Eapp Quarter2 Week1

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DAILY LESSON LOG School Malagnat NHS Grade Level 12

Department of Education Teacher Catherine L.Andomang Learning Area EAPP

Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 1 (Nov. 6-10,2023) Quarter QUARTER 2
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a position paper.
The learner presents a convincing position paper based on properly cited factual evidence; produces an insightful statement of principles and reasons
B. Performance Standards
for establishing a student organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes (CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIa-d-3):
1. Define what a position paper and a manifesto.
C. Learning
2. Gather manifestoes and analyze the arguments used by the writer.
3. Defend a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences.
4. Write various kinds of position paper.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin the class by briefly
Begin the class by asking students
reviewing the concepts of Begin the class by briefly reviewing
to recall the elements of persuasive Begin the class by briefly
manifestos and analyzing the concepts of analyzing arguments
writing discussed in the previous revisiting the concepts of position
arguments from the previous with cited evidence from the
lesson. Allow a few students to papers and manifestos discussed
1. Reviewing previous lesson or lesson. previous lesson.
share their answers. in the previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson
Recap the importance of critical Recap the importance of presenting
Introduce the topic of the current Recap the key elements and
thinking and persuasive techniques reasoned arguments supported by
lesson: position papers and purposes of manifestos.
in academic and professional credible evidence.
2. Establishing the purpose of the Explain to the students that the Explain to the students that the Explain to the students that the Explain to the students that the
lesson purpose of this lesson is to purpose of this lesson is to purpose of this lesson is to enhance purpose of this lesson is to enhance
understand the characteristics and enhance their ability to gather their ability to defend a stand on an their ability to write various types of
purposes of position papers and manifestos and analyze the issue by presenting reasonable position papers.
manifestos. arguments used by the writers. arguments supported by properly
cited factual evidence. Emphasize the significance of
Emphasize the importance of these Emphasize the importance of understanding different formats and
forms of writing in academic and critical thinking and discerning Emphasize the importance of structures of position papers in
professional contexts. persuasive techniques in researching and using credible academic and professional contexts.
professional and academic sources to strengthen their
contexts. arguments.
Display or distribute printed Display or distribute printed copies
copies of various manifestos from of different types of position papers,
Display a position paper and a Display or distribute printed copies
different sources, such as political such as argumentative position
manifesto on the board or distribute of articles or opinion pieces on
movements, environmental papers, policy position papers, or
printed copies. current issues from reputable
campaigns, or social justice opinion position papers.
Read the examples aloud, and ask
Explain the characteristics and
the students to read along silently. Instruct the students to individually
Instruct the students to purposes of each type of position
3. Presenting examples/instances of read the texts and identify the
individually read the manifestos paper.
the new lesson Discuss the main elements and arguments presented and the
and take note of the main
features of each document, such as evidence used to support them.
arguments presented by the Provide examples of well-written
purpose, tone, structure, and target
writers. position papers on various topics and
audience. Allow time for students to
from different fields.
familiarize themselves with the
Allow time for students to
Encourage students to ask questions content and structure of arguments
familiarize themselves with the Discuss the structure, organization,
and share their initial observations. with cited evidence.
content and structure of and language features commonly
manifestos. found in position papers.
Provide a brief explanation of a Facilitate a class discussion by
position paper, defining it as a asking students to share their
Facilitate a class discussion on the
document that presents an argument observations and impressions of
elements of a well-supported
or stance on a specific issue. the manifestos they have read.
argument, including clear claim or
Discuss its purpose, intended Facilitate a class discussion on the
stance, reasoning, and proper
audience, and structure Guide the discussion to focus on key elements of position papers, such
citation of factual evidence.
(introduction, body paragraphs, the arguments used by the writers as clear thesis statement or claim,
conclusion). in the manifestos. supporting arguments,
Discuss the importance of using
counterarguments, and conclusion.
credible sources and the
Engage the students in a group Introduce the concept of
consequences of relying on
discussion by providing a current or persuasive techniques, such as Analyze the structure of a sample
4. Discussing new concepts and unreliable or biased information.
relevant topic. Ask them to form emotional appeals, logical position paper together, focusing on
practicing new skills #1
pairs or small groups to brainstorm reasoning, use of evidence, and the introduction, body paragraphs,
Provide examples of different
arguments for and against the given rhetorical devices. and conclusion.
types of evidence, such as
statistical data, expert opinions,
Analyze specific examples of Discuss the importance of using
case studies, or personal anecdotes.
Have each group select a persuasive techniques found in credible sources and proper citation
spokesperson to present their the manifestos provided. to support arguments in position
Guide students in identifying and
arguments to the class. papers.
analyzing the arguments and
Encourage students to ask
evidence in the texts provided
Facilitate a class discussion, questions and express their
encouraging students to express opinions on the effectiveness of
their opinions and debate the topic. the arguments presented.
Provide a brief explanation of a Divide the students into small Divide the students into small Divide the students into small groups
5. Discussing new concepts and manifesto, describing it as a public groups and assign each group a groups and assign each group a and assign each group a different
practicing new skills #2 declaration of principles, beliefs, or different manifesto to analyze. specific issue or topic to research. type of position paper to work on.
intentions by an individual or a
group. Discuss its purpose, tone,
structure, and intended impact on
the audience.

Show examples of famous

Instruct the groups to gather
manifestos or excerpts from
Instruct the groups to identify and evidence from credible sources to Provide students with prompts or
manifestos relevant to societal or
discuss the main arguments used support their assigned stance on topics related to their assigned type
environmental issues.
in their assigned manifesto. the issue. of position paper.
Divide the students into pairs or
Encourage students to evaluate Encourage them to use a variety of Instruct the groups to brainstorm and
small groups and ask them to create
the effectiveness of the arguments sources, such as academic journals, outline their position papers,
their own manifesto on a topic of
and the overall persuasive impact reputable websites, or expert identifying the main arguments and
their choice (e.g., education, social
of the manifesto. interviews. supporting evidence.
justice, environmental
Each group should prepare a brief Each group should prepare a short Encourage students to use credible
presentation summarizing their presentation summarizing their sources and proper citation
Allow time for students to discuss
findings and insights. arguments and citing the evidence techniques.
and collaborate on writing their
they found.

Each group should select a

representative to present their
manifesto to the class.
Conduct a debate activity where Conduct a writing workshop where
Conduct a writing activity where
Conduct a role-playing activity students can defend their stand on students work on drafting their
students individually write a
where each group presents their the assigned issue. position papers individually or in
position paper, or a manifesto based
analysis of the manifesto to the pairs.
on a given prompt or topic.
class. Divide the class into two groups,
Provide guidelines and emphasize
representing different viewpoints Circulate among the students,
the importance of using appropriate
After each presentation, facilitate on the issue. providing guidance, feedback, and
language, persuasive techniques,
a class discussion to provide assistance as needed.
and a clear structure.
6. Developing Mastery feedback and allow students to Allow time for each group to
share their perspectives on the present their arguments and cite Emphasize the importance of clarity,
After completing their written
arguments analyzed. the evidence they gathered. coherence, and logical progression of
pieces, encourage students to
arguments in their writing.
exchange their papers with a partner
Encourage constructive criticism Encourage students to engage in
for peer feedback.
and open dialogue to further respectful and constructive debate, Encourage students to use
deepen their understanding of countering each other's arguments appropriate language and writing
Collect the papers for evaluation
persuasive techniques. with reasoned responses supported conventions for academic and
by properly cited evidence. professional purposes.
7. Finding practical applications of Engage the students in a brief Engage the students in a brief Engage the students in a brief Engage the students in a brief
concepts and skills in daily living discussion about how the skills and discussion about the relevance of discussion about how the skills of discussion about how the skill of
knowledge gained from analyzing arguments and presenting reasoned arguments and writing position papers can be
understanding position papers and persuasive techniques in their using properly cited evidence can applied in their daily lives.
manifestos can be applied in their daily lives. be applied in their daily lives.
daily lives.
Encourage them to identify situations
Encourage them to identify Encourage them to identify
Encourage students to identify where writing a position paper can be
situations where understanding situations where these skills are
instances where persuasive writing useful, such as expressing opinions,
and critiquing arguments are valuable, such as participating in
is important, such as writing a letter advocating for causes, or
important, such as media discussions, making informed
to the editor, preparing a persuasive participating in debates or
consumption, decision-making decisions, or advocating for causes
speech, or creating a persuasive discussions.
processes, or engaging in debates. they believe in.
Summarize the key points Summarize the key points
discussed in the lesson, discussed in the lesson, Summarize the key points discussed
Summarize the key points discussed
emphasizing the significance of highlighting the significance of in the lesson, highlighting the
in the lesson, highlighting the
analyzing arguments in presenting reasoned arguments significance of understanding
characteristics and purposes of
manifestos and recognizing supported by properly cited different types of position papers and
8. Generalizing and abstractions position papers and manifestos.
persuasive techniques. evidence. their structures.
about the lesson
Allow students to ask any
Allow students to ask any Allow students to ask any Allow students to ask any remaining
remaining questions or seek
remaining questions or seek remaining questions or seek questions or seek clarification on any
clarification on any topic discussed.
clarification on any topic clarification on any topic topic discussed.
discussed. discussed.
Conduct a brief quiz or ask students Assign a written reflection where Collect and evaluate the students'
to provide written responses to students analyze a manifesto of Assign a written task where draft position papers based on the
questions related to the lesson their choice outside the classroom students are asked to write a short criteria discussed in class, such as
content. and identify the arguments used persuasive essay on a given topic, clarity, organization, use of evidence,
by the writer, as well as evaluate defending a specific stance using and proper citation.
Assess their understanding of the the persuasive techniques reasonable arguments supported by
9. Evaluating Learning
definitions, features, and purposes employed. properly cited evidence. Provide constructive feedback and
of position papers and manifestos. suggestions for improvement.
Assess their ability to gather Assess their ability to formulate
manifestos, identify arguments, arguments, incorporate evidence,
and analyze persuasive and correctly cite their sources.
Provide additional resources, such Assign a peer review activity where
Assign a homework task where Provide additional resources, such
as online articles, TED Talks, or students exchange their draft position
students are asked to analyze a as articles, videos, or online
speeches, where students can papers and provide feedback to each
position paper or a manifesto from a debates, where students can further
further explore and practice other.
reliable source (e.g., newspaper, practice presenting reasoned
analyzing arguments and Encourage students to revise their
organization's website) and write a arguments and using properly cited
10. Additional Activities for persuasive techniques. position papers based on the
short critique or reflection. evidence.
Application or Remediation feedback received.
Encourage students to engage in
Provide additional resources, such Encourage students to engage in
debates or discussions on current Alternatively, assign a class
as articles or videos, for students peer review activities where they
issues, using the skills they have discussion or debate where students
who want to explore the topic provide feedback on each other's
developed in analyzing present their position papers orally
further. written or oral arguments.
arguments. and engage in critical discussions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher School Head

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