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Spoken Language:

In contrast to written language, spoken language is a language created by articulate sounds or

(depending on one's definition) physical gestures. The terms "spoken language" and "written language"
are frequently used interchangeably. The structure of spoken language differs frequently from that of
written language. Life is always reliant on communication. In order to engage with others, express their
feelings, or exchange ideas and thoughts, humans need to use language to communicate. Everyone has
instinctively learnt their native language through their social surroundings, interactions and cultures since
they were young in order to communicate. However, on a global scale, it is required of us to be proficient
communicators in both our own tongue and an international language.

English language

English has always been regarded as one of the most crucial languages to master. Learning English is
becoming more essential than ever. The reason for this is that globalization has been accelerating and
will provide a significant challenge to the next generation. Nearly every nation in the globe, including
Indonesia, teaches English. Teaching English in a non-English-speaking nation like Indonesia, however,
must be different from teaching English in a home country or in a setting where English is naturally
spoken, such in England and the United States, where it is spoken on daily basis. Having English as their
national language is a perk for all such countries due to its mere quality of being an international

West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, English The majority language of the
United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and some island countries is
English, which was first spoken in England. Most other nations choose English as their first foreign
language, and it is because of this that English has earned the title of international lingua franca. Two
billion people, or nearly a third of the world's population, are thought to speak English at this time.

Thus all these facts and figures provides clarity about English as the most regraded and practical
language in all domains, either academics or anything else. The most important concern of this thesis is
to highlight the impact of movies and entertainment shows of spoken language of people around the


Film, also known as a movie, motion picture, moving picture, picture, photoplay, or (slang) flick, is a kind
of visual art that uses moving pictures to imitate experiences and convey ideas, narratives, perceptions,
feelings, beauty, or ambiance. Usually, sound and, less frequently, other sensory stimuli, accompany
these visuals.

A motion picture camera is used to capture real-world scenes for a movie's moving visuals.

Role of movies

Movies play a perpetual role in learning something new, enchanting and fascinating. They are not only a
source of information and entertainment but also contains legends, myths and proverbs to make us dig
deep into understanding history and its effects on future. Now english being an international language
requires all sort of movies to be translated into it irrespective of their original or local language. Once
those movies and shows become available in English language they become available and
understandable by all. This is how movies and shows train and polish speaking skills and pronunciations
capabilities of people at masses. Because hearing and pronouncing go hand in hand, we speak the way
we hear. The more we watch and here those english movies the more we could learn. We adopt the
patterns more proficiently when we experience them with the sense of sight. The most effective way of
learning something is to listen it thoroughly. EFL students should listen intently to pronounce correctly.
Additionally, pronunciation will be automatically learned through listening skills (Hedg, 2011). Mahdi
(2018) continues by saying that if a student cannot pronounce and utter words correctly then that is
because of poor hearing. A toddler only learns how to speak when he hears his parents speaking those
words. This is regarded as speech therapy too.

Media have a significant influence in English learning in today's culture.One of the best mediums for
enhancing pupils' listening abilities is English film (Brown & Yule, 1983). In addition, according to the
majority of students, watching movies is the simplest way to practice speaking English (Winiyakul, 2010).
Because students can watch movies and get better at English as they go, they can focus and enjoy
learning the language.

The majority of pupils express satisfaction with the English movie and its impact on their speaking
abilities. English movies are more ideal since they offer the real-time experience of learning the English
language to pupils, who can then utilize them to teach speaking to improve their speaking abilities and
ultimately master all of English's capabilities. The modern age demands sheer knowledge of a subject and
a tight grip on its use. In order to expose students to the English language more, English teachers have
begun showing English movies in the majority of ESL or EFL courses. It has been observed internationally
that those teenagers who are fond of watching seasons and movies has more professional English-
speaking skills in comparison with those who learns english as a part of their academics. Just because
movies provide them a firm command on language and it's helps them in expression and precise
portrayal of their concerns making them earn confidence and self reliance.

The use of movies to improve learners' language competency is one of the newest methods that is
gaining popularity among second language learning researchers (Albiladi et al., 2018; Alluri, 2018; Bahrani
& Sim, 2012; RAO, 2019; Thammineni, 2016).The studies that have already been done either looked at the
influence of one language skill or another. For example, Thammineni (2016) exclusively looked at the
impact of viewing movies on speaking and listening abilities; Alluri (2018) looked at vocabulary and
grammar as a result of watching English movies. However, academics like Abeer, Al-Sobh, and Momani
(2018) investigated how movies may improve pronunciation and other skills. According to Alberta (2013,
p. 14), English films frequently put character and story over narrative style. This narrative style makes it
more easier for students to adopt it in their daily routines and even in their discourse writings. More
precisely, the complex use of first person pronouns and second person pronouns is not it everyone's cup
of tea. Acing the complexity of me, my, mine, yours etc. is very important for spoken English where we
have to talk in fluency. While writing one can give a second thought to these things for correction but
spoken language demands instant interactions. This to avoid thses grammatical errors and troubles
narrative style in movies play their role hand in hand.

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