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 A powerful hook
 Definition of Maslow’s five basic needs
 Smooth transitions linking migration to Maslow’s Five Basic Need
 A definitive thesis statement. Your thesis statement should include a definitive, provocative
argument and should be the last sentence of your introduction.

Body paragraph 1


 Who
 Where
 When
 How/why explain why the migrants are forced to leave Syria Who is to blame for the migration
in Syria
 Argue the SO WHAT, why this case study is so important in “the bigger picture”

Body paragraph 2

California Illegal migrants & World Cup

 Who
 Where
 When
 How/why Explain WHY these migrants “voluntarily” left/are leaving their homes to go to Qatar
 Analyze who is exploiting these migrants and why they are doing so
 Argue the SO WHAT, why this case study is so important in “the bigger picture”

Body paragraph 3

 *Argue the BEST solutions for allowing ALL migrants to have their 5 Basic Needs in the future.
Included in your answer is an explanation of the best economic model (laissez-faire, capitalism,
social democracy, communism) the world needs to universally follow for a better world.
 Your answer must include specifics from the following two field trips and/or guest speakers:
Norwegian Refugee Council (Stian), Doctors without Borders (MSF), International Organization
for Migration (Homa Hasan), Voksenopplæringssenteret (Mumal Bhati)


 *Formulate a concise summary of your main points

 *Deduce a meaningful SO What, how migration relates to the bigger picture and WHY it is so
important for the world to pay close attention to
As Franklin D. Roosvelt said “Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I
especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.” (Brilliant quote!) Maslow
proposed that human needs can be organized into a hierarchy. This hierarchy ranges from more
concrete needs such as food and water to abstract concepts such as self-fulfillment. According
to Maslow, when a lower need is met, the next need on the hierarchy becomes our focus of
attention. According to Maslow, we have five categories of needs: physiological, safety, love,
esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow's five needs can be applied to many issues in the world.
For example, migration. Maslow says that every human being deserves safety and love, but for
some migrants that is difficult to find. For me migration means the movement of a person from
their home (their country) to another country. (Excellent! It is key to define migration!)
Migration can be forced or voluntary. By forced I mean that they are forced out of their home
and do not have any other choice but to leave. Being a forced migrant is different from being a
refugee. There are also voluntary migrants who leave because they want to. For example, for
work or healthcare and many other things. In this essay I hope to teach you new things (word
choice. “new ideas, new perspectives”? and new ways of thinking. Immigration is one of the
biggest things (Word choice, issues? Challenges? Problems?) happening in the world right now.
And refugees are also a problem in our society. I will talk about the war in Syria and the
2022/2023 world cup and what happened there. I will also talk about the best solution for
migrants to have Maslow's 5 basic needs.
It is key to have a more provocative thesis statement, a definitive argument. For example:
While migrants provide large problems, it is the ethical responsibility of the wealthier nations to
make concrete political and economic adjustments to help migrants enjoy Maslow’s basic
needs since it often their fault that migrants are entering their borders. (This is too wordy, but
just an example of a more provocative thesis statement, not one I necessarily agree with.)

The war in Syria is a big (need more provocative word… “massive”, “overwhelming”… issue that
the global community needs to remedy immediately.) But where did it all start and who started
the war? In 2011 when a boy named Mouawiya Syasneh sprayed an anti-government slogan on
his school wall in Daraa, southern Syria. Back then he did not know the trouble it was going to
cause. He never meant to cause all this trouble. He and his friends at school demanded better
living and wanted their voices to be heard. They were Inspired by the anti-regime protests that
overtook the dictators in Egypt and Tunisia the Arab Spring. The boys who sprayed the graffiti
were taken by the government. One of the boys was killed in custody. The people of Syria were
furious after hearing about this. On March 15, cities across Syria joined them in masses. The
minor protest in Daraa turned into a civil war, and the actions of Mouawiya Syasneh continue
to shake Syria and the world till today. (Fantastic details!)There have been some other
countries involved in the Syrian civil war, making it a proxy war. Such as Russia and Putin plus
Iran. It is the president Bashar al Assad against the Kurdish forces. Why did the war start? First
there were protests against President Bashar al Assad. But why did those protests start? The
riots started because of the corruption and because in Syria there were dramatic reforms
against corruption change in 50 years of dictatorship. Since 2011, more than 14 million Syrians
have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. More than 6.8 million Syrians remain
internally displaced in their own country where 70 percent of the population needs
humanitarian assistance and 90 percent of the population live below the poverty line. President
Bashar al Assad should be the one to blame for the refugee crisis. When it all started with the
protests it was fine, but Bashar al Assad started taking lethal forces. And that’s when people
started to flee. He made the people in Syria feel unsafe and they had to flee. And that is why so
many Syrians have died trying to flee and finding places to stay. (You should mention ethnicity
too, that Syria is divided by Shia and Sunni and Assad is Alawite Shia in a Sunni majority Syria.
Many saw Assad as corrupt, giving the Alawite population unfair advantages, such as with jobs.)
So, what
Your paragraph above is the perfect “so what”
The riots started because of the corruption and because in Syria there were dramatic reforms
against corruption change in 50 years of dictatorship. Since 2011, more than 14 million Syrians
have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. More than 6.8 million Syrians remain
internally displaced in their own country where 70 percent of the population needs
humanitarian assistance and 90 percent of the population live below the poverty line.
It shows how proxy wars, in this case Putin and Assad in alliance, necessarily results in clear
losers, the Syrian population, kids and women and innocent men paying the price with their
lives! Syria, a country rich in culture and history, will take generations to rebuild, and their
history destroyed, such as…, will never return.

Qatar's government said that 30,000 foreign laborers were hired to build the stadiums. Most of
them came from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and the Philippines. 6,500 migrant workers from
India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka had died in Qatar since it won its World Cup
bid. There were sometimes temperatures of 50 degrees when the migrants were working. The
migrants who left their country came to Qatar for a job opportunity. They needed the money to
bring it back to their home and pay for many things and not only to pay for things. They came
to Qatar because they thought they would find Maslow's basic five needs. When the migrants
would die, they would say it was natural causes such as cardiac arrest. Many workers lived in
squalid accommodation, were forced to pay huge recruitment fees, and had wages withheld
and their passports confiscated. So, they could not leave. For lower-paid workers, Qatar offers
something life in Asia or Africa cannot, namely a job, regular income, and the ability to support
a family back home. Everyone has their price, and if Qatar continues to pay, migrant workers
will continue to come. Some workers were not paid their wages on time. Which would be bad
for the workers. Migrants voluntarily left their home, but it was difficult for them to come back.
The migrant crisis in California is a big issue as well. California has drought and economic
migration. Many immigrants that go to California become farmers. Farmers could not survive
without them. The farmers try their best to only hire legal immigrants. But lots of documents
are forged and the farmers do not know about it. The immigrants do not earn a lot of money,
but it is still better than the money they were getting back in Mexico. Because of the
immigrants the food also becomes much cheaper. Because it takes less money to farm the
So what (for voluntary migration): Make topic sentence provocative. For example: Qatar and
California are only two case studies that exemplify a massive challenge to economic migrants
around the world and how big businesses are exploiting the underprivileged. However, such
exploitation is in every continent and includes the likes of oil, diamonds, textile industry, where
profit takes precedence over Maslow’s needs!

Every human being deserves 5 basic needs. Like Maslow said. Those basic needs were put into
categories by Maslow: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. But how can
every single human being have those 5 needs? I believe in capitalism. I think that capitalism is a
good thing. Norway is mostly a capitalist country. And I have lived in Norway for 3 years. And I
think that most of the people in Norway have their basic 5 needs. And even some people have
more than what they actually need. But maybe capitalism isn't the best way for everyone in the
world to have their basic 5 needs. Because the people that profit the most from capitalism are
business owners, investors and owners of capital. I think that what NRC and MSF do is good.
The Norwegian Refugee Council is a humanitarian, non-governmental organization that
protects the rights of people affected by displacement. They help a lot of people each year and
do crazy things for people in need. When a crisis occurs, an entire village can flee their homes in
a matter of days. NRC’s emergency aid teams, and their emergency response force NORCAP,
are quickly in place to ensure that those affected have food, water and a roof over their heads.
We come prepared and work around the clock if we have to, to give those who need it a
helping hand. MSF is also a very helpful organization. Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as
Doctors Without Borders, is a charity that provides humanitarian medical care. It is a non-
governmental organization of French origin known for its projects in conflict zones and in
countries affected by endemic diseases. But how do they do it? They are rapid and effective
when there are emergencies. When a crisis hits, MSF staff already in the area will mobilize to
provide assistance. More staff from the region or further abroad are sent if needed. I think that
MSF AND NRC are both amazing charities that help millions of people find a home. I think that
the day we don’t need MSF and NRC is the day that the world will be good again, for everyone.
The day that everyone will have their basic five needs. So why should our society care about
this. About getting everyone their basic five needs. I think that we should first care about this
because everyone deserves these 5 basic needs.
So, what
Ideas: Something of the sort relating to Paul Salopek that “we are all migrants” and/or the idea
that the United Nations created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
( with the aim of
giving all people on Earth Maslow’s basic needs. It is now time that we, the UN, practice what
we preach, ensuring that both forced and voluntary migrants live ones with greater dignity…

Overall, I am very proud of you. It is clear you have put notable thought into your essay. Your
challenge now is organization, and how you will fit your incredible ideas into 80 minutes.
Remember, the more the detail for each paragraph, the better!

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