Lab1 Ex2 - 2

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Lab1_2_2( when case)

library IEEE;


entity L1_E2_2_201B013 is

Port ( a : in STD_LOGIC;

b : in STD_LOGIC;

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);

c : out STD_LOGIC);

end L1_E2_2_201B013;

architecture Behavioral of L1_E2_2_201B013 is




case sel is

when "00" => c <= a and b;

when "01" => c <= a or b;

when "10" => c <= a nand b;

when others => c <= a nor b;

end case;

end process;

end Behavioral;
Test Bench


USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY l1_e2_013_tb IS

END l1_e2_013_tb;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF l1_e2_013_tb IS

COMPONENT L1_E2_2_201B013

a : IN std_logic;

b : IN std_logic;

sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

c : OUT std_logic



signal a : std_logic := '0';

signal b : std_logic := '0';

signal sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal c : std_logic;


uut: L1_E2_2_201B013 PORT MAP (

a => a,

b => b,

sel => sel,

c => c


-- Stimulus process

stim_proc: process


sel <= "00";

a <= '0';

b <= '0';
wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "00";

a <= '0';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "00";

a <= '1';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "00";

a <= '1';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "01";

a <= '0';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "01";

a <= '0';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "01";

a <= '1';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "01";

a <= '1';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "10";

a <= '0';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "10";

a <= '0';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "10";

a <= '1';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "10";

a <= '1';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "11";

a <= '0';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "11";

a <= '0';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "11";

a <= '1';

b <= '0';

wait for 100 ns;

sel <= "11";

a <= '1';

b <= '1';

wait for 100 ns;


end process; END;

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