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November 4th, Saturday

V-04 / 17:00 – 19:00

Dr. Onur Osmanoğlu

Included Topics

Chapter 1 & 2 – IMC

Chapter 3 & 4 – Consumer Behavior & Role of Agencies

Guest lecture session & all other class
(Less emphasis on Ch 4) discussions

Chapter 5 – Analyzing the Communication Process Review the textbook for insightful
Chapter 8 & 9 – Creative Strategy 1 & 2

Chapter 10 – Media Planning & Strategy

Midterm – General Information

• 10 fill in the blanks – TF questions (10 pts)

• 4 - 5 essay questions (90 pts)

• 2 – 3 print ads

• Sample Exam Question

Please examine the attached advertisement.
o What are the segmentation variables? Explain.
o On what basis is the product positioned in the advertisement? Explain.
o Write a description of the target audience in a short paragraph.
o From an IMC perspective, would you make any changes in the advertisement?
Target Audience Description Example

Juan Paz… has never rented from Hertz

§ Juan Paz, 35, intl sales and marketing mgr., he is married. He has 2 kids, 1 dog. Lives in London in an apartment.
His wife works but does not drive. They have a small car for daily use, but he rents cars on his professional travels.
He normally rents from Avis, but also sometimes uses the local companies as well. He has heard of Hertz but has
never rented from it. He does not have an opinion about Hertz, feels indifferent about it. He thinks of himself as
“European” (sophisticated, organized, open-minded, brand-concious, health-concious, likes good food, cultured)

§ Juan Paz is concerned about time and quality of life. He looks for customized and differentiated service. Remains up
to date and has knowledge of cars. He is demanding with himself and with the others. When he travels for business,
he expects to arrive to his meetings on time after a comfortable ride; he cares about the appearance and the
age/technology of the cars he rents; he is technology-conscious and does not ever want to be out of date.

o “Business process used to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, pervasive brand
communications programs over time with consumers, customers, prospects, employees, associates and other
targeted relevant external and internal audiences”
o Goal: ST financial results & LT brand (and shareholder) value
o Consistency in and synergy among all comm venues (at each contact point)

• Role of IMC in developing and maintaining brand identity and equity

o Well-known brands have competitive advantage in this marketing landscape
o Requires favorable, unique, strong associations

• Promotional mix

• Touchpoints perspective in IMC development

o Company-created touchpoints
o Intrinsic touchpoints
o Unexpected touchpoints
o Customer-initiated touchpoints

• Paid, owned, earned media

• Review of mktg plan

o Situation analysis
o Marketing objectives
o Marketing strategy & program
o Program for implementing the marketing strategy
o Process for monitoring and evaluating performance
Marketing & promotions process model

Source: Belch & Belch


• Segmentation bases
o Geographic, demographic, behavioral, benefit
o What changes as you move between these bases?

• Targeting
o Target audience description
o Undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated marketing

• Positioning
o Product attributes/benefits, price/quality, use/application,
product class, user, competitor, cultural symbol
o Repositioning

• Developing marketing planning program

o Mktg mix related decisions + push/pull strategy
Consumer Behavior

• Stages in decision making process

o Problem recognition
o Information search
o Alternative evaluation
o Purchase decision
o Post-purchase evaluation

• Relevant psychological processes

• Motivation
• Perception
• Attitude formation
• Integration
• Learning
Consumer Behavior

o A disposition to evaluate an attitude object with some degree of favor or disfavor
o A summary construct that represents overall feelings and evaluation
o Ad and promo to generate favorable attitude, strengthen existing positive attitudes, or change negative ones

• Multiattribute Attitude Models

Salient beliefs: Beliefs regarding specific attributes or consequences that are activated and form the basis of an attitude
o Varies wrt different market segments, over time, across consumption situations
Participants in the IMC Process

Source: Belch & Belch

Analyzing the Communication Process

Source: Belch & Belch

Sequential Models of Advertising
Hierarchy of
Stages AIDA Effects

Cognitive Attention

Interest Liking
Desire Preference

Conative Action Purchase


• Main assumption: Sequential order

Elaboration Likelihood Model
Motivation to Opportunity to Ability to
Elaborate Elaborate Elaborate

Amount of
high low

Central Route to Peripheral Route to

Persuasion Persuasion

Message arguments
Cues Determine
Determine Persuasion
Creative Strategy Part I

Inputs to the Creative Process

o Background research
o Product/service specific research
o Qualitative research input
o Verification/revision

Advertising Campaigns
o Campaign theme
v Central message that will be communicated in the ad and other promo activities
v Usually expressed via slogan (tagline) that reduces the key idea into a few words or a brief statement

o Slogan
v Summation line that expresses brand’s positioning and delivers the message
v Appears in every ads and other marcoms to serve as a reminder and reinforce the message
v Key element of brand identity, enhance image, recognition & recall, differentiation
Creative Strategy Part I

Creative Brief
o Document that specifies the key elements of the creative strategy for an ad campaign and serves as the basis
for communication bw the client and the agency

o Traditionally a two-step process

v Assignment brief (business or marketing brief)
q What the client wants agency to do
v Creative brief by the agency
q Done by the account planner and/or representative
v Becomes the roadmap for the creative process upon client’s approval

Developing the Major Selling Idea

o Creating a brand image
o Finding the inherent drama
o Positioning
Creative Strategy Part II

Advertising appeal Advertising execution

• Informational/rational appeals o Straight-sell or factual message
o Feature appeal o Scientific/technical evidence
o Competitive advantage appeal o Demonstration
o Favorable price appeal o Comparison
o News appeal o Testimonial
o Product/service popularity appeal o Slice of life
o Animation
• Emotional appeals o Personality symbol
o Transformational ads o Imagery
o Dramatization
• Others o Humor
o Reminder advertising o Combinations
o Teaser (mystery advertising)
o UGC advertising
o Corporate image advertising
Media Planning & Strategy

• Media planning
o Series of decisions involved in delivering the promotional message to current & potential customers
o Serves as guide for media selection
v Requires developing specific media objectives & media strategies (plans of action)

• Medium
o Media vehicle
o Reach
o Coverage
o Frequency

• Problems in media planning

o Insufficient information
o Inconsistent terminologies
o Time pressures
o Difficulty measuring effectiveness
Media Planning & Strategy

• Market analysis
o Some of the key questions include
v To whom will we advertise?
§ Index (should not be used alone)
v What internal & external factors operating?
v Where to promote?

• Media objectives

• Developing & implementing media strategies

o Media mix
o Target market coverage
v Full vs. partial market coverage vs. waste coverage
o Scheduling
v Continuous, flighting, pulsing
o Reach vs. frequency

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