer multiples of the subscripts of the empirical formula).

Molecular Formula=n(Empirical formula ) therefore, n=________Molecular

Empirical Formula

The integer multiple, n can also be obtained by dividing the molar mass, MMMM, of the compound by the
empirical formula mass, EFMEFM (the molar mass represented by the empirical formula).

EFM(empiricalformulamolarmass) Giving of examples:
Molecular Formula: The actual formula for a molecule. Problem:

A compound is 75.46% carbon, 4.43% hydrogen, and 20.10% oxygen by mass. It has a molecular weight of
318.31 g/mol. What is the molecular formula for this compound?

1. Find the empirical formula.
o Get the mass of each element by assuming a certain overall mass for the sample (100 g is a good mass to
assume when working with percentages).

(.7546) (100 g) = 75.46 g C

(.0443) (100 g) = 4.43 g H
(.2010) (100 g) = 20.10 g O o Convert the mass of each
element to moles.

(75.46 g C) (1 mol/ 12.00 g C) = 6.289 mol C

(4.43 g H) (1 mol/ 1.008 g H) = 4.39 mol H
(20.10 g O) (1 mol/ 16.00 g O) = 1.256 mol O o Find the
ratio of the moles of each element.

(1.256 mol O)/ (1.256) = 1 mol O

(6.289 mol C)/ (1.256) = 5.007 mol C
(4.39 mol H)/ (1.256) = 3.50 mol H o Use the mole ratio to
write the empirical fomula.

Multiplying the mole ratios by two to get whole number, the empirical formula becomes:
2. Find the mass of the empirical unit.

10(12.00) + 7(1.008) + 2(16.00) = 159.06 g/mol

3. Figure out how many empirical units are in a molecular unit.

(318.31 g/mol) / (159.06 g/mol) = 2.001 empirical units per molecular unit
4. Write the molecular formula.

Page 50 of 86

Since there are two empirical units in a molecular unit, the molecular formula is: C 20H14O4

Directions: Read, understand and solve the problem below.

The empirical formula of a compound of boron and hydrogen is BH3 . Its molar mass is
27.7g/mol. Determine the mole cular formula of the compound.


Since you already know the concept on molecular formula , it now time to answer the
review question below and do the assessment activity that follows.
Guide Question: How can we calculate molecular formula?




Directions: Read, understand and solve for the molecular formula of the following compounds.
1. An unknown compound is found to contain 40.0% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen with a molecular
mass of 60.0 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of the unknown compound

Page 51 of 86

2. A hydrocarbon is a compound comprised of carbon and hydrogen atoms. An unknown hydrocarbon is found to
contain 85.7% carbon and an atomic mass of

3. A piece of iron ore is found to contain a compound containing 72.3% iron and 2
oxygen with a molecular mass of 231.4 g/mol. What is the molecular formula o

4. A compound containing 40.0% carbon, 5.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen has
atomic mass of 175 g/mol. What is the molecular formula?

5. A compound contains 87.4% nitrogen and 12.6% hydrogen. If the molecular ma

the compound is 32.05 g/mol, what is the molecular formula?

84.0 g/mol. What is its molecular formula?

Lesson 10: Chemical Reactions

Have you ever wonder how chemical products functions? That is because of the
certain chemical reactions that occurs in its microscopic level. As you go along this lesson, you can be more familiar of the
different reactions and how to balance chemical reactions.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

describe and discuss a chemical reaction;
identify how to write a balanced reactions; and

✓ write and balanced chemical reactions

Page 52 of 86

Chemical reactions occur when chemical bonds between atoms are formed or broken. The substances that
go into a chemical reaction are called the reactants, and the substances produced at the end of the reaction are known as the
products. An arrow is drawn between the reactants and products to indicate the direction of the chemical reaction, though a

Source: ( ; August 24, 2020)

What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is the change of a substance into a new one that has a different
chemical identity.

How can we tell if a chemical reaction is occurring?

A chemical reaction is usually accompanied by easily observed physical effects, such as

the emission of heat and light, the formation of a precipitate, the evolution of gas, or a color
change. Absolute confirmation of a chemical change can only be validated by chemical analysis
of the products!

Types of Chemical Reactions

reaction is not always a "one-way street," as we'll explore further in the next section.

During a chemical reaction, the substances that react are known as reactants whereas the substances that
are formed during a chemical reaction are known as products. Six common types of chemical reactions are discussed

Types of Chemical Explanation General Reaction


Page 53 of 86

Combination reaction Two or more compounds combine to A + B → AB

form one compound.

Decomposition reaction The opposite of a combination AB → A + B

reaction – a complex molecule
breaks down to make simpler ones.

Precipitation reaction Two solutions of soluble salts are A + Soluble salt B →

mixed resulting in an insoluble solid Precipitate + soluble salt C
(precipitate) forming.

Neutralization reaction An acid and a base react with each Acid + Base → Salt + Water
other. Generally, the product of this
reaction is a salt and water.

Combustion reaction Oxygen combines with a compound A + O2 → H2O + CO2

to form carbon dioxide and water.
These reactions are exothermic,
meaning they give off heat.

Displacement reaction One element takes place with A + BC → AC + B

another element in the compound.

Equations must be balanced to reflect the law of conservation of matter, which states that no atoms are
created or destroyed over the course of a normal chemical reaction.
Reversibility and equilibrium
Some chemical reactions simply run in one direction until the reactants are used up. These reactions are said
to be irreversible. Other reactions, however, are classified as reversible. Reversible reactions can go in both the
forward and backward directions.

Page 54 of 86

In a reversible reaction, reactants turn into products, but products also turn back into reactants. In fact, both
the forward reaction and its opposite will take place at the same time. This back and forth continues until a certain
relative balance between reactants and products is reached—a state called equilibrium. At equilibrium, the forward
and backward reactions are still happening, but the relative concentrations of products and reactants no longer change.
Each reaction has its own characteristic equilibrium point, which we can describe with a number called the
equilibrium constant. To learn where the equilibrium constant comes from and how to calculate it for a specific
reaction, check out the equilibrium topic.

The chemical equation needs to be balanced so that it follows the law of conservation of mass. A balanced
chemical equation occurs when the number of the different atoms of elements in the reactants side is equal to that of
the products side. Balancing chemical equations is a process of trial and error.

Watch the video link below to deepen your understanding on the lesson.

Write and balance chemical reactions:

Writing and Balancing Chemical reactions:

Check on my instructions below so you will know what to do as you watch the video clip:

Page 55 of 86

chemical reactions.
2. Understand the concepts and accomplish the chart provided.

What I understand about Chemical What I want to ask about chemical

Reaction and Balancing…. reactions and balancing….
Key Points: Key Questions:


1. Read the lesson about chemical reaction, balanced reactions and how to balance a

Directions: Read, understand and answer the questions below. Use the space provided for your answers.

1. What are the things you do not understand about the lesson you’ve read?

2. What is a chemical equation and chemical reaction?

3. How do you balance chemical reactions?

Page 56 of 86

4. How do we balance a chemical reaction? What will happen if we failed to do so?


To balance a chemical equation, start by writing down the number of atoms in each element, which is listed
in the subscript next to each atom. Then, add coefficients to the atoms on each side of the equation to balance them
with the same atoms on the other side.

We balance equations for three primary reasons:

1.1. We want the equation to accurately represent what happens when we observe the chemical reaction
in the real world.
1.2. A balanced equation obeys the Law of Conservation of Mass. This is an important guiding principal
in science.
1.3. Finally, a balanced equation lets up predict the amount of reactants needed and the amount of
products formed
1.4. Giving of examples as their primary drill

Being able to balance chemical equations is a vital skill for chemistry. Here's a look at the steps involved in
balancing equations, plus a worked example of how to balance an equation.

Steps of Balancing a Chemical Equation

1. Identify each element found in the equation. The number of atoms of each type of atom must be the same on
each side of the equation once it has been balanced.
2. What is the net charge on each side of the equation? The net charge must be the same on each side of the
equation once it has been balanced.
3. If possible, start with an element found in one compound on each side of the equation. Change the coefficients
(the numbers in front of the compound or molecule) so that the number of atoms of the element is the same
on each side of the equation. Remember, to balance an equation, you change the coefficients, not the
subscripts in the formulas.
4. Once you have balanced one element, do the same thing with another element. Proceed until all elements
have been balanced. It's easiest to leave elements found in pure form for last.
5. Check your work to make certain the charge on both sides of the equation is also balanced

Example of Balancing a Chemical Equation

? CH4 + ? O2 → ? CO2 + ? H2O

Identify the elements in the equation: C, H, O Identify the net charge:
no net charge, which makes this one easy!

1. H is found in CH4 and H2O, so it's a good starting element.

2. You have 4 H in CH4 yet only 2 H in H2O, so you need to double the coefficient of H 2O to balance H.1 CH4 + ? O2 →
? CO2 + 2 H2O
3. Looking at carbon, you can see that CH 4 and CO2 must have the same coefficient.1 CH 4 + ? O2 → 1 CO2 + 2 H2O
4. Finally, determine the O coefficient. You can see you need to double the O2 coefficient in order to get 4 O seen on the
product side of the reaction.1 CH4 + 2 O2 → 1 CO2 + 2 H2O
Page 57 of 86

5. Check your work. It's standard to drop a coefficient of 1, so the final balanced equation would be written:CH4 + 2 O2
→ CO2 + 2 H2O

How to Balance a Chemical Equation for a Redox Reaction

Once you understand how to balance an equation in terms of mass, you're ready to learn how to balance an
equation for both mass and charge. Reduction/oxidation or redox reactions and acid-base reactions often involve charged
species. Balancing for charge means you have the same net charge on both the reactant and product side of the equation.
This isn't always zero!

Here's an example of how to balance the reaction between potassium permanganate and iodide ion in aqueous sulfuric
acid to form potassium iodide and manganese(II) sulfate. This is a typical acid reaction.

1. First, write the unbalanced chemical equation: KMnO4 + KI + H2SO4 → I2 + MnSO4

2. Write down the oxidation numbers for each type of atom on both sides of the equation:
Left hand side: K = +1; Mn = +7; O = -2; I = 0; H = +1; S = +6Right hand side: I = 0; Mn = +2, S = +6; O = -2
3. Find the atoms that experience a change in oxidation number:Mn: +7 → +2; I: +1 → 0 4. Write a skeleton
ionic equation that only covers the atoms that change oxidation number:
MnO4- → Mn2+
I- → I2
5. Balance all of the atoms besides the oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) in the half-reactions: MnO4- → Mn2+
2I- → I2
6. Now add O and H2O as needed to balance oxygen: MnO4- → Mn2+ + 4H2O
2I- → I2
7. Balance the hydrogen by adding H+ as needed:
MnO4- + 8H+ → Mn2+ + 4H2O
2I- → I2
8. Now, balance charge by adding electrons as needed. In this example, the first half-reaction has a charge of 7+ on the
left and 2+ on the right. Add 5 electrons to the left to balance the charge. The second half-reaction has 2- on the left
and 0 on the right. Add 2 electrons to the right. MnO 4- + 8H+ + 5e- → Mn2+ + 4H2O 2I- → I2 + 2e-
9. Multiply the two half-reactions by the number that yields the lowest common number of electrons in each half-reaction.
For this example, the lowest multiple of 2 and 5 is 10, so multiply the first equation by 2 and the second equation by
2 x [MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- → Mn2+ + 4H2O] 5 x [2I- → I2 + 2e-]
10. Add together the two half-reactions and cancel out species that appear on each side of the equation:
2MnO4- + 10I- + 16H+ → 2Mn2+ + 5I2 + 8H2O

Page 58 of 86

Now, it's a good idea to check your work by making sure the atoms and charge are balanced:

Left hand side: 2 Mn; 8 O; 10 I; 16 H

Right hand side: 2 Mn; 10 I; 16 H; 8 O

Left hand side: −2 – 10 +16 = +4

Right hand side: +4

Review on balancing chemical reaction

Page 59 of 86


Directions: Read the following questions and answer it based on what you have learned.

1. How do we balance a chemical reaction?

2. Apply balancing in the following chemical reactions.

(a) ____Fe+ Cl2 −−→ ____FeCl3
(b) ___Fe+ O2 −−→ _____Fe2O3



Directions: Balance the following equations. Use the space provided for your answer.
1. Al + O2 ---------- > Al2O3

Page 60 of 86

2. C3H8 + O2 CO2 + H2O

3. Al(NO3)3 + NaOH ---------------- Al(OH)3 + NaNO3

Lesson 11 : Mole and Its Computations

We can say that modern chemical science began when scientists started exploring the quantitative as well as the
qualitative aspects of chemistry. Understanding the relationship between the masses of atoms and the chemical formulas of
compounds allows us to quantitatively describe the composition of substances. You can fully know the quantitative aspects
about mole and its computations as you go along this lesson.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to :

define a nd discuss mole and mass ratios;

construct mole or mass ratios for a reaction; and

calculate the amount of reactant needed or amount of product formed in terms of moles or mass.
Page 61 of 86


Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the pre-assessment questions after. Use the space for your answers.

Guide Questions:
1. What is on the picture? Can you described it? Why or why
2. How can we calculate the amount of reaction needed or
amount of product formed in terms of moles or mass?


hachemistrt-you-neey-idea/#d-to-7kno; date accessed August 24, 2020w-about-the-mole-an-important -

For better understanding of the lesson, watch the video clip using the link below:

The mole is the unit of amount in chemistry. It provides a bridge between the atom and the macroscopic
amounts of material that we work with in the laboratory. It allows the chemist to weigh out amounts of two substances,
say iron and sulfur, such that equal numbers of atoms of iron and sulfur are obtained. A mole of a substance is defined
as:The mass of substance containing the same number of fundamental units as there are atoms in exactly 12.000 g
of 12C.Fundamental units may be atoms, molecules, or formula units, depending on the substance concerned. At
present, our best estimate of the number of atoms in 12.000 g of 12C is 6.022 x 1023, a huge number of atoms.
This is obviously a very important quantity. For historical reasons, it is called Avogadro's Number, and is
given the symbol AN.

Guide Directions for the Offline Reading and Video Clip Viewing:
1. Watch the video and understand the concept about mole.
2. Read the lesson in the module for primary insights.
3. Accomplish the chart that follows:

What I understand about Mole. Molar Mass Ratios What I want to ask Mole. Molar Mass Ratios and
and Calculations.. Calculations..
Key Points: Key Questions:

Page 62 of 86

How do you convert molar mass to moles?

A substance's molar mass is calculated by multiplying its relative atomic mass by the molar mass constant
(1 g/mol). The molar mass constant can be used to convert mass to moles. By multiplying a given mass by the molar
mass, the amount of moles of the substance can be calculated.

How do you calculate moles in a reaction?

Divide Grams by Grams per Mole
Divide the number of grams of each reactant by the number of grams per mole for that reactant. 50.0 g of Na
are used in this reaction, and there are 22.990 g/mol. 50.0 ÷ 22.990 = 2.1749. 2.1749 moles of Na are used in this

How big is a mole chemistry examples?

Because the mole contains so many units, they're most often used in chemistry is a way of measuring really
really small things like atoms or molecules. So a mole of water is 6.02 x 10 23 molecules of water, which works out to
be about 18 grams, or 18 mL. A mole of aluminum is about 26 grams.

What is a mole ratio?

Mole Ratio: is a conversion factor between compounds in a chemical reaction, that is derived from the
coefficients of the compounds in a balanced equation. The mole ratio is therefore used to convert between quantities
of compounds in a chemical reaction.Mole-mole calculations are not the only type of calculations that can be performed
using balanced chemical equations. Recall that the molar mass can be determined from a chemical formula and used as a
conversion factor. We can add that conversion factor as another step in a calculation to make a molemass calculation, where
we start with a given number of moles of a substance and calculate the mass of another substance involved in the chemical
equation, or vice versa.

For example, suppose we have the balanced chemical equation

2 Al + 3 Cl2 → 2 AlCl3

Suppose we know we have 123.2 g of Cl2. How can we determine how many moles of AlCl3 we will get when
the reaction is complete? First and foremost, chemical equations are not balanced in terms of grams; they are
balanced in terms of moles. So to use the balanced chemical equation to relate an amount of Cl 2 to an amount of
AlCl3, we need to convert the given amount of Cl2 into moles. We know how to do this by simply using the molar mass
of Cl2 as a conversion factor. The molar mass of Cl2 (which we get from the atomic mass of Cl from the periodic table)
is 70.90 g/mol. We must invert this fraction so that the units cancel properly:

Page 63 of 86

Now that we have the quantity in moles, we can use the balanced chemical equation to construct a conversion
factor that relates the number of moles of Cl2 to the number of moles of AlCl3. The numbers in the conversion factor
come from the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation:

Using this conversion factor with the molar quantity we calculated above, we get

So, we will get 1.159 mol of AlCl3 if we react 123.2 g of Cl2.

In this last example, we did the calculation in two steps. However, it is

mathematically equivalent to perform the two calculations sequentially on one line:

The units still cancel appropriately, and we get the same numerical answer in the
end. Sometimes the answer may be slightly different from doing it one step at a time
because of rounding of the intermediate answers, but the final answers should be
effectively the same.

How many moles of HCl will be produced when 249 g of AlCl 3 are reacted
according to this chemical equation?

2 AlCl 3 + 3 H2O(ℓ) → Al2O3 + 6 HCl(g)


We will do this in two steps: convert the mass of AlCl 3 to moles and then use the
balanced chemical equation to find the n umber of moles of HCl formed. The molar mass
of AlCl 3 is 133.33 g/mol, which we have to invert to get the appropriate conversion factor:

Now we can use this quantity to determine the number of moles of HCl that will form. From the balanced
chemical equation, we construct a conversion factor between the number of moles of AlCl 3 and the number of moles
of HCl:

Page 64 of 86

Applying this conversion factor to the quantity of AlCl 3, we get

Alternatively, we could have done this in one line:

The last digit in our final answer is slightly different because of rounding differences, but
the answer is essentially the same.

How many moles of Al 2O3 will be pr oduced when 23.9 g of H 2O are reacted
according to this chemical equation?

2 AlCl 3 + 3 H2O(ℓ) → Al2O3 + 6 HCl(g)

Answer: 0.442 mol


Directions: Read, understand and solve the following problems accordingly. Use the space provided for your
1. What mass of CO2 is produced by the combustion of 1.00 mol of CH 4?
CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O(ℓ)

Page 65 of 86

2. What mass of H2O is produced by the combustion of 1.00 mol of CH 4? CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) → CO2(g)
+ 2 H2O(ℓ)

Page 66 of 86

3. What mass of HgO is required to produce 0.692 mol of O 2?

2HgO(s) → 2 Hg(ℓ) + O2(g)

4. What mass of NaHCO3 is needed to produce 2.659 mol of CO2?

2NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s) + H2O(ℓ) + CO2(g)

5. How many moles of Al can be produced from 10.87 g of Ag?

Al(NO3) 3(s) + 3 Ag → Al + 3 AgNO 3

Lesson 12: Limiting Reagents

Every chemical reactions needs restrictions to lower the risks. At this point, you are to
explore concepts about limiting reagents and how it affects chemical reactions.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

describe limiting reagent.
explain the concept of limiting reagent in a chemical reaction;and
identify the excess reagent(s)

Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the pre-assessment questions after. Use the space for your answers.

Page 67 of 86

What is the topic in this meme?


Why do you think it is the topic?


Source: ;date accessed August 22, 2020

For quick understanding of the lesson , visit and watch the video link below and then read the concepts that

Limiting Reactants :

Limiting Reactant - The reactant in a chemical reaction that limits the amount of product that can be formed.
The reaction will stop when all of the limiting reactant is consumed. Excess Reactant - The reactant in a chemical
reaction that remains when a reaction stops when the limiting reactant is completely consumed.

Limiting Reagent: In a chemical reaction limiting reagent is the reactant that is consumed first and prevents
any further reaction from occurring.
The amount of product formed during the reaction is determined by the limiting reagent.

For example, let us consider the reaction of solution and chlorine.

2Na atoms react with 1 Cl2 molecule. So, if we have 6Na moles, 3Cl2 molecule will be required, if there are
more than 3 moles of Cl2 gas, sodium(Na) will act as a limiting reagent and some Cl2 molecule will remain as an
excess reagent.

When there is not enough of one reactant in a chemical reaction, the reaction stops abruptly. To figure out the amount
of product produced, it must be determined reactant will limit the chemical reaction (the limiting reagent) and which
reactant is in excess (the excess reagent). One way of finding the limiting reagent is by calculating the amount of
product that can be formed by each reactant; the one that produces less product is the limiting reagent.

There are two approaches in finding limiting reagents, read the procedures below:

How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 1

Find the limiting reagent by looking at the number of moles of each reactant.

1. Determine the balanced chemical equation for the chemical reaction.

2. Convert all given information into moles (most likely, through the use of molar mass as a conversion factor).
3. Calculate the mole ratio from the given information. Compare the calculated ratio to the actual ratio.
4. Use the amount of limiting reactant to calculate the amount of product produced.
5. If necessary, calculate how much is left in excess of the non-limiting reagent.
How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 2

Find the limiting reagent by calculating and comparing the amount of product each reactant will produce.
Page 68 of 86

1. Balance the chemical equation for the chemical reaction.

2. Convert the given information into moles.
3. Use stoichiometry for each individual reactant to find the mass of product produced.
4. The reactant that produces a lesser amount of product is the limiting reagent.
5. The reactant that produces a larger amount of product is the excess reagent.
6. To find the amount of remaining excess reactant, subtract the mass of excess reagent consumed from the total mass
of excess reagent given.


Consider respiration, one of the most common chemical reactions on earth.

What mass of carbon dioxide forms in the reaction of 25 grams of glucose with 40 grams of oxygen?


When approaching this problem, observe that every 1 mole of glucose (C6H12O6C6H12O6) requires 6 moles
of oxygen to obtain 6 moles of carbon dioxide and 6 moles of water.

Step 1: Determine the balanced chemical equation for the chemical reaction. The balanced chemical
equation is already given.

Step 2: Convert all given information into moles (most likely, through the use of molar mass as a conversion

25g×1mol180.06g=0.1388molC6H12O6 25g×1mol180.06g=0.1388molC6H12O6

40g×1mol32g=1.25mol O 240g×1mol32g=1.25mol O2

Step 3: Calculate the mole ratio from the given information. Compare the calculated ratio to the actual ratio.

a. If all of the 1.25 moles of oxygen were to be used up, there would need to be 1.25×161.25×16 or 0.208 moles
of glucose. There is only 0.1388 moles of glucose available which makes it the limiting reactant.

1.25mol O2×1mol C6H12O6 6molO2=0.208molC6H12O6

1.25mol O2×1molC6H12O6 6mol O2=0.208molC6H12O6
b. If all of the 0.1388 moles of glucose were used up, there would need to be 0.1388 x 6 or 0.8328 moles of
oxygen. Because there is an excess of oxygen, the glucose amount is used to calculate the amount of the products in
the reaction.
0.1388mol C6H12O6 ×6molO21mol C6H12O6=0.8328mol O2
0.1388mol C6H12O6×6molO21mol C6H12O6=0.8328molO2

Page 69 of 86

If more than 6 moles of O2 are available per mole of C6H12O6, the oxygen is in excess and glucose is the

oxygen is the limiting reactant. The ratio is 6 mole oxygen per 1 mole glucose, OR 1 mole oxygen

Therefore, the mole ratio is: (0.8328 mol O 2)/(0.208 mol C6H12O6)

This gives a 4.004 ratio of O2 to C6H12 O6.

Step 4: Use the amount of limiting reactant to calculate the amount of CO 2 or H2O produced.

For carbon dioxide produced: 0.1388molesglucose×61=0.8328moles

carbondioxide0.1388molesglucose×61=0.8328molescarbondioxide .

Step 5: If necessary, calculate how much is left in excess.

1.25 mol - 0.8328 mol = 0.4172 moles of oxygen left over


Directions: Read the problem carefully and answer it neatly and legibl y. Use the space provided in
this worksheet/module.
Problems: Limiting Reagents (Answer Key)
1. Take the reaction: NH 3 + O2 NO + H2O. In an experiment, 3.25 g of NH3 are allowed to
react with 3.50 g of O2.
a. Which reactant is the limiting reagent?
b. How many grams of NO are formed?
c. How much of the excess reactant remains after the reaction?

2. If 4.95 g of ethylene (C2H4) are combusted with 3.25 g of oxygen.

a. What is the limiting reagent?
b. How many grams of CO 2 are formed?

limiting reactant. If less than 6 moles of oxygen are available per mole of glucose, per 1/6 mole glucose. This means:
6 mol O2 / 1 mol C6H12O6 .

Page 70 of 86

Page 71 of 86



Directions: Solve the following problems carefully. Use the space provided after each question

1. Use the following reaction: C4H 9OH + NaBr + H2SO4 C4H9Br + NaHSO4 + H2O If
15.0 g of C4H9OH react with 22.4 g of NaBr and 32.7 g of H 2SO4 to yield 17.1 g of
C4H9Br, what is the percent yield of this reaction?

2. Silicon nitride (Si 3N4) is made by a combining Si and nitrogen gas (N 2) at a high
temperature. How much (in g) Si is needed to react with an excess of nitrogen gas to
prepare 125 g of silicon nitride if the percent yield of the reaction is 95.0%?

3. Souring of wine occurs when ethanol is converted to acetic acid by oxygen by the following
reaction: C2H5OH + O2 CH3COOH + H2O. A 1.00 L bottle of wine, labeled as 8.5% (by
volume) ethanol, is found to have a defective seal. Analysis of 1.00 mL showed that there
were 0.0274 grams of acetic acid in that 1.00 mL. The density of ethanol is 0.816 g/mL
and the density of water is 1.00 g/mL.
a. What mass of oxygen must have leaked into the bottle?
b. What is the percent yield for the conversion of ethanol to acetic acid if O 2 is in

Page 72 of 86

Lesson 13: Stoichiometry

You have learned already concepts in chemical reactions and reagents. Now, it is time for you to gear up and
read more about stoichiometry.

What I understand about principles of stoichiometry... What I want to ask about stoichiometry…

Page 73 of 86

Key Points: Key Questions:

Page 74 of 86

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

discuss the principles of stoichiometry


Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the pre-assessment questions after. Use the
space for your answers.

What do you think is the lesson?


What is your viewpoint about the topic using the

picture on the left?

Source:; date accessed August 7, 2020

For better understanding of this lesson, check the link below and watch it attentively!

Simple stoichiometric steps 8
Guide Directions for the Offline Reading and Video Clip Viewing:
1. Watch the video and understand the concept about the lesson.
2. Accomplish the chart that follows:

Page 75 of 86

What are the principles of stoichiometry?

The principles of stoichiometry are based upon the law of conservation of mass. Matter can neither be
created nor destroyed, so the mass of every element present in the product(s) of a chemical reaction must be equal
to the mass of each and every element present in the reactant(s). You use a series of conversion factors to get from
the units of the given substance to the units of the wanted substance.

There are four steps in solving a stoichiometry problem:
1. Write the balanced chemical equation.
2. Convert the units of the given substance (A) to moles.
3. Use the mole ratio to calculate the moles of wanted substance (B).
4. Convert moles of the wanted substance to the desired units.

What mass of chlorine does the decomposition of 64.0 g of AuCl₃ produce?


1. Write the balanced chemical equation.


2. Convert grams of AuCl3 to moles of AuCl3.

64.0g AuCl3×1 mol AuCl3303.3g AuCl3=0.211 mol AuCl3 3. Use the molar

ratio to convert moles of AuCl3 to moles of Cl2.

0.211mol AuCl3×3 mol Cl22mol AuCl3=0.317 mol Cl2 4. Convert

moles of Cl2 to grams of Cl2.

0.317mol Cl2×70.91 g Cl21mol Cl2=22.4 g Cl2

Remember that:

Stoichiometry /ˌstɔɪkiˈɒmɪtri/ is the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions. ... Stoichiometry
measures these quantitative relationships, and is used to determine the amount of products and reactants that are
produced or needed in a given reaction.

Stoichiometry was first discovered by Jeremias Richter, a German chemist. It was Richter who coined the
term stoichiometry, a tongue-twisting word that baffles students to this day. Stoichiometry was derived from stoikheion,
Greek for "element", and "metron", meaning measure.What Richter discovered was that it was possible to quantify
the amount of substances consumed or produced by a chemical reaction. Richter was working with the following
reaction of magnesium oxide neutralizing sulfuric acid. He figured out that there was a definite proportion between the
amount of magnesium oxide and the amount of sulfuric acid with which it reacted. He phrased his conclusion as: "615
parts by weight of Magnesium Oxide were needed to neutralize 1000 parts by weight of Sulfuric Acid."

In other words, If I had 1000 grams of sulfuric acid - a kilogram - it would take 615 grams of magnesium oxide
to neutralize it. If I had 2000 grams of sulfuric acid, I would have to use twice as much magnesium oxide, or 1230
grams of magnesium oxide to neutralize it

Page 76 of 86


Directions: Read, understand and discuss your answers on the following questions neatly and legibly.
1. What are the principles in stoichiometry?
2. How do you solve stoichiometrical problem?
___________________________________________________________________________ Lesson 13: Gas

You have learned already the principles in stoichiometry. Now, it is time for you to gear up and read more
about stoichiometric applications on volumes and other measurements.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

✓ determine the amounts by volume, number of moles and/or mass
of the gaseous reactants.


Stoichiometry: the study and calculation of quantitative (measurable) relationships of the reactants and products in
chemical reactions (chemical equations) Stoichiometry is the quantitative study of the relative amounts of reactants and
products in chemical reactions; gas stoichiometry involves chemical reactions that produce gases. Stoichiometry is based on
the law of conservation of mass, meaning that the mass of the reactants must be equal to the mass of the products. This
assumption can be used to solve for unknown quantities of reactants or products.

Stoichiometric Calculations Involving Ideal Gases at STP

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Stoichiometric calculations involving gases allow us to convert between mass, number of moles, and most
importantly, volume of gases. The following relationship makes this possible:

• 1 mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure (273 K and 1 atm) occupies a volume of 22.4 L.
While the above relationship is an estimation, it is a relatively good approximation at STP, and can be used
reliably in calculations.

Examples :


• According to the above reaction, what volume of NO2(g) is produced from the combustion of 100 g of NH 3(g),
assuming the reaction takes place at standard temperature and pressure?

• From the periodic table, we can determine that the molar mass of ammonia, NH 3(g), is 17 g/mol, and perform
the following stoichiometric calculation:
(100 g NH3)×(1 mol NH317 g)×(4 mol NO24 mol NH3)×(22.4 L1 mol NO2)=132
L NO2(g)(100 g NH3)×(1 mol NH317 g)×(4 mol NO24 mol NH3)×(22.4 L1 mol NO2)=132 L NO2(g)

Note the final conversion factor. Because we are told that the reaction takes place at STP, we can relate volume,
22.4 L, to 1 mol NO2.

For better understanding of the lesson, watch the video clips links below and accomplish the Chart below.

What is stoichiometry?: Volume Stoichiometry: Molar Volume of Gas Reactants:
Guide Question as you watch the video clips:
• How can we determine the amounts by volume, number of moles and/or mass of the gaseous reactants?

My Answer towards the question…. Other question I want to ask about the lesson…

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➢ How do you calculate gas stoichiometry?

To account for these conditions, we use the ideal gas equation PV=nRT where P is the pressure measured in
atmosphere(atm), V is the volume measured in liters (L), n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant with a value
of . 08206 L atm mol-1 K-1, and T is the temperature measured in kelvin (K)

Volume-Volume Stoichiometry

Avogadro's hypothesis states that equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain
the same number of gas particles. Further, one mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure occupies a
volume of 22.4L22.4L. These characteristics make stoichiometry problems involving gases at STP very
straightforward. Consider the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen cases to form nitrogen dioxide.

Mass to Volume and Volume to Mass Problems

Chemical reactions frequently involve both solid substances whose mass can be measured as well as gases
for which measuring the volume is more appropriate. Stoichiometry problems of this type are called either mass-
volume or volume-mass problems.

mass of given→moles of given→moles of unknown→volume of unknown

Because both types of problems involve a conversion from either moles of gas to volume or vice-versa, we
can use the molar volume of 22.4L/mol22.4L/mol provided that the conditions for the reaction are STP.

Bear in mind these facts:

• Calculations are described for determining the amount of gas formed in a reaction.
• Calculations are described for determining amounts of a material needed to react with a gas.

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Directions: Read, understand and answer the problem neatly and legibly. Use the space for your

1. For the reaction 2 H2(g) + O2(g) ⇔ H2O(g), determine how many liters of hydrogen gas will be required
to produce 175 grams of water vapor (steam). Assu me that you have an excess of oxygen gas, a
partial pressure of hydrogen of 1.00 atm, and a temperature of 20º C.

2. How do you calculate gas stoichiometry? Discuss scientifically .

3. How can we determine the amounts by volume, number of moles and/or mass of the gaseous

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Lesson 14: Stoichiometric Applications

Hey Gallegan! Congratulations! You reach this point of the module, you are to apply the concepts in stoichiometry.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
✓ Apply the principles of stoichiometry to determine the amounts
( volume, number of moles,or mass) of gaseous reactants and products

Chemical equations are symbolic representations of chemical reactions. The reacting materials (reactants)
are given on the left, and the products are displayed on the right, usually separated by an arrow showing the direction
of the reaction. The numerical coefficients next to each chemical entity denote the proportion of that chemical entity
before and after the reaction. The law of conservation of mass dictates that the quantity of each element must
remain unchanged in a chemical reaction. Therefore, in a balanced equation each side of the chemical equation
must have the same quantity of each element.
Stoichiometric Values in a Chemical Reaction
A chemical equation is a visual representation of a chemical reaction. In a typical chemical equation, an arrow
separates the reactants on the left and the products on the right. The coefficients next to the reactants and products
are the stoichiometric values. They represent the number of moles of each compound that needs to react so that the
reaction can go to completion.
On some occasions, it may be necessary to calculate the number of moles of a reagent or product under
certain reaction conditions. To do this correctly, the reaction needs to be balanced. The law of conservation of matter
states that the quantity of each element does not change in a chemical reaction. Therefore, a chemical equation is
balanced when the number of each element in the equation is the same on both the left and right sides of the equation.
Using Stoichiometry to Calculate Moles
The next step is to inspect the coefficients of each element of the equation. The coefficients can be thought
of as the amount of moles used in the reaction. The key is reaction stoichoimetry, which describes the quantitative
relationship among the substances as they participate in the chemical reaction. The relationship between two of the
reaction’s participants (reactant or product) can be viewed as conversion factors and can be used to facilitate mole-
tomole conversions within the reaction.
We summarized the key concepts of stoichiometry below. Read and understand each key points.
Key Points
The law of conservation of mass dictates that the quantity of an element does not change over the
course of the reaction. Therefore, a chemical equation is balanced when each element has equal
numbers on both the left and right sides of the equation.
Stoichiometric ratios, the ratios of the amounts of each substance used, are unique for each chemical
The balanced equation of a reaction contains the stoichiometric ratios of the reactants and products;
these ratios can be used for mole -to-mole conversions. There is no direct way to convert from the
mass of one substance to the mass of another.
To convert from one mass (substance A) to another mass (substance B), you must convert the mass
of A first to moles, then use the mole-to-mole conversion factor (B/A), then convert the mole amount
of B back to grams of B.

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Key Terms
stoichiometric ratio: The quantitative ratio between the reactants and products of a specific reaction
or chemical equation. The ratio is made up of their coefficients from the balanced equation.
actual yield: The amount of product actually obtained in a chemical reaction.
percent yield: Refers to the efficiency of a chemical reaction;
theoretical yield: The amount of product that could possibly be produced in a given reaction,
calculated according to the starting amount of the limiting reagent.



Directions: Apply the concept of stoichiometry in the following equations. Balance each chemical
equation. Use the space provided for your answer.

a. KI(aq) + Br2(l) → KBr(aq) + I2(s)

b. MnO2(s) + HCl(aq) → MnCl 2(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2O(l)

c. Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → NaOH(aq)

d. Cu(s) + AgNO 3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + Ag(s )

e. SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)

You were a Chemist. You were invited to an online webinar to discuss any of the following:
a) atomic structure b.)gas behavior ,c.)mass relationship and d.) chemical reactions but before the
webinar proper the Chemistry Society would like to see and evaluate how your talk will run to ensure
that webinar will flow smoothly. With that, you were tasked to design using multimedia, demonstrations
or models, a representation or simulation of any of the mentioned topic. Your work will be evaluated
through scientific accuracy, appropriateness of design, and content presentation.

Submission of design output: Last week of the First Quarter

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Lesson 15: Gas Effusions

Gas is a state of matter that has no fixed shape and no fixed volume. Gases have lower density than other
states of matter, such as solids and liquids. There is a great deal of empty space between particles, which have a lot of
kinetic energy. Because of that property , it can effuse. To know more about it. Read the contents and targets below.

At the end of this final lesson in first quarter, you are expected to :
describe and discuss gas effusion
relate the rate of gas effusion with molar mass


Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the pre-assessment questions after. Use the
space for your answers.

What did you observe in the picture?

Why do you say so?


Source: Wikipedia(;
date accessed August 25, 2020)

For you to correctly imagine what gas effusion is, watch the video link and accomplish
the chart below.


Guide Directions for the Video Clip View ing:

1. Watch the video and understand the concept about the lesson..
2. Accomplish the chart that follows:
3. Submit it via gmail or google classroom if you choose online submissions.

What I understand about gas effusion based on the What I want to ask about gas effusion …

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Key Points: Key Questions:

Key Points o Gaseous particles are in constant random motion. o Gaseous particles tend to undergo diffusion because they
have kinetic energy. o Diffusion is faster at higher temperatures because the gas molecules have greater kinetic
o Effusion refers to the movement of gas particles through a small hole. o Graham’s Law states that the effusion rate
of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass of its particles.
• Diffusion movement of particles from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration mean free path the
average distance traveled by a particle between collisions with other particles
• Effusion movement of gas molecules through a tiny hole
According to Kinetic Molecular Theory, gaseous particles are in a constant state of motion, moving at random
speeds and in many different directions. Because of their kinetic energy at temperatures above absolute zero, all
particles undergo diffusion. Diffusion refers to the process of particles moving from an area of high concentration to
one of low concentration. The rate of this movement is a function of temperature, viscosity of the medium, and the size
(mass) of the particles. Diffusion results in the gradual mixing of materials, and eventually, it forms a homogeneous
Not only do gaseous particles move with high kinetic energy, but their small size enables them to move through
small openings as well; this process is known as effusion. For effusion to occur, the hole’s diameter must be smaller
than the molecules’ mean free path (the average distance that a gas particle travels between successive collisions with
other gas particles). The opening of the hole must be smaller than the mean free path because otherwise, the gas
could move back and forth through the hole.

Effusion is explained by the continuous random motion of particles; over time, this random motion guarantees
that some particles will eventually pass through the hole.

Interactive: Diffusion & Temperature

Explore the role of temperature on the rate of diffusion. Set the temperature, then remove the barrier, and
measure the amount of time it takes the blue molecules to reach the gas sensor. When the gas sensor has detected
three blue molecules, it will stop the experiment. Compare the diffusion rates at low, medium and high temperatures.
Trace an individual molecule to see the path it takes.

The rate of effusion of a gaseous substance is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass.
Thus the rate at which a molecule, or a mole of molecules, diffuses or effuses is directly related to the speed at which
it moves.

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Directions: Make a reaction paper on gas effusion with molar mass

Standards: 1500-words
Specifics: Should explain gas effusion mechanism and application

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• Rodil, Mary Sheenalyn, Ph.D., Conceptual Science and beyond : General Chemistry 1 – A Worktext for Senior High
School, Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc. Published 2017
• Jauco, Magdalena,, - General Chemistry 1 ( First Semester)- Mindshapes.Co.Inc. published 2016
• Cervantes, Charry Vida R. General Chemistry 1- Lorimar Publishing, Inc. published 2016 Non-print:

• Matter and Its Properties

• Wikibooks: Matter
• Gas Laws l
• Introductory chemistry -laws-2/
• Mole and Molar Mass
• Gas Laws s -of-matter/gas-laws/
• Gas Laws by Physics.Info
• Chemical Reactions y --of-life/chemical-bonds-and-
• Reaction in Stoichiometry
• Gas Effusion -diffusion-and-effusion/

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