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CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research method used in this study, including sampling

techniques, the description of the respondents, data gathering procedure, instruments used, methods used for analysis and the statistical treatment of the raw data gathered for this study. METHOD OF RESEARCH USED The research method used in this study is the descriptive- correlational method. A descriptive research is a fact- finding study with adequate interpretation of the findings. Kerlinger (1973) defines the descriptive method; he says that it is conducted to describe systematically a situation or area of interest factually and accurately. The method of research is concerned with profiling the respondents, identifying the stress and coping patterns utilized. Furthermore, Aquino (1989, p. 83) asserts that a descriptive research entails the description of recording, collection, and analysis of data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning current status of the subject of the study. On the other hand, correlational research determines the relationship of the single mothers profile with the stresses experienced by them. Wilson (1990, p. 261) mentioned that through this process, the hypothesis formulated may either be accepted or rejected. A correlational research designs aims to discover the direction and magnitude of relationships among variables in a particular population of subjects. It determines to which changes in one characteristic or phenomenon corresponds with changes in another. The desciptive- correlational

method is the most appropriate method to be used because it will serve the purpose of the researchers. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPONDENTS The young unwed mothers aged 16- 24 years old served as the respondents for this study. There were only two classes of respondents in this study. They are all single mothers but classified as to how they become single mother- single mother by choice and single mother by separation factors such as financial instability, age limitation, conflict of religion, abandonment, etc. These single mothers are all residents of Metro Manila. POPULATION AND SAMPLE SIZED This study aimed to investigate whether variables such as age, educational attainment, and number of children, occupation and monthly income affect the single mothers in utilizing coping mechanism with the stresses they are dealing. The selection of the process was not an easy task because there is no institution or agency that could provide the researcher with the qualified single mothers who could be the subject of this study.. The respondents of the study were the ninety- five single mothers residing from Metro Manila. The researchers chose to select the purposive sampling technique as the sampling procedure to be utilized for this study. According to Treece (1990, p.217), it is also referred as judgment quota sampling, the researcher used her judgment to decide who is representative of the population.

RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION The researcher employed questionnaire as the main used in gathering the primary data for this study. The questionnaire was divided on two parts. The first part of the questionnaire intends to gather background information of the respondents composed of age, religion, no. of children, classification of single- mother, educational attainment, occupation and the monthly income. The second part is the questionnaire proper. It is consist of the stresses experienced by the respondents being single mothers. It is classified into four categories- acceptance of reality, parenting, financial and social. The first category are those related to accepting the situation or reality acceptance, the second pertains to raising the children with or without the father of the child/ children; the third are the stresses in dealing with the social acceptability of the new status or social relationships and the last classification are stresses related to confronting economic difficulties or financial obligations. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE A survey was made to total of ninety- five mothers residing Metro Manila with the use of the questionnaire to be develop by the researchers in order to determine the degree or the extent of which stresses affect the single mothers. By using the judgment quota sampling (purposive sampling), the researchers will be able to identify those single mothers who will fit into the sample population. The researchers will administer the test questions and spend some time with the respondents to guide them in answering different areas of the questionnaire through the course of the test administration. After administering the exam, the responses will be organize and process for the appropriate statistical treatment mentioned below.

STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA The following statistical treatments were used to answer the problems in the study. 1. The percentage -To determine the distribution of classification of single- mother, the percentage was used. The formula for the percentage distribution is: %= f/N x 100 Where: %= percentage f= frequency N= total number of respondents 2. The chi- square The chi- square was used for the correlation treatment, the formula for the chi- square is: X2= (n-1) s/q Where: X2= chi- square n- 1= degrees of freedom n= normal population s= variance of the random sample size q= variance of the population

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