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Brand Assessment

Alterian SM2 Social Media Report

Date Range: 10/1/2010 to 10/10/2010

Social Media Performance: Inputs

Forums Delicious & Social Tagging Microblogs (Twitter) Social Networking Sites (Facebook, LinkedIn) Comments on Mainstream News Multimedia (YouTube, Podcasts) Blogs & Comments Google Trends & Insights

Search Overview
Note: We have taken out company names for confidentiality. Brand X refers to an online payment service.

Date range: Oct 1 - Oct 10, 2010

Tool Used: Alterian SM2

SM2 is a social media monitoring and analysis solution, which helps to track conversations, review positive/negative sentiment for brand, competitors and partners across social media channels such as blogs, wikis, micro-blogs, social networks, video/photo sharing sites and real-time alerts.

Exclude: Non-English results

Final Results:


Total Results Overview

Total Brand X results
From 10/1 to 10/10
Musical Instrument Travel

Product types mentioned with this online payment brand

1% 2% 2%


Refers directly to Brand X 36% Advertising 64%

Everything Else Auto & Motorcycle Business to Business Health & Beauty Toy & Hobbies Jewelry Services Video Games Sports & Memorabilia Books, Movies,& Music Apparel, Accessories & Shoes Home & Garden Computer & Electronic

3% 3%
5% 5% 8% 8% 8% 8% 9% 10% 11% 11% 12% 13%

112,791 results
Key Findings

Within the 40,230 non-advertisement results, Twitter held the highest conversation volume (34%). Twitter was also the channel that had the highest proportion of results with positive/negative sentiment. YouTube was the top domain for Brand X advertisement conversations (17%).

Brand X Focused Conversations

Brands mentioned
J&P Cycle Walmart Avon 7% 8% 9% 10.0% 15.41% 15.43% 15.69% 15.75%

Share of Voice- Non-advertisement

Social Network 18% Forum 31%

Blog 4%
Mainstre am 13%

Sears Coca-Cola Store Best Buy Nike iTunes Dell


Microblo g 34%

Within all brands that receive a discount from Brand X, here are the top 10 brands being mentioned the most. (based on all sentimented results)

Key Findings
The main topic on Twitter was the new iPhone app for Brand X checking accounts. The majority of posts on Facebook centered around the Donation function of Brand X. This feature scored highly positive in the sentiment analysis. The reason for positive sentiment was mainly due to the convenience of making a donation at any time. 16% of these donation conversations mentioned the Mahoning County Dog Program (the fund raised for collecting money to support and help homeless dogs at Youngstown, Ohio.)

Brand X Customer Perceptions

Positive 16%
Wait time to transfer money into an account takes too long. Service fee is too high.

What is negative sentiment about?

Account safety may be in jeopardy due to hackers. Poor customer support services. Several customers mentioned that Brand X employees were not friendly or knowledgeable of processes, resulting in slower time to resolution. Accounts were frozen for unknown reasons.

Neutral 74%

Negative 10%

Key Findings
Sentiment on Twitter: 16% Positive, 10% Negative and 70% Neutral. Positive posts were mainly compliments on the new iPhone app. It was considered to be a breakthrough for the online banking market. A conference hosted by Brand X was also mentioned positively as people felt it showed that they were actually listening to its users. Negative posts were about the safety of accounts, high transaction fees and poor customer support service. Neutral posts were mainly references to how customers used Brand X services. Other posts refer to press releases for various events.
* Sentiment analyzed based on Twitter results only

Customers Perception - In their words

Brand X is surprisingly helpful w/out any waiting on the phone. I feel much better, thanks Brand X!! (mstipsvintage, , Oct 1st, 2010)

(vivekcool789,, Oct 1st, 2010) Brand X's iPhone Check Deposit Is Impressive (Estella Mark,, Oct 10th, 2010) Brand X cut too much money from account i earn with so much hardwork and they cut it (mohit_yup,, Oct 10th, 2010) Stupid Brand X holding my money for 21 days. I want my money bitch (dsayala,, Oct 10th, 2010)

Recurring Conversations
Key Findings
There were 6,423 results for the iPhone app, the conference, and the Donation program through Brand X. The majority of posts for the Donation Program came from 16.9% of those mentions refer to the Mahoning County Dog Program. The conference hosted by Brand X was mainly discussed on Twitter. Although this report was pulled before the conference happened, Brand X users were already interested in sharing experiences and ideas to create a more practical payment method with Brand X. 75% were positive towards the event while 25% just referenced it (neutral).


Donation Service

iPhone App

6423 results for Donations through Brand X, their conference, and their iPhone app.
Function called Donate Button where users can create an account to collect money from donators directly on their websites through Brand X.


iPhone App

Application that allows users to deposit money to a Brand X account via iPhone just by sending the front and back photos of their check.

Recurring Conversations
iPhone Check Capture App
Donation Program
Positive 23% Positive 15% Neutral 83% Negative 3% Oct 1: 198 results
How to donate through Brand X and increasing donations for the Mahoning Dogs program comprised the bulk of mentions on the peak day.

Neutral 74%

Negative 2%

Oct 8: 1,086 posts

Senior Director of Brand X Mobile announced more than $100,000 in donations via the iPhone app in 3 days.

Brand X Donation Programs

Key Findings
Positive sentiment The positive posts discussed Brand X as the fast and safe method to make charitable donations. Negative 3% Oct 1: 198 results
How to donate through Brand X and donation for Mahoning Dogs were mentions on the peak day.

Positive 24% Neutral 74%

Neutral sentiment Neutral sentiment mainly encouraged people gave donation through their Brand X account. 16.9% of discussions referred to Mahoning Dogs Donation Program, a charity to support and help homeless dogs at Youngstown, Ohio. Direction for how to create donation accounts on Brand X were also posted, especially how to create a donation button on their websites, so they can directly collect money from donators through Brand X.

Verbatim Posts - Donation Programs

It only takes a moment and is safe to donate through Brand X.
(Jacque,, Oct 8th, 2010)

Donate today with our easy Brand X donation button. (skylinelacrosse,, Oct 2nd, 2010)
All donations will be used for the Mahoning Dogs. you can send money through brand x to THANK YOU SPONSORS (Janet Graybill,, Oct 10th, 2010)

How do I add a Brand X donation button to my WordPress website? (getwpnet,, Oct 10th, 2010)

Mobile Check Capture App for iPhone

Positive 15%

Key Findings
Positive sentiment Authors regarded this application as best-suited for those who do not have time to wait for the banking process. Many comments expressed excitement for trying this new app since they thought it would open up a new trend within online banking. Negative sentiment Many users complained of the $3,000/month limit. Some users are concerned that account security may be compromised by hackers. Some also complained of unexpected delays caused by the nature of the check deposit process. Some argue that this service will actually be slower than directly depositing into their bank. There was a mention of this app being quite similar to the ones provided by USAA and Chase bank and that those apps are more convenient choices for existing Chase/USAA customers. There were complaints about this app not being available for Android and Blackberry phones. US-only availability was also an issue in some cases. Neutral posts introduced this application as a new feature for iPhone and described steps on how to use it.

Neutral 83%

Negative 2%

Oct 8: 1,086 posts

Senior Director of Brand X Mobile, Laura Chambers, announces more than $100,000 via iPhone by this app. in 3 days.

Mobile Check Capture App Theme Cloud

3% of users mentioned how this function was best suited for busy people that do not have time to go to the bank. 18% of posts mentioned how they would like this app to be available on Android phones. There were discussions around the news of it being available on Android in the future. There was mention of it competing with and eventually overtaking Google Checkout.

13% of conversations originated from Mashable (reached 2,574,859 visitors on Sep 2010) and PC World (reached 3,474,181 visitors on Sep 2010) due to their analysis on the iPhone app. 17% of posts talked about the feature of being able to take a picture/photo to process a check. 5% of conversations mentioned how the iPhone apps provided by USAA and Chase banks were similar to Brand Xs but was released sooner.

iPhone Check Deposit App - In their words

Great idea, glad they are getting into the game. I'm sure it's not the only thing the folks at Brand X can dream up, though. (Dan Holder,, Oct 10th, 2010)

Brand Xs iPhone Check Deposit: It Works!: Analysis: Brand Xs deposit feature seems best-suited for those little ch...
(ranjatkar,, Oct 10th, 2010)

Annoyed that I can't pay with #Brand X in #grubhub's new iPhone app.
(tobrien,, Oct 2nd, 2010)
Seriously, who in their right mind would choose to deposit a check directly into their Brand X account? Surely, an unnecessary, and extremely risky, intermediate step for the collecting of funds from a cheque. And what if later than 15 days the cheque is claimed to be fraudulent: You think that the bank wont want their money back from someone? Dream on. (Pcohen,, Oct 10th, 2010)

Key Influencers for Brand X iPhone App

Name: Kevin Purdy
URL: Bio: Kevin is a Senior Editor for technology and production blog Lifehacker and he comments under the screen name theevan. State: Buffalo, New York Followers: 4,994; Following: 238 Post: Brand X for iPhone Deposits Checks via Camera. This post was retweeted 302 times. Explained how the Brand X iPhone app works. The post was graded as positive because it described the ease of use and convenience of the application.

Name: Kat Hannaford

URL: Bio: Kat Hannaford is a Londonbased tech journalist for Gizmodo UK, expertise in consumer technology. She is a star commenter who is very active in the social media space. Post: Pay in checks to your Brand X account. Thanks to their latest iPhone App Update. This post was retweeted 256 times. Gave a positive review and provided a guide on how to use app.

Name: Jennifer Van Grove

URL: Bio: Jennifer works for Mashable as an Associate Editor. She is a community-minded professional with a passion for blogging and social media. Followers: 13,340; Following: 2,161 Post: Brand X Deposits $100,000 in Checks via iPhone. This was retweeted 1,404 times. Posts by Mashable (and its staff) are often retweeted.

Kevin Purdy

Kat Hannaford

Jennifer Van Grove

Key Findings Key influencers are heavily integrated in the technology industry. Their posts sparked conversations that were mainly around convenience, time-saved and account safety.

Key Takeaways
40,230 results about Brand X were captured from 10/1/2010 - 10/10/2010.

Brand X Mobile Check Capture and the Donation function were the two main topics discussed.

Awareness of the Donate Button function is spreading. Excitement around this function is mainly present on Facebook. The Mobile Check Capture App received positive feedback mainly for its convenience. It is regarded as a hot new feature that is trendsetting within the online banking industry. Although comments about this app are mainly positive, there is some concern over account safety due to hackers. Also, the monthly value cap is seen as too low. The upcoming Brand X Conference is also generating posts, as many people are excited to share their ideas with fellow users.

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