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Pith Instructions from the Secret Cycle

of the Great Perfection:

The Ultimate, Very Profound Teaching on


By Dudjom Rinpoché Jigdral Yeshé Doné
Pith Instructions from the Secret Cycle
of the Great Perfection:
The Ultimate, Very Profound Teaching on


By Dudjom Rinpoché Jigdral Yeshé Done


Pith Instructions from the Secret Cycle of Great Perfection:

The Ultimate, Very Profound Teaching on “The Three-Feld Space”
by Dudjom Rinpoché Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé

Translated by Ngawang Zangpo under the guidance of Lama Tharchin

Rinpoché (Root Text 1998; Commentary 1997, 2006)

This text should not be read without permission and transmission

from a qualified lama.

© April 2006
Bero Jeydren Publications
Vajrayana Foundation
2013 Eureka Canyon Road
Corralitos, California 95076

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any.

form without prior written permission from the copyright holder.
Three-Fold Space Root Text


On the subject of instructions for The Three-Fold Space,

the outer space is the empty sphere of the horizon. The
inner space is seen when you take meditation posture,
rest and gaze into the outer space as if penetrating it
with your eyes: the inner space is clear resting without
thought, within the mind’s nature. Although this is
awareness (rikpa) oriented toward the basis, since at this
time it does not transcend the fundamental
consciousness, this is not resting within actual
awareness. Within the inner space, [awareness] is
polluted by mental clinging and by attachment to
meditative experience.

It is unnecessary for all environments and beings that

appear within the outer space — this torma with its plate,
this mouse home — to disappear. What is necessary is to
destroy mental clinging or reference points in relation to
space, etc.

The secret space is awakening of awareness’ knowledge

aspect within non-discursiveness. To rest within the self-
arising, great pervasive luminous expanse of awareness,
free from the enclosure of attachment to meditative
experience, actualizes the secret space.

It is said that, in general, from the time one is an

ordinary individual, to gaze with one’s water-bubble
eyes and to rest in meditation on the outer space can
naturally lead to the inner and secret spaces. Therefore it
is said,
Three-Fold Space Root Text

When meditating, don’t meditate on anything at

It’s enough for your eyes to look at space.

It is said that “When meditating” refers to the outer and

inner spaces. “Don’t meditate on anything at all” refers
to the secret space at the point one doesn’t meditate.

These are the unmistaken oral instructions from Trak-

tung Dudjom Lingpa, written as a commentary based on
my lama [Gyurmé Nged6n Wangpo’s] oral lineage, by
Jigdral Yeshé Dorje.
Three-Feld Space Reat Text

At the feet of my kind root spiritual master,

the primordial lord, I respectfully bow.

This text presents The Three-Fold Space, the ultimate

practice from the Secret Vital Essence Cycle, a teaching
that points to the essence of Great Perfection’s class of
pith instructions. This practice can be understood under
six headings:

Recognition of the Three-Fold. Space

Ben P

How to do the Practice

Enrichment of the Practice
The Characteristics of Meditative and Post-
Meditative Experience
How to Travel the Path

Removing Impediments to the Practice

i. Recognition of the Three-Fold Space

External space is space that numbers among the five

elements — pure and clear, untouched by ‘incidental
defilements; the naturally perfect, empty aspect of open

Internal space is the fresh, unadulterated consciousness

of appearances. It arises from what is called “the kati
crystal tube.” This channel grasps pure appearances, and
runs between and links the organ of the eyes to ‘the
center of the heart channel, the ocean of the golden sun.
Three-Fold Space Root Text”

The secret space is the essence of unformulated

awareness — primordially pure non-composite, the
nature of reality, empty and clear, indivisible from the
bodies and wisdoms of enlightenment. It rests at the
heart, at the center of the Wheel of Dharma, the
pervasive support for the external and internal spaces.

2. How to Practice the Three-Fold Space

To begin, with uncontrived devotion and respect, make

heartfelt, fervent prayers to your root spiritual master
who has introduced you to your innate awareness as the
body of ultimate enlightenment (dharmakaya). Then
merge your minds.

Do the triple expulsion of stale energy-wind.

The main physical posture you should take is the seven-

point posture of Vairochana (Buddha Illuminator).
However, you can occasionally rest in the more
comfortable position called “relaxation in the nature of

The posture for the gate [of the eyes] is to keep the eyes
neither too narrow nor too wide-open, but to open them
naturally without additional fine-tuning. Look slightly
upward, keep the eyes from moving, and gaze directly
at external space.

For the mind, the vital point is to have consciousness

focus on the eyes, and for the eyes to focus on space.
Don’t examine any thought of past, present, or future:
Three-Fold Space Root Text

rest lucidly in the natural state. Within it, regardless of

whatever arises — stillness or movement, comfort or
turmoil — settle in an uncontrived state. Apart from that,
avoid carelessness; maintain simple recognition.

To keep the body unmoving is the settling of the

mountain; to keep the eyes without attachment is the
settling of the ocean; to keep the mind without
cogitation is the settling of awareness. Relying on the
vital points of these three forms of settling, meditate
continually, like the flow of a river. It is said,

It is not meditation, but familiarization.

When familiarization enters the expanse,
It is supreme meditation.

3. Enrichment of the Practice

In the same way that your mind settles in the clear blue
sky during the day, your mind can settle unmoving in
the deep darkness of space before you at night. In
general, when clouds, haze, or human beings spoil your
meditation with movement, noise, or disturbance, it can
be useful to practice in darkness in an isolated place.

Other [forms of enrichment include] changing the gaze —

to the right, to the left, upward, downward, or straight
ahead. Keep focused during any group activity or
virtuous practice, such as walking, sitting, prostrations,
circumambulations, recitation, or talking. After such
activities, settle in the three-fold space. If you maintain
this, it won’t be long before the merging of meditative
Three-Fold Space Root Text

and post-meditative experience will enrich your


4. The Characteristics of Meditative and Post-

Meditative Experience

In general, meditative experience is considered to be

resting in a natural state, within simple recognition of
the luminous essence of self-awareness. Separation from
such recognition is called post-meditative experience;
however, this is just the technical definition of post-
meditative experience.

True post-meditative experience is self-liberation when

the focal point of mental movement dissipates.
Moreover, such experience also constitutes part of
meditative experience and is thus called “the common
taste of meditative and post-meditative experience.”

Some persons proudly consider meditation to be a

period of vague mindfulness in a seeming lack of
distraction. Within this phony appearance fof
meditation], semi-conscious movement [of thoughts]
continues, non-conceptuality is unstable, and subtle
concepts are accepted. How pointless! These are not
proper standards for meditative and non-meditative
states. The characteristic of meditation is lucid
awareness that arises as the essence of the non-
conceptual state. The characteristic of post-meditation is
the self-arising and self-liberation of concepts, like an
ocean's waves stilled within the sea.
Three-Fold Space Root Text

In brief, when the meditative state without reference

points, like the sphere of space, arises related to post-
meditative magic-like, natural compassion, _ this
constitutes genuine meditative and _post-meditative
states, and signals the beginning of correct practice.
Although distinctions can be made between meditative
and post-meditative states for each [stage of spiritual
development], from beginners to bodhisattvas at the
stage of culmination, practitioners such as us must
continue to practice energetically until meditative and
post-meditative states merge inseparable and
continuously, day and night.

5. How to Travel the Path

When the mind starts to rest, a slight diminishment of

movement and thoughts constitutes a false semblance of
stillness. When deep certainty arises that stillness is
unborn and movement unceasing, and that stillness and
movement have an equal taste, you have begun to
meditate correctly.

Further, the experience of stillness occurs when stillness

forms the major part [of meditation]; clarity, emptiness,
and exaltation arise without mental examination; you
feel inclined toward and _ confident in ultimate
meditation; you have subtle dualistic appearances along
with movement; and you have the ability to produce
various temporary qualities of body, speech, and mind.

The experience of movement occurs when attachment to

luminosity collapses; when objects and their antidote are
Three-Fold Space Root Text |

not seen as separate; when you are unharmed by either

dullness or elation; and when the nature of strong
concepts becomes exceedingly clear, without you
becoming separate from the fundamental exaltation of

Gradually, not only do you stop grasping objects and

their antidote as separate, appearance and mind become
of equal taste, and any clinging to self and other
dissolves into the absolute expanse. All phenomena arise
as magic-like exaltation and emptiness; you realize all
cyclic existence and transcendence without exception to
be the inner glow of awareness. This is the experience of

Finally, all phenomena dissolve into the inexpressible

space of the absolute expanse; formulated activity and
effort are exhausted. Profound, peace free from
formulation appears and you attain a slight degree [of
the mental powers] off overwhelming mastery. This is
the experience of natural perfection (lhun-drub), the
actual attainment of a sublime state.

Other experiences include the appearing aspect of

luminosity that can arise as the illusory image of any
form within cyclic existence and transcendence such as
smoke, optical illusions, and circles appearing in space.
At first, they seem to appear as external objects; then
you gradually develop the concept of the equal taste of
objects and mind, and then a deeply rooted certainty in
their single taste. When these experiences arise,
relinquish attachment to them: this draws to you further
Three-Fold Space Root Text

exaltation and emptiness that will fully purify your

body, speech, and mind. Finally, your channels, vital
essence, energy-winds, and elements become pure and
you actualize the body of the wisdom of great exaltation.

I will not relate here similar exceptional appearances of

luminosity, the manifest nature of reality, as it arises
within the context of tégal practice. Fortunate persons
who practice this can refer to the profound pith
instructions in the Secret Heart-Essence’s source texts.

6. Removing Impediments to the Practice

As a beginner, if you find that you lose interest in

meditation due to physical discomfort, from lack of
familiarity with the posture, or from sore eyes, you
should begin by practicing slowly and continuing at
your own pace.

Later, you will not fall prey to laziness, and even when
uncomfortable, you will develop forbearance and
exertion in meditation. Train in assuming the physical
posture and gazing to the extent you are able and it will
become comfortable.

Similarly, it is possible that some persons may

experience many _ disruptive thoughts seemingly
continually, which makes them genuinely repulsed by
meditation. Previously, they always surrendered to
subconscious thoughts and have begun to recognize that
fact. Now that they know it, they should meditate in
many short sessions.
Three-Fuld Space Root Text

Sometimes, when the mind is apathetic and sullen, turn

the gaze upward and firmly tighten your consciousness.
similarly, when your thoughts are ‘too turbulent, turn
the gaze downward and deeply _ relax your
consciousness. That having been said, this pith
instruction of the three-fold space will naturally dispel
impediments of apathy or dullness; the vital points of
this practice will calm agitation within itself. When you
know how to do this meditation effectively, you will be
able to dispel these impediments into their own nature.

Do not allow attachment to increase toward experiences

of exaltation, clarity, and non-conceptuality: maintain a
natural state. When empty forms appear, do not cling to
them as objective appearances.

It is impossible to record here every means to dispel

obstacles: you must seek direct guidance from an
experienced spiritual master. In particular, however, the
sovereign method to dispel obstacles and to enrich
experience is to place in the center of your heart
devotion and respect to your root nn master and to


In general, if you don’t engender devotion and respect to

the spiritual master, you shouldn’t harbor great hopes to
develop meditation. Since even each slight wrong view
will increase to become a potent cause for rebirth in the
miserable realms, know that devotion and respect to the
spiritual master forms both the gateway and the main

Three-Fold Space Root Text

path [to enlightenment]. See whatever he/she does as

positive, consider whatever he/she says to be true, and
in this way, be diligent in devotion, respect, and prayer.

Furthermore, don’t withdraw from compassion toward

sentient beings and the mind of awakening. Turn away
from attachment to worldly appearances and be firm in
that attitude: it is of the utmost importance to become
someone who can accept hardships and can integrate the
sacred teachings in your life.

What need is there to speak with ordinary persons of the

vital points of profound pith instruction in the view or
meditation? Keep them extremely secret from those with
whom you did not receive instruction at the same time,
from the same master. Make the basis of everything you
do the continuation of your virtuous activity and
meditation practice. Avoid such acts as assuming the
physical postures and gazes in public. At all times, make
the sacred teachings the judge of your own mind, and in
so doing, you will not become ashamed of yourself.

All the vital points of practice are gathered in these

words of advice.


To benefit some of my fortunate children-disciples, I,

Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé, a yogi devoted to the secret canon of
Great Perfection teachings and who practices it, have
written in words my spiritual master’s pith instructions
from the profound oral lineage. I wrote this for

Three-Fold Space Reet Text

individuals who have properly received instruction and

do this practice. Apart from them, if untamed persons
who only discuss Dharma, or persons who have violated
tantric commitments, or persons with wrong views read
this book, I invite three protectors - Queen of Life-Force
(Ekajati), Rahula, and Dorjé Lekpa — to enjoy their
hearts’ blood as an offering of drink.


Source: The Collected Works of Dudjom Rinpoché (Dudjom

Sung Bum), Volume PA (13), pages 567-576.

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