Libay, Trisha Nel e

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1. Advantages of databases, enumerate and discuss.

ANSWER: Databases offer a number of advantages over traditional file-based systems, including:
Reduced data redundancy
Databases store data in a centralized location, which eliminates the need to duplicate data in multiple
files. This reduces the amount of storage space required and improves data consistency.
Improved data security
Databases provide a number of security features to protect data from unauthorized access, modification,
or destruction. These features can include encryption, access control, and auditing.
Increased consistency
Databases ensure that data is consistent across all applications and users. This is achieved by using data
integrity constraints and by enforcing a single source of truth for all data.
Lower updating errors
Databases provide mechanisms to prevent errors when updating data. For example, databases can lock
records while they are being updated and can roll back changes if an error occurs.
Reduced costs of data entry, storage, and retrieval
Databases can help organizations to reduce the costs of data entry, storage, and retrieval by centralizing
data and providing efficient data access mechanisms.
Improved data access using host and query languages
Databases allow users to access data using a variety of host and query languages. This makes it easy to
retrieve and analyze data in a variety of ways.
Higher data integrity from application programs
Databases provide a layer of abstraction between application programs and the underlying data. This
helps to insulate application programs from changes to the data schema and to improve the reliability of
In addition to these general advantages, databases also offer a number of specific features that can be
beneficial for organizations of all sizes. For example, databases can be used to:

• Store and manage large volumes of data

• Support complex queries and data analysis
• Provide real-time data access to multiple users
• Integrate data from multiple sources
• Develop and deploy scalable applications
Overall, databases are a powerful tool for managing and processing data in modern organizations.
Here are some examples of how databases are used in the real world:

• E-commerce websites use databases to store product information, customer data, and order
• Social media platforms use databases to store user profiles, posts, and comments.
• Financial institutions use databases to store account information, transaction data, and investment
• Healthcare organizations use databases to store patient records, medical images, and insurance
• Government agencies use databases to store tax records, census data, and criminal justice
These are just a few examples of the many ways that databases are used in the real world. Databases are
an essential tool for managing and processing data in a wide variety of industries.

2. Enumerate disadvantages of databases and discuss.

ANSWER: Disadvantages of databases include:
1. Cost: Databases can be expensive to implement and maintain, especially if additional hardware and
software is required.
2. Complexity: Databases can be complex to set up and use, requiring specialized knowledge and skills to
manage them.
3. Data Integrity: Data integrity is an important consideration when working with databases. If the data is
not properly stored and managed, it can lead to errors and inconsistencies.
4. Security: Databases can be vulnerable to malicious attacks such as hacking, data theft, and
unauthorized access. Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the security of the data.
5. Scalability: As the data stored in a database grows, it can become difficult to manage and maintain.
This can lead to performance issues that can affect the overall efficiency of the system.
3. 5 Examples of database applications.
1. Online Banking: Online banking systems are used to store customer information, account balances, and
transaction histories.
2. E-commerce: E-commerce websites use databases to store customer information, product catalogs, and
order histories.
3. Hospital Management: Hospitals use databases to store patient records, billing information, and
appointment schedules.
4. Government Records: Governments use databases to store census data, voter records, and economic
5. Social Media: Social media websites use databases to store user profiles, posts, messages, and

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