Listening - Part 3 - Practice 1 - Answer Key

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Session 7

Listening – Part 3 – Practice 1

Directions: Listen to the conversations. You will answer three questions about each conversation. Choose
the best answer to each question. Listen again and see if you can recognize how a choice tries to confuse
Office Directory
Department Director
Accounting Alma Gordon
Marketing Lee Chang
Production Marry Kim
Design Joe Griffin
1. When will the job interviews take place?
A. This afternoon
B. Tomorrow morning
C. Tomorrow afternoon
D. Next Tuesday
2. Where will the job interviews take place?
A. In the Human Resources Office
B. In the conference room
C. In the woman’s office
D. In the cafeteria
3. Look at the graphic. Who will help with the job interviews?
A. Alma Gordan
B. Lee Chang
C. Mary Kim
D. Joe Griffin
4. Where does the man usually go on vacation?
A. To a lake
B. On a cruise
C. To the beach
D. To the mountains
5. What is the problem with the hotel?
A. There are not any rooms available.
B. It is too far from the beach.
C. The rooms are too small.
D. It costs too much.
6. What will the man probably do next?
A. Read a book
B. Look for a hotel
C. Put his things in order
D. Reserve a plan ticket
7. Why did Tina miss the meeting?
A. She was sick.
B. She arrived too late.
C. She had an accident.
D. Her car wouldn’t start.
8. What does the woman want to discuss with Tina?
A. A news report
B. A budget report
C. A traffic report
D. A weather report
9. What time does the woman want to see Tina?
A. 2:00
B. 7:00
C. 8:00
D. 11:00

10. Where is the woman’s new job?

A. At a pool
B. At a school
C. At an office
D. At a hospital
11. How does the woman feel about her new job?
A. She likes it.
B. She’s bored.
C. She feels terrible.
D. She’s uncomfortable.
12. How often does the woman get a paycheck?
A. Once a week
B. Once a month
C. Every two weeks
D. Every two months

13. What color is the jacket?

A. White
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Red
14. Why is the man returning it to the store?
A. The woman dislikes it.
B. It doesn’t look good.
C. It doesn’t fit right.
D. It lost a button.
15. How much did the man pay for it?
A. $70
B. $300
C. $317
D. $370

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