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0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Business Requirement Document

Version No: o1

Date (20-Jul-2022):


This document contains proprietary information of SilverCoin Micro Foundation. No part
of this document may be reproduced, stored, copied, or transmitted in any form or by
means of electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the express
consent of SilverCoin. This document is intended for internal circulation only and not
meant for external distribution.

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,


Abbreviation Description
ADM Admin
JLG Joint Liability Group
MFI Micro-Finance Institution
CRM Customer Relations Management
MIS Management Information System

Revision History:

Version Date Prepared By / Modified By Changes made to

No. document

1.0 20-Jul-2022 Silvercoin Management' Initial Draft


Reviewed By Review Date

Approved By Approval Date

Present Scenario of Business:

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Silvercoin Micro Foundation is registered under Indian Companies Act-2013, as a NBFC (

Non Banking Financial Company). Company is giving microcredit to women groups (
Mostly Muslim Women) for facilitating their livelihood by creating self help groups.
These groups jointly or individually are able to do some business activities for
generating income. It is a social cum business initiative.
Silvercoin provides micro loans( 10k-30k) to JLG/ Individuals for creating business. Once
the loan is disbursed, weekly/ biweekly/Monthly installments are fixed for a specific
period, based on her/his repaying capacity (12-52 weeks). These EMI are regularly
received by our recovery agents by visiting their JLG location on specific day & time.
Presently SilverCoin is having a web based application, which is handling most of its
functionality online. But over a period of time, it has been felt that the company needs
total restructuring of its web application for back end functions along with new mobile
applications for field functionality.

Existing workFlow:

Today, silvercoin has HQ ( Head office) and Branches, every branch is responsible for
creating customers by filling applications and surveys, disbursing the loan, and regular
recovery through agents. Every agent has to settle his personal account ( opening
Balance + Transfer In( collected from office or from agent) + Recovery - Disbursement -
Transfer Out= closing Balance) everyday at the branch, and all data compiled at HQ. Data
entry is done at HQ level and all loan accounts are maintained in the system. Overall
daily cash matching is done at HQ.

Business Requirements:

New Silvercoin System will be developed in Web-based and Mobile-based application, it

will facilitate end- to -end process of entire workflow, like creating branch, creating
master data, customers, survey and KYC, loan disbursement, recovery, ledger, daily
losing and maintaining various accounts and MIS.

Web Application:
Following will be the organization structure of Silver Coin under web-application. [Last
Agent login will be a mobile app version, however modules will be the same but data filtered by
agents for their groups. At Mobile version, Agent will be able to create customers, disbursed
loan and regular recovery, and maintain his ledger. This will be described in details later]

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Detail functions-

1. Super Admin

User MFI Name Alphanumeric

( Create/Edit)
*password will Registration status Alphanumeric
be sent on sms
and Email to HQ Email
Admin for login
the system Mobile No

HQ Amin ID Alphanumeric Max 8

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

2. HQ Admin Login

ADMIN Branch Create/Edit/View of Only Branch admin (

master data)

Loan Creating loan products/ Edit/ View( master


Occupation Create/Edit/View/Delete ( master data)

Purpose Create/Edit/View/Delete ( master data)

User Create & Access/Edit/View/Delete/ for HQ

and Branch ( master data) with specific
permissions of HQ and Branch

Roles Create & Access/Edit/View/Delete ( master


Accounts Create/Edit/View ( Cash Account BAnk A/c,

UPI, Loan etc with opening balance )

CRM Lead Generation Cold Call, data received from various

enquiries, and facility to update the status
*This is basically a
report generated Verification Verify The customer over call, that he/she
from various tables, has applied for loan
with added option to
marking status
Disbursement Verify the customer that he has received the
Confirmation loan amount, and convey the recovery

Missing EMI Real time call to all customers who have not
given their scheduled EMI

Near Completion Calling t customers where loan are going to


Loan status Inbound Call for telling status

CUSTOMERS New Customers List of all New customers where Survey and
KYC is pending

Survey & KYC List of all New customers where Survey and

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

KYC is is done by Credit Officer but demand

has not been created

Demand List of all customers where Demand has been

created ( For Old customers, demand can
directly be created without any survey and all)
but pending for approval

Loan Status [Search box ] Inbound Call for telling status (

data will be filtered by Agents, Branch for access,
at HQ all data will be visible)

DISBURSEMENT Pending for List of all Demands,( Branch wise) [where

Approval demand has been created or approval all old and
*This is basically a new customers,] but approval is pending
report generated
from various tables,
Pending for Where approval has been given but
with added option to
marking status Disbursement disbursement is pending

Disbursed All disbursed loan ( view Branch wise/

Daily/Weekly etc)

Rejected/ Hold All rejected or on hold loan

RECOVERY Today’s Dues Branch wise list of today’s Due View, further
data can be fetched agent wise detail,

Old Dues All missed EMI will be here for all branches,(
but it will be visible till next EMI date,

Today’s Recovery Branch wise list of today’s recovery in real

time View, further data can be fetched agent
wise detail,

Missed EMI View of missed Today's EMI for all branches

can be fetched Agent wise

Red Flag This will be formula based list for all

branches, where loan recovery is bad that it
can be categorized as Hard Recovery (Which
can be further categorized as Slow Recovery/
NPA/ Bad Loan/ Defaulted/Lost manually)

LEDGER Balances Reporting from backed data- all branches

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Transaction Reporting from backed data- all branch with

facility of Add/Edit transaction

Deposit Option to create deposit/ loan from other


Daily Closing This is data settlement screen for all

branches, once Ledger settlement is marked
some time , mostly weekly, than no previous
data edit is possible in any manner, it will be
done by HQ Admin for all branches, and
Branch Admin for his Branch

MIS Reports There will be various reports ( approx 35 as per

current system) in this section . These reports will
be filtered by the Agents & branch. However few
reports will be available only to HQ Admin

3. Branch Admin Login

ADMIN User View/Edit ( Only Groups Assignment, if any user

goes on leave or resign, he is able to distribute his
work to other users for specific days or permanent
however he can not create new user for branch, only
HQ Admin can create user for Branch)

Groups Creating Groups/ Edit/ View

CUSTOMERS Add New Personal Detail, Family Details, Property Details,

Loan from Others, Bank Details, Photo ( this
detail can be done anyone who has been given
access to this screen like Recovery Agents, any
employee of branch)

Survey & KYC Will be done by Credit Officer ( Verification of

data provided in loan application along with additional
information, like Clicking Picture, Giving Training for
recovery, creating demand etc)

Demand Demand wil be created for old customers, Will be

done by Credit Officer or any other person who
has been assigned by branch admin

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Loan Status data will be filtered by Agents, Branch for access, at

HQ all data will be visible, Braancadmin will be able
to access all data of branch)

DISBURSEMENT Pending for List of all Demands,( for own Branch) [where
Approval demand has been created or approval all old and new
customers,] but approval is pending, it will have
option to Edit/ Approve/ Reject/ No Hold

Pending for Where approval has been given but

Disbursement disbursement is pending, option create reminder

Disbursed All disbursed loan ( view agent wise/

Daily/Weekly etc)

Rejected/ Hold All rejected or on hold Demands

RECOVERY Today’s Dues list of today’s Due View, further data can be
fetched agent wise detail,

Old Dues All missed EMI will be here for own branches,(
but it will be visible till next EMI date,

Today’s list of today’s recovery in real time View, further

Recovery data can be fetched agent wise detail,

Missed EMI View of missed Today's EMI for own branch can
be fetched Agent wise

Red Flag This will be formula based list for all branches,
where loan recovery is bad that it can be
categorized as Hard Recovery (Which can be
further categorized as Slow Recovery/ NPA/ Bad
Loan/ Defaulted/Lost manually by branch admin too)

LEDGER Balances Reporting from backed data- own branch/ agent


Transaction Reporting from backed data Agent wise- own

branch with facility of Add/Edit transaction

Daily Closing this is data settlement screen for own branch

Agent wise, once Ledger settlement is marked
which is daily , than no previous data edit is
possible in any manner by agent or bt

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

MIS Reports There will be various reports for the branch

These reports will be filtered by the Agents &

Mobile Application:

4. Agent/Branch User Login [ Mobile APP]

CUSTOMERS Add New Personal Detail, Family Details, Property Details,

Loan from Others, Bank Details, Photo
* Detail of Field attributes will be given separately in
this document

Survey & KYC Verification of data provided in loan application

along with additional information, like Clicking
Picture, Giving Training for recovery, creating demand
* Detail of Field attributes will be given separately in
this document

Demand Demand will be created for old customers, Will

be done by Credit Officer or any other person
who has been assigned by branch admin
* Detail of Field attributes will be given separately in
this document

Loan Status data will be filtered by Agents, Branch for access, at

HQ all data will be visible, Branch admin will be able
to access all data of branch)

DISBURSEMENT Pending for Where approval has been given but

Disbursement disbursement is pending by particular user,
option to Disburse Amount/ Click Picture

Disbursed All disbursed loan by user (Daily/Weekly etc)

RECOVERY Today’s Dues list of today’s Due for user, with option to Collect
money (In Cash, UPI or both by splitting amount)

Old Dues All missed EMI for user,( but it will be visible till
next EMI date) with option to collect amount

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Today’s list of today’s recovery in real time View for user

Recovery with option to Edit

Missed EMI View of missed Today's EMI for user with option
to Collect Money

Red Flag Red flag list for user, option to collect money

LEDGER Balances All Balance for user with option to transfer

amount to Branch Cash,
* Opening Balance + Transfer In( collected from
office or from agent) + Recovery - Disbursement -
Transfer Out= closing Balance)

Transaction Transaction data ( daily/weekly/monthly) with

option of Add/Edit transaction


Personal Details
Title* Drop Down
Name* apha bet
Adhar No* 12 digit
Mobile No* 10 digit
Alternative No 10 digit
Location* Click picture with coordinate app
Current Address* Text area
Adhaar adress* if not same as above Text area
Landmark* Text box
Select type of Loan* ( Individual, Group Loan) Drop down
Select Group* (if group loan is selected) Drop down
Upload Adhaar Card Click picture

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Upload Picture Click picture

Option to save
Family Details
Member Name* Alphabet
Age* 0-99
Relation * Drop down
Occupation * Drop down Drop down
Save and add more option
Property Details
Property Type Drop Down
Own/ Rented Drop Down
Since Years 4 digit
Save and add more option
Other Loans
Select Company Drop Down
Total Loan Amount 6 digit
EMI Frequency Drop down ( Daily/Weekly/Biweekly/monthly)
Total/paid EMI 6 digit
Save and add more option
Bank Details
Account Holder Alphabet
Account No 12 digit
IFSC Code Alphanumeric ( Save Option)
* After Submission of this, Customer ID will be generated SC01-0001 ( Branch code with4 digit
customer serial no)


Basic Action

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

All information Verified* Check box Yes or No

Loan recommended* yes or no, if yes Check Box Yes or No ( If Yes)
Purpose of Loan Drop Down
Credit Score 3 digit
Take Photograph* Click Picture and Save in drive with link
Shoot Video- Upto 10 Shoot Video and save with lnk
Upload Document Upload pdf created by app with name Save
Expected Family Income/ Month* 5 digit
Monthly Loan liability * 5 digit ( Save the above Information)
Create Demand
Loan Amount*
Tenure* In weeks 12-52 weeks
Frequency * Drop down weekly/biweekly/monthly
Emi start Date* Date with day ( calendar)
Select Loan Product* Drop Down
Agent Name * if Individual loan is selected
Remarks Text Box/ Area ( 100 Character)
Submit Demand for Approval
*If Loan is not recommended by Credit officer, this application will be directly marked as
rejected loan/ On hold Loan under disbursement Module


Create Demand ( Old customers)

Searched by Id, Name, Mobile, Adhaar, Group
Search Box ( after search detail of customer will be appeared
log with last loan, and credit score)
Loan Amount*
Tenure* In weeks 12-52 weeks
Frequency * Drop down weekly/biweekly/monthly
Group can be changed if there is no active loan, but
Select Group
should be nearby area

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

Emi start Date* Date with Day ( Calendar)

Select Loan Product* Drop Down
Agent Name * If Individual loan is selected
Remarks Text Box/ Area ( 100 Character)
Submit Demand for Approval

SCREEN 4 : GROUP ( Branch Admin)

Create Group
Group Code* Alphabet ND01 ( Nandgram 01)
Location* Pincode, with Landmark
Frequency * Drop down weekly/biweekly/monthly
Select Leader Drop Down ( Can be Done later also)
Recovery Day Drop Down Day
Agent Name * Drop Down
Remarks Text Box/ Area ( 100 Character)
Save with option of Edit/ delete if no active loan and


Create Branch
Branch ID Manual SC01, SC02 etc
Area of Jurisdiction Select District/ town
Name & Address Text Box/ Area
Branch Admin Mobile 10 digit
Branch Admin Email
Branch Admin ID BM.SC01, BM.SC02 etc
Branch Admin Password 6 digit/ alphanumeric with 1 special character
Save ( SMS and email will be sent to Branch Admin
with login Credentials)

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,


Create Occupation
Name Alphanumeric
Save with Edit/delete/view option


Create Purpose of Loan

Name Alphanumeric
Save with Edit/delete/view option


Create Loan Product

Name/Code Alphanumeric
Loan Amount numeric
Maturity Amount Numeric
Tenure ( In Weeks) Upto 200 weeks
List of Kist amount to be filled equal to weeks
Tenure ( if the loan has been given to 12 weeks,
than total 12 kist should be filled here manually)
Save with Edit/delete/view option

SCREEN 9 and so on, to all sub module

Rest Screens will be created for other purposes in a similar manner as described above.
All modules and sub-modules will be as mentioned above.
Screen for app will be as decided in separate pdf, with the entire four
modules-CUSTOMERS, DISBURSEMENT, RECOVERY & LEDGER, the design for app has
been shared already and can be modified if any better option is available.

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It should be as below or better but on mutual consent.

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It should be hyperlinked- design

Design -1

OR below design ( standard design)

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,



● Completion of the project will be done within 3 months from the date of
advances. It includes development, testing, installation, bug fixing etc. if the
project is not completed within 3 months, delay penalty of 2% per week for
every week delay will be deducted from the project value.
● There will be only 12 months maintenance which will be free if there is an issue
which was defined during this proposal agreement, otherwise it will cost as a
Change Request(CR).
● There will be no Data migration from the legacy application to the new phase
● Cloud/Server and domain will be provided by SilverCoin with their own cost.
● The technology will be JAVA and java based frameworks and will use MySql
database . If any license is required for technology during the development
phase, SilverCoin has to take it.
● The cost of the project will be Rs_____, and 10% amount will be paid as an

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SILVERCOIN, BRD v 1.0, Dated: 20 July 2022,

advance. Rest installments will be decided based on progress of development as

mentioned below-
○ Advance-10%
○ UI designing of all screens- 10%
○ HQ Admin- 10%
○ Branch Admin- 10%
○ Mobile app Design and one module functioning- 10%
○ All Branch Module functioning- 10%
○ All HQ module Functioning- 10%
○ Entire Mobile App functioning-10%
○ Delivery of Entire Project ( bug free live Project)- Rest 20%

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