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Demir Vardiyasi Teslim Formu

Anchor Watch Handover Form


Gemi / Vessel : IMO :

Tarih / Date : Yer / Location :

Prepared By : Master Name :

Statü / Status :

Gemi harita ve/veya ECDIS üzerinde çizili Salma Dairesi içinde.
1 The vessel is in Swinging Circle marked on paper chart and/or ENC.

“Demir Vardiyasi Kayit Defteri’’ kayitlari düzenli girilmis.

2 ‘‘Anchor Watch Log’’ records are properly entered.

Çevredeki gemileri, özellikle yeni demirleyenleri tarama ihtimali için izle. Tarama süphesinde
hemen karsi gemiyi VHF veya Aldis ile uyar ve Kaptan’i çagir.
Keep a close watch on other ships in the vicinity lest they start dragging especially after anchoring. If
another vessel seems to be coming close to your own vessel, get their attention on the VHF or by
flashing the aldis lamp and call the Master.

Tüm seyir cihazlari devrede ve izleniyor. Demir süresince en az 1 dümen motorunu sürekli
devrede tutun.
4 Keep all navigational equipment on and monitor. Keep at least one steering gear motor kept running
during anchorage period.

VHF’ler dogru kanallara ayarli. VHF ve AIS üzerinden liman ve trafik hizmetleri mesajlari
5 VHF Receivers set to the correct working / watch channels? Monitor reports of the local vessel traffic
services on AIS and VHF.

Gündüz flama, bayraklar ve gündüz isaretleri çekili. Karanlik saatlerde dogru fenerler
6 In daytime, signal flags, national flags and day signals hoisted. In dark hours, correct lights are in

Vardiya süresince açik güvertede devam eden isler biliniyor.

7 Work in progress on the deck is known.

Gemi çevresinde düzenli olarak kirlilik kontrolü yapiliyor, herhangi bir kirlilik tespitinde derhal
Kaptan’a haber verilecek.
8 Checking regularly whether any pollution on sea around the vessel and in case of pollution detection,
Master will immediately be informed.

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Demir Vardiyasi Teslim Formu
Anchor Watch Handover Form

Güvenlik tehditlerine karsi,
Güverte ve gemi çevresi iyi aydinlatilmis;
Borda iskelesi/Pilot iskelesi ve çarmihlar toplanmis;
Gemiye yaklasan küçük tekneler dikkatli takip ediliyor;
Güvenlik kameralari devrede, köprüüstünden izlenebiliyor ve sistem sürekli kayit modunda.
Against Security Threats,
Vessel and areas surrounding vessel is well lit.
Accommodation ladder / pilot ladder and any other rope / aluminum ladders picked up.
Any small crafts approaching vessel are closely monitored.
Security cameras and/or security cameras with motion sensors are switched on, can be monitored
from bridge and in continuous recording mode.

Asagidakilerle sinirli olmamak üzere Vardiya Zabiti devir teslim esnasinda gerekli tüm
hususlari kendinden sonra gelene aktardi mi?
- Kaptan Emirleri,
- Sahil Makamlarinin Talimatlari,
- Tahmini yanasma/hareket zamani,
- Son vardiyada gelen seyir ikazlari, hava raporlari.
10 Did OOW transfer all necessary matters during the handover, including but not limited to the
- Any night order of the Master recorded in the logbook?
- Instructions given by local authorities,
- Estimated time of berthing/departure,
- Navigational warnings, weather reports received during the last watch.

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Demir Vardiyasi Teslim Formu
Anchor Watch Handover Form

Vardiya Zabiti İmza /

Officer of Watch

Rev No:3 Rev. Date:19/04/2022 Page 3 of 3

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