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‘Administration of Daman & Diu, Union Teritoy. Urban Development Department Notification No,DNINIDHIC/BYE LAWSI18/2018 No. 3/1-518/0MC/18-19/1356 Dt, : 0409/2018 ByeLaws In exercise ofthe powers confared by sub-sections (1) & (2) of Section 207 read with Sections 223 and 225 of tha Daman & Diu Municipalies (Amended) Regulation, 2018 the Daman Municipal Council hareby makes the following Bye-Laws. By powers vested in me as Collector cum Director (Municipal Administration), Daman unier ‘Sub-Section (1) of Section 307 of the said Regulation, | hereby sanction the draft Bye-Laws namely; 4, Short title and Commencement, 1.1 These Bye-Laws may be called the Daman Municipal Council Sotid ‘Wasto (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws, 2018, 4.2 They shall come into force ffom the data oftheir publication in the Oficial Gazette. 1.3 They shall remain in force unless amended in accordance with The Daman & Diu Municipalies (Amended) Regulation, 2018 2.Applicabllty. It extends to the whole of the Municipal areas including public places, private places, dwellings, trade and commercials centers. This Bye-Law shall apply to every generator of Municipal Solid Waste and to every premise under the ownership or occupation of any person within the limits of Daman Municipal Council. It will be applicable to any government or non-government premises or organization operating within the premises of Daman Municipal Council. 8. Definition In this Bye-Law, unless the context othenvise requires the following words shall have meaning herein defined:- 34 “Aangantforemisesiplace means the pubic place in front of, or aijacent on any sido of any premises, extending to the road, Kerb side inckiding the footpath Kerb, dralnnala, plot or promises. 32 “aeroble composting” — means-_-~—a_—contolad~— process involving’ microbial ddecompositorvoneaking down of organic mater in the presence of oxygen; 33 “Agency/agent” means any —enftyiperson appointed or authorized by —Mniclpal Corporation/CouncivMuntcpaliy/Daman Municipal Counc to act on iis behalf, for discharge ‘of duties or functions Le. sweeping of streets, collection of waste, collection of charges / fines, ancl other such delegated responsibities etc; 34° “anaoroble digestion’ means a controlled proces’ Involving micrablal“ decomposition’ breaking down of organtc matter in absence of oxygen; 35 “authorisation” means the permission given by the State Pollution Control Board oF Polution Control Committee, as the case may be, to the operator of a facilly or urban local authority, cof any other agency responsible for processing and disposal of sold waste, 3.6 "Bio-degradable waste” means any organic material that can be degraded by microorganisms into simpler stable compounds; for example the waste of plant and’ animal origin 9. Kitchen waste, food & flower waste, leaf Ikter, garden waste, animal dung, sh/meat waste and any other material that gets degraded/decomposed by the action of microorganisms; 2018. 3.7 “Biomedical waste” means any waste, which Is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or Immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological, and including categories mentioned In Schedule IV of the Bye-taws ; 3.8 “bio-methanation” means a process which entals enzymatic decomposition’ breaking down of the organic matter by microbial action to produce methane-tich biogas; 3.9 “brand owner” means a person or company who sols any commodity under a registered brand label, 3.10 “buffer zone” means zone of no-development to be malntained around solid waste processing and disposal facility, exceeding 5 TPD of installed capacity. This will be maintained ‘within the total area allotted for the solk! waste processing and disposal facility. 3.11 “Bulk Waste Generator* means the owner, occupier or any other person representing owners and ‘occupiers of + House(s)Flat(s), Group of Houses/lats, housiig soctety(s) / complex(s), Restaurant(s); Hotel(s), Market(s), Industrial Estate(s) and Shopping Complex(s) / Malls) and includes buildings occupled by the Central Government Ministries, epartmonts or Undertakings, State Government Departments or Uniiertakings, Local Bodles, Public Sector Undertakings or Private. Companies, Hospitals), Nursing Home(s), School(s), Coliege(s), University(s), Other Educational Institutions, Hostel(s), Holes), Commercial Esteblishment(s), Places of Worship, Stadia and Sports complexes, chibs, gymkhanas, mariage als, recreation! entertalament complexes having an average waste generation rate exceeding 100kg per day; or any other establishment sources / premises that are specifically (dentified and notified by the (Chiff officer of Daman Municipal Council fo be so; 3.42 "Bulk garden and horticultural wasto” means buik waste fom parks, gardens, rac wands, road medians etc, —_inchidir grass & wood clippings, weeds, woody ‘brown’ —carbon-rich material such as pruning, branches, twigs, wood chipping, straw or dead leaves and tree trimmings, which cannot be accommodated in the daily collection system for bio-degradable waste; 3.13 "Rulesibye-laws" means regulatory framework notified by State / Daman Municipal Council, census town and notified area townships for facilitating the implementation of these rules /bye-laws In their jurisdiction, 3.14 “cansus town” means an urban aa 2s defined by the Registrar General and Census ‘Commissioner of Inia; 3.46 “Collection” means iting and removal of munlcfpal sold waste from designated collection polats oF any other focation; 3.48 “Collection at Source" means the collection of municipal sold waste by Daman Municipal Counc rectly from the premises of any building ot common premises of a group of bullngs. This Is aso refered to as "polnt to potnt collection"; 3.17 "combustible waste” means non-blodegradable, non-teoyclabl, non-feusable, nonhazardous sold waste having minum caloric value exceeting $500 kcalg and ecuding chlorinated materials ike plastc, wood pulp, ets 3.18 "Composting" means a controled process involving microbial decomposttonllegradationforeaking down of orgenic matter Intuiding verm-composting - which isa process of using earthworms fr corwersion of blodegradable waste into compost; 3.19 “Community Service” means to serve the community by sweeping of road, cleaning of wals, {tee guard portion ete; 3.20 “eontractor" means a person ot tim that undertakes a contract to provide malorals or labour {o perform a service or doa job for service providing authority, SERIES II No. ; 35 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. 3.21 “Construction and Demolition waste" means waste from building materials, debiis and such rubble resulting from construction, re-modeling, repair and demolition operations; 3.22 “co-processing” means use of non-biodegradable and non-racyclable solid waste having caloric value exceeding 1500kcal as raw material or as a source of energy or both to replace ‘or supplement the natural mineral resources and fossil fuels in industrial pracesses; 3.23 “decentralised processing” means establishment of dispersed faciies for localised processing of blodegradable wasle and recovery of recyclables closest to tho” source of ‘peneration so as to minimize transportation of waste for pronessing or disposal; 3.24 “Delivery” means handing over any category of solid waste to a Daman Municipal Council worker or any thar person appointed, authorized or licensed by the Daman Municipal Council for taking delivery of such waste; 3.25 "disposal" means the final and safe disposal of post-processed residual solid waste and inert stot sweepings and sit fom suaco drains on fand as specified in Schedule 1 to prevont contamination of ground water, surface water, ambient air and attraction of animals or birds; 3.26 “domestic hazardous waste” means discarded paint drums, pesticide cans, CFL bulbs, tube lights, medicines. including expired medicines, broken mercury thermometers, balteries, used needles and syringes and contaminated gauge, etc., generated at tho household level; 3.27 "door to door collection" means collection of solid waste from the door step of households, shops, commercial establishments, offices, insttuonal or any other non-esidentiat premises and includes collection of such waste ffom entry gale or a designated location on ‘he ground oor in a housing society, multi storied building or apartments, large resiiental, ‘commercial or institutional complex or premises; 3.28 "Doorto-Door collection system Municipal vehicle” means the beltiaging or such vehicle (includes a cariage, cart, van, dray, tuck, hand-car, bicycle, cyclevickshaw, auto-tickshav, ‘motor vehicle and every whoeled conveyance which is used or Is capable of being used on a sleet) provided by Daman Municipal Councilor an agency authorised by Daman Municipal Council for point to polnt collection of Municipal Solid Waste. 3.29 "Dry waste” means waste other than blo-degradable waste and inert street sweepings and lnchides recyclable- and non-ecyclable- waste, combustible waste- and- sanitary napkin and diapers, etc; 3.0 "Dry Waste” means the calegory of municipal solid waste referred to at Nob (6) of these Bye-laws; 3.31 "Dry Waste Sorting Centro” means any designated land, shed, Kost, oF structure located on any municipal of Government land or in a public space which is authorized to receive and sort dry waste; 3.32 “dump sites” means a land utilized by local body for disposal of solid waste without following the princiles of sanitary fad fling; 3.33 “extended producer responsibility” (EPR) means responsibilty of any producer of packeging products such. as plastic, tn, glass: and. corrugated boxes, elc,, for environmentally sound management, til end-of-life of the packaging products; 3.34 “facility”. means any establishment wherein the solid waste management processes namely segregation, recovery, storage, collection, recycing, prosessing, treatment or safe disposal are cated out 3.35 “fine” means penalty imposed on waste generators or operators of waste processing and disposal facliies under the byelans for non-compliance of the directions contained In these rules and/or bye- laws; 3.38 “Generator of waste” moans eny person generating municipal sold) waste within the limits of Damen Municipal Counc SERIES I _No. 1 35 a] DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. 3.37 “handling” includes all actvlies relaing to sorting, segregation, material recovery, collection, secondary storage, shredding, baling, crushing, loading, unloading, transportation, processing and disposal of sold wastes; : 3.38 “Hazardous waste” means any waste, which by reason of any of ils physical, chemical, ‘eactive, ‘oxic harm able, explosive or corrosive characteraics causes danger or is. likely to cause danger fo health or envionment, whether alone or when: in contact with other wastes ‘or substances and shall Include wastes spectcalyIistod in Schedule I of these Bye laws. 3.39 "Houso-gully"NianelService Lane means @ passage or stip of land, constructed, set apart or tullized for the purpose of serving as a drain or of affording access to the latrine, una, cesspool or other receptacle for ity oF other potted maller by persons employed in the removal ofcleening theteof or in the removal of such malters there from; 3.40 “Incineration” means an engineered process involving burning or combustion of solid waste to thermally degrade waste matorials at high temperatures; 3.41 “inerts” means. wastes which are not blo-degradable, recyclable or combustible street ‘sweeping of dust and sit removed from the surface drains; 3.42 “Inert Solid Waste” means any sold waste or remnant of processing whose physical, chemical and biological propertios make it suitable for sanitary and fing; 343. “informal waste collector" includes individuals, associalons or waste traders who are involved in collation, sorting, sale and puchase of recyclable materials, 3.44 “Landfill” means a waste disposal site for: the deposit of reskiual solid waste in a faclity designed with protective measures against pollulon of ground water, surface water and. ait fugitive dust, windblown iter, bad odour, fie hazard, bid menace, pests or rodents, ‘greenhouse gas emissions, slope Instability and erosion; 3.45 “Meachate" means the leuid that oozes and seeps through sold waste or other medium and has extracts of dissolved or suspended material from the media, 3.46 “Litter” means all refuso ond other such wasto material which, tends to create nuisance, dir, Insanitary conditions, ugliness and endangers cleanliness, pubic orderliness & movement, environment, public health, safety, We and weltare if dropped, thrown, scaltered, deposited ‘orleft un-cleanad or unpicked as against the prohbion under these Bye-laws; 347 “Littering” means carelessly spreading Itter so that falls, descends, blown, seeps, percolates ‘or othenvise escapes or Is Ukely 10 ‘fll, descend, blown, seep, percolate or otherwise escape {nfo or onto any public or private place; Or causing, permiting or allowing: liter to ‘fll, descend, blow, s8ep, percolate or otherwise escape into or onto any public or private place; 3.48 * local body" for the purpose of these rules means Daman Municipal Councl or Vilage Panchayat as the cease may bo, 3.49 “Lysometer" means a davice which is used o measure the movement of water in or through the medium of sol layer or which fs used to collect the leached water for qualitative analyses. 3.50 “Market” Includes any place where persons assemble: for the sale of, or for the purpose of exposing of sale, meat, fish, fruls, vegetables, animals intended for human food or any other artlles of human needs whalsoover, with or without the consent of the owner of such piace notwithstanding that there may be no common regulallon for the concourse of buyers and sellers. and whether or ot ary control Is exercised over the business of, or the person ‘requenting, the market by the owner ofthe place or by any other person; 3.51 “materials recovery facility” (MRF) means a faclity where non-compostable solid waste can be lemporaily stored by the tocal body or any other enity mentioned in rule 2 or any person or agoncy authorised by any of thom to fadlitato segregation, sorting and recovery of recyclables from various components of waste by authorised Informal sector of waste pickers, Informal recyclers or any other work force engaged by the local body or ently mentioned in rule 2 for the purpose before the waste is delivered or taken up for ils processing or disposal SERIES II_No. 235 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. | 3.52 "Chief Officer” means Chief Officer of Daman Municipal Counc 3.53 "Municipal Counci” means Oaman Municipal Council established Daman Municipal Council Regulation for Damen area. 3.54. “Municipal Solid Waste” includes commercial and residential wastes generated in a Munlcpal or Nolied Local Body in cither Solid or Semi -Sold form excluding industial hazardous waste but including properly and fully treated bio-medical waste( as per applicable rules); 3.55 “non-blodegradable waste” means any wasle that cannot be. degraded by micro-organisms {nfo simpler stable compounds; 356° “Nuisance” includes any act, omission, place, animal or thing which causes or Is likely to cause injury, danger, annoyance or offense to the senso of sight, small, hearing, breath, modesty ‘and dignity or disturbance to movement, work, rest o sleep, or which is or may be dangerous {ole or injurious to health or property; 3.57 ‘Nulsanco — .Dotectors” _(NDs}_—means_— those employees. «of Municipal Corporation/CouncitMunictpaltyf0aman Municipal Council, who are appolnted by Municipal Corporation/CouncliMunicipalltyiDaman Municipal Councll to detect acls of - Public nuisance ele, under the Bye la 3.58 “Occupier” includes- (a) any person who for the ime being is paying oF Is liable to pay to the ‘owner the rent or any-portion of the rent of the land or bulding in respect of which such rent |s paid or 's payable; In occupation of, oF otherwise using, any land or bullding or part thereof, for any purpose whatsoever, (b) an owner in occupation of, or otherwise using his tan or bulking; (©) a rent-free tenant of any land or building; {¢) a licensee in occupation of any land or bulding; and (6) any person who is able fo pay tothe owner damages forthe use and occupation of any and or building; (f) the custodian of avacuee property in respect of evacuees property vested In him under the ‘Administration of Evauee Property Act « (@) the General Manager of a Rallway and tho head of a Govt, Department, In respect of properties under their respective contro, 3.59 "operator of a facilily / operator of concession” means a: person or ently, who owns or operates the. concession for handling, collection, sorting, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid waste and it also includes any other agency appolnted by the focal body / ‘municipal authority for management and handling of munlclpal solid waste in its area and any other eniity or agency appointed by the focal body; 3.60 "Pellet forming’ means a process: used to make pellels, which will be small cubes/cuboids or cylindrical ploces from solid waste and will also: include fuel pollots which Is obtained from garbage. 3.61 "Person” meens any person or persons and shall include any shop or establishment or firm or company or associallon or body of individuals whether incorporated or not and theit agents; assignae eto; and shall mean (o include Goveremnent and its offices and amnployess, 3.62 “Point to Point Collection” means the system of colection of municipal solli waste from pectic pick-up points as: designated by Daman Municipal Council up to which the generator must bring the collected and stored waste for delivery In vehicles so providediappointedipermitied by the Daman Municipal Counctt 363. “Premises” -means any land or building or pat of a. bullting and includes- (@ Tho garden. ground and out- houses, if any, appertaining 0 a building or part of a bulling; (0) Any filings affixed: to a bullding or part of a building for the more benefictal enjoyment thereof; 3.84 3.65 3.66 387 3.68 3.69 3.70 an 3.72 373 374 3.95 3.76 ai7 378 379 3.80 381 | SERIES Ti_No. : 35_ DATED : 7™ SEPTEM 2018, “primary collection” means collecting, iting and removal of segregated solid waste from source of its generation including households, shops; offices and any other non-residential premises or from any collection points or any other location spectied by the local body, “Processing” means any sclentifc process by which solid waste Is treated: for processing for the purpose of reuse, recycling or transformation into new products or making it suitable for land fing; “Public Nuisanca” means any act, omission, offence of wrong-doing which ‘causes oF Is tkely fo cause nuisance (as defined) in any public place; “Publle place” means any place which is open 0 the use and enjoyment of the public, Whether its actually used oF enjoyed by the public or not “Rubbish” Includes ashes, broken bricks, broken glasses, dust, malba, mortar and refuse of ‘any kind which is not th, “Recoptacle” means container, including bins and bags, used for the storage of any category of munioipal waste as prescribed by Municipal Corporaton/CouncivMunicipaliy/Urban Local Body form tine to time; “Recycling” means the process of transforming segregated non-biodegradable solid waste Into raw materials for producing now products, which may or may not be similar to the ‘orignal products; “redevelopment” means rebuilding of old residential or commercial builings at the same site, wnere the existing buildings and other infrastructures have become dilapidated; “refuse derived fuel"(ROF) means fuel derived from combustible ‘waste fraction of soll) waste like plastic, wood, pulp or organic waste, other than chlorinated materials, in the form of pallets oF fluff produced by drying, shredding, dehydrating and compacting of solid waste; “Refuse” means any waste mattor generated out of diferent actives, processes, elther degradable!non-degradable garbage and rubbish fnert in nature in either sold or somi-sold {form which cannot be consumed, used or processed by the generator ints existing form; “Repeated offenoo” meona whon on offonee undor thooe bye-lawa hos been ropoated five tines by the ‘same person Itwill be called repeated offence, “residual solld waste” means and includes the waste and rejects fom the sold waste processing facies which are not suitable for recycling or further processing, "sanitary land filing " means the final and safe disposal of residual sold waste and inert wastes on land in a facllly designed with protective measures against polluon of ground water, surface water and ugltve air dust, wind-blown iter, bad odour, fre hazard, animal menace, bird menace, pests or rodents, greenhouse gas emissions, persistent organic, Pollutants slope instability and erosion; “Sanitation” means the promotion of hyglene and the prevention of disease and other Causes of i health related {0 environmental factors. However, the relevant provisions in respect of sanitation and health in any other rues, act or bye favs shal continue to previ! as usual. "sanitary waste” means wastos comprising -of used dlapers, sanitary towels “or napkins, tampons, condoms, Incontinence sheets and any other similar waste; "Schedule" means the Schedule appended to these Bye laws; “secondary: storage” means the (emporary containment of solid -waste after collection at secondary: waste slorage depots or MRFS or bins: for onward transportation of the waste to the processing or alsposal faclty, “segregation” means sorting and separate storage of various components. of solid waste namely blodegradable wastes including agrcullure and dairy wasle, _non-blodegradable wastes including recyclable waste, non-ecyclable combustible waste, sanitary waste and non recyclable inert waste, domestic hazardous wastes, and construction and demotion wastes; 3.82 3.83 3.84 385 3.86 387 3.88 3.89 3.90 391 392 3.93 3.04 3.95, 3.96 SERIES II No. : 35_ DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. “service provider” means an authority providing public utlity services lke water, sowerage, electricity, telephone, roads, drainage, et; “solid wasto” means and incdes solid or semi-solid domasts waste, sanitay waste, ‘commercial waste, institutional waste, catering and market waste and other non-residential wastes, sleet sweepings, sit removed or collected from the surface drains, horticulture waste, agriculture and dalty waste, treated blo-medical waste excluding industrial waste, biomedical waste and e-waste, baltery waste, radio-active waste generated. In the afea under the local authorities and other entities mentioned in rule 2; "gorting” means separating. various components and categories of recyclables such as paper, plastic, cardboards; metal, glass, elc., from mixed waste as may be appropriate to facilitate recycling; means separaling organic, Inorganic, recyclable and hazardous wastes into. categories to faciliate recycling, “stabilizing” means the biological decompesition of biodegradable wastes fo a stable stale where it generates no leachate or offensive odours and Is fit for application to farm land ,soit erosion contra and soil remediation; “State board or Committeo" means, as applicable, the State Polluon Control Board of a state or the Polition Contro! Commitee ofa Union Tersiory. “street vendor” means any person engaged in vending of articles, goods, wares, food Items or merchandise of everyday use or offering services to the general public, in a street, lane, side walk, footoath, pavement, public park or any other public place of private area, from a temporary buill up structure or by moving from place to place and includes hawker, peddier, squatter and all other synonymous terms which may be local or region specific; and the words “street vending” with their. grammatical variations and cognate expressions, shall be construed accordingly; “Source” means the premises from which waste Is generated. “Stabilized biodegradable waste” means the biologically stablized (ree of pathogens) waste tooulting from tho mochanioal / blological troatmont of biodogradablo waste; only whon stabilized such waste can be used wilh no further restrtions; “Storage” means. the temporary containment of municipal sold waste in receptacles; prevent Ittering, attraction to vectors, stray animals and excessive foul odour, “Street” includes any way, road, lane, square, court; alley, gully, passage, whether a thoroughfare or not end whether bull upon or not, over which the public have a right of way and also the roadway oF footway over any bridge or causoway. "tipping fee” means a fee or support price determined by the local authorities “or any state agency authorised by the Stale government to be paid to the concessionaire or operator of waste processing faclly or for disposal of residual solid waste atthe Indl, “transfer station” means a faciily created 10 receive solid waste from collection Local Body ‘and transport in bulk in ‘covered vehicles or containers to waste processing and, of, disposal facilites; “transportation” means’ conveyance of solid waste, ellher teated, party tteated or untreated fom a location to another focation In an environmentally. sound manner through specially designed ‘and covered transport system so. as to prevent the foul’ odour, tering and. unsightly conllions and accessiblity to vectors, animals and bids; “treatment” moans she method, technique or process designed to modify physical, chemical or biota characters or conpostion of any waste so 26 10 reduce ls volume ond potential to cause harm; “user feo” means a fee Imposed by the local body and any ently mentioned: in rule 2 on the waste generator to cover ful or part cost of providing sold waste collection, transportation, processing and disposal services. -10 - SERIES I No. : 35 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 201 3.97 "Vadose water" means the waler situated between top soil and ground water table level, ic, {nthe unsaturated soil strata 3.98 "vermi composting" means the process of conversion of bio-degradable waste into compost using earth worms; 3.99 "waste generator” means and includes every person or group of persons, every residential premises . and non-residential establishments including Indian always, Defence establishments, which generate sold waste; 3.100 “waste hierarchy” means the priority order in which the solid waste {s to should be managed bby giving emphasis. to prevention, reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal, with prevention being the most prefrred option and the disposal a the landfill being the least; 3.101 "Waste picker” means a person or groups of persons. informelly engaged in collection and recovery of reusable and recyclable solld waste from the source of waste generation the streols, bins, material recovery facilities, processing and waste disposal faclitles for’ sale to recyclers directly or through intermediaries to earn thelr livelihood. 3,102 Words and expressions used herein but not defined, bul defined in the Environment 44 42 43 4a 45 46 4a 48 (Protection) Act, 1986, the Waler (Prevention. and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 197 and the. Air (prevention and Gontral of Pollution) Act, 1981 and all the Wasle Management -Rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the respective Acts/Rules Prohibition of littering, and other nuisances and ensuring "Clean Aangan/PremisesiPlace”, Littering infor on any publicprivate place: No person shall throw or deposit fitter in any ‘cccupledunoccuptedfopenivacant public or private place except In authorized public or private litter receptactes, Littering ffom vehicles: No person shall throw or deposit- iter upon any street, road, sidewelk, playground, garden, trafic Island or other public/private place from eny vehicle ether moving or parked. Litter from waste carriage vehicles: No person. shall drive or move any truck or other vehicle filed with lier unless. such vehicles are so designed to cover the ler and loaded as. to prevent any lier from being biown off or daposited upon any road, sidewalks, trafic islands, playground, garden or other public place, Creating Public Nuisance: No person shall cook, bathe, spit, urinate, defecate, feed animals / birds or allow their droppings/poop, wash utensiis or any other: object~or keep any type of storage in any public place except in such public facilites or conventences specifically provided for any ofthese purposes ‘Daman Municipal Council reserves the right to ban sale, purchase and use of-any items including but not limited to polythene, plastic bags, polsonous spray within Oaman Municipal Councl area, 60 as to regulate solid waste disposal, and manage any threat to the environment. Provided that any such resolution shall be sent fo the Director, who shal have the authority to;annuat any such resoluton in generat pubic intrest. No person shall Indulge in production, distribution, storage, sale and use of banned lems. Temporary tots shall be provided by the bullder at construction sites, where a labour force is deployed for carrying out construction actives to prevent open defecation. Making of such prior provision should be ‘one ofthe conaittons while granting bulding permission and must be adhered to. : It shall be the responsibiily ofthe owner of any premises fo provide adequale toilets and sanitation facilty for the residents or occupier of the sald premises. Fallure to do so shall Invite penalties as specified in the schedule. Daman Municipal Council through Chief Officer is authorized to seal any premises where tollet/sewerage/septic tank facillies have not been provided bythe owners or occuplers. Provided that no 49 == SERIES I_No. DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. ‘such order of sealing shall be made without giving the owner one month's notice, Provider further that any such seal shall be opened on directions of Standing Commmitee.on providing such faolitles and payment of Re, 40,000/. Damen Municipal Counc, through Chief Officer, may request any other department including electricity, ‘oad, PWD, waler etc to cut-off the supply of essential services to the oscuplor who has refused comply with the dlrections of Chief Officer regarding Sold waste disposalmanagemanttoletssewerage. The concemed department, on receipt of such request, shall within seven, days of such request, comply with the same 5. Segregation, storage, delivery and collection of Municipal Solid Waste A 82 53 5A 65 56 87 Segregation of waste into separate speciied groups: Every generator of Municipal Sold Waste shall soparate the waste at source “of generation Into the folowing categorles as applicable and shall store separately, without mixing it for segregated slorage in. authorized storage. bins, private/public receptacles: for handing over or delivering fo authorized waste pickers or waste collectors as directed by the Daman Municipal Council rom time to time; 1) Bio-degradable (wel) waste, 2) Speciied domestic hazardous waste, 3) Fully treated Bio-medical waste (as per applicable rules), 4) Consttuction and demolition waste, 5) Bulk garden and horticulture waste including tree and plant trimmings, @)All other non- biodegradable (dry) waste including recyclable and non-recyclable waste. Sanitary waste tke napkins, dlapers, tampons etc shal be securely ‘wrapped in pouches provided by the manufacturers or “brand owners or in suitable wrappers as instructed by the official / authority and shall be stored with the dry waste for handing over. ‘7)AI bulk generators shall manage the waste at thelr premises as per Instructions notiied by the ‘Daman Municipal Council from time to time, Damen Municipal Counc ray separately nutty ufent stages for implementation oF the rules/byelaw taking info account. the level of awareness among generators of waste as well as availablily of Infrastructural support in their operational Local Body. Daman Municipal Council shall separately noliy from time to ime the mandatory colour coding and other specifications of receplacies prescribed for storage and delivery of diferent types of solid waste'to enable ‘safe and easy collection without any mixing or spillage of waste, which generators of different types of solid waste shall have to adhere to. Dolivery of segregated premises waste: It shall be the duty of every generator of municipal solid waste, elther owner or occupier of every land and: bulling to -colect or cause 10 be Collected from thelr respective land, premises and bulling, fo segregate waste and to store ‘and deliver the same fo. the, municipal workervehiclefwaste picker / waste collector deployed by the Daman Municipal Council forthe. purpose. Blo-degradable waste: Segrogated Bio-degradable Municipal Soli’ Waste” (as per the illustrative list in Schedule Il if not composted by the generator, shall be stored by them within their’ premises and its delivery shall be ensured to the municipal workervehiclehvaste plcker 7 waste collector or. 10 the. blodegradable waste collection vehicle provided for specified commercial generators of bulk biodegradable wasle at such ‘times as may be ‘notted from time to time. Composting by all generators: Local composting or processing of waste'shall be promoted to'minimize transportation of waste. it shall be mandatory for the:bulk« generators to do in house processing of waste, Specified household hazardous waste: (@s. sted in Schedule Il) shall be slored and delivered by every generator of waste to the collection vehicle, which shall be provided SERIES IT No. : 35 DATED :7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. weekly by Daman Municipal Counc or any other Agency authorized by tho Daman & Diu Potulton Control Committee (PCC), for collection of such waste, or to a centre designed for collection of such waste for disposal ina manner that is mandated by the Government of Union Territory of Daman & Diu or Daman & Diu Pollution Control Committee (PCC). 58 Untreated: bio-medical waste (as listed in Schedule IV) shall be collected & stored In spectied lype. of covered receptacles and delivered by every generator of such waste to the collection ‘vehicle which shall be provided weakly by Daman Municipal Counc or any ater Agency authorized by the Daman & Diu Pollution Control Committee (PCC)for collection of such waste, or to a centre designed for collection of such waste for isposalin a manner tat is mandated by the Government of Union Tertory of Daman & Diu or Daman & Dis Potullon Control Commitee (PCC) in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste (Management &Handilng) Rules, 2016. 5.9 Construction and Demolition waste shall be stored and delivered separately at such spot and at such time as notified by Daman Municigal Counc or its agent from tne to time for collection of such ‘waste, Small generators (household level) shal be responsible to segregate the Construction & Demattion ‘waste at source by contacting a loca! help-line of Daman Municipal Council or the Agent who shall then send a vehicle to pick up such segregated construction & demolition waste on payment of necessary charges by the sald generator and anspor: this waste to a processing cénte. The deals of ocal Helpline ‘of Daman Municipal Counc shal be available in the Ofice of Daman Municial Councit and on thele website. * 5.10 All other Non-blodegradable (‘Dry’) waste - both recyclable ‘and non-ecyclable - shall be stored. and delivered by every generator of waste to the dry waste collection vehicle, which shall be provided Daman Municipal Councilor its Agents at such spots and at such times as may be ‘Dotiflad by them from time-to-time for collection of such waste. 5.11 Gulk garden and horticultural waste shall be kept un-mixed and composted at source. Daman Municipal Coun! shal aso nofyInsructons? guidlines wit regard to pruning of reas and storage and delivery of {ree trimmings including segregated garden and horticultural waste by charging sultable fees as notified by iLfrom time to time, for collection and transport to Its-facllity. 6.12 Buming of waste: Disposal by buming of domestic, hazardous and commercial solid waste at roadsides, or at any privat oF publ property is prohibited, 5.13. If such owner or occupied fals to comply with ary direction contemplated by this Bye law, he /she shall be guily ofan offence punishable under section 228, 224 and:226 of regulations and the Daman Municipal Councll may remove, or cause to be removed dispose of or treat such hazardous waste in any suitable ‘manners and recover the expenses Incurred In dolng so from such owner or occupier. -12- 6} Obligatory duties of Daman Municipal Council 641 Action agelnst Transport Contractors, agents or Employees of Municipal Council; Daman Municipal Council shall take action against the Transport Contractor andlor Agentsfemployees of Daman Municipal Council, if any worker of the contractor or any employee of Daman Municipal Council mixes segregated waste at any point of colection o als to pick up waste as per the specified time schedule, 6.2 Infrastructure facies: aman Municipal Counci shall provide adequale infrastructure facilis to assist citizens’ compliance with these Rules/Bye-laws. {n addition to waste collection services, titer bins, dry waste sorting canters, and composting canters shall be set up, wherever possiblo and essential, in Consultation with focal eizens. Adequate community foes shall be provided in slum localities wih the partlpation of Community Based Organizations’ (© prevent nuisance suchas defecatingiurinating, washing end bathing in pubic places. 6.3 Citizen Resource Base: The Oaman Municipal Councl shall facitate Information about composting as ‘well as recyctng of dry waste through composting centres and cry Waste sorting centers isting them on ts website, 64 65 66 67 68 =13 ~ SERIES II No, DATED ; 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. Bio-degradable puja articles: The Daman Municipal Council shall authorise interested organizations to collect blo-degradable ‘puja’ articlstfowers, leaves, fruits etc.) at certain designated sites near waler- bodies such as beaches,lakes, ponds, etc. in notified receptacles. The collection from such receptacles shall preferably be composted at a suitable location, Point-to-Point waste collection services: The Daman Municipal Council shall provide forthe collation of the municipal solid waste from specific pick-up polnts on a public or private road up to which the generator must bring the collected, segregated and stored waste for delivery fo municipal worker/vehiclaAwaste picker / waste collector provided by Daman Municipal Council according to the route plans at such times and at such spots 28 noid by the concémed Chief Officertealth Oticer! any other authorised official in advance for specified types of waste for different localities, Collection at source: Daman Municipal Counci shal provide for the collection of municipal soli waste ‘rom premises of a buling or group of buildings ftom waste storage receptacles kept on the premises to which Daman Municipal Council shall be provided access at such times as may be notified by the Council. ‘Data about waste recelved at landfil: Daman Municipal Councl shall releage publicly, the monthly data about the quantity of waste going to the different landfills and waste processing sites. Such information shal be avaiable atthe Office and on Daman Municipal Cauncl website ‘Community Bins in public places: a) Daman Municloal Counc! shall provide and maintain suitable community bins on public roads or other public spaces, as determined by the Daman Municipal-Councit Itself or through an Agent as. an interim arrangement tit aman Municipal Council makes provision for‘colletion at source or point-to-point collection a the required frequencies and shall notty the same on Oamani Municipal Council website from time to time, b) Sogregated waste shall be dellvered by the concerned generators to such community bins, and thereafter collected by Daman Municipal Counc. Daman tduniipal Counc or its Agents have to ‘ensure compliance. of segregation and. avoldance of public nuisance and health hazards from these community bins. Every community bin shall be separate for blo-dagradahla and non-hln-degrarable waste. Dotals of al such places including the arrangements and schedules of waste collection from such places shall be available at the Office and on Counci’s website. ¢) Officials‘authorly of Daman Municipal Counc shall ensure that at no point of time the community bins are not 69 6.40 644 coverfowing nor exposed to open environment and prevent thelr scattering by rag pickers, stray animals or birds ote, Dry waste sorting centers / Material Recovery Facilities: In order to regulate and facilitate {he sorting ofthe recyclable and non-recyclable waste, Daman Municipal Council shal provide for as many cy waste softing centers as possible. and required. These dry waste sorting canters shall be on Daman Municipal Council tand or land belonging to the Government oF other bodies, made available especialy for this purpose, orn the form of sheds or Kiosks provided at sultable pubic places and shall be mannedioperated by registered cooperative socleties of waste pickers / Ucensed recyclers or any other Agents authorised / appointed by Daman Municipal Councl, The non-recyclable waste, which remains after sorting shall be further, transported from such sorting centers from time-to-time to waste disposal sites for processing or land-fing. Such center shall be fenced’ sereened In such a way that waste shell not be wisible to passersby. Time schedule and route of collection: The dally and weekly time schedules and routes, In Daman Municipal Council for colection of different types of municipal solid waste shall be fixed and Notified in advance by the concerned ofilaVauthorly.-Detals shall’be available at all Ofices and on the ‘Council's website. ‘Similarly, the arrangements for the collection of construction and demoliton waste, and garden and horticultural waste by Oaman Municipal Counc or is licensees shall be made available tothe public as well 2s to the bulk generators of waste by the Chiaf OfficerMealth Officer any other authorised official as the case may be. 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 et7 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.2 6.22 -14 - SERIES II_No. 3 [DATED : 7™ SEPT 18. | Surpriso checks: Any authorized Otficer / Agent of Daman Municipal Counc shal have right fo enter, at all reasonable times, with such assistance as he considers necessary, any place for the purpose of) performing any ofthe functions entusted to him by Daman Municipal Councl or (i) determine whethor, and io, in what manner, any such funtions are to be performed, or whether any provisions ofthese Bye- laws have been complied with. Nuisance Detectors: The Chief OileavHeath Ottier! any other authorised offal shall provide and strengthen the system of Nulsance Detectors by providing sultable uniforms and vehicles fo Nuisance Detectors, Publllty: Citzen Information Services: Daman Municipal Council sal publicize the provsion of the Bye- Jaws through tho media. of signs, advertisoment, leaflas, announcement on radio and televisions, newspapers and through any other appropriate means, so that all citizens are made aware about the siatuloy duties of citzens and Daman Municipal Council for services, recycling, antl-litter and antl-nulsance penalties and fines, Designated officers and periodic reports: The Chief OfficerHeath Officer any other authorised oficial concemed shall designate officers under their contol who shell be responsible for implementing the ‘obligatory responsibiltes of Daman Municipal Council spectid under these Byes in accordance with the plans and time schedule for implementation, The spect plans and time schadules and achievements against the same along with reasons for short falls, ifany, shall also be shared publicly by the offlefaVauthorly through the Daman Municipal Counc webstt, Transparency and Public Accessibilty: ° To ensure greater: transparency and public accessibility, the . Daman Municipal Councit shall provide all necessary informalion thats required to be ‘publicized through its website, Co-ordination with Government Bodies: Damen Municipal Council shall co-ordinate with other government agencies and authorities, to ensure compliance of these Bye-law. The Daman Municipal Counc! shall ensue atrangentents for cleaning dally oF at set intervals and al the year through. at all the puble roads, places, “colonies, slums, Local Body, markets and tourlsm places, parks of the ban body, cremation grounds etc. and the Damen Municipal Counc shal be committed fo colect and camry the garbage ‘tom these places door to door or from tho nearest garbage binicontainarfacly and. transport it fom there to the final disposal place in closed vehicles. The Daman Municipal Counc shal uilize is onnvoulsourcedicontraetsanitallon workers end vettes in carrying out sanitation and: solid waste. management functions for ful or partial daily cleaning work, so thatthe urban body is able to keep its area neat and clean in public interest. In order to manage the complete dally cleaning system of the cl, the Daman Municlal Council shall establish a ward office (complaint center) in each ward, gabage binlcontainer at suitable places as required, publc foletsurinals, transfer statins to transport the garbage to the landfl for final disposal, processing unit, etc. User charges: The Daman Municipal Council shail levy user charges from the households / premises for the waste management services rendered as per the table glen ‘below as’ determined from time to timo. For this purpose, the: Damen Municipal Counc shall appoint its stettdslgnated persons In all the regions/ocal Bodylwards of the corporatlanicouncliimuntcipalty to collect Garbage fom every hore/premises in compliance wi Sold Waste Management Rules, 2046. ‘A time will be fixed. compulsorily. in each area to collect garbage from each housefpremises/Aangan. Usually, the time wil be from 7.00 to 11.00 in the moming but can vary. But the Daman Munical Counct should ensure compliance with the timed fixed for any special leaning purpose.. A belihorwannouncement (whose sound must not be’ over the permissible sound Imil) should be fited on the vehicle of garbage collectionflown by worker so thal the residents can be made awere of colton belng undertaken, aap SERIES TI No. : 35 DATED : 7" SEPTEMBER, 2011 6.23 The time for garbage collection from commercial establishmentsishopsimarkels shall bo $9.00 to 12.00 in the morning in general butcan vary. 6.24 The Rates/User ChargesiFees for collecting garbage from home and establishments for Garbage Collection are fixed as follows: - Gategory of customer ‘Amount (from each premises) per month Houses up o 50 8q mi, built-up area Rs 20 a Houses over 50, m. bul up area up t0 300 sm. Rs. 807 Houses wih over 300 sq.m. buftup area Rs. 15, zh Commercial stabishmens, shops, eating places Dhabalsweet shopsioofe ‘Guest House Hail seeeeres sees seeeEEEEEE ‘Hotel Restaurant (Unstarred) et Restaurant (Upto 3. Restaurant (No-AC) Restaurant (AC) ‘Hotel Rastaurant (over 3 star) Commercial offces, government offees, Bank, insurance oflees, coaching classes, education institutes ole. (Cini, eispensary, Hospi (up 0 50 bed) Laboratories Cine, ispensary iaboretoreslmore than 50 beds) ‘sma and cotiage indusiy workshops (only on hazardous), waste upto, por day Go-downs, oid storages (only non-hazerdots) woste Marriage hale, festval extibiion and fig’ — with area t0 3000 sq.m. ‘Marriage has, Teatval cxhititon and fairs with ver 3000 sam. Other places not marked as above ‘As assessed by the urban body Rs, 1000 Rs, 10004 Rs, 30001. The user charges shall be levied one month after the house-house collection has come Into force. The above rates will be increased by at least § percent every year. Daman Municipal council, subject to ‘subsequent approval of the Director Municipal Administration, is change theso user charges by a resolution. Such resolution shall have published In at east 3 local newspapers. ‘Such resolution shall come in force as soon’as the same is approved by-Daman Municipal Council, 6.25 The charges for door to door or point garbage collecon, as. above shall be colcted: only by the authorized Insttutlon/personagenoy of each wardlarea. The above rates shall be properly advertised by the Daman Municipal Counc! and the rates shall also. be displayed on the Waste ‘Management Vehicles. The Chief Officer shall also write the name of the authorized Insttullon/person on the Waste Management Vehicles, 6.26 The waste shall not be handled manually. But, due fo some unprecedented clcumstances, if the waste material has to be manually handled and ited using manual labour, in such circumstances manual labour would be used with all due care and precautions of personal safety goar, ~16 - SERIES No. : 35 _| DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. 6.27 If the waste material Is not disposed by any person on the designated sites, waste bins, filter bins, containers Kept on the road and parks by the concerned municipal counclfcorporation ‘an {5 disposed by any persontparly elsewhere waste disposal Is prohibited, in such cumstances, fine / compounding charges can be levied on the concemed personiparty in addition to fae. 6.28 Daman Municipal Councit may by a resolution relax cotecton of fine or.ugor charge from any charitable, Government or religious organisation. 7) Obligatory Responsibilities of Daman Municipal Council and /or generators of waste in case of some specific categories/situations: Keeping in mind the particular nature “of sortie situations, the following responsible are specifically mandated: 74. Slums 7.4.4 The Chief Offcertiealth Officer! any other authorised oficial shall extend solid waste management fo the uncovered areas with in tek jurisdiction 7.4.2 Where applicable, Daman Municipal Counct shall extend doot-odoor collection system at fixed times at a point outside the slum, for colection of segregated soli waste. 74.3. In exceptional cases, unl the services of a door-to-door collection system at requiced frequencies are provided at designated spots on a public road oc any other pubic place for the time being, manned community waste storage bins shall be mainiained by Daman Municipal Counel, where segregated waste shall be deposited by the generator, and from where Daman Municipal Counc shall colt such waste. 7.1.4 Cleanliness dives shall be conducted by Daman Municipal Counc with the help of local councHlors, Citzens organizations, Government bodies / Corporates ole for the cteanliness Tut str, fom the 4 te 72 Poultry, Fish and Slaughter Waste (From all areas other than designated slaughter houses and markets) 7.24 Every owner | occupier of any premises other than designated slaughter houses and ‘markets, who generates pouty, fish and slaughler waste 05 a result of any commercial activily, shall store the same separately in closed, hyglenic condition and deliver at a speatied time, on a dally basis to Daman Municipal Councit collection vehicle provided for this purpose, Deposit of such waste in any community bin Is prohibited and shall atvact fines. as Indicated in the schedule of Fines. 7.2.2 The Chief OffcerMealth Oticer/ any other authorised offcil of Daman Municipal Counct shall be responsible for repairre-modeling of civic feces in the markets to provide maximum tygiene and sanitary conditions inthe market premises. 7.3° Vendorttawkers: ‘AI vendors/hawkers shall keep thelr biodegradable and other waste. unmixed Inv containers. bins atthe sla of vending for sagregatod storage of wasle ganaraled by that vending activly. |W shall be the responsibllly of the’ generator’ vendor to deliver this waste duly segregated to the Municipal Collectin Vehicle of Daman Municipal Councl or to.the nearest designated community bins 8 dtected. Faling vihich ne shall be Imposed as per the Schedule of Fines. Each Vendorhhawker shall ‘be responsible to maintain thal’ Clean Aangan. es SERIES a DATED 7.4 House /gullies!Service Lanes: 744 TA It shall be the responsibly of the ownerioccupier of promises within house-gulles to engure that no waste is dumped’ or thrown in the house-guly, and fo segregate and deliver ‘any sold waste othe waste collection vehicle which shal be provided by Daman Municipal Counal at such spots and at such times as may be noted by offctavauthonty. ‘Where ownersaccuplers of such premises wish to aval ofthe services of Damen Municpal Councl for the cleaning of the, house gully, they must apply 10 the concemed Office of Daman Municipal Council and pay suitable prescribed charges as notified by Daman Municipal Counel from tne to fime. It shale the responsibilty ofthe ownersoccupiers 'o provide access tothe house guly for leaning purposes. 7.5. Litter by owned / pet animals Its hall be the responsibility of the owner of any pet enimel fo promptly scoop/clean up any pooplitterfaecal matter created by any ownedipet animals on the street or any public place, and take adequate. sleps: for the proper disposal of such waste in thelr own sewage or other ‘such sanitary system. 7.6 Public Gatherings and Events: 764 782 For Public Gatherings and Events, organised in public places for any reason {including for processions, exhibitions, circus, fairs, political. rallies, commercial, religious, socio-cultural evonis, protests and demonstrations, ele.) where Police. andor Daman: Municipal Councl's pormission is required, shake the responsbity of the Organiser of the event or gathering to eaisuie the veenliness Uf al area as wel 2a appurtenant area innately alter te eri ‘A Refundable Cleanliness Deposit: The Organiser of the even! shell pay required deposit ‘with the concemed office for the duration of the'event, whicH shall be refundable on the ‘completion of the event on notifying that the sald public ‘place has been. restored back to a clean stale, and any waste generated as a'result of the event, has been collected and Transported to designated. sites, to the salsfection of Chief OffcertHealth Offear any other authorised official concerned. This deposit shall be only forthe cleantinass of the pubis place and does not cover any damage to property. This section shall also, apply to various other events which are being organized outskde the Municipal Parks Le. on roadsilanes otc. In case the Organizers of the event wishes (0 aval of the services of Daman Municipal Counel for the cleaning, collection and transport of waste generated as a result of that event, they shall apply in advance to the concerned Office of Daman Muricipal Council and pay the necessary charges in advance as may be fixed for this purpose by Daman Municipal Council. Such cleanliness deposit and ‘charges shall be such as are decided by council from time to time. So long as council dogs not pass any resouton, the cleanness deposit and cleanness charges shall be'equalto Rs. 60 for every gathered person. I any party conducts an event without glving-securly deposit, the cleanliness ‘deposit shall be recovered as a fine trom them. 7.7 Receptacles on private property: Every owner or occupant of private property shall maintain authorized refuse receptacles on private premises provided the eceplacles are neither sible ftom public streetroads and skdewalks nor accessible (animals -18 - 7.8 Other public places, ‘The Government / Semi-government, statutory bodies shall be responsible for implementation of these Bylaws within the public premises ovmedioceupad by them, 8) Penalties for contravention of these Bye-laws 8.1. Whosoever contavenes any of the provisions. of these Byelaws or fails. to comply with the requlemonts made under any of these. Byolaws shal be punished with a fhe as mentioned tn Schedule! appended to these Gye-laws, ‘faling which, the sald defauter shall be able to do the community service for at least one hour like road sweeping or graffiti cleaning etc. as directed / ordered by the Nuisance Detector or Implementing Aythority or any person authorised to do so. Tho finos can be recovered in the samo manrir atd to tho Same axtont as property tax. The schedule of fine can be amended by Daman Municipal Council by a resolution passed by 2/9 majority. Any such resolution shall come into effect as soon as the same is approved by Dlector Municipal Administration, Any such resolution shall be published tn three local newspaper 82 The owner! occupier shall be deemed (o be gully of the offence and shall pay the fe, Che responsibve person for dumping waste ina privat place Is unidentiid, 183 If it becomes necessary on the part of the Daman Municipal Council to remove or process the.wasle, which was the responsiblity of any other agency to remove or process then the responsila person or ently shall be table to pay he expenses to the Damian Municipal Councl atthe rate of 5 times the charges presorlved or Rs, 5000)- per incidence whichever Is higher. 8.4. Nothing in these bye-laws prevents Daman Munitipal Council to reoover—in addlfon to the fine prescribed ‘under Oaman and Diu Municipals (Amended!) Regulation 2018 under any rules oF bye-laws made there ‘indar—administrative chargas for any sutra expanse: Inewcred on remaval or dispasal of wast because of ‘non- cooperation of any person. 8.441 These Administrative Charges: shal be such as decided from time to time by Daman Municipal Courncl by a Resotuton passed, by atleast two-thir majotty, in ts general body meeting 842 The Administative charges shal not exceed ~ 5000 per day per violation. 8.43 The Administrative charges can be recovered only on wank afta they havo been publishod, They can be recovered in adltion of fe 8.44 The Administrative charges shall not be challenged in any court of law on the ground that they do ‘ot represent actual costs of removal or disposal of waste, or that they cannot be levied In adlvon to fine 8.45 The Administrative charges shall bo published once, they are approved by Direotor (Municipal ‘Ainistration) 8.5 The dues under these bye-laws shall be recoveied In the same manner and to the same extent as property {ax, Provided that no such recovery Proceedings shall be initialed uniess the defauiter has been given one ‘month's tims to pay the duas, 9) "Miscellaneous provisions: 9.1 Bio. medical waste and Indusitial waste -shall not be mixed with urban. soll waste and the collection of such waste shall be made as per the culesioyelaws| specified separately for the purpose. Common Blo Medical Wast2 Treatment Faclily (CBWTF) services shall, be availed for disposal of blo medical waste as per rules/byelaws. Disposal of such hazardous waste wil have to tbe ensured at the Common Bio Medal Waste Trealment Facilly (CBWTF) plant al the prescribed charges. 92 Say animals shall not be alowed (0 roam freely around waste dumps or at ‘other places in the ely and arrangemont wil have to te made for restraining them at authorized arealplace only. ~19 - SERIES _M_No. 2 35_ DATED : 7” SEPTEMBER, 20! 9.3 No one will collect or throw waste water, muddy water, night soll, dung, excreta efc. from his/her bullding, institution or commercial establishment to pollute the atmosphere and ground with its ‘stench and harm public health or obstruct traffic, f ‘which, administrative charges or fine shall be levied on the spot for spreading such waste, and case can be brought agelnst them in court. 9.4 If a person is found spreading pollution or filth in public parks elc. by throwing dead animalicatite crits parts, wil be @ punishable offense and adiistratve cherges shal also be levied 9.5 It shall be the duty of Daman Municipal Council to protect all waste handlers from the Ill-etfects of thelr ‘occupation and should be glven annual madlcal examitation and monitoring, glven appropriate health education and free medical treatment if ts felt thatthe Hnass Is occupation ~ related. Daman Municipal Counclt shall provide person protection equipment's and monitor that the same Is used by the workers, 9.6 The Daman Municipal Counc shall develop a management information system for effectively taking corrective measures as well as proper planning for future. Geographic Information System (GIS) shall be Invoduced and MIS may be integrated inthis system, There should be route maps and duly charts with each of the supervisory staff, who should check whether work on site Is golng as per schedule and whether vehicles and manpower are glving thelr optimum output 40} Responsibility of Urban local bodies — 10.4 Transport of the municlpal sold waste: - The vehicles used for the transport of solid waste are to be duly closed so that the waste should.nat be visible (0 the publ and the waste Is not scattered elsewhere on the road during transportation, the following standards should be maintained during the transportation of the solid waste. 10.2 The solid waste would be collecled and cleaned a8 per schedule from the established waste collectors. Along with the waste, the surrounding area of the disposal silo should also be kept clean, 10.3 The design. of the transport vehicles will be such that the waste will not be allowed to touch rourid untl i reaches its final processingiisposal ste, and thus the recurring handing of the waste wil not be allowed. 11) Recycling of the municipal solid waste - To process th soft! waste collected In the Local Body of Munlclpal Corporation! councli as useful materials, various sold waste dlsposal’ units approved by the polutlon ‘control board/PCC and diferent techniques of such solid waste should be applied 0 that the dependency of waste disposal on the landtils can be minimized. Following standards should be applied for the expected resul 41.1 For the processing of the biodegradable waste, various techniques can be used such as vermicomposting, composting, mechanized composting, biomethanation elc, Also the waste can be degraded using the other natural mathodstresources by obtaining tho required authorisations. 14.2 For the waste matertal mixed with the recyclableffenewable resources as a mixture, the method of recycling should be used. In some cases the waste resources can be used to generate energy. Such plants with the technology should be authorised by the pollution contol board. 12) Prosecution and Penalties: -As provided in these byelaws, for any breaching of the said byelaws, prosecultons and penalties can be tendered as levied down in these byelaws or in Tho Daman & Di Municipals (Amended) Regulation, 2048, Further, as per the Environment Protection Act of 1986, cases can be fled against them, ae RES No: 35 SEPTEMBER, 2018. 13, RESPONSIBILITY OF ELECTED MEM HIEF OFFICER 13.1 The adminstative powers to implement the provisions of ths Byelaw and the resolutions passed by a Council shall be vested in the Chief Officer and he/she shall be dlreclly responding for the ‘proper discharge of the functions imposed by or uncer this bye lav, 13.2 The Chief Offer shall- a, Supervise and control the acts done and steps taken by the officers and employees of the Daman ‘Municipal Counc in sold wasto management, ‘Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions that may be conferred or entrusted ‘under the provisions ofthis Bye faw or the rules made there under. . The President, the Chief Office, the Health Oticer may, in emergent circumstances, direct the ‘execution of any work or performance of any act rotated fo solld waste management, In respect of waich sanction of the Councl Is necessary and in hisfheropinlon the immediate exacullon or performance’ of which Is necessary for the safety of the public and may. also direct that the ‘expenses Incurred forthe execuiton of such work ar performance of such act be pald from the ‘und of the Daman Municipal Council 133 The elected members of the councl shal have the responsibly fo ensure that the provision of ‘these bye laws are followed In letter and spirit in thelr respective areas. 14, Repeal and saving of Orders: 14.1. Before these bye-laws are brought Into force, any actions taken according to the pervious rulesfoyelaws wil not be considered as Void, due to thse byelaws coming into affect, provided that ‘such actions do not violate these byelaws. 14.2 Such repealing shali not be affecting on any action taken by ULB before these bye-laws are Implemented, 14,3 Such repeating wil not affect anything or any action taken, or any acquired or Incorporated rights, privilege, obligation or responsibility, approved! sanction on going or completed investigation oF pending action. 45 . Appeal. There shall be no appeal against fine when the total amount of fine does not exceed Rs, 10,000/- per Incidence, Appeal against any other order of Chief Offer oF any other official of Daman Municipal ‘Council shal ie with standing committee whose decision shal be tna 46. Recovery of fine or other dues ‘in adalton to the procedure specified in the Daman and Dlu Municiallfes (Amended) regutaton 2018 it shalt. be lawl for Chief Officer to order sealing altachmant/ sale of property where sum lola of finelolher dues: exceed Rs, 50000F, it shal also be lawful for Chief Officer to order cancelation of basic services ofthe dfaulter inthe manner provided In Bye-Law 4.9 Provided no such sealing, attachment or sale of distressed property shall bé made without glving the dofautar a réasonable opportunity of being heard and minimum one month's time to pay dues, ~21 SERIES II_No. : 35 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2016. (Schedule of Fines): It is hereby declared for all intents and purposes that applicable provisions Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, Shall be read as part and parcel of these Bye laws, Schedule ~1 Sr. | No.ofBye | Sub-division/ Fines for upto | Repeated No. law Description of Rule/ Byelaw S offences Offense Littering in/or on any public/private place, No.A.1 104.3. a)" Vehicles, Waste carriage vehicles, Creating | Rs. 100/- Rs, 1000/- Public Nuisance Noa ‘creating Nulsance Rs, 50/- Rs, S00/- No, 45 ‘Using banned items Rs, 100/- Rs. 1000/- ainaue Not Providing Tanetional telits oF | 5 ogy is. 10000/-& sanitation factties at construction sites. Sealing 5. | No.47 ‘Not providing tolle/sanitationfactttes | fs. S00/- Rs, S000/. NoS.1and | For delivering waste that is not segregated 6.) 5.2 and not stored in separate bins: frat Rs, 500/- a) individual D b) bulk generator ) bulk Rs. 500/- fs, 5000/- For © not ~ delivering —_bio-degradable 0.5.3 ; 8 waste ina segregated * manner as | Rs, 50/- fs, 500/- spectted Nose |For not storg delving a a Construction and Demolition | Rs. 500/- Rs. 5000/- waste in segregated manner. i jal N52 | Allother Non biodegradable Waste wow wey Wo. 50 | For not delivering garden waste andivee a1] oe fs, 50/- Rs, 500/- trimmings as speciied 12] N°SA1 | cor auening waste Rs. S00/- fs. S000/- ia] Nosa Tiiving Segregated Waste Re 500/- Ts B0007- 14) Putting waste at not specified places Rs. 200/- Rs, 2000/- For not delvering (non 1s) 0-72 household) fish, pouty and meat | a. asoy, aa waste in @ segregated manner, as specled aol 80-73 For vendor 7 hawker without 9 | a9, aa container / waste basket tee i A 17, For a vendor / hawker who | Rs. 150/- Rs, 1500/- ~2- SERIES If No. ; 35 i [DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. | does not deliver lanes clean owned animals segregated manner as specified For not keeping 2 house gully/ Service | For littering/defecation by pet waste in @ 7 Rs, 1000/- Rs, 3000/- Rs, 100/- Rs, 300/- 7 Forfeture of the Cleanliness ao) 0-7-6 For not cleaning-up after public gathering / event within 4 hours Deposit. Rs. 100/- alae Violation of provisions regarding hazardous | Rs,50/- Rs, 500/- pe waste and bio-medical waste. 'No. 13.7 | Use, Sale, Storage or distribution of plastic mf YongrtebomesinoMCarea | S200 | Re zm SCHEDULE ~ II — Illustrative list of biodegradable and recyclable waste ~~” J Recyclable waste “Recyclable waste” Biodegradable Waste “Biodegradable waste” means “wet” waste of plant and animal origin. means “dry” waste that can be transformed through a process into raw ‘materials for producing new products, which may or may not be similar to the original products. ‘Newspapers kitchen Waste including: tealeaves, egg ‘Paper, books and magazines shells,frutt and Glass vegetable peels ‘Metal objects and wire ‘Meat and bones Plastic ‘Garden and leaf litter, includingflowers eCloth Rags *Solled paper sleather House dust after cleaning, ‘Rexene #Coconut shells Rubber ‘eAshes Wood /furniture Packaging Schedule Ill: Specified hazardous waste: Specified Household Hazardous Waste: ‘Aerosol cans ‘Batteries and button cells ‘sBleaches and household kitchen and drain cleaning Agents &its Containers. Car batteries, oll filters and car care products and consumables, ‘Chemicals and solvents and their containers _ -23- SERIES Il_No. : 35 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018, ‘*Cosmetic items, chemical-based Insecticides and their containers tight bulbs, tube-lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) Discarded Medicines and its containers, Paints, olls, lubricants, glues, thinners, and their containers Pesticides and herbicides and their containers ‘Photographic audio/video tapers and their containers, chemicals Styrofoam and soft foam packaging of furniture, packaging and equipment Thermometers and mercury-containing products Schedule iV: List of Bio-medical waste: (Extract from the Bio-Medical Waste Rules) Bio-medical waste “Blo-medical waste” means any waste, which Is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization ‘of human beings or animals or in research activities pertaining thereto or in the production or testing of biological. Category No 4 Waste sharps (Needles, syringes, scalpels, blades, glass, etc. that may cause puncture and cuts. This Includes both used and unused sharps) Category No 5 Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic drugs {waste comprising of outdated, contaminated and discarded medicines) Category No 6 Solid Waste(ttems contaminated with blood, and body fluids Including cotton, dressings, soiled plaster casts, lines, beddings, other material contaminated with blood) Category No. 7 Solid Waste (waste generated from disposable items other than the ‘waste sharps such as tubing’s, catheters, Intravenous Sets etc) Hpk Collector / Diréctor (MA) Daman & Diu, Daman. . Dated (2 17712018 -24- SEPTEMBER, 201 No, COL/DMN/MAG-18/2018-19/7685 U, T. Administration of Daman & Diu, Office of the Collector, Collectorate, Daman. Dated : 05/09/2018. CERTIFICATE OF PRACTICE [ See Rule 8 (5) ] Pursuant to the provisions of the Notaries Act, 1952 Central Act (53 of 1952) read with Rule 8 of Notaries Rules, 1956 made there under, the Administrator of Union Territory of Daman and Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli is hereby pleased to order that Shri Terance Jose Sandes, Advocate & Notary who has declared his ordinary professional address to be at 7/745-1, Angustias Road, Near Football Ground, Moti Daman and was duly appointed by this U,T. as a Notary on 23/08/2013, is hereby authorized to practice as a Notary, subject to the Provision of the aforesaid Act and Rules for further period of five years from 23/08/2018 to 22/08/2023 in and throughout the Daman District. By Order and in the name of the Administrator of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Sd/- ( Sandeep Kumar Singh) Collector, Daman and Competent Authority For the District of Daman. -25 - ‘SERIES I_No. : 35 DATED 1 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. U. T. Administration of Daman & Diu Directorate of Medical & Health Services, Community Health Centre Campu: Fort Area, Moti Daman, Daman ~ 396 No, 11-1(PMRSSM)/26/2018/DMHS/8612 ORDER S; 220, Dated : 05/09/2018 ‘The Administrator of Union Territory of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli is pleased to constitute common “Union Territory Health Agency (UTHA)” for implementation of Ayushman Bharat ~ Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Abhiyaan (AB-PMJAA) in both Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The composition of common UTHA for UT of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are as under : ite Designation Position 1. | Advisor to Hon'ble Administrator, UT of DD & DNH Chairman [2. | Secretary (Health), UT of DD & DNH Vice-chairman | 3. | Finance Secretary, UT of DD & DNH Member [4 Secretary (Rural Development), UT of DD & DNH Member 5. _| Secretary (Housing & Urban Affairs), UT of DD & ONH Member 6. _ | Secretary (IT), UT of DD & DNH Member 7, | Secretary (Labour), UT of DD & DNA Member 8, | Collector, D&NH/Daman/Diu 4 Memb 9, | Director, M&HS, DD & DNH Member Secretary 10. | Mission Director (NHM), DNH “| Member ii. | Mission Director (NHM), DD Member 12. | Representative of NHA Special Invitee The role and responsibilities of UTHA will be as under : All key functions relating to delivery of services under AB-PMJAA shall be performed by the UTHA viz. data sharing, verification/validation of families and members, awareness generation, monitoring etc. The UTHA shall perform following activities through staff of UTHA. * Policy related issues of UT Health Protection/Insurance scheme and its linkage to AB- PMJAA ‘+ Convergence of UT scheme with AB-PMJAA Stag Selection of Insurance Company through tendering process Awareness generation and demand creation Aadhaar seeding and issuing print out of E-card to validated AB-PMJAA beneficiaries Empanelment of network hospitals which meet the criteria Monitoring of services provided by health care providers Fraud and abuse Control Punitive actions against the providers Monitoring of pre-authorizations which are already approved by Insurer ‘Administration of hospital claims which are already approved by Insurer Package price revisions or adaptation of AB-PMJAA list Adapting AB-PMJAA treatment protocols for listed therapies to state needs, as needed Adapting operational guidelines in consultation with NHA, where necessary Forming grievance redressal committees and overseeing the grievances redressal function Capacity development planning and undertaking capacity development initiatives Development of proposals for policy changes - e.g. incentive systems for public providers and implementation thereof Management of funds through the Escrow account set up for purposes of premium release to Insurance Company under AB-PMJAA, Data management Evaluation through independent agencies Convergence of AB-PMJAA with State funded health insurance/protection scheme (s) Alliance of State scheme with AB-PMJAA Setting up district level offices and hiring of staff for district Oversee district level offices Preparation of periodic reports based on scheme data and implementation status Implementing incentive systems for ASHA worker & public providers in line with national guidance By order and in the name of the Administrator of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Sdj- ( Gurpreet Singh) Deputy Secretary (Health) EEK -7 - DATED U, T. Administration of Daman & Diu, Office of the Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Work Division No. 1, Daman No. EE/PWD/WD-1/DMN/TB/2018-19/5325, Dated : 06/09/2018 NOTIFICATION The Advisor to Hon'ble Administrator, Daman & Diu and DNH is pleased to constitute the UT Level Committee for assessment of dynamic ground water resources for the UT of Daman and Diu with the following composition. 1, [Secretary (PWD) & Advisor to Hon'ble Administrator, Chairman DO & DNH E iz 2. | Chief Engineer, PWD, Daman & Diu Member Director (Agriculture), Daman & Diu Member Director, Department of Industries, Daman & Diu Member 5, | Secretary (Finance), Daman & Diu Member 6. _| General Manager, NABARD, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad Member 7, | Collector, Daman Member 8, | Collector, Diu Member 9. | Executive Engineer, PWD, Daman ‘Member 10. | Regional Director, GCWB, Ahmedabad Member Secretary 1. Terms of Reference ; The broad terms of reference to the Committee would be as follow :~ () To estimate the ground water resources of the UT in accordance with the Ground Water Resources Estimation Methodology. (i) To estimate the status of utilization of the annual replenishable ground water resources. 2. Time frame : The Committee will submit its report within 2 months from the date of its constitution. 3. Expenditure ; Expenditure on account of TA/DA to official members of the Committee will be met from the source from which they draw their salaries. conta 28 = SERIES Il No. : 35 DATED : 7™ SEPTEMBER, 2018. This is Issued with the approval of the Advisor to Hon’ble Administrator vide diary No. 414622 dated 27/08/2018. By order and In the name of the Advisor to Hon'ble Administrator, DD & DNH Sd/- (Vaibhav Rikhari) Dy, Secretary (PWD) Secretariat, Daman Government Printing Press, Daman - 09/2018 — 250. [Price Rs. 14.00)

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