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Question Bank

Cryptography and Network Security

1. What is meant by confusion and Diffusion?

2. Discuss the key aspects of Feistel cipher design?
3. State :
 Eulers theorem.
 Elerstotiont function
 Fermets Theorem
4. What are the keys used in Asymmetric cryptography? Mention their roles.
5. Define Avalanche Effect .Compare the Avalanche Effect in DES and AES.
6. Find the Euler’s totient function for the following
 ∅(17)
 ∅ (21)
7. Solve using Femat's theorem 352mod 13
8. Differentiate between a block cipher and a stream cipher?
9. Solve using Femat's theorem 2501 mod 17
10. Solve 712 mod 26 using Eulers theorem
11. What are the mechanisms available for sharing the public key.
12. Does Diffie-Hellman key exchange provide security against man-in-the middle attack?
Justify your answer.
13. Solve the following congruent equation using CRTX≡2 mod 6, X≡ 1 mod 12& X≡3 mod
14. Explain the process of converting the plain text into cipher text using the AES algorithm
with suitable illustration.
15. User A sends a message which is encrypted using B’s public key with RSA algorithm. The
ciphertext which is in transit is 11 and B’s public key is {7, 60}. Deduce the private key of
B and the plain text.

16. Explain Chinese remainder theorem.

17. Find the value of “X” from the given simultaneous equation using Chinese Remainder
X = 3 mod 7, X = 3 mod 13, X = 0 mod 12
18. Suppose Alice and Bob use an Elgamal scheme with a common prime q = 157 and a
primitive root a = 5.

a. If Bob has public key YB = 10 and Alice chose the random integer k = 3, what is the
ciphertext of M = 9?

b. If Alice now chooses a different value of k so that the encoding of M = 9 is C = (25, C2),
what is the integer C2?

19. Use the Diffie Hellman key exchange technique with common prime q=51 and α =11 to
calculate the following

(i) If user A has private key XA=3, what is A’s public key YA?
(ii) If user B has private key XB=15, what is B’s public key YB?

(iii) Shared secret key.

20. For each of the following elements of DES, indicate the differences with the comparable
element in AES.

a. Key size

b. Block size

c. S-box

d. Key expansion function

e. Initial and final permutation

21. Given the plaintext {0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100} and the key


a. Show the original contents of State, displayed as a 4 * 4 matrix.

b. Show the value of State after initial AddRoundKey.

c. Show the value of State after SubBytes.

d. Show the value of State after ShiftRows.

e. Show the value of State after MixColumns.

22. Explain the ElGamal cryptographic system with suitable illustration
23. Explain the Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm.
24. Given 10 bit key K = 1010100110. Determine K1& K2 by using SDES Key generation. where P10
= 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6 and P8 = 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9 .

25. Explain the process of generating public and private key pair using RSA algorithm
26. Explain the Modes of operation of DES with suitable illustration
27. In RSA cryptosystem with parameters p=17,q=11, e=7, find the public key, private key and
Cipher text corresponding to the plaintext m=8.

28. Use the Diffie Hellman key exchange technique with common prime q=71 and α =7 to
calculate the following
(i) If user A has private key XA=5, what is A’s public key YA?
(ii) If user B has private key XB=12, what is B’s public key YB?
(iii) Shared secret key.

29. Explain the security of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and how it compares to the
security of RSA.

30. Suppose Alice and Bob use an Elgamal scheme with a common prime q = 157 and a
primitive root a = 3.
a. If Bob has public key YB = 12 and Alice chose the random integer k = 4, what is the
ciphertext of M = 9?
b. If Alice now chooses a different value of k so that the encoding of M = 9 is C = (25, C2),
what is the integer C2?

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