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Important questions in introduction to entrepreneurship and family business management

1. Define the term entrepreneurship and entrepreneur and their categories

2. Discuss the myths cornering entrepreneurship
3. Discuss the various entrepreneurship challenges and pitfalls in practicing the entrepreneurship
4. Discuss the ethical aspects of entrepreneurship
5. Discuss the various types of entrepreneur and their characteristics of an entrepreneur
6. Define the term ecosystem
7. Discuss the various players in the ecosystem
8. Define the ecosystem and entrepreneurial mobility
9. Discuss the needs for an entrepreneurship process
10. The unorthodox iterative process
11. And overview of the entrepreneurship process
12. Discuss the detail of 8 stages of the entrepreneurship process
13. Describe the term corporate entrepreneurship
14. Discuss the difference between intrapreneurship And entrepreneur
15. Discuss the hurdles and benefits of intrapreneurship
16. Discuss the difference between creativity and innovation
17. Discuss the difference between invention and discovery
18. Describe opportunity analysis and opportunity evaluation
19. Discuss the usage of opportunity Evaluation sieve for evaluating opportunity approach to
20. Define ideation techniques and ideation catalyst
21. Discuss the mapping of ideas to opportunity
22. Define i20 mapping evaluation sieve
23. Introduction to business model
24. Discuss the various functions of business model
25. Define the various types of business model
26. Designing a business model
27. Define business plan
28. Define the various types and myths about business plan
29. Discuss the various sections of business plan
30. Discuss the confidentiality of business plan
31. Business plan do's and don't
32. Discuss how business creation is different from planning
33. Discuss the entity types and their characteristics
34. Discuss the various steps in setting up a unit in India
35. Legal, Regulatory and statutory body
36. Define the various compliance related to business creation
37. Different roles of professional advisors
38. Define boat strapping
39. Discuss the various resources that are required at the time of starting up
40. Discuss the various factors influencing the need of resource
41. Describe the various types of resources
42. Define the term pitching
43. Discuss the various types of pitchs
44. Discuss the audience for the pitch
45. What is rural entrepreneurship
46. Needs of rural entrepreneurship
47. Problems in rural entrepreneurship
48. Challenges to rural entrepreneurship
49. Rural entrepreneurship opportunity and benefits
50. Technology is an enabler
51. Types of technology ventures
52. Profit of technopreneur
53. Why technology based enterprise fail the challenge
54. Application strategy diffusion of innovation and right timing

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