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I. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students are able to:
a. Cognitive: Identify various Filipino authors.
b. Affective: Demonstrate understanding about the contribution of Filipino authors to
Philippine literature.
c. Psychomotor: Create and essay regarding the Filipino authors.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Survey of Filipino Authors
Reference/s:Ateneo Library of Women's Writings. The Major Collections of Filipino Writers in
English. Retrieved from:
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper, Pictures, Marker
Values Integration:Appreciate the importance of Filipino authors in the field of literature.

III. Learning Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries:
 Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am

 Prayer
Kindly stand up, and Mr. Dela Cruz please lead In the name of the father….
the prayer.
Amen Amen

 Checking of Attendance
Class secretary, kindly list down all the absentees Okay ma’am

B. Review:
Now, before we formally start our new discussion,
can you still recall the lesson that we discussed Yes, ma’am
last meeting?
1. What did we discuss last meeting? 1. Prose vs. Poetry vs.
2. What is prose? 2. Prose is a form of written
or spoken language that
follows the natural flow of
speech, uses a
language's ordinary
grammatical structures, or
follows the conventions of
formal academic writing.
3. What is poetry? 3. Poetry, also called verse,
is a form of literature that
uses aesthetic and often
rhythmic qualities of
4. What is drama? 4. Drama is the specific
mode of fiction
represented in
performance: a play,
opera, mime, ballet, etc.,
performed in a theatre, or
on radio or television.
C. Motivation:

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s have first and
activity. So the class will be divided into four (4). Kindly Students will count off 1-4
count off 1-4
Now go to your groups and form a circle Students will form a circle

Direction: Think of any Filipino authors that you know and Students will do the activity
give one of his/her famous literary piece. Explain what
that literary piece is all about.


Ask the students the following questions:

1. Can you give a literary piece written by Filipino

2. Who is your favorite Filipino author and why?
Merlinda Bobis has long believed that as long Students may have varied
as you can open your mind and heart to an answers
idea, the universe will attend to you in many

3. How Filipino authors differ to foreign authors?

The Philippines is unique for having important
works in many languages.
4. Which one do you prefer, a Filipino author or
international author? Why?
Filipino author because they use many language.

5. What do you think is the greatest contribution of

Filipino authors to the Philippine literature?
Studying Philippine literature is so important
because it portrays as a living language.
Philippine literature introduces real life
situations within the experiential background
of the youth to the featured literary pieces.
This is bringing us into such issues as
environmental awareness, peace education
and others The Philippines is unique for
having important works in many languages. .


Ask the students the following statements/questions: Expected Answers

1. Name at least five Filipino authors that we 5. Jose Garcia Villa, Manuel
discussed today. Arguilla, Nick Joaquin,
Alejandro Roces, Benito
Reyes, Angela Manalang
Gloria, MerlindaBobis, Gilda
Cordero Fernando, Virginia
Moreno, and Paz latorena
2. What is the contribution of Filipino authors to the 2. Students may have varied
Philippine literature? answers.
- Winning the National Artist award for 3. Students may have varied
Literature, answers.
3. What is the importance of various Filipino authors 4. Footnote to Youth
in the modern time? 5. Rice
- Valuing Filipino authors is important for
several reasons. Firstly, it helps to promote
and preserve Philippine culture and
heritage. By reading the works of Filipino
authors, we gain a deeper understanding
and appreciation of the country's history,
customs, and traditions.
4. Give a famous literary piece of Jose Garcia Villa.
5. Give a famous literary piece of Manuel Arguilla.

For your another activity the class will be divided into two.
This will be the group one, and this will be the group two.

The title of your activity is COMPLETE ME!

Direction: With the given pictures, identify the name of

Filipino authors and their birthdate, awards, and some of
their literary piece.

You can use a matrix in presenting your answers.

Choose one representative to present your work.

You only have 15 minutes to finish this activity.

Group 1:

Students will do the task

Group 2:

D. Generalization:

Call three random students to generalize the topic.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: In a one whole sheet of paper, write an essay about the Filipino authors. Include your
insights about them, things that you want to say to them, and their importance in today’s time.
No word limit.

V. Assignment
Direction: Do a mini research and identify ten international authors in the field of literature.
Include some of their famous or best literary piece/s.

Prepared by:
Name of Demonstrator: _______________________________ Date: ___________

Criteria 5Points 3Points 1Points Score

The LP adheres to the 4A’s The LP adheres to the 4A’s
The LP doesn’t follow the 4A’s
format and logically format, but not so logically
Lesson Plan format but with little/no
sequenced according to its organized according to its
logical sequence
prescribed structure prescribed structure
Instructor didn’t
Instructor somehow
Instructor provokes/catches provoke/catch students’
provokes/catches students’
students’ attention and attention and with little/no
attention and motivates them in
Motivation motivates them throughout motivation throughout the
some part of the lesson.
the lesson proper. Motivation lesson proper. Motivation
Motivation is connected to the
is connected to the lesson somehow connected to the
Instructor speaks clearly with Instructor speaks moderately Instructor speaks unclearly or
high level enthusiasm. clear or moderate level of little/no enthusiasm or
Correct terminology/grammar enthusiasm. Correct incorrect
is used terminology/grammar is used terminology/grammar is used
Presentation is generally Presentation is quite
Presentation is organized and
Organization organized and somewhat easy unorganized and difficult to
easy to follow
to follow follow
Thorough knowledge of the Knowledge of the subject area is Knowledge of the subject area
subject area is clearly evident somewhat evident is quite unclear
Objectives are clearly defined Objectives are defined and Objectives are quite not
and SMART somehow SMART defined and SMART
Lesson breaks down complex Lesson has little/no
Lesson has some differentiation
Differentiation tasks and addresses several differentiation to
to accommodate learning styles
different learning styles accommodate learning styles
Instructor clearly engages Instructor somewhat engages Little/no engagement of
students in the lesson students in the lesson students
Anticipates students’
Some anticipation of students’ Proceeds withoutconsidering
misconceptions and
Anticipation misconceptions but not clearly misconceptions that students
confusions and clearly
addressed might have about the material
addresses this
Instructor interacts with
Interaction students/asks if students Some interaction Little/no interaction
have questions
Instructor has expert Instructor has somehow
Technology Instructor use EdTech but
knowledge and skills of equipped with knowledge and
Integration has difficulty carrying it out
EdTech application skills of EdTech application
Instructor has used a Instructor has used only one IM
Instructional variety of IM’s aligned with and somehow aligned with the
Little/no IM’s were used.
Materials the content and appropriate content and appropriate for the
for the learners learners
Instructor clearly explains Instructor somewhat explains Little/no mention of
application of knowledge application of knowledge application
2 or more resources, Little/no resources or
Resources 1 resource, correctly referenced
correctly referenced incorrectly referenced
Total (Max 100) Total Points Earned

Subject Teacher’s Signature

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