Stephen Hawkings Speech

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Hello Everyone,

I am Umar Ghazzali, and I will be talking about one of the most famous scientists,
Stephen Hawkings

Stephen Hawkings was born in Oxford England, in 1942 and grew up in a highly
educated family. Unlike his parents, he struggled in school and his teachers
thought that he was really lazy. But at the time when he was a teenager he was
curious to know about how things work. At the age of 17, he was admitted to
Oxford University to study physics and Chemistry. After graduating , he then went
to Cambridge University to study Cosmology – The Science of the Universe
He loved studying Cosmology. But sadly, at the age of 21 he was diagnosed with a
major disease called MND, a condition where the brain cells will not communicate
with the body muscles. The doctors told that he would survive only for two years.
Poor Stephen struggled to walk, talk and even to swallow. And thereafter he was
forced to use an electric wheel chair.
But, Stephen was very brave and he tried to keep up. He started researching
about the space theories and also came up with the Black hole Theory.
Stephen Hawkings came up with many other theories and got many awards for
his achievements and later died at the age of 71
The story of Stephen Hawkings is a life lesson to all of us. Despite the challenges,
he never felt low but he showed that continuous hardwork and dedication can
actually help us to overcome our struggles and difficulties.
The incredible life journey of Stephen Hawkings is such a motivating story.
I thank my fellow participants and judges for listening patiently.
Thank you all and have a great day

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