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Chapter 1 6 Refraction of Light at Spherical Surfaces : Lenses Foes, thin lens formula, lens maker's formula, magnification, power ties ih contact, combination of a lens and a mirror. on formulas for the positions and sizes of real and virtual images formed by WE pare to aire 4 common convention for giving sign (positive or negative) = "ject and the image and to focal length of the lens. Different writers use svavessions, bur most of them prefer ‘Coordinate Geometry Sign Convention’. It states as Gr Sess OF the lens is taken as origin and principal axis of the lens as X-axis. A line passing S55 optical centre and perpendicular to the principal axis is taken as Y-axis. Cs2nces are measured from the optical centre along the principal axis and perpendicular to ances measured to the right of the optical centre (along +X-axis) are taken as positive and nces measured to the left of optical centre (along -X-axis) are taken as negative. tances measured upward from principal axis are taken as positive and those measured Gownwerd are taken as negative. to this convention, the radius of curvature of a convex surface and the focal length of a conver lens are positive, while those of a concave surface and a concave lens are negative. Refraction at Concave Spherical Surface le: SPS (Fig. 1) be a concave spherical surface separating a rarer medium of absolute refractive index densex medium of absolute refractive index ng . Let P be the pole and C the centre of curvature 2 suxfzce. PC is the radius of curvature R of the surface. fnz-objece O be placed on the A on the surface, bends towards the znd goes along AB into the ium. Another incident ray OP the surface normally and hence ‘eviated into the denser medium. refracted rays, AB and PQ, when huced backwards, meeton the principal ais 2t a point I which is the ‘virtual’ image ar (Fig. 1), (619) Nootan sep Sapp, the atone OAC © & the angle of refraction BAN © r, POs (@ (by (c) ta CONVEKO- PLANO- CONCAYO- CONCAVO- PLANO CONYEXO- CONVEX CONVEX ‘CONVEX CONCAVE CONCAVE CONCAVE CONVEX LENSES CONCAVE LENSES 19.3) (ia. 4) (iv) Concavo-concave (or Bi-concave or Double Concave) : Its both surfaces are concave (Fig. 4(a)]. The radii of curvature of these surfaces may be equal or different. (v) Plano-concave : Its one surface is plane and the other is concave [Fig. 4(b)]. (vi) Convexo-concave (or Concave Meniscus) : Its one stirface is convex and the other is concax [Fig. 4(c)]. The radii of curvature of these surfaces are different. It is thinner in the middle. The line joining the centres of curvature of the surfaces of the lens is called the ‘principal axis' ofthe lex 5. Converging and Diverging Actions of Lenses We can consider a lens as made up of large number of different small-angled prisms. In a convex lenstit base of each of these prisms is towards the principal axis of the lens [Fig. 5(a)], while in a concave ks it is away from the principal axis [Fig. 5(b)]. + We know that a light ray passing through a prism is deviated towards the base of the prism. Tis deviation of the light ray increases as the angle of the prism increases. Hence, the rays falling 0%? convex lens, after refraction at both the surfaces of prisms, bend towards the principal axis of the ess Greater the distance of a prism from the principal axis, greater is its angle and greater is the devi? produced by it in the light ray. Hence, the light rays after bending through different a8 collect at one point (Fig. 5(a)]. Thus, the action of a convex lens is to collect the light rays at o™ point. Hence, this lens is called ‘converging’ lens. On the other hand, the rays falling on a concave es after refraction at both the surfaces of the lens, become more separated [Fig. 5(b)]. Thus, a cone" lens produces spreading in the light rays. Hence, this lens is called ‘diverging’ lens. jon of ght Spherteat Surtyruy ca lanseg 4 ay te] ES yaaa one sepa, (hy (Fig. 6) se thickness of a Lene fy mensured hy the J eas, If the thickness of the lens is negliihte shen the lens fs called « thin’ lens; y MANN OF the principal axis hervenn the svn surfaces of the Wn comparison to the radii of curvature of the curged wuiface, hls chapter by lens ve mean v thin jens, some Definitions Related to the Lens (1 Optical Contre : If ray of light is ine) ‘dent on a lens sucl emergent ray 8 parallel to the incident ray, then the appears to Intersect, the prineipal axis is enlled the The aptient centre of the len divides the thiekness of the lens bn the satin of the rad of curva of the surfaces ofthe lens, Suppose, for the first susfiaee ofthe Jens the poe Is Py, centne of curvature is, and radius of curvature is 15 and for the second surface the pole js Py, centre of curvature is Cz and radius of curvature is Re [P, O(a) and (b)], 1G be the optical centre of the lens, then coi CP, My that after refraction Wiveuph the lens, Oe point aL which the refracted nay interserts, oF ‘opnical centre’ of the lens, “SoA ry - @ by (Fig. 6) Since, in bi-convex and bi-concave lenses, Ry and Ry aire on the opposite sides relative to the optic cal centre G therefore, CP; and CPs are also on opposite sides, In other words, the optical centre of these lenses Is ‘inside’ the lenses, I the radii of eurvature of both the surfaces ofthe Jens are equal (Ry = 2), then GPy = Pa, That va middle point of the lens {s also the optical centre o' the lens. the For the rays passing through the optical centre of the convex tans CONCAVE Lent lens, the incident and the emergent rays are parallel tay aD but there is a lateral displacement between them, Prcwas ris Won — Nootan tse «ligntacement deerensos as the thickness of the lens decreases and is negligible ina thin My, lens, 5, vay passing through the optical contre of a ‘thin’ lens goes straight without any deviation gH, 0 a (ig. (a) and (b)) hi I planoconver and planoconcave lenses, one surface is Plane whose radivs of curvature Is infinite, If we assume that ina plano-convex or a plano-concave tens, the first surface is plano, then Ry =. Thus, a he CP, Ry” or Py = 0. ‘That is, the optical centre C of these lenses is situated at the 7 pole of the curved surface of the lens (Fig. 8(a) and (b)]- mn In concavo-convex and convexo-concave lenses, Ry and Ry are on the same side of the lens. Therefore, in them, CP, and CP, will also be on the same side of the optical centre C. Clearly, in these lenses, the optical centre will be ‘outside’ the lens, Since, the radius of curvature P2C2 (= Ry) of the more curved surface is less than the radius of curvature PyC; (= Ry) of the less curved surface, therefore, according to the formula a oe the optical centre C will be nearer to the more curved surface [Fig. 9 (a) and (b)]. To locate the position of C, C; Ay and C2A2 are drawn from the centres of curvature Cy and C of en surfaces upto the corresponding surfaces. Now, the line joining A, and Ay is extended. The poin: wie: the extended line cuts the principal axis, is the position of the optical centre of the lens. (il) Focus and Focal Length : The rays starting from a fixed point on the principal axis of a lens, or appearing to go towards a fixed point on the axis, after refraction through the lens become parallel to the principal axis. This point is called the ‘first focus’ of the lens. In Fig. 10 (a) and (b), the point F’ is the first focus of the Jens. In a convex lens the rays starting from F” [Fig. 10(a)] and in a concave lens the rays (Fig. 10) appearing to go towards F’ [Fig. 10(b)] emerge from the lens parallel to the principal axis. The dis of the first focus from the optical centre of the lens is called the ‘first focal-length’ ofthe lens. In FX. 10 and (b), the distance CF" is the first focal length f" of the lens. FOCAL Pa FOCAL PLANE (a Sn nallnough reaction of aht-+a7s takus place at both surfaces, bul in thin Tonsos wo Show only ono raraction ofthe Wht ray aka wereeNTNS SS ag ight at Spherical Surfaces : Lenses jon rs the rays travelling parallel 7 sii, after refraction through te oe go roard a fixed point on the axis of eihet fo come from a point. This point is ealled apPecond focus’ or the ‘principal focus’ of the. ——>—— ep Fig. 11 (a) and (b), the point F is the oD Ae focus of the lens. All the axial-paralel sfnerging fom a convex lens aetaly ach F (Fig. 11()], while those emerging thea concave Tens appear to come from F ie 1100). The distance of the second focus (Fa. 11) fom Be oD faa tien is called the ‘second focal length’ or the ‘principal focal length’ of the Jens. In or al rent 'e distance CF is the principal focal length f of the lens. ris clear is. 11 (a) and (b) that the focus in a convex lens is real while in a concave lens it is al. According to the sign convention, nl i Se eave lens is negative. , the focal length of a convex lens is positive while that of a FOCAL PLANE ass (ay then the meditim on both sides ofa lens is ? ' ano Me pelea eal ae ts 8 sch as ai then the mums values of both the {i Focal Plane : The plane passing through Ee me lens and perpendicular to the principal axis is {alled the ‘focal plane’ (Fig. 10 and 11). perpei ;, Refraction of Light through a Thin Lens : Lens Maker's Formula The lens maker's formula relates the focal length of a lens to the refractive index of the material of the Jens and the radii of curvature of the two surfaces of the lens. It is used to make a lens of required focal Jength from glass of a given refractive index. Hence, its name. in deriving this formula, we adopt the coordinate geometry sign convention and make the following assumptions : (The lens is thin so that the distances measured from the poles of its two surfaces can be taken as equal to the distances from its optical centre. (i) The aperture of the lens is small. (iii) The object is a point-object placed on the principal axis of the lens. (iv) The incident and the refracted rays make small angles with the principal axis. Let us consider a convex lens made of glass of absolute refractive index nz placed in a rarer medium of absolute refractive index nj. Let P) and Po be the poles, C; and C. the centres of curvature and Ry(= PyCy) and Ry (= P2Cp) the radii of curvature of its first and second surfaces respectively (Fig. 12). Let C be the optical centre and ¢ (= P,P.) the thickness of the lens. Mn, Ny an (Fig. 12) (626) Nootan scp int-obj «canal axis of the lens at a distance u fr Tet point-object O be placed on the principal he len = first surface. ‘Aray OA travelling in the rarer medium my Is incident on the first surface see! len, Mang AB, bending cowards the normal C; ANy at thert™® lenge Id have met the principal axis ap ns, wi refracted into the ‘denser medium Nz second surface of the lens were absent, the ray AB woule ay et the distance of from Py be v'. Then, fo image of O due to refraction at the first surfa at the first surface, We have iy hich, : th, Teta ng _m 2 Mo, vou ‘dent on the second surface ofthe lens and ormal CaBN9 at the point B. The emerg istetag, med by the lens. ent ray ye irtual object and I is the reat - of the second surface, The i jum ng is actually inci ry from the real image of 0 fo ns, I’ acts as a ¥ 1 from the pole P2 The ray AB travelling in ‘medit into the rarer medium ny, bending awa the principal axis at | which is the final, 1d surface of the ler For refraction at the secon formed by this surface. Let v be the distance © ofl (object for the second surface) from the pole Ps of the second surface is (v' ~ t). Then, for rep. ™ at the second surface from denser medium "2 to rarer medium ny. We have, + for refrac, mt UI pout Re ifthe lens is ‘thin’, then ¢ <<" and can be ignored, Then, we have my _ me mam, " R 7 " nat m8 ? “fi ‘Adding Eqs. (i) and (i); we get nym 1 1 M4 sim-m)io-Zz}: MB = (nL - Ry Putting ng / my =n, the ‘ive it it 1 =n, the refractive in i , medium, we have index of the material of the lens with respect to the surroundin; 8 li When the object is at infinity, the i the principal focus of the lens, th , the image will be formed princip: hen u==, v=f (the focal length of the lens). Therefore, from E4 Gin, are ee gen 7 . Gill), ve li) or This is the lens make el rs formula. equally applicable to a ae ane hes been derived for a convex lens formi virtual images. is forming a virtual image and to a eee real image, but its concave lens which forms on! [For eoracton trom denver {o rarer mi ww wedlim, the rlalon between u,v, Rm and hy can ae , 2 Can be obiained by interchanging m and "2 ™ relation “2 ss pn of Light at Spherical Surfaces. Lenses vot ‘i ri 7 paring Eq: (iii) and (iv), we have 627, sisration cle GaUssan form of fry ag aS & iation’, 3 pependence of the Focal Ley oe ny e Prens and the Radi of Curyena cr cLes UPON the Refractive Ind of the Material of ces of the Lens jendence upon Refractive index : i aim pape iti es + The refractive index n of the material of a lens depends upon the therefractive index of the maven af erally the lens is placed in ai, hence in the above formula n is aiher than ait, then, due to.a chay the lens (glass) with respect to air. If we place the lens ina medium fierease. '¢ in n, the focal length f of the lens will change. If n decreases, ass ai in index of glass with respect to air ee my then the focal length of the lens will increase. If the refractive- ‘i aa wa : index of glass with respect to the liquid Ps the refractive index of the liquid be gm, then the refractive iN, cil teeny) But gn) > 1. My < a. Ifthe focal length of the lens in air be f, and that in liquid be fj, then 1 1 1 Aon, fy(eee gore og | 1 Tee a 2 <(ny-pf4-2). ire -a) fi (amg=D A G%=),, fe Gitg=D > or Si > Sa Thus, on immersing the lens in the liquid, the focal length of the lens increases, but its nature does not change. A convex lens behaves as a convex lens on being immersed in the liquid. For example, if a glass lens is immersed in water, then the focal length of the lens increases. If the lens is immersed in a liquid whose refractive index is equal to the refractive index of the material of the lens, that is, glass (qm = aM)» then Eee3E Nootm so, eeinfinite, Now, the fens will behave just like q ny PA Te, ifa flint glass Fens is immersed in carn eg Subphigh that is, the focal length of the lens becom plate and will become invisible. For examp! the lens behaves just like a plate. f, however, the refractive index of the Hiqui idl is greater than the refractive index of the ey Tens (qn > aM), then Ml, aly Ne attic. Me ny 1 14 1 cay -0( ht In this case, we have Gee RR, that is, the focal length of the lens in the liquid becomes negative, Hence, the lens whi {focal length was positive) in air wll behave as a concave fens in that liquid, | Dependence upon the Radi of Curvature : It is clear from the formula for reaction of igh, sere that the focal length also depends upon the radii of curvature Ry and Ra ofits surfaces, op gu: convex lens, Ry is postive and Ro is negative. Hence, from Eq. (), we have mi 1 fee) -o(d+2}. Lez +) @ OLR, Re For a double concave lens, Rj is negative and Rg is positive. Hence, tegen ee -o{2+Z). pose a) ee It is clear from these formulae that the focal length of a lens of large radii of curvature is large and. ofa lene of small radii of curvature is small. In other words, the focal length of a thin lens is large 2 that of a thick lens is small. If the refractive index n of the material of a lens is 1.5 and the radii of curvature of both the surfaces, the lens are equal (Rj = Ry = R), then from the above equations, f=R and f =~ R respectively. Ths, the focal length of such a convex or concave lens is equal to the radius. of curvature of the lens, If one surface of the convex, or the concave, lens is plane, then for n = 1.5, the value of f will be 22 Thus, for a lens of n = 1.5, the value of f cannot be less than R. ich wy 8 tm ™ \ 9. Image Formation by Thin Lenses 2 Image formation by thin lenses for v4ffois positions of the object takes place according to & following laws : (i) An incident ray parallel to the axis of a lens, after refraction through the lens, either goes throught second focus (in convex lens) or appears to come from the second focus (in concave lens). Gi) An incident ray passing through the first focus of the lens (in convex lens), or appearing #0 towards the first focus (in concave lens), after refraction through the lens, becomes parallel 0 principal axis. Gil) A ray passing through the optical centre of the lens goes straight without any deviation © displacement. (iv) Those incident rays which are not parallel to the principal axis but are parallel to one anothes - refraction through the lens, either meet at a point in the focal plane of the lens (in convex lens) appear to come from a point in the focal plane (in concave lens). For example, ar bubble (whose surface is conver) in wator bohavos as concave lon, a sof Light at Spherical Surfaces : Lenses tio! 629 gfe mation of Image by a Convex Long 10 ynon the Object Is at Infinity Fig. a3); s, i iis paced at innity infront ofa eet Pose an obit ity infront of 8. TWo ra oF are taken. Since point OF is at infinity thee aa T be parallel. One ray which pase ; ical Hi mergen| ’ Hence, I’ is the image of the point 0”, ‘The ees fia the lowest point of the object will be parallel to the princi val co axis. Hence, they will meet at the second focus F of the lens where the image 7 of O will be formed. Therefore, II is the image of the complete object OO". This image isin the second focal-plane of the lens and is real, inverted and very small as compared to the object. {i The Object ts In between Infinity and 2F Distance (Fig. 14) : Suppose an object OO’ is placed rpendicular to the Principal axis infront of the lens, between infinity and 2 f. One ray O’A starting from Oo’ parallel to the principal axis emerges through second focus of the lens after refraction. The second ray which passes through the optical centre C of the lens goes straight undeviated. Both the emergent rays meet at, Hence, I is the image of the point O'. 11’ the perpendicular to the principal axis from I’ is the complete image of object OO". This image at a distance less than 2f on the other side of the lens. Image is real, inverted and smaller than the object. Fig. 14) (il) The Object is at 2f Distance (Fig. 15) : If the object 00’ is placed at a distance 2 f infront of the lens by drawing the rays according to the laws, a real and inverted image I’ of the same size as the object is obtained at a distance 2f on the other side of the lens. (Fig. 15) (iv) The Object Is in between Distances of f and 2f (Fig. 16) : In this position also image II’ of the object 00's obtained by drawing rays according to the above laws. This image is formed on the other side of the lens at a distance more than 2f. The image is real, inverted and larger in size than the object. (Fig. 16) 630 47): The ray 0'A starting from O° 11. 12. ‘The Object at First Focus F’ (Fig. a peralel oie principal axis passes through second et sof & Tene after refraction. Second ray °C which passes through the OPUS contre *C’of the lens goes straight undeviated. Both the emergent rays fre parallel to each other, hence meet at infinity, Obviously IMAKE formed at infinity It will be real inverted and highly enlarged as compared to the object. ; wi) ay Object Is In between the Lens and Its Focus (Fig. 3) 3 ‘The ray O“ starting from O" travels parallel tothe principal axis and passes through second focus in AF direction. Another ray OC passes through optical centre of the lens undeviated. These two refracted rays, when extended in the backward direction appear to meet atl” behind the lens. Thus, I’ is the virtual image of 0”. A perpendicular IT drawn from I’ on the principal axis is the complete image of the object 00’. This image is formed on the same side of the lens as that of object. It is virtual, erect and larger than the object. Here it i to be noted that as the object is shifted from infinity towards the focus of the lens, its image get shifted from its focus towards infinity on the other side yp lens, When the object is in between the focus and optical centre the image is formed between fae y (Fig. 18) and F on the same side of lens as that of object. Formation of Image by a Concave Lens Suppose an object 00’ (Fig. 19) is placed normally on the principal axis of a thin concave lens. From 0’, an incident ray O'A parallel to the principal axis, after refraction through the lens, appears to come from the second focus F. A second incident ray OC which passes through the optical centre, goes straight. Both these rays, on producing backwards, intersect each other at the point I’. Hence I’ is the virtual image of the point O'. A perpendicular I’ drawn from I’ on the principal axis is the complete image of the object 00". This image is formed on the same side of the lens as that of the object. 0: %9) Itis virtual, erect and diminished. For every position of an object the image formed by the concave en is always vircual, erect and diminished . It is formed in the same side as that of object between the lens and focus. But if the object is placed at the focus of a concave lens, the image is formed just in the mid way of lens and focus. Linear Magnification by Spherical Lenses Fhe near magnicaton Produced by a spherical (convex or concave) lens is the ratio of the size « image formed by the lens to the size of the object, both measured perpendicular to the principd axis, It is denoted by m. ee Padi . a eee ie panel axis are taken as positive and below as negative. Hence, for ere Snification is positive and for inverted images the linear magnification is negativ® gon Baht at Sphere Surtaces: Loney - aifcation bY © Convex Long ; Rect 00" 18 placed perpendicular to Me of a thin convex lens at a distanee poll Jength of the lens (Fig, 20). Prom or ,0'A parallel to the principal axis, aft ough the Fens, Passes through the seeg asecond ray O'C which passes through irre, g00s straight. Both the reracte int I" which is the real image of the point oO". A cular 11" drawn from 1° : srpendicul m1" on the principal axi . si ect 00". Fre triangles CII” and COO" are simian pal axis Is the complete Image of the object OO". ae! Uppore, an he principal - beyond the ol * an tneldent O77 ——? refraction ond focus F, the optical 'd rays meet at (ia. 20) . lta 00’ * Go" suppose, the length of the object OO’ = + ys, length of the Image II’ = ~ 2, CO = ~ w and CI= + (according to the sign convention. y, : a ; Yi and v are positive, y and u are negative substituting these values in the above equation, wwe hee ne Pome: while Ya % =Y2_ tu *y ou an ircatl v linear magnification, m = 22 now Magnification by a Concave Lens : In this case the image is always virtual. Suppose, an object OO’ (Fig. 21) is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a thin concave lens (the distance of the object from the lens does not matter in this case) : From 0’, an incident ray O’A parallel to the principal axis, after refraction through the lens, appears to come from the second focus F.Asecond incident ray 0’C which passes through the optical centre , goes straight. Both the refracted rays, on producing backwards, intersect each other at the point I’ which is the virtual image of the point 0’. A perpendicular 1’ drawn from 1’ on the principal axis is 6.24) the complete image of the object 00". The triangles Cil’ and COO’ are similar, ie cl 00° ~ co" cA) Now, 00’ =+ yy,’ =+y,CO=-u and Cl=~ v (according to the sign convention y, and y are positive, while u and v are negative). Substituting these values in Eq. (i), we have But y2/y; =m. v 1 |me ee ‘The magnification formula is same for both the convex and the concave lenses. ~~ | convex lens, m is negative when the j Poy {iS ebsious from the above (owe wen the image formed is viral Cand 28g (u negative, v positive) and m is positive whe! Y both ney Nootan i ive, v necessarily negative), gan lt, a concave lens, mis always positive (w negative,» nes ly neg rn Other Formulae for Magnification : The lens a la f lilt, vou f “fh Multiplying both sides by v, we have . : . Thus, negative magnification corresponds toa real, inverted image; whi iti ification come Ponds to a virtual, erect image. 13. Power of Lens ‘We cen consider a lens as made up of a number of small-angled prisms. In a convex lens the bess ¢ the prisms are towards the axis, while in a concave lens they are away from the axis. Ina Prism, a rays Gevisted towards the base. Therefore, when light rays parallel to the principal axis fall on 2 lens, they exe beat towards the axis in 2 convex lens, and away from the axis in a concave lens. Thus, the Purpose of Jens is to bend the light rays. The more it bends the light rays, the greater is its power. A lens of small focal length bends the light rays more than a lens of larger focal length. Thus, smaller the focal legs of 2 lens; greater is its power The power (P) of @ thin lens is equal to the reciprocal of its focal length (f) measured in metre. a F (metre) ibe SI unk of the power of lens is ‘diopure’. The power of a lens of focal length 1 metre is1diope ab). P= the nature ofthe lenis also changed, that i, a convex lens wil Beno cae i, : like a concave lens and aco" Jens will behave like a convex lens. That is, why an air bubble in water behaves like a concave lens. eras jon of Light at Spherical Surfaces : Lenses 633 7 bined Focal Length of Two Thin Lenses in Cont vy sath tho Lenses are Convox 7M pin convex Tenses Ly and Ly (Fig, 22) of went fi 49 ae placed neon fesaving & common principal axis, A point er 0-18 placed on the principal axis at a distance from the first lens 1). Its image a td be formed by the lens Ly alone at ant 0" (9) from Ly. Then, from the leng feral, we have jact (9.22) AD ea ae object for the second lens fy which forms a final image I at a distance u (say) from fii) Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get ee Git) fh Ifwe replace these two lenses by a single lens which forms the image of an object distant u from it at a distance v, then the focal length f of this equivalent lens would be given by ofiv) From Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get eet Fh ee @ (i One Lens is Convex and the Other is Concave : Suppose the focal length of the convex lens is fy and that of the concave lens is f2 . If f be the focal length of the equivalent lens, then 1 2 1 1 1 fife fe - fhe. Poh If f, > fa, then fis negative and the combination will behave like a concave lens. If fy < fe, then fis positive and the combination will behave like a convex lens. If f, ~ fh, then fis infinite and the combination will behave like a plane plate. Combined Power of Two Lenses Placed In Contact: If the powers of two thin lenses placed in contact be Py and Pp , then from Eq. (v), the power of the combined lens is. P=P +P ‘Thus, powers of the lenses placed in contact are added up. Ifa convex and a concave lens of equal focal lengths, are placed in contact, then the power of the combined lens will be zero (as Py = ~ P3). The focal length of such a combination will be infinite and it will behave as a plane glass plate. Magnification by Combination of Lenses : When lenses are used in combination, each lens 1 image formed by the preceding lens. Thus, the magnifi of the magnifications by the individual lenses, that is, m= my x7 e agnifies the tion m of the final image is given by the product x mg. Noot: 63a / an Sop, 18. Combination of Lenses and Mirrors ave tens is always virtual, In order to locate y ¢ image o object formed by a con . The image of a real obj Arent ofthe concave Tens, the concave et Py this virtual image, and hence to find the foc ‘ itor with a concave mirror or with a plane irror is always vii "i Similarly; the image of a real object formed br coe anatt of the pel vex mises 10 logy position of this virtual image, and hence to find the the cone is combined with a convex lens, i tchunice (treet 1 Concave Mirror, to ‘the Focal Long, {) Combination of Concave tomnted on an! optical bench and an object-pin O is placey ch te Lens : The concave mirror is mount ik (Fig, 23) coe is it 23). The position of O is adjusted until it is non-parallax With its ov ea ‘he mior The pi sedan at the centre of curvature ofthe mirror. The position of 0 ison ™ Now the concave lens Lis inserted between the mirror and O. For the object to remain non-paralary. its image, it has to be moved toa postion, farther away from the mirror. O and positions on an og bench are clearly, the virtual object and real image positions for the lens L. We measure the distance and LI on the optical bench. Ifu and v be the object distance and the image distance respectively ors, lens, then we have u=LO and v=LI, uand v both being positive. Now, inserting the values of u and v (with positive signs) in lens forms 2_1_1 the focal length f of the lens may be calculated. (il) Combination of Concave Lens and Plane Miror, to Calculate the Focal Length of Concave Lens The concave lens L is mounted on an optical bench and an object-pin OO’ is placed infront it. The lens forms virtual image JI’ on the same side as the object. In order to locate the position of this image, a plane mirror is placed behind the lens with its coated surface towards the lens, and upper end on the prin! axis of the lens (Fig. 24). Now, another pin PQ is placed infront the reflecting surface of the plane minc: in such a position that its image P’ Q' formed by the plane mirror coincides with II’. In this situation, te images II' and P' Q’ will be non-parallax. The positions of the concave Jens, the plane mirror, pins 00° and PQare read on the optical bench. Then, for given concave lens, we have u = LO and v = LI = MI - ML = MQ - ML., because MI = MQ. (Fig. 24) 7 a — of Light at Spherical Surfaces : Lenses = , ™ gupstitutins these values in lens formula 1 _ 1 yj bu” 7 the focal length f of the lens may be calculated. (ye onvex lens L is mounted ji hone Convex Lens, to Calculate the Focal Length of a Convex Mirror : He oral axes of lens and mot the Convex mirror MM’ on an optical bench in such a way that the Pen PE the pin lies on the oot Colmcide. An object pin is placed infront the lens in such a way that the tP Oe Tens fall on thee co™NON principal axis (Fig, 26(a)], Light rays from O, after refraction oT real image T towards pt Fellection from the mirror, the rays pass again through the lens a oe a position in why kon C- NOW the object-pin is moved back and forth infront the lens and adjusted in a p Which there is no parallax between the pin and its image. In this position, the mally on the mirror and hence retrace their path to form the rays after passing through the lens fall no image [at the same position as the object 0, The position of the mirror MM’ is read on the optical bench. @) (Fig. 25) Now, keeping the object-pin and the lens fixed on the bench, the mirror is removed. Since, the rays emerging from the lens were falling normally on the miror, it means that they were converging towards the centre of curvature C of the mirror. Hence, after removing the mirror, the rays will meet at C [Fig, 25 (b)], where the real image I of O will be formed by the lens located by adjusting the position of an image-pin such that the image J and the image-pin are mutually non-parallax. The difference between the positions of the mirror and the image-pin is the radius of curvature R of the mirror. The focal length of the mirror is R/ 2. NCERT PROBLEMS ———$—$———————— 1. Double convex lenses are to be manufactured from a glass of refractive index 1.55, with both faces of the same radius of curvature. What is the radius of curvature required if the focal length is to be 20 cm? Solution. Lens maker's formula is 1 ta S2m-v{—- z) 70K is radi double convex lens, then TER is radius of curvature of dot et RR a R EE 646 Hore n = 165, f= 1200 2. A hoan of fight eonverne Poem frome 2 At ww! 20-em, and (i) a concave plution, The polit Pon rea Image be formed at P (1) For Convex Lens + wes 1 v at pe on or ‘The beam converges at 7.5 a f i) or 1 ze v(seg a Re aa DS m 4) %20 = 220m. N= 20,55 - 4 is placed in the path of the conve ?, le ata point P. Now # the pi - re if the lens is (i) a convex | nt nt does the beam converge he lon of fa ' long of focal length 16 6m a the right of lens works as a virtual source whose izem, f= +20¢m. eel uf 124 vou cm from the lens. (i) Vor Concave Lens : ue 12cm, f = - 16cm. = 11a tits SS . vu f 12 16 48 t% 1 I2em—a v= 48cm. ‘rhe beam diverges at 48 cm from the lens. An object of si the i produced by th 20cm is phan 14 em in front of a ¢ lens, What happens if the object concave lens of focal length 21 em. Deser s moved farther from the lens? Solution. Size of object O = 3.0 cm, Formulae or Size of image 1 = 20 u ‘That is, image is formed at 1.8 cm, As the object is moved farther from the lens, u = - 140m, f = ~ 21cm (concave lens) ee or Fou w 1 24+3 £ 248 ge vu 42 -8.4 Taq * 3.0 cm = 1.8 cm. a distance of 8.4 cm in front of lens. The image is virtual, erect and of Si the image goes on shifting towards focus and its size 80 on decreasing. The image is never formed beyond the focus of the concave Jens. is the focal len; al length 20 1 of lenses. hoof @ combination of a convex lens of focal length 30 em and a concave lt n contact ? Is the system a converging or a diverging lens ? Ignore thick’ jonaf Light at Spherical Surfaces: Lenses tte sont Given f, 637__ olution: Given fy = +30em, f, — 99 the focal length a of combination of given oe 1 1 tet,d Soa h or f = fh _ 30-20) 60 cm. is, the focal len er Sith 30-20 ree on I. 8th of combination is 60 em and it acts like a diverging lens figure shows an ¢ : a . " 1 liquid ctive index 1.50 in contact is ve all Me with its m is moved along the axi | de) > . S xis until its inverter age is found at the position of the needle, The distance of the on fe eee gneastired t0 be 45.0 cm, The liquid is rene, eedle from the lens is he new distance measured to be 30.0 em. Wh the liquid? Z Solution. Focal length of doy Focal length of double convex Th with the principal axis ‘quiconvex lens of ref ¥ On top of a plane mirton. A and exp) nt is repeated hat is the refractive index of If fa is the focal length of plano concave liquid lens, then “4am il fi fh fF 1 1 1 —+le4 1 1 1 1 > =—-— = -— =-90 30°, 45 7 Rs 390% aa For equiconvex lens of glass, 1 1 ee v(3 ) 1 2 a Ff RR) 3 S-DEE or R=30cm | Porliguid lens, Ry =~ 30 em, Ry =< | 1 11 oe 2 =Cam-p(2-2 irene 5 ae Gam-0(-3) =14124 2123 50 = 6a" 30) OF at a1t 5 == 133. 3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Example 1. A parallel beam of light strikes a glass (n = 3/2) sphere of 20 cm focussed on the other side of the spheie? Solution. Let C be the centre and P; and P, the poles of the sphere. A ray OA parallel to a diameter is first refracted into the glass along AB, appearing to meet the diameter at I’, and then refracted out into air along BI, being finally focussed at . For refraction at A from air to glass, we have n Here, u = ©, R= +10.cm and n= 3/2. 10 or v= Pl’ = + 30cm. 1’ serves as virtual object for refraction at B, from glass to air. For this, we have Vn 1_ as vou OR Now,u = PpI" = PyI’ = PyP, = 30-20 =+ 10cm and R=~10 cm. 2/3 1-1/3 1 v -10 30 or u=P)f= +5 cm. ‘The beam is finally focussed at 5 em behind the sphere. Gxample 2. A small air bubble is entrapped in a glass (n = 1.5) sphere of radius 4 cm at g em from the centre of the sphere. Where will the bubble appear when seen through (2) nearest the bubble, (b) farthest from the bubble? Solution, (a) Let C be the centre of the sphere and O the position of the bubble. When seen through the nearest surface, light rays from O, after refraction into air at the surface of the sphere, appear to come from J, which is the virtual image of 0. For refraction at a spherical surface, from denser to rarer medium, we have Qn) vou KR’ where n is the refractive index of the denser medium with respect to the rarer medium and the distances u and v are measured from the pole P of the surface. Here,u=PO = PC - OC = 4-1 = 30m, R = PC =+4cmandu = PI =? 2/31 2/3) =1_ v 4 Solving : v=+8/3 = + 2.7 cm. ‘The bubble will appear at 2.7 cm from the glass surface nearest the bubble. (b) When seen through the farthest surface, the rays from appear to come from J, which is the virtual image of O formed farther from O. Again, Yn _1_ Gm - vou R Now, u = PO = (PC + CO) na -@+1I=-Sem, R = PC = ~4cm,v = Pl =? 2/3 ,1 QA) -1 v5 4 Solving : v= ~ 120/21 = - 5.7 em, ‘The bubble will appear at 5.7 cm from the glass surface farthest from the bubble. r on of Light at Spherical Surfaces : Lensos 639. ample 3. A plano-conver tens made of glass ( : wus of curvature of its d ‘has ne 1a Curved surtace, (ii) i an identic. irst (plane surfaces facing o: Tait with tne first (P cing each other), what will be th (15€ 2007) galution. (i) The focal length ofa tens is piven by prone 1 f RR ora plano-convex Tens, Ry = 2, pere, f= 10.0cmandn = 15, é Rg = 10.0 cm x (- 0.5) =- 5.0 em. (ii) The focal length f (say) cf the combination is given by : | alee 1 1 1 s+ieil_,_1 fi f 00cm” 100m 5.0em f or f = 5.0em = 0.05 m. ‘The power of the combination is, pet tf 4al_ FGnmetre) ~ 7.05 m= 20 dioptre. Example 4. An equiconvex lens of glass, having focal length of 10 cm is split into two identical plano-convex lenses each having ee focal length fas shown in adjoining (Figure) : Find the value of . fh (SC 2010) thle 4 f=100n ft ; genteel Solution. o4iet ff f at 0 or fy = 20cm. Gxample 5. A plano-convex lens has radius of curvature 10 cm. Its focal length is 80 cm under Calculate the refractive index of the material of the lens; given refractive index of water 4/3 Solution. The focal length of the lens is given by (isc 2001) 1 1 1 daa-vfd : z}. f RL Ry where n is the refractive index of the lens material (glass) relative to the surrounding medium. Fora plano-convex lens, Ry = ®. Hence, the focal length of the given lens under water is ) = 80cm and Ry=~ 10em. . ol ety -of- ” g0.cm " 10cm _ 60 cm is in Now, wipe = alw : Pe ie alg = why Xallw HB * Grample 6. in adjoining figure shows a parallel beam of m atic light incident on a convex spherical surface, radius 5 (refractive index 30 cm, which separates lasé tion of the image formed due to = 1.6) from alt. Find the posit refraction of at this single spherical surface. (SC 2012) Solution. Using refraction formula, that is, Ba _ Mh _ Ma v u R But here, ng= 1.5; ny = 1; u = and R= 30 em. 15_1_,G5-D or y=80em. vo} 30 Faample 7. & thin convex tens which is made of glass (refractive index 1.5 ) has a focal cow completely immersed in a transparent liquid having refractive index 1.75. Fing 20 cm. itis focal length of the lens. is Solution. The focal length of the glass lens in air is given by a 1 1 = lan, ae fa S Ro ae Here, f = 20cmand gig = 1.5. Se a a a om sas-0(2 a ot The focal length of the glass lens in liquid is given by 7 ae 11 4 5% Mute DEB Te whi is ive it cra ie ere ;n, is the refractive index of glass with respect to the liquid. aaa Now, ny = 27 = 25. 8, iiaa am «L757 Bef vata an ia Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get Bt xe 3.5 20cm (1/7) or Sc : fe =~ 35 x 200m =~ the focal length inthe liquid comes out to be negative, the nature ofthe immersed lens is concave t Spheri gon of UAHA SPHETICAl Suraces: Lenses eat gan = “ample 8. A beam of light ¢ Gre convergent beam at 1 of Tconvex, (b) concave? al ion. (a) The point O on the fi solu ‘The convex (converging) le ight of the lens serves ‘onverges 2 cries 10a point 0. A lens of focal length 20 cm is placed in t ™ 0. At what point will the beam converge, if the le! A a8 a virtual object for the is erie neste te ea rea the convergence of the beam which 10 ceshown. Thus, » Which is the image of O formed by the 4=CO=412 em, from the lens formula 111 f=+20cm,v =? vo uF Wehave @ Now, u=+12cm, f =~20em,y => LS, ‘Again, from the lens formula, we have KA au v 4 be OBJECT AN PRIA nS [20cm —s¢—35 on —} (sc 2010) Solution. For convex lens Ly u=~ 20 em, f=15 cm,v =? From the lens formula 1 — or Therefore, the distance of this image of object ‘0 (which is serving as virtual object for concave lens) formed by the convex lens, u’ = 60 - 35 = 25 cm. And focal length of concave lens is also 25 em means itis falling om the focal point of concave lens. Thus, final image ofthe object ‘O's formed at infinity, by the combination of lenses. ON Nootan isc ex fens and a plane mirror is 10 cm. The Paraay t ¢ mirror, form image at the optical centre of the st"? 9 of the lens. rat hg, t the focal length of t re Sotuton. ts the raydiagram, parallel” rays after refraction tse int F which is the © the Tens converge towards the point F which ist Sees OES STC scred ee ater election from the mane maror placed in the path, meet at the optical centre C Reine lene, Thus. C is the image of the virtual pointobject F formed by the plane mirror Hence, - MF = MC = 10cm. Wenn De focal length of the lens is given by = f= CF = MC + MF = 10cm+ 10cm=20cm. below shows the object O, two lenses, a plane mage | which coincides ject. The focal length of the convex tate the focal length of the (ISC 2014) ~——45en jose vis —a5e0—_! Solution. For convex lens, u=— 45am, v=?, f=20cm Now usizg less formula 2-2 =, wehave, bu 1 1 1 oo = 36. » 4s 3 > "om « 11’ =36cm,soLgI’=u (virtual object distance for concave ez 41! -Ly Lz =36-16=20cm ‘Nove since light rays after reflection from plane mirror retrace their paths therefore in absence of pz riror these would have been focussed at infinity thus for concave lens, using lens formula, we hse 3-475 or f=-20cm. Francie 12. A nzedie placed at 45 om from a ens forms an image on a screen placed at 90 o> ther side of the lens. Identify the type of the lens and determine its focal length. What is the Sz? mage f the size of the needle is 5.0 em? What happens when the needle is moved closer to the Solution. Since, the image is real (it is formed on a screen), the lens is convex. Now, for the lens, we have u = - 45cmand v = + 90cm. Substituting these values in the lens for= a 1 3 f 90cm 45cm 90cm gon of isht at Soheta Sutacs: Leng ificati 643 ye magnification produced bythe jens m=22.Y _ +900m ‘Nou [45cm aig "SY, = eee oie en, yen the needle is Moved closer to e ed. y sie. Ifthe needle is moved to with re image moves away and away from the lens and grows ame side of the lens as the object, mple 13. The image P Ga ie focal Tenth hg ove lens is erect and its length is four times the le ' Mm, e mi soution. As the image is erect, Calculate the object and image dista for alens, the magnification is the lens, the image becomes virtual and lies on the the magnificati tea en Produced by the lens is positive, that is, m = + 4. Now, from the lens formula 2 _ 2 vow peal Dan (+ v=4u and f=+20cm) a =~ 15cm o = 4u = -60cm. Grample ieee Should an object be kept on the principal axis of a convex lens of focal '2 20 cm, in order to get an image which is double the size of the object? (ISC 2011) Solution. The image may be real or virtual, (i For a real image (negative magnification), and Using lens formula 1 or, The object should be placed 30 cm in front of converging lens. il For a virtual image (positive magnification), we have m=2=2 u Thus, v = Qu. Hence, giles terete Qu u 20cm . u=-10em. The object should be placed at 10 em from the convex lens. Nootay Srampre US, An odject is placed at a distance of 150 cry from a screen and a ¢ One, Debween protises at Imago on the screen, magnified 4 Wns tho size of the object, Fine nd HoSation of fhe tens Solution, Suppose, the tens the sereen behind the tens paces ata stance x from the object, The distance of the s (80 em x) Thus, we have (rea) ue yand ve + (80cm = x), The magnification of the ‘real’ image is negative, That is, Diy metand oor ve an u Putting the values of » and u from Bq, (0), we have ISOM = Xe = AEA & av or xs 80cm, ‘has, w= = 80 em anid v= + 120 em, Putting hese vates in tens formula EE oa. ou? 120 em . =—— 1s or 120m " SOem ~ Oem 20 cI or fw OM Loge, Ss The focal length of the lens is 24 cm and it is to be placed at SO cm from the object. PSxample 16. An object of size 3.0 cm is placed 14 cm in front of a concave tens of focal eng? Find the position, nature and size of the image, What happens if the object is moved farther from tee Solution, For the concave lens, we hav 11 1 we = Idem and f= = 21 em. Now, tron the lens Ses, 2-222, wet Soy pee have ey ee ees vu Fo Tem Bem aan of v= Ben == 84 em, The image is formed at 8.4 cm from the lens on the sate side as the object. The magnification is nie A ~84 cn you oie @ + 06 The ‘positive’ magnification means that the image is ereet, virtual, The size of the image is Joe mx yy = 0.6 x 30cm = + L8 em . As the object is moved away from the lens, the virtual image moves towards the focus of the lees ° never beyond the focus) and decreases in size, Noto : If the object be placed at the focus of the ‘concave’ lens (wee — 21 cn), the image would & Let at 10.5 cm (midway between the object and the lens), and not at infinity as happens in case « of aoe ens. However, a virtual object at the focus of a concave lens would produce an image at init No 646 ofan Isc, —_ Wie, ata distance of 20 6m from the 4 GS 5 formed by a lens ample 20. A real image is formed vc 7 towards ye combination by 10 em when gecond lens is brought in contact with the fri the power of the second lens. Solution. The image formed by the len Suppose, the object is at a distance 1 s is ‘real’. Hence, the lens is convex. Let its focal j saa ecthe lens, and the image is formed on the ut 1 » we have distance v (= 20 cm). From the lens formula vou “F 11.1 2oem uf _ Since, on placing it in contact of the first lens th he second lens also is convex. If the focal leoges, & Let the focal length of the other lens be fa shifts 10cm. ‘nearer’ the Jens-combination, t! 11,1 co again by the lens formula, we have combined lens be f, then F = i + h’ ee loom u f By Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get : fh 2 on fo = 2 pet Its power, a Grample 21. The power of a thin convex lens of glass is 5 D. When it is immersed in 2 it behaves like a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm. Calculate the refractive index of the liquic.7 refractive index of glass is 1.5. Solution. The focal length of the convex lens in air is given by de 2 tA "3750 7 0.2m = 20cm. ‘The focal length of the lens, behaving as divergent lens, in the liquid is, f =— 100 cm (given). Th=s fa 20em__ 1 fi -100cm 5" By Lens maker's formula, we have and (from abo" or y ob ight Spherion Gouin: § srg MeV ~ OA OF of i & Wy, ‘1 pepractive IBEX A the Nei bye 10 4h bs opven by oy = 1h, IS My Gasol 22.1900 C14 re py pn 255080, FI Nhe oz ter, A Neri OG Urn % hacen in wortath fh 4 ee Care Mee OWA WE TRI Oh the UprNCHe Net, ft sgition She Socal Senysh of the Cnnbhiation ts wren ty 1.4101 Sh he perefy = 40M (conver) and fw Den (eomenve), i 2 o fa-5 ‘The lens system is Biverging lens of fo tenysty YP con, % the power of the lens system ts oot J Gamers *~ Byam ~~ 15? Grample 23. b irk chiees 0 1 places ot 2 et: 15m from @ Conner Serr L of tora lecggh 10 on inthe adjacent figure. On the other side oh the ters mirror IA is placed such that ts dinten equal to the focal length oA by this combination is otnrves to coinnide 0, Find the focal length of the conwes or 1 B CAE, Tin ro, 50 2015) Solution. The rays refracted from lens L fll on convex mirror Mi and rerum on the same path after reflection. This is possible only when the rays fall on the mirror at right angles to its surface Le, they are going to meet at centre of curvature Iy, Thus, MI, = R= 2f, where f is focal length of mixrox As given LO =-15 em=u, Ll, =10+2f=vand f=1040. Using lens formula = a f=10on. Grample 24. An object is placed at 2 distance of 20 cm to the left of a convex lens cf focal length 2 aa fe mirror of focal length 5 om is placed at a distance of 20 cm to the right cf the lens. Find nena nature of the final image. Draw the ray-diagram and locate the position of the final vs 648 Solution. In the figure, the object O is at a distance of 20 cm (= 2f) from the lens. Hence, the image of the object will be formed at 20 cm (= 2) on the other side of the lens whichis the centre of curvature ofthe mirrorM (CIM = 10 cm = 2f" = radius of curvature of the mirror). Hence, the rays of light from I will fall normally on the mirror and retrace their paths, and the final image (real, inverted) will be formed at the object 0. OBJECTIVE TYPE 1. A double convex thin lens made out of glass (refractive index, n = 1.5) has both radii of curvature of magnitude 20 cm. Incident light rays parallel to the axis of the lens will converge at a distance L em such that: (@L = 10 ()L = 20 (OL = 40 @L = 20/3, Ifin a plano-convex lens the radius of curvature of the convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the Tens is 30 cm, the refractive index of the material of the lens will be : (15 (b)1.66 (©)1.33 (@) 3. For a plano-convex lens of glass (n = 1.5) of focal length f, the radius of curvature R of its curved surface is equal to: HE wy (3f/2 (2h 4. A point-source of light is placed at a distance of 2f from a converging lens of focal length f. The intensity of light on the other side of the lens is maximum at a distance : wy (b) between fand 2f ef (@) more than 2f 5. An object is placed at a distance of 5 cm more than the focal length f of a convex lens. Its real image is formed at a distance 3 f beyond the focus. The focal length f of the lens is : (@5cm —(b)10em_(c) 15cm (A) 20cm, The focal length of a convex lens of glass of refractive index 1.50 is 2 cm, The focal length of the lens when immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.25 will be : {a)1cm — (b)2.5cm (¢)4cm Sem. 7. A double convex lens of glass (n = 1.5) has a focal length of 10 cm in air. When immersed in a liquid of refractive index 3.0, the lens will behave as : 8. 9. 10. ll. 12, (Cary (a) converging lens of focal length 19, me _Abretéerging lens of focal length 19 en (6) converging lens of focal length 30 ey (2 converging lens of focal length 10/5 a Asymmetric double convex lens of two halves by a plane perpendicul axis. The power of each half is: D = )4D (sD A symmetric double convex lens of in two halves by a plane containing ‘The power of each half is : brad 8D Wen, ‘Two identical plano-convex lenses can be contine!, three ways, as shown. The ratio of the focal lees: these combinations will be : Da a (a) 22222 (b)Ls2s1 ()1:2:2 (2h Aconvexlens of power + 6 dioptre is placedine2* with a concave lens of power — 4 dioptre. Whatw2®* the nature and focal length of this combination? (a) Concave, 25 em —_\_(byConvex, 50m (c) Concave, 20 em (d) Convex, 1006. ‘Two thin lenses having optical powers of -100% +6 Dare placed in contact with each other. The length of the combination is : (a) +0.25 em (c)+0.25 m Power sie, ar t0 the prs (Orn, power 4D 50 the rinip ay «iy jon ot shit Spherical Surfaces : Lenses i 40 ‘i wer + 2.D is placed in contact with Fx ssp 1D. The combination will behave ihe 8 fy divergent lens of focal length 50 em (a) convergent lens of focal length 50 cm 14. ind the treat lena? “Two thin lenses are in coatact and the Fe! AS the combination is 80 cm. If the foc ‘i : lens is 20 em, then the power of the fer ESS answer. The aperture ofthe spherical surface i small. a, canthe optical centre ofa lens be situated ouside the Tens? ‘answer. Yes, it can happen in case of a meniscus lens ‘as shown in Fig. (9) text matter. 4. Athin convex lens (L;) of focal length 80 cm and a thin concave lens (L2) of focal length f are kept co- axially 20 cm apart as shown in figure below. When ‘anarrow and parallel beam of light is incident on the convex lens, beam emerging from the concave lens is also a parallel beam. Find f. (isc 2012) by be }-—— 20m —>} Answer, For convex lens Ly, « = % - Now, this image is serving as virtual object for concave lens. Therefore, forconcavelens, u = 80-20 =60.em. Further, the rays after refraction from concave lens becomes parallel to its principal axis thus, for concave lens v Now, using lens formula, Vell ait Alt1 4 Ll do f=-60m fivou~ fio © | 4. White down the lens maker's formula, using standard symbols. sc 2002) 5. How does focal length of a convex lens change with increase in wavelength of incident light? (ISC 2014) 10. 1. 12. 13. |. Where should an object be wae Tens of f ce 1 ivergent es focal length 109 (a) 1.660 4000 Upitconerset es of oa length 100 en, (1000 370. Piiswers p20 3 4 @ wa 9 at 10. OF yp @ B@ 4. @. 1 AY SHORT-ANSWER TYPE (Carrying 1 mart) 7, sate one assumption made in deriving the formula Answer, Increases with increxe i= wavelenh Me L for refraction at aspherical The refractive index 2 of the cazerial of wae decreases with increase in wavelengt interface. lsc 2003) length f increases in compliance with fe V@-D. - Under what condition is the firs focal length of 2 teas not equal to its second focal lenztt Answer. The tvvo focal lengths of 2 lens are act when the medium on the two sides o! different. The image of an objec. placed at 2 Gisance © 25 om from a lens, is formed at 2 discance of 40 <> a distance of 40 om from the lens, the image. Answet. At 25 em on the other side. A convex lens forms a viral image of an objec Where is the object? Answer in terms of focal | Answer. Object is placed at 2 distance smaller than the focal length. laced in order to an image of the same size by 2 conver lens? C2n iz happen in case of a concave lens also? ‘Answer, Object should be placed Tens it is not possible as image is abv smaller. Inan attempt to get a picture of Zebra, a person pastes black paper leaves on the lens of his camera and takes the photo of a white horse. Will he get the picture of Zebra? ‘Answer, No, he will get photo of the horse. ‘An object is placed at the focus of a concave lens. Where will be the image? Answer. Ie will be formed exactly midway benween the lens and the focus. What happens when a convex lens index 1.2 is immersed in a liqu 1.3? Under what condition does a lens become invis® when immersed in a transparent liquid? refractive of refractive index 654 QONG-ANSWER TYPE [A] 1, Obtain an expression for refraction at a single convex spherical surface, i.., the relation between ny (rarer mediuim), np (denser medium), the object distance , image distance » and radius of entvature R, (isc 2011) noi_n-l 2. Derive the formula == “= for refraction of light at a (concave or convex) spherical surface. Symbols have ustial meanings 3. Starting with an expression for refraction at a single spherical surface, obtain an expression for lens maker's formula, (SC 2017, 13) Write downa formula fora thin lens forthe dependence of its focal length on refractive index and on radii of QONG-ANSWER TYPE [B] my m= m R surface and mention the assumptions adopted. 2. Derive lens makers formula 1 1 1 Fowl) f Ry Ry (symbols have their usual meanings) and discuss the dependence of focal-length on various factors. 3. Explain, how focal-length of a lens changes’ with surrounding medium. Focal-length of a lens is f in a : 1, Derive the relation =? - for a spherical YGmeERIcaLs LA point-object is placed in air at 60 em from a convex spherical refracting surface of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of the surface is 25 em. Find the position of the image. ‘Ans. 450 cm from pole inside the surface. A biconvex lens made of glass (refractive index 1.5) has two spherical surfaces having radii 20 em and 30 em. Calculate its focal length. (ISC 2018) - Ans. 24 cm. ‘A convex spherical refracting surface of refractive index 1.5 forms the image of an object distant 10 cm from it at a distance of 40 cm on the same side as the object. What is the radius of curvature of the surface? Ans. +8 cm. )An empty spherical flask of diameter 100 em is placed in water (n = 4/3). A parallel beam of light strikes the flask, Where will t appear to come from to an observer within the flask? Ans. 150 em from the flask. curvature. With the help of thisfo Le focal length of a lens is increase aliquid. when 5. Define linear magnification preducey image distance and focal tengo 6. When two thin lenses of foal tenga kept in contact, prove that thei conta, 3% 1 i 1 a. fis givenby [= 4,1. Tih (sean, What is meant by the power of a tengp : and give relation between the pons length of a lens. ft ing air. Find its focal-length in water if , aly = 4/3. 4, Draw ray diagram for the formation ofr: placed at focus of a convex and conca nature of images also, 5. When two thin lenses are kept in cones 1 the relation 4 = 7 and discuss the sx» 2 a fo combined lens when fy > fo, fy of water (n = 4/3) of radius of curs Locate the image. ; Ans. 0.75 em below the meniss @ A class sphere of radius 5 cm has a small . fromits centre. The bubble is viewed 2 of the sphere, from the side on which itl from the surface will it appear? Refractive © glass is 1.5. Ans. X@,) An air bubble is seen inside a solid sp (n= 1.5) of 4.0 cm diameter at a distance from the surface of the sphere (on seein meter). Determine the real position o inside the sphere. ae Ans. At a distance of 1.2 em from th ” - of Light at Spherical Surtaces : Lenses fa cylindrical rod of, : hemi-s 2888 (= 1.5) sheen Pherical shape of radiat an ioeto is given Placed an object © m.on the left-side of this énd ig pata distance of 12.¢m. Find out ¢ she image Ans. A cm. Me radi of curvature of a double convex lens ore yo The Tand 30 cm and the refractive index © 15% cateulate the focal length ofthe lena 22% /rne radii of curvature of a double eeneicy fae cm and 60 cm and the refractive index ofits lave jg 1.5. Calculate the focal length of the lens, : Ans. — 40 cm. ‘The radius of curvature of each face of a biconcave jens made of glass of refractive index 1.5 is 20 cm Calculate the focal length of the lens in air. . Ans. ~20 cn. 13/ Find the radius of curvature of the convex surface of 2 plano-convex lens of focal length 0.3 m and refractive index 1.5. Ans.0.15 m., 14 The radius of curvature of the convex face of a plano. convex lens is SS cm and the refractive index of its material is 1.55. Find the focal length of the lens. Ans. 100 cm. 15, The radii of curvature of the two faces of a convex Jens are 0.10 m and 0.15 m respectively. If the focal Ww i of the material of the lens. Ans. 1.5. 16 The radii of curvature of the two surfaces of a convexo- length of the lens. Take refractive index of the lens material to be 1.5. Ans. 60 cm. ALATA bi-conver spherical lens a ‘has 2 focal length of 20 cm. If 1 it is split along a plane AB into two halves to form two plano- —_{i\ convex lenses, then what will be the focal length of each plano- conver lens? (ISC 2002) 3 10) fries i Gie tent be ent along ‘ns. (2) 40 cm, (b) focal length rt will temain-20 cm, but the intensity of ima; will ‘The radii of curvature of a convexo-conver tie f glass (n = 1.50) are in the ratio 1 2 This lens renders the rays coming from an illuminated filament ata distance of 6.0 cm parallel. Calculate the Ce of Curvature of its surfaces. ‘ns. 4.5 cm, 9.0 7. 18S convex lens has 20 cm focal length ‘will be its focal length in water? Given ° Ny = 1,33, Ans. any 150, + 78.2 cm. Ye st v -— he distance (1) of pa A converging ters has 2 Socal length of 20 cm in ait The refractive index cf the manerial of the ben is 14- it ts imemerved in 2 Niquid of refractive index 1.3, what will be ins new foral length? ‘Aes, $2 cm. SSW The refractive inden oA gas with respect to ait is 3/2 and that of water is 4/3, The radii A curvature cf 3 slats convvex lena are 20 cm 20d 30 om respectively What will be the foral length of the lens (i) in ait, i) in eater? Bees. (5) 26 co, Gi) Fs =D. The foxal length ch 2 comvex lens A glass (n - 1.50) in ait #8 40 cm. Calculate the focal length of the Jens when it is immersed in a lipid of refractree index 0) 1.20, (ii) 1), Gai) 1-79. Aan. (5) 10 cm, (ii) infirine, GH) - 170. cm (0) behave like 2 concave lens). radii of corvacace Sor spberical worfaces of 2 bhomrvex lens ate 2) cm 2nd 30 om. The refractive index of the material of the lens with respect to air 15. If the lens is dipped in a liqgsid of refractive index 1.65 with respect to zit, calculate ts effective focal length and state the nature of the lens. bess. -132 con (concave). ~28/ The two surfaces of a concave pass lens are of rat oh curvature 10. om and 2) cm. Find its focal length when immened in water. The refractive indices of rans and water relative to air are 3/2 and 4/3 respecirvely. bes. - 0 cm. 250 The focal length of an equicomvex lens is 1.00 m when it is placed under water Calculate the focal length Of the same lens in ai. Take the refractive mmdices of water and plass as 4/3 and 3/2 1 vey, USC 2006) Ans. 25 cm. length of the lens is 0.12 m, find the refractive index 26. An object is placed at 0.2 m from a convex lens of focal length 0.15 m. Find the position of the image Ans. 0.6 m, bebund the lens. ‘concave lens are 15 em and 30 cm. Find the focal _27_-n objec is placed at 0.06 m from a convex lens of focal length 0.10 m. Find the position of the image. Ans. 0.15 m, infront of the lens. convergent beam of light passes through a dwerpng leis of focal length 0.2 m and comes tn 2 foes on the axis 0.3 m behind the lens. Where would the beam ne 1 the absence of the lens? ‘Ans. 0.12 m behind the position of the lens. EBA beam of light converges to 3 point 2 A concave leas ‘of focal length 16 tm is placedan the pathef the bem at 12 cm from P At what point does the beam now eomverge? Ans. 48 ctm behind the lens. 4307 A double convex lens has 10 cm and 15 cm as is two radii of curvature. The imige of an object, plat 30 cm from the lens, is formed at 20 cm trom the lens on the other side. Find the focal length and the refractive index of the material of the lens- What wil be the focal length of the lens, ifm # immersed bn water of refractive index 1.33? Ans. 12 om 15, 47 em illuminated object and a screen aze 90 om apart in ait. what BF ithe earure an teal engoh af a lens required to produce a lear image on the screea, twice the size of tte object. ‘Ana. convex, 20 em, _—_—_———— Nootan isc py, ean i Ss ofS cm from a convex When the object is displaced 16 em to, Ky laced at a distance OT position and lens, still a real image is formed but Maras | it Now 3 times the size of the object. Cateuie’ 32. An object is pl : culate the Jens of focal tength 10 em. magnification of the ima infront of the lens, + 2. iength of the lens. tthe Ans. 10 inyeof a.3.eM Tong AB. A conver lens of 20 em focal length s paces 28 33, What can you cll about the MERE TS eng thie with a concave lens of 25 em focal engi po SS ohyject placed at a distance er position and pate of the image of an Objet = magnification is Kno lat a distance of 30 cm on at a distance of 2 m fromrthis combination’ Ps Ans, Image will he rte 6 em long, egal inverted). «Ans. On the other side ofthe combing yeeaher side of the TENS ETON En, nd he a disfance of 2m, rea inverted and atthe an! Ga MThe diameter of Me Gree stn formed by a convex AB. A conver lens forms the image of the sa He sie of. diameter of the im ance of the sun ‘object placed at a distance of 20 cm. If anothes ene of fora feng 1.0 fe ist placed in contact with the fis, the imaze fer from the earth is. 1.0, ont a distance of 5 cm from the combination on the Hint ta =~ Lox ag a v ‘ans, 1.4m. le. What are the focal lengths of the lenses yaa” ya ta x 10°m.y2 (n = 1.5) has radii of Ans. 10 em, 6&4. 35. A double convex lens ci eee Jom high is placed rays ‘coming from an object situated at infinin, gy curvature, each 20 Grr efind the position, size and a convex lens and an image is formed at gn” at 10 ree ree 7 = : of 16 cm from the lens hg a — Tens is kes nature of mage. ide the in contact with the convex lens, the ima; .. b on the same side as in Be is forms Ans. 20 cm from the ens on a cm, virtual. at a distance of 20 cm from the lens combines 36(°A double concave lens of lass (n = 1.5) has both Calculate the focal length of the concave lens. oul 2 ; alt vature of magnitude 40 cm. An object | ANS. ~ 80 cx sa figh is placed at TOlem from the lens. Find the , 48, The focal length of lens is + 0.5 m, Whatisits po postion, size and nature of the image. Ans. «25 _ Position sige arfrom the lens on the same side as the 49,/The focal length of a lens is ~ 50 em. What s object, 1.6 cm, virtual. power? ‘Ans. 37 object 10 cm high is placed at the principal focus (§0;~The power of a lens is + 5 D. What is its focal lengs ‘of a concave lens of focal Jength 20 cm. Find the and nature? Ans. 20 cm, conver, position, size and nature of the image.

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