CEP FluidMechanics

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Department of

Mechatronics Eng.

ME 3502T Fluid Mechanics

Complex Engineering Problem

Knowledge Profile (WK): WK3 (FUNDAMENTAL level of knowledge)

Course Learning Outcome (CLO) Coverage:
This Complex Engineering Problem covers the following CLOs of the course:
1. CLO4, C4, PLO3: Differentiate between laminar and turbulent pipe flows, investigate
losses in pipe systems and Analyze fluid flow problems using concepts of dimensional
analysis and similitude. (10 Marks)

Complex Problem Solving Attribute (WP) Coverage:

This Complex Engineering Problem covers the following WPs:
S. No WP Coverage WP Attribute Marks Dist.
1 WP1 Depth of Knowledge Required 6 Marks
2 WP2 Range of Conflicting Requirements 2 Marks
3 WP3 Depth of Analysis Required 2 Marks

Complex Engineering Problem (CEP) Statement:

The project is to design solar pumping system for irrigation purposes in agricultural suburb.

1. The project report should demonstrate the depth of knowledge required by showing
the detailed step-by-step calculations of the most suitable solution required for CEP.
The water is pumped from a lake and it must be pumped a vertical distance of 100 m
and required 1000 m of horizontal pipe (diameter = 0.1 m). A flow rate of 0.3 m3/s is
required to accommodate the irrigation needs. The project is design into four parts,
and they must be done in ORDER to fulfill the project. (WP1: 06 Marks)
Department of
Mechatronics Eng.

i. First: Calculation
a) Determine the flow velocity in the discharge pipe.
b) Determine the pressure Loss (Linear & Singular).
c) Determine total Manometric Height.
d) Determine the pump power needed to supply water at pressure of 200 kPa.
e) Determine the force needed to hold the 90° Elbow in place for designing pipe

ii. Second: Design pump system

a) Choose the pump and the reason of selection. (Jack Pump, Turbine pump, and
centrifugal pump).
b) Determine the characteristics curve of the pump and draw the curve.
c) Define the operating point of the pump.
d) Check the non-cavitation condition.

iii. Third: Design PV system to cover the pump power needed to supply water of
200 kPa
Design your PV system aiming to cover the pump power by considering the
specification sheet of available solar panels in the local market, neglect the
need of storing system.

iv. Fourth: Estimate the overall cost of the system

Survey the local market to estimate the price of components,
fabrication/installation cost and operating cost. Eventually estimate the overall
cost of your designed system.

2. The project report should demonstrate the range of conflicting requirements by

specifying what were the possibilities in the selection and sizing of different
components of the system. This part should be present as a separate heading i.e.
“Range of Conflicting Requirements” in the Results and Discussion Section of the
report where students are required to list down the possible design options as well as
their effect on the output of the system. Please note calculations are NOT required in
this part. (WP2: 02 Marks)

3. Based on the defined range of conflicting requirements, the students should select at
least three alternate designs and solve them to show the depth of analysis required in
search for the most suitable design. This part should also be present as a separate
heading i.e. “Alternate Designs” in the Results and Discussion Section of the report
where the students are required to compared the results of alternate designs in order
to justify the selection of most suitable design. Please note that step-by-step
calculations are NOT required to be reported for alternate designs in this part.
(WP3: 02 Marks)
Department of
Mechatronics Eng.

Project Deliverable and Deadline

The final design report must be in both soft and hard copy. It must be in Word Microsoft
and not hand-written. The report should be typed in Times Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line
spacing and 1 inch margins and equations must be in Word Microsoft equation form (Insert
> Equation). The first page of the report must include the project title, students’ names, and
IDs’ numbers. The main headings of the report should be: abstract, design problem,
theory/methodology, results & discussion, conclusions & references, typed in bold.
Plagiarism is not tolerated, please write in your own words.

CEP Assessment Rubrics:

Following rubrics are used in the assessment of this CEP.
Performance - Performance - Marks
WP Performance - Average
Below Average Above Average Obtained
Step-by-Step Step-by-Step Step-by-Step
WP1 calculations are not calculations are calculations are
reported. Major reported for the most reported for the
mistakes in suitable design. Minor most suitable
calculations. mistakes in calculations. design. Calculations
Justification of results Justification of results are correct and
not provided. are not proper. results are justified.
Major requirements Minor requirements of No missing
of CEP are missing. CEP are missing. requirements in the
(2 Marks) (4 Marks) CEP. (6 Marks)
WP2 Range of conflicting Range of conflicting All the range of
requirements not requirements reported conflicting
reported at all. with few major ones requirements as
(0 Mark) missing. well as their effect
(1 Mark) on the output of the
design specified in
the report.
(2 Marks)
WP3 Alternate designs are Only two Alternate At least three
not reported at all. designs are reported. Alternate designs
(0 Mark) Also justification for the are reported. Also
selection of most justified the
suitable design is not selection of most
proper. suitable design.
(1 Mark) (2 Marks)

Total Marks = 10

The final project report is due in 15th Week of the Semester.

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