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I. Underline the subject and the verb in the senteces then write T for true sentence and
write F for false sentence!
1. Yesterday found an interesting article about future computer technology.
2. Academic calender can be checked online.
3. A job for computer analist or computer programmer popular
4. The new computer software has comes up with diffence kind applications.
5. The computer server can be accessed by authorized personnel only.

II. Choose the letter of the words or group fo words to complete the sentences.
1. A flock of robins _______ to south to get warmer weather and to find food.
a. Migrating c. Can migrate
b. Migrates d. Migrate
2. Vitamin K2 ___________ bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
a. Improves c. improved
b. Improving d. Can improves
3. National museum of Indonesia __________ about 109,342 objects of Indonesian cultural
heritage from historic days up to present days.
a. Is display c. Displaying
b. Displays d. Displayed
4. The Nile river _______ over 4.100 miles from south to north through eastern Africa.
a. Flows c. flowing
b. It flowed d. Has flow
5. Computer programming languages ___________ instruction to machines on what to do.
a. Gives c. give
b. Gave d. Giving
6. Dr. Grace Murray Hopper ________________ computer programming language that could
run on all brands and types of computer in 1959.
a. Created c. Creates
b. Was creating d. Has created
7. Arithmatic operators for programming languages in computer _________.
a. Creates mathematical expression
b. Has creates mathematical expression
c. Created mathematical expression
d. Create mathematical expression
8. The accenture virtual assistant platform and intelligent automation with the power of
artificial intelligent ___________
a. Is future technology
b. Are future technology
c. Future technology
d. been future technology
9. More than 200 volcanoes __________ located along Sumatra, Java, Bali and some islands
of eastern part of Indonesia.
a. Is c. Be
b. Are d. Been
10. In Indonesia __________ approximately 17.508 islands which are 6000 inhabited.
a. There are c. is
b. There is d. Are

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