Math Exam 2

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Yaqshid Educational compound

Subject: math chapter one (1)

Questions and Answers

Q1: Define set ?

An: A set : is a well- defined collection of an objects

Q2: what are the objects of set called ?

An: the objects of set is called it's Elements

Q3: what are the representation of sets and define Each ?

An: 1) Descriptive form :A set is described in words

2) Roster form or tabular form : A set can be described by listing All

It’s Elements

3) Set builder form or rule form : All Elements of a set are described by a rule

Q4: list types of sets and describe Each of them ?

An: 1) finite set : if a set has a finite number of Elements then it’s called a definite set

2) infinite set: A set which does not have a definite number of Elements is called infinite set

3) Empty set or null set : A set with no Elements is called an Empty set

4) single ton set : A set which has only one Element is called single ton set

5) Equivalent set : Two finite set A and B are Equivalent if they have the same number of Elements

6) Equal set : two sets which have the same number of Elements and whose Elements are Identical

Are called Equal set

7) universal set : is the set of All Elements under consideration.

Q5: what are the set operations ?

An : 1) Union of sets 2) intersection of two sets

2) Disjoint set 4) complement of sets

Q6: Define matrix ?

An: Matrix: A set of numbers arranged in A rectangular array with no rows and columns

Q7: list types of matrix and describe Each of them ?

An : 1) Raw matrix: A matrix having only one row is called A row matrix

2) column matrix: A matrix having only one column Is known as column matrix

3) zero or null matrix: A matrix whose Element are zeros is called zero matrix

4) Square matrix : A matrix having the same number of rows and columns is called square matrix

5) Rectangular matrix: A matrix of order m×n where m # n is called rectangular matrix

6) Diagonal matrix: A square matrix in which Every non- Diagonal Elements is zero

Is called diagonal matrix

7) scalar matrix: A square matrix in which Every diagonal Elements is zero and All diagonal

Elements are Equal is known as scalar matrix

8) comparable matrix : Two matrix A and B are Said to be comparable if they are of the same

Order , they have the same number of rows and the same number of columns

9) Equal matrix: Two matrix A and B are Said to be Equal, if they are the same order and they

Are corresponding Elements are Equal

Q9: list properties of addition on matrix ?

An: (I) A+B = B+A ( commutative law ) (II) ( A+B)+c = A+( B+c) ( Associate law

( III ) A+O = 0+ A = A ( Additive law )

( Iv ) A + ( - A ) = A + ( A ) =0 ( Additive inverse law )

Q10: when we can multiply two matrix ?

An: we can multiply two matrix, if the number of the columns in the first matrix is the same as the

Number of rows in the second matrix

Note : The multiplication of matrix is ( Raw × matrix )

Q11: Tell the formula of determinates 2×2 matrix ?

An: [ det (A) = ad – bc ]

Q12: Tell the formulas of Algebraic Expression in the following

a) ( a+b )³ b) ( a-b )³

An: a) [ ( a+b) ³ = a³ + 3a²b + 3ab² +b³ ]

b) [ ( a-b) ³ = a³ -3a²b + 3ab²+ b³ ]

Q13: Tell the formula of factorizing using the identity ( a+b )

An: [ a³+ b³ = ( a+b ) ( a²- ab + b² ]

Q14: Tell the formula of factorizing using the identity ( a³- b³ )

An: [ a³ - b = ( a-b) ( a² + ab + b² ) ]

Q15: Tell the formula of quadratic Equations ?

An : [ ax² + bx² +c = 0 ]

Q16: list ways which can be solved quadratic Equation ?

An : 1: factorization 2: completing the square 3: formula 4: Graph

Prepared by : Mohamed omar yusuf

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