Test Formats

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Test Formats

Test format refers to the layout of questions on a test. They are mostly depended on the
scoring procedures. They include;
1. Objective tests
These tests give the learners freedom as how to respond to the test items. The objectivity is in
the sense that when it comes to scoring, the scorer has only one answer to respond to
i. Characteristics
ii. Highly structured tasks
iii. Learners not free to redefine the problem
iv. Learners are expected to demonstrate a specific knowledge, understanding and skill
called for in the test item
v. Learners are expected to select one of the several alternative answers or the correct
supply word
vi. The restriction to the method of responding contributes to objective scoring that is
quick, easy and accurate
Objective tests can be divided into;
a. Supply tests
b. Select items
Supply tests may have either completion items …where incomplete sentences are made to be
completed by the learner or short answer items…where a question is in a statement form.
Select items can either be true / false, multiple choice, matching tests or rank and order

2. Essay Tests
They can be of two types;
Restricted response items or Extended response items

3. Practical Exams
They check for the application part of the theory, measure practically the skills taught and
assess the level of practical ability

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