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US 2020014122141 {NN m0 cu») United States 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2020/0141221 Al Malone et al. (4s) Pub. Date: May 7, 2020 (St) SEPARATION sySTEM 2) US. CeO o.. gan 4va4 2013019: Bord 170214 (1). Applicant PME Technologies, Ine. Honsion, TX {Gors01) BorD 170211 (013.00. BoID (us) 21/04 (201301); BOLD 2120 (2013.0) BOLD 177045 (201301), BOID 1772 (72) Inventors: Ryan Malone, Famningion, NM (US); (201301) Joseph Rasmussen, Galveston, (US); Kelly Ciprick, Kingwood, (57) ABSTRACT TX (US): Isabel Chan, Houston, TX A system for separating multiphase well stream into @ (US); Vietor van Asperen, Tomball solids fraction, a water fraction, an oil fraction and a gas TX (US): Sander Guido Baaren, Fraction includes a transportable support surface, a solids Houston, TX (US) separator which is mounted on the support surface and is Cenfigred to receive the mulphise well trem and sepa (21) Appl. Nos 16/618,775 fms the wel] stream into a fiet heavy ffection pritatly Comprising tbe solids acon and st ight faction Primarily comprising the ga, ol and water fractions and 3 Iutphase fd separator which is mounted onthe support (22) PCT ited: Jum, 23, 2017 (86) PCT Nos PETUSzor7I39144 surface and includes a fist separator section and @ sovond §.371 (XI), ‘Separator section which is positioned vertically below and (2) Date: "Dee. 2, 2019 connected directly to the first separator section, The first separator section is configured to receive the first light fraction and separate the list light fraction into a second ee light faction primarily comprising the gas fraction and a on socond heavy fraction primarily comprising the oil and 1B 13084 (2006.01) ‘water frations. The second separator section is configured BorD 172 (2005.01) to receive the second heavy faction and separate the second BID 1712 (2005.01) heavy fraction into third light fraction primaely eompeis- BOLD 2120 (2005.01) jing the il fraction and a third heavy fiction primaily BoID 1704 (2005.01) comprising the oil fraction 124 24a 128 128 US 2020/0141221 AI May 7, 2020 Sheet 1 of 6 Patent Application Publication 821 924 eyeh: oven: 1 Bly ZL gst ZLb pp SL Patent Application Publication May 7,2020 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2020/0141221 Al 38 FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication May 7,2020 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2020/0141221 Al © & © © 3 ) = : 3" ~ WY & ' i = oO \ > we a i = \ i 8 A 8 =a) ° \ 2 { = | n rr | \, a } \ = ese 8 3 8388 8 68 106 Patent Application Publication May 7,2020 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2020/0141221 Al st 2 ic Patent Application Publication May 7,2020 Sheet 5 of 6 | US 2020/0141221 Al 58 Joe Fig. 5 486b 176 1868 178 182 180 184 Dt US 2020/0141221 AI Patent Application Publication May 7, 2020 Sheet 6 of 6 FIG. 6 US 2020/0141221 AI SEPARATION SYSTEM 10001} ‘The present disclosure is directed to a separation system for desanding « multiphase well Muid and for sepa- rating the well Hid into is separate gas, oil and water Iractions BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Hydraulic facturing, oF “racking” is a common Technique for enhancing the extraction of ol and gas from 3 hydrocarbon well. Packing involves injecting a high pres- se Tracking fluid into the well bore in order to create fissures in the hydrocarbon formation through which the eil for gas may low. The fracking uid usually includes 3 mixture of water, chemicals and proppant, such as sand. Ln some well fricking operations, hundreds of thousands of pounds of sand and millions of gallons of water may be use. 10003) After the fracking operation is completed, much of the fracking water and sand are recovered. First the well bore is drilled out to remove the fracking sand snd any plugs which may be present in the well bre. Then, the well is allowed to flow back in order to expel a lange part of the Tracking water and sand from the formation. During the drilout phase, the well prcaces mostly fracking sand, long. ‘with some fracking water and formation fluids (eg, gas, oil, and brine). During the lowback phase, the well produces 2 flowback well stream whieh comprise mostly fracking water and sand, along with some formation Mids. Only alter the proportion of formation Muids in the well steam reaches & ‘erin level i the well put into production, 0004) "The facking water and sand which are recovered from the well during the drillout and flowback phases ‘ppically must be disposed of in an environmentally fFendiy manner. One option for doing so isto reeyele the racking ‘water and sand so that they may be reused in future facking ‘operations. Recyeling the fracking water and sand involves Separating the sand from the water and Well ud and thea separating the water fom the well uid, The later step may ‘ao include separating the gas Irom the oil so that these ‘components may be recovered. [0005] Recycling i usually accomplished using individual ‘desanding, separating and pressure and How control devices Which aze wansported to the well site individually and thea ‘assembled into a separation system. Depending on the ‘quality of the wate, gas and oil produced By the separation system, further processing of these components may be exited in order to meet certain custody transfer conditions, such as: for gas, less than 7 pounds of free water per MMSCF (million standard cubic fee) for water, less than 1% oil, and for oi, less than 1% wa 10006] Also, due to the different proportions of sand, water ‘and well fuids which are prodveed during the drilout, flowback and production phases the separation system may rood to be reconfigured for cach phase, This process may involve disassembling, and reconnecting different devices that are specifically sized o andl the different proportions ‘of sand, water and well aids which are produced at each phase, which is labor intensive and time consuming Process SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 10007] In aecordance with the present disclosure, a sepa- ation system for separating a multiphase well stream into & solids fraction, a Water fretioa, at oil fraction and a gas May 7, 2020 {faction i provided which comprises transportable support surlace: a fist solide separstor which is mounted on the support surface and is configured to receive the multiphase Well strum andl separate the well steam into first heavy fraction primarily comprising the solids fraction and a frst light froction primarily comprising the gas, oil and water factions; a multiphase fluid separator which is mounted on the support surface and comprises a firs separator section ‘anda second separator section which i positioned vertically below and connected directly to the frst separator section: ‘wherein the fist separator section is configured 10 receive the first ight fraction and separate Ue Hirst light lation into ‘second light fraction primarily comprising the gs faction ‘anda second heavy fraction primarily comprising the ol and ‘water fractions, and wherein the second separator section is ‘configured to receive the second heavy fraction and separate the second heavy fraction ino a third ight faction primarily comprising the oil Traction sind a third heavy fraction pre ‘marily comprising the water fraction. [0008] Inaccordance with one aspoct athe diselosure, the separation system farther comprises a second solids sepa- ‘ator which is connected between a source of the well stream ‘nd the first solids separator and is configured to separate a proportion of the solids faction from the well steam, [0009] In accordance with another aspect of the dis sure, the second solids separator i not mounted on the transportable support surface, [0010] In accordance with a further aspect of the disclo- sre, the gs fractions dischanged from the multiphase fail Separator through a gas line which is connected tothe first Separator soction, and the oil and gas fractions are di charged from the multiphase fuid separator through respec- tive oil and gas lines Which are connected to the second separator section [0011] Inaccordance with another aspect ofthe disclosure, the second separslor section comprises an ol'water chamber which is configured 1 receive the second heavy fraction and separate the second heavy fraction into the third light faction and the third heavy fraction [0012] In accordance with yet another aspect of the di Closure, the second separator section comprises ano cham- ber whic located dovinstream of the oil/Water chamber and is configured to receive the third light fraction trom the oil/water chamber. [0013] In accordance with «further aspeet of the disck sure, the ol line is connected to the oil chamber and the Waterline is connected {0 the oilhvater chamber. [0014] In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- Sure, the gas Tine, the oi Jine and dhe water Tine are each connected 0 a corresponding customer outlet through which the separate gas, ol and water fractions are dischanged Irom the system, [0015] In secondance with yet another aspect of the dis- closure the separation system further comprises frst flow meter Which is positioned in the gas line, a second flow meter whieh is positioned in the oil line and a thi flow ster which is positioned in the water line [016] In accordance with a futher aspect of the disclo- sure, the gas fraction, the ol faction andthe water faction are each discharged from the separation system through 3 corresponding customer outlet, and the separation system is ‘configured such that atleast one of the gas fraction, the oil {faction andthe water fraction at its corresponding customer cutlet- meets or exceeds the following custody transfer US 2020/0141221 AI standards: ess than 7 pounds of fee water per MMSCF pas, Jess than 1% water in oil, and less than 1% oil in water, 10017] In accordance with another aspect of the diselo- sure, the scparation system is configured such that cach of the gas faction, the oil fraction and the water fraction at their corresponding customer outlets meets or exceeds the following custody’ transfer standards: less than 7 pounds of free Water per MMSCF gas, less than 1% water in il, and Jess than 1% oil in water. [0018] In accordance with yet another aspeet of the dis- closure, the separation system further comprises frst inlet Tine through which the wel stream is communicated to the solids separator, a sccond inlet line through which the frst Fight fraction is communicated to the multiphase Mid sepa- rotor; first valve which is positioned in the fst inlet line ‘a second valve which is positioned inthe second inet line: a thinl valve which is positioned in the gas line; a fourth valve which is positioned in te ol lie: fifth valve whieh js positioned in the water Hine; anda system controller Which Js configured to contol the postion of each ofthe valves in response to one or more measured system parameters. 10019] In accordance with a further aspect of the disclo- sure, the measured system parameters include a pressure ia the frst inlet Tne, a pressure in the multiphase Maid separ rator, a top level ofthe ol fraction in the oil water chamber, ‘boston level the water faction inthe oilwater chamber, & level of a interface between the ol and water Fractions i the oil water chamber, atop level of theo faction in theo ‘chamber flow rate of the gas action in the gs ine, flow rate ofthe oil fraction in theo} line and a flow rate of the Water fraetion ia the water line. 10020] In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- sure, the measured system parameters further include & pressure difference across the solids separtor. 0021} In accordance with yet another aspect of the dis- closure, the separation system further comprises a choke manifold which is connected between the solids separator ‘and the multiphase uid separator, and the measured system parameters further include @ pressure diference across the ‘choke manifold 0022] In accordance with a further aspect of the disclo- sure, the fist through fifth valves are electrically actuated valves. 10023] In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- sure, the first separator section is configured to separate at Teast fest proportion ofthe second heavy faction from the second light fraction by means of gravity 0024) In accordance with yet another aspect of the dis- ‘losure, the first separator seotion comprises at least one ‘desmistng device which js configured to separate a second proportion of the second heavy Faction from the second Tight fraction 10025] In accordance with a futher aspect of the diselo- sure, the separation system also comprises means for ‘eying the second proportion of the second heavy faction 10 the second separator section separately from the first pro- portion of the second heavy fraction, 0026} In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- sure, the frst separator section comprises an inlet por through which the fist light faction is received, « gas port through which the gas fraction is discharged, anda vane ilet device whichis connected tothe inlet port vertically below the 288 port May 7, 2020 vertically above the vane inlet device [0028] In accordance with a further aspect of the disclo- ste, std at least one de-misting device comprises &0 emisting devices positioned one over the other. [0029] In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- ‘sure, the second separator section is configured to separate atleast a first proportion of the thin! heavy liaetion from the third ight fraction by means of gravity [0030] In sccondance with yet another aspect of the dise closure, the second separator section compres an oiltwater chamber which is configured to receive the second heavy {action from the fist separator section and separate the fst proportion of the third heavy fraction from the third light fraction by means of gravity, [031] Tn accordance with a further aspect of the disclo- sure, the oltwater chamber comprises means for coalescing atleast one of droplets of the ol Iraetion inthe second beavy faction and droplets of the water fraction in the second beavy fraction. [0032] In accordance with another aspect of the disclo- sre, the oi'water chamber comprises @ number of peeto- ‘ated distribution bales positioned upstream ofthe coalese- ing means. [0033] In secondance with yet another aspect of the di closure the second separator setion comprises an ol eham- ber which located dosenstream of the oiltWater chamber and is configured to receive the third light tration from the oilwater chamber. [034] The present disclosure is also directed to a method or separating @ multiphase well steam into a solids fraction, ‘water fraction, an oil fraction and a gas fraction, The ‘method comprises communicating the well stream (0a frst separation apparats; in the fist separation apparatys,sepa- rating the well steam into a first heavy fraction primarily comprising the solids frction and a first light fraction primarily comprising the gas, oil and water fractions; com ‘municating the first light frction to a second separation apparatus; inthe second separation apparatus, separating the Tit light fraction into a second light fraction primarily ‘comprising the gas fraction and a second heavy fraction Frimarly comprising the oil and water fractions, and then Separating the second heavy fraction into 3 third light faction primarily comprising the oil fraction and a third heavy faction primarily comprising the water fractions and discharging the gas, oil and water fractions individually from the second separation apparatus. [0035] In acconlance with another aspect of the disclo- sure, the method further comprises, prior to the step of ‘communicating the well steam to the frst separation sppa- tus, separating a fist proportion ofthe solids fraction from the well stream, [0036] The skid mounted separation system deseribed herein provides a single system that allows operators to Bo sight into production from the dillot phase of operation, ‘which greatly reduces the time and expense which otherwise would be required to configure and rig-up different systems for the different phases. During the drillowt phase, the addition ofa high efficiency desander upstream of the skid ‘mounted system enables the separation system to employ high efficiency separation components in onder to increase oil rceovery produce cleaner Water, and meet custody trans- Ter conditions atthe outlet of the skid, By meeting custody US 2020/0141221 AI transfer conditions a the outlet of the skid the gas, ol and water ean be piped or shipped directly to storage oF pro- ‘cessing facilities without the need for intermediate process ing apparatuses or steps onsite, which reduces the lime and ‘overall expense of the operation. 10037] These and other objects and advantages of the present invention will he made apprent frm the fllowing Ueiailed description, with reference to the accompanying ‘drawings. In the drawings, dhe same reference numbers ma bbe used to denote siilar components in the various embod BRIBE DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 10038] FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of @ fst ‘embovdiment ofthe separation system ofthe present disclo= 10039] FIG. 2is a perspective view ofa desander which is suitable for use withthe separation system shown in FIG. 1 [0040] FIG. 3 isa perspective cutaway view of a mu Phase fluid separator which is suitable for use with the Separation system shown in FIG. I: [0041] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of another embod ‘meat of the separation system ofthe present disclosure; [0042] FIG. 5 isa schematic representation of yet another nbodliment of the separation system of the present inven: tion: and [0043] _ FIG. 6 sa perspective view ofa desander which is suitable for use with the separation system shown in FIG. . DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0044] A. schematic representation of an_ illustrative ‘embodiment ofthe separation system of the present diselo- sure is shown in FIG. 1, The separation system of this ‘embodiment, which is indicated generally by reference number 10, ineludes 2 desander 12 which is connected to & ‘choke manifold 14 that in tur i connected to a moltiphase Separator 16. The desander 12, choke manifold 14 and feparator 16 are mounted on a common transportable sup- port surface, such as a skid 18. The skid 18 enables the Separation system 10 o be easily transported tothe Well site by, eq. tele ruck (not shown). Inadaition, mounting the dewander 12, choke manifold 14 and separator 16 logether oo the skid 18 allows the connections between these compo- rents and their associted equipment to be made up prior to delivery ofthe separation system 10 to the wel site, whieh, will roduce the time required to set up and conect the Separation system to other well ste equipment [0045] In use, the separation system 10 is connected to an ‘external apparatus 20 through which a stream of well uid Fexjiring processing flows, For example, the extemal app rats may be a Chstaas we 20 which i installed at the op ‘ofa wellbore (aot shown). Far purposes of ilusiraton, one ‘ean assume that the well bore leads to a hydrocarbon, Tormation on which a fracking operation has recently bees ‘completed, Aer the fracking operation has been completed fand the well hore drilled out, the well enters a flowback phase. During the flowhack phase, the well produces ‘multiphase fluid well stream which is primarily comprised ‘of lguid, such as fracking water and formation fuids, and solids, such as fracking sand and other particulates [0046] The desander 12 operates to remove a lange pro- Portion ofthe sind and other particulates from the Howback well steam (0 thereby minimize the risk of erosion t© May 7, 2020 ‘downstream equipment and to allow the sand to be collected and reused, if desired. During the low back phase of opers- ‘ion, the well uid is communicated from the tee 20 to the desander 12 via an inlet line 22. The inlet Hine 22 may include a valve 24 for controlling the flow of the well steam into the separation system 10, and sensor 26 for measuring ‘8 peopery of the wel fd, For example, the valve 24 may Comprise an clctrically actuated emergency shutdown valve, and the sensor 26 may comprise a pressure indicating transmitter, both of which may be connected to a system ‘controller 28. In one possible mode of operation, should the Well stream experience a presture sunge, as meusured by the sensor 26, the system controller 28 will close the emergency shuldowa valve 24 to prevent the pressure sunge Irom ‘damaging the separation system 10. [0047] In the dosander 12, the flowback well steam is separated into a fist heavy fraction comprising primarily sand anda fist ight fraction comprising primarily Water and ormation Muids (ie, pas and oil) with some entrained sand. The first heavy fraction is discharged through a heavy faction outlet line 30, while the first Tight fraction is slischarged through aft fraction outlet line 32. The beavy Traction outlet line 30 may comprise one or more valves Ma, ‘Mb for controlling the discharge ofthe sand into a separate ‘apparatus (not shown). In one embodiment, one or more of the valves 34a, 34h may he operated by the system eontol- Jer 28. For example, a fist valve 34a may comprise an electrically actuated plug valve which is operated by the system controller 28 to maintain a desiod pressure in the ddesander 12, while a second valve 34b may comprise an electrically actuated ball valve which is opened by’ the system controller wen the sand isto be discharged into the separate apparatus. The heavy fraction outlet line 30 may also include a customer sand outlet 30 through which a fcusiomer may recover the separated sand for reuse [0048] Referring also to FIG. 2, an example ofa desander 2 which i suitable for use in the present embodiment of the separation system 10 iste eyclone-type InLine Desander™ sander sold by TechnipFMC of Houston, Tex. The sander 12 comprises a cyclone body 36a and a sand accumulation body 366 which is connected to the bottom of the cyclone body. The eyelone body 362 and the sand ‘accumulation body 366 ate supported on a frame 38 that in tum is connected t0 the skid 18. The cyclone body’ 36 includes a fui inlet 40 which is connected tothe int line 2 via a first conduit 42, and a fight fraction outlet 44 which is connected tothe light fraction outlet line 32 via a second conduit 46. Also, the sand accumulation body 36) includes ‘a heavy fraction oulet 48 which is connected to the heavy faction outlet fine 30. The operation of the desonder 12 is ‘ell understood by persons of ordinary skil in the art and ‘ill therefore not be described more filly herein, However, it should be understood thatthe desander 12 may comprise any ctor suitable separator which is capable of removing ost ofthe sand from the Rowback well srean [0049] ‘The first light action, which as mentioned above primarily comprises water, oil andl gas, exits the dosander 12 ‘and is conveyed through the light faction outlet line 32 10 the choke manifold 14. The light fraction outlet Hine 32 may include a sensor 80 for measuring a condition of the fist light fraction. For example, the sensor 50 may comprise a pressure indicating transmitter which is connected to the System controler 28 and functions to measure the pressare ofthe frst light fraction upstream of the choke manifold 14. US 2020/0141221 AI AAs is understood by persons of ordinary skil inthe art, the ‘choke manifold 14 comprises number of valves whieh fegulate the flow rate and pressure ofthe frst light fraction. In accordance with one embodiment of the disclosure, the valves may be actuated by the system controller 28 (© achieve a desiod pressure andor flow rate of the first light fraction. The choke manifold 14 may also provide bypass Pathways for, and aecess points to, the liquids fraction. 10050] The frst light fraction ents the ehoke manifold 14 and is conveyed through a. separator inlet line $2 t0 the Separator 16. The separator inlet line $2 may include a sensor 54 for measuring a property ofthe fist light fraction downstream of the choke manifold 14, and a valve 56 for ‘controlling the flow of the first light fraction berween the ‘choke manifold and the separator For example, the sensor 534 may comprise a pressure indicating transmitter which is connected 10 the system controller 28 and functions 10 ‘measure the pressure the first light fraction downstream of the ehoke manifold 14, and the valve 86 may’ comprise aa clectrically actuated pressure control valve which 1s oper- ‘ated by the system controller to contol the pressure of the first ight fraction entering the separator 16. In one possible mode of operation, should the pressure of the fist light fraction uid upstream ofthe separator 16, as measured by the sensor 54, be greater than desired, the system controller 28 will operte the valve 86 to close the separator inet line 52 until the pressure falls tothe desired Tevel. 10051] The separator 16 Functions to separate the first ight Jraction into a gas fraction whieh is discharged through a gas Fine $8, an oil faction which is discharged theovgh an oil line 60, and a water Iraction which is discharged through water line 62. Referring to FIG. 3, the separator 16 includes ‘a separator vessel 64 which comprises a generally vertically ‘extending upper separator section 66 and a generally hort ontally extending lower separator section 68 which is Positioned vertically below and is connected to the upper Separator section. The separator vessel 64 is supported on 2 par of fect 70 which extend from the lower separator section {68 and are connected to the skid 18, The upper separator section 66 ineludes an inlet port 72 to which the separator ‘ne ine 82 is connected and a was port 74 (0 whieh the as line Sis connected, The lower separator section 68 includes ‘an oil port 76 to which the oil line 60 is connected and 3 ‘water port 78 to which the water ine 62 is connected. AS shown in PIG. 3, the ports 72,74, 76 and 78 may be provided th flanged connections to enable them to be bolted to corresponding flanged connections on the ends ofthe ines 52, §8, 60 and 62, respectively. 10082] The upper sepurator section 66 is configured 10 separate the fist light fraction into a second light fraction which primarily comprises the gas fraction and a second heavy faction which primarily comprises the oil and water factions. In an initial phase of the separation process, a majority ofthe second heavy Traction is separated from the second light fraction by means of gravity After entering the "upper separator section 66 through the inet port 72, the frst Tight fraction flows through a vane inlet device 80. The vane inlet device 80 reduces the momentum of the ineoming flow stream ina contofied manner, which facilitates gravity separation ofthe bulk of the second heavy fection from the second light fraction and evenly distributes the resulting flow ofthe second light fraction aver the cross section of the upper separator section 66, A suitable vane inlet deviee for May 7, 2020 use inthe separation system 10 of the present embodimes is the Eveaflow HE inlet device sold by TechnipF MC of Houston, Tex [053] After passing through the vane inlet device 0, the sevond heavy fraction lows down into the lower separator section 68 under the influence of gravity, while the second Tight fraction, which may be entrained with a “mist” of numerous fine second heavy fraction droplets, flows ‘upwards throvgh the upper separtor section 66, where a desired proportion of the second heavy fraction droplets is removed, In one embodiment, the second heavy fraction exiting the vane inlet device 80 may flow onto a diverter plate 82 positioned between the upper separator section 66 And the lower separator section 68. This will help prevent the second heavy fraction inthe lower separator section 68 from being re-entrained in the socond light fraction stream and ‘control turbulent How of the second heavy fraction ito the lower separator section [054] Once the bulk of the second heavy fraction is separated from the second light fraction, the second light faction undergoes one or more de-misting steps inthe upper separator section 66 to remove a desired proportion of any remsining second heavy faction droplets. For example, afer the bulk ofthe second heavy fraction is separated from the second light fraction, the resulting mist-laden second Tight fraction passes through a de-misting device, such as a vvanc-type mist eliminator 84, which is positioned in the ‘upper separator section 66 vertically above the Vane inlet device 80. The mist eliminator 84 comprises stl parallel, vertically oriented chevron-shaped vane plates. AS the mist-laden second light fraction passes through the wane plates itis foreed to change direction several times, whieh ‘imparts centrifugal forses on the second heavy’ fraction droplets that cause the droplets to separate from the second light fraction and collect on the vane plates. The droplets coalesce on the vane plates, and the resulting liquid film is rained into a liquid sump 86 through slits or pockets positioned between the vane plates. From the liquid sump 86, the second heavy lraction may flow tothe lower sepa- ‘ator section 68 through a pair of elannels whieh are each Tormed between a coresponding vertical divider plate 88 ‘and the sce wal of the upper separator section 66, Although the resulting stream is comprised primarily of the second Tight fraction, it may contain some remnant second beavy faction droplets. A suitable vane-type mist eliminator for use inthe separation system 10 of the present embodiment is the Mesh Pad Demister sold by TechnipF MC of Houston, Tex. 0055} In the illustrative embodiment of the disclosure shown in FIG. 3, afler passing through the mist eliminator 84, the second light fraction flows upward through a second desmisting device, such as a mesh-iype demister 99, In one ‘embodiment, the mesh-type demister comprises several lay~ cers of knitted wire mesh supported on an open grid. The second light fraction flows. Unimpeded through the wire vesh, but the inertia ofthe second heavy’ fraction droplets ceases them t0 impact on the surfaces of the wires. As a result, the droplets collect and coalesce oa the wires, and ‘when the droplets reach a cern size, they fll of the wires due to gravity and fw into the lower separator section 68 through the channel formed betwoen the vertical divider plate 86 and the side wall ofthe upper separator section 66. J suitable mesh demister fr use in the sp ofthe present embod US 2020/0141221 AI ‘erator sold by TechnipF MC of Houston, Tex. After passing through the mesh demister 99, the second light fraction is directed by a blll 92 through the gas outlet 74 and int the tas line 58, 10056] ‘The second heavy fraction from the upper separator ection 66 procecds through the lower separator section 68 from left 1 right as viewed in FIG. 3. The lower separator section 68 is configured 1 separate the second. heavy fiction into tind light fraction which primarily comprises the oil fraction and a thind heavy faction which primarily ‘comprises the water fraction. Inthe illustrative embodiment ‘ofthe invention shown in EG, 3, te lower separator section 68 includes a divider plate 94 which extends from the bottom ofthe lower separator section fo distance below the top of the lower separator section and separates the lower separator section into an oil'water chamber 96 located Upstream ofthe divider plate and an oil chamber 98 located ‘downstream of the divider plate. AS the second heavy finction flows through the ollfwater chamber 96, gravity ‘causes the water fraction to drop toward the bottom of the flow stream while the ol fraction rises toward the top. Inone abodiment of the present disclosure, the flow stream passes through one of more perforated distribution bales 4100 in the oil water chamber 96, The bailles 100 fuaction to create an equally distributed, quiescent flow regime that ‘enhances the effectiveness of the gravity separation process 10057] The Mow stream then passes through a plate pack ‘coalesce 102 which is mounted inthe oil'water chamber 96 ‘downstream of the bales 100, The plate pack coalescer 102, ‘comprises a plurality of parallel plates which are oriente at fixed angle relative tothe horizontal midplane ofthe loser Separator section 68. Due tothe Fact that the flow beeen the plats ies inthe laminar regime, smaller droplets of oil and. water fractions ean be separated by the plate pack ‘oulescer 96 than by gravity alone. Furhemore, since the distance between the plate surfaces is small, the dispersed ol, ‘and water droplets need travel only a short distance until, they reach the oj water interface. Consequently, separation ‘of the oil and water fractions ean be ellectively achieved ‘over the relatively short length of the plate pack coalescer 402, [0058] After passing though the plate pack coalesoer 102, the substantially separated oil and. water flow stream ‘encounters the divider plate 98. By the time the flow stream ‘exis the plate pack coalescer 102, the upper portion of the flow stream is comprised primarily of the oil faction while the lower portion ofthe fos stream is comprised primarily ‘of the water fraction. As a result, as the Now stream, progresses through the oiliwater chamber 96, the oil will flow over the top of the divider plate 94 and into the oil ‘chamber 98, while the water will temain ina lower portion ‘96a of the oilwater chamber 96 which is located immedi ately upstream of the divider plate. The oil will then be slischange through th il por 76 into the il line 60, and the ‘ater will be discharged through the water port 78 into the water line 62. 10059] Referring still 10 FIG. 3, the separator 16 may be provide with «heating stem to control the temperate of the wateroil faction in order to increase the effectiveness of the gravity separation process and protect against freezing ‘during an upset event. The heating system may comprise, eg. a Ushaped heat tube 104 which extends from the tupsiream ead of the loser separitor section 68 to below the plate pack coalescer 102, and a burner (not shown) whieh is May 7, 2020 vouted in a opening 196 of the heat tube, As will be described below, the bumer may be controlled bythe system controller 28 in order to maintain the wateroil faction Within a desired temperature range [0060] As mentioned above, the second heavy fraction droplets which are separated from the second light faction ‘stream by'the mist eliminator 84 and the mesh demister 90 caalesce into a iguid which flows into the lower separator section 68 throngh pair of channels which are each Formed between a corresponding vertical divider plate 88 and the Side wall of the uppee separator section 66. In one embed meat ofthe present disclosure, this second heavy fraction Jiquid may be made to flow from the channels to the botiam ofthe lower separator section 68 through a pairof tubes 108, each of which is connected to a corresponding. channel ‘through an opening 110 ina respective divider plate 88. This will ensure that the second heavy action liquid is not introduced into the upper portion of the flow stream in the cilwater chamber 96, which could prevent the liquid from being effectively separated into the oil and water fraction prior to reaching the divider plate 94 [0061] Depending on the amount of solids fraction, such fas sand, contained in the well stream, which in a lowback ‘well stream can be significant, the desander 12 may not be able to separate al ofthe sand out of the wellstream. This remaining sand Will remain entrained with the first light faction and consequently be cari into the separator 16 As the frst ight faction passes through the vane inlet device 80, the sand, along with the majority ofthe second heavy fraction, will be separated by gravity from the second light faction ad fall nto the lower separator section 68, Due to its relatively large density compared to water and oil, the sand will quickly settle to the bottom of the oilhwater chamber 96. In one embodiment of the presen disclosure, therefore, the separaior 16 may be provided wih a sand cutlet 112 through which the sand may be removed. The sand outlet 112 may be closed by a removable end cap, as shown i FIG. 3, o provided with a valve for controlling the ischarge of the sand throug the sand outlet, [0062] Referring still to FIG. 3, in aecondance with {urther embodiment of the present disclosure, the separator 16 may comprise @ number of sensor ports 114 to which corresponding sensors may be connected, Examples of sick sensors will be describad below. In addition to the sensor ports, the separator 16 may comprise a number of pairs of ‘igh lass ports 116 distributed slong the length othe lower Separator section 68, Each of a numberof sight plasses (not shown) may then be connected to a corresponding pair of Sight glass pors 116 to enable the level ofthe fluid in the lower separator section 68 to be visually observed. [0063] Referring again to FIG. 1, the as line $8, the oil line 60 and the waterline 62 may each comprise @ corre- sponding valve 118, 120, 122 for controlling uid flow ‘through the line. The valves 118, 120, 122 may comprise, eg, electrically aetwated valves Which are controled by the system controller 28. In alton, each ofthe gas line $8, the © lie 60 and the waterline 62 is coanectad wa respective ceustomer outlet 124a, 126, 128, preferably via acorrespond- ing valve 1304, 132, 134, such asa ball valve, which may ‘optionally be electrically acated by the system controler 28. The gas line $8 may also be connected to an outlet 1246 for a flare device (not shown) via a corresponding valve 1305, which may be similar o the valve 130 US 2020/0141221 AI 10063} In one embodiment of the present disclosure, the as line 88 and the waterline 62 may each be connected 10 the ol Hine 60 via respective valves 136, 138, such as plug valves, which may optionally be electrically actuated by the system controller 28, The valves 136, 138 are normally ‘closed to ensure thatthe gas, water and oil streams renin Separate, However, the valves 136, 138 may be opened should the need arise to combine the steams into a single flow steam, 0065] The oil line 60 and the water line 62 may also be provided with respective dump valves 140, 142 for selec- tively emptying oil and water from the separator 16. The valves 140 may comprise, ex, ball valves, whieh may ‘optionally be electrically actuated hy the system controller 28. The sand outlet 112 (FIG. 3) may likewise be provided witha valve 144 for selectively discharging sand from the Separator 16, The valve 140 may comprise, eg. ball valve, ‘hich may optionally be electrically actuated by the system ‘controller 28, {066} As mentioned above, in one embodiment of the present disclosure the separator 16 may comprise a hesting system for maintaining the temperature of the wateroil Traction within « desired temperature range. As shown ia FIG. 1 the heating system may’ include a gas conditioning Unit 146 whieh receives gas through a tap line 148 that is ‘connected tothe a line 88, As i understood by persons of ‘ondary skill inthe at the conditioning unit 146 prepares the gas for use by a bumer 180 which is connected to the heat tube 104 (FIG, 3). The burner 150 may bea controllable bbumer which is operated by the system controler 28. Gas fom the conditioning unit 146 i communicated 10 the bumer 180 through a feed line 182. The feed line 182 may include a valve 184 for controlling the Now of gas to the bumer 150, The valve may comprise, eg. an clectecally actuated temperature control valve which is operated by the system controller 28. 10067] Referring sil tke FIG. 1, the separation system 10 may include means for sampling the oil which is discharged from the separator 16. For exarnple, the oil Tine 60 may ‘comprise a conventional saraple poe assembly 156 which js selectively operable to communicate a portion ofthe oil in the oil line to sample receiver 158, where it may be collected and analyzed. In one embodimeat, the sample probe assembly 156 may be operated by the system con- troller 28 10068] In accordance with a further illustrative embodi- ment of the disclosure, all of the noa-manually actuated valves employed in the separation system 10 are eleczieally ‘actuated valves. Tis enables the valves to be powered by 8 suituble source of electrial power, such a a battery (Dot shown) mounted on the skid 18. Consequently, ne of the ts or other ud prodiced by the separation sytem need be used t0 power the non-manvally actuated valves. As a result ore of hydrocarbons produced by the separstion system ‘ean be sok, [0069] Sill refering to FIG. 1, the separation system 10 ‘ideally includes a number of sensors for measuring a variety ‘of parameters of the fd at various stages in the system, Several of these sensors (sensors 26, $0 and S4) were ‘discussed above, In alton, the gas Tine 88, the ol line 60 tnd the waterline 62 may each comprise a respective flow meter 160 for measuring the flow rate of the Mui inthe Tne ‘The flow meters 160, which may be connected to the system controller 28, may comprise, eg, coriolis mass low meters, May 7, 2020 seh as the Promass™ coriolis mass flow meter sold by TechnipF MC of Houston, Tex. Bach of the gas line $8 and the oil line 60 may also comprise a corresponding pressure sensor 162, such us a pressure indicating trnsmitter, [or ‘measuring the pressure ofthe fluid in the line, If desired, the cil line 60 may also include a basic sediment and water (BSAW) sensor 164 for measuring the sediment and water content of the oil discharged fom the separator 16, nd a temperature sensor 166, such as a resistance temperatnre detector (RTD) sensor, for measuring the temperature ofthe oil As with the flow meters 160, one or more of the pressure sensors, the BS&W sensor 168 and the temperature sensor 166 may be connected to the system controller 28, [0070] The separator 16 may also include a number of sensors for measuring certain parameters ofthe fluid in, for instance, the lower separator section 68. For example the separator 16 may comprise a number of suitable liquid level sensors 168 for meastring the top and bottom levels of the Tiquid inthe oil-water chamber 96, the tp and bottom levels fof the liguid in the oil chamber 98, and the level of the ‘il water interface in the oilfwater chamber. Fr instance, in fanillsrative embodiment af the disclosure the separator 16 ‘may include a high liquid level sensor 1682 for indicating ‘when the liguid in the oiltwater chamber 96 has reached ‘re-set high liquid level, low Figuid level sensor 168) for jndicating when the liguid in the oillWater chamber bas reacied a pre-set Tow liquid level, a guided wave radar (GIR) sensor 168c for measuring the kvels ofboth the top of the liguid and the water‘il interface in the oiltwater chamber, and a GWR sensor 1684 for measuring the top level of the oil in the oi chamber 98. In addition, the separator 16 may include a pressure sensor 170, such as 2 pressure indicating transmitter, and temperature sensor 172, soch as an RTD sensor, for measuring the pressure and temperature, respectively, of the Mud in the separator. One for more of the sensors 168, 170 and 172 may be connected to the system controller 28 [0071] In an exemplary embodiment of the present di logue, the system conttoller 28 i configured w conteol the ‘operation of one or more functions ofthe separation system 10 based on inputs from one of more ofthe various sensors described above. The following examples describe some of the funetions the system contoller 28 may be configured 10 perform, [0072] In one embodiment, the system controller 28 may be configured to close the emergency shutdown valve 24 if ives a signal from one ofthe pressure sensors 26,50 $4, 162, 170 indicating that the pressure measured By that sensor has reached a pre-set high level [0073] In another embodiment, the system controller 28 may be configured f0 close the emergency shuidown valve 24 if it receiver a signal tom the level sensor 168a indi- cating thatthe level othe tui inthe oilwater chamber 96 has reached a preset high level, or if it reveives a signal from the level sensor 168e indicating thatthe level of the ‘ilar interfioe ia the oilivater chamber 96 las dropped toa pret low level, orf it receives a signal from the evel sensor 168¢ indicating that the level of the oil inthe oil ‘hamiber 98 has reached a preset low level, or iit receives 4 signal from a Tevel seasor om the saad separator 12 (not shown) that the level of the solids faction in the sand accumulation bedy 366 has reached a pre-set high level, 0074] In the event of an emergency shutdown, the system controller 28 may be configured to close some or all ofthe US 2020/0141221 AI ‘contol valves in the separation system 10 in certain onder. For example, alter the emenzency shutdown valve 24 has been elosed, the system controller 28 may’ be configured 10 then elose the pressure contol valve $6, This is done 10 prevent trapping high pressure fluid between emergency Shutdown valve 24 and the pressure contr valve 56. 10075] The system controller 28 may also be configured to ‘contol the level ofthe sand in the desander 12 by selectively, ‘opening and closing the valves Ma, 345 in onder 1 diss ‘charge the sand from the sand accumtlation chamber 366, ‘The procedure for discharging. the sand may have two ‘operating modes which are selectable via a fniman machine imterface (HM) conaected to the system controller 28 (not shown). These modes are Time Mode and Level Mode. ln the Time Mode, the system controller 28 controls the sand dischange procedure based on the frequency (im hours) and ‘duration (in seconds) ofthe opening ofthe valves 34a, 346, ‘which values may be pre-set by the operator. nthe Level ‘Mode, the system controller 28 controls the sand discharge procedure based om inputs from high and lor level sensors ‘on the sand accumulation body 36H (not shown). In both ‘cases, the system contaller 28 may be configired to actuate the valves 340, 346 as follows: open valve 34, then open valve 34a fora pre-set time, then close valve 34a, then close valve 4, 10076), Thesystem controller 28 may also be configured t0 ‘monitor the condition ofthe desander 12 based on pressure measurements from the sensors 26 and 50. In this example, the system contolle 28 calculates the dillerentil pressure across the desander 12 based on the inputs from the pressure Sensors 26, 50 and, if the differential pressure reaches @ ‘certain pro-set high value, which indicates thatthe desander js clogged, the system controller 28 may be configured to ‘generate an alarm andar close the emergeney shutdown, valve 26 10077) Similarly, the system controllr 28 may be config- lured (0 monitor the condition of the choke manifold 14 based on pressure messurements from the sensors 50 and 84 In this example, the system controller 28 calculates the pressure differential across the choke manifold 14 hased on the inputs from the pressure sensors $0, 54, Ifthe pressure ifferential reaches pre-set high value, which indieats that the choke manifold 14 is clogged, the system controller 28 may be configured to generate # DP high alarm andr elose the emergency shutdown valve 26. I the pressure diferen- til drops ta pre-set low value, which indicates the choke manifold 14 has eroded, the system controller 28 may be ‘configured to generate a DP low alarm andlor close the ‘emergency shutdown valve 26, These alarms may be based ‘on a percentage ofthe differential set points ofthe sensors 50, $4, For example, the low DP alarm may be set at 80% ‘of set point differential and the high DP alarm may be set a 120R6 of setpoint differential 10078] The system controller 28 may likewise be config- tured to control the operation of certain aspects of the separator 16, For example, the system coaioller 28 may be ‘configured to position the gas line control valve 118, the oil, Fine control valve 120 and the ater Hine contol valve 122 'o predetermined percent opeaiclose values based on the measurements obtsined fons the GRW level sensors 168 and 1684. 10079] _Thesystem controller 28 may’ also be configured to ‘contol the level ofthe fui inthe oil water chamber 96 and the level of the oil’waterinterice in the oillwater cbanber May 7, 2020 96, These levels may be measured by the GRW level sensor 168), If the level of the oilwater interlace reaches a pre-determined high level, tbe system controller 28 ‘open the Wate Hine contol valve 122 further to increas Flow of water from the oilwater chamber 96, Similarly, ithe top level ofthe Muid in the oillwater chamber 96 reaches pre-set high level, the system controller will elose the gas line contr valve H18 and open the water lie contol valve 122 further to inerease the fow of water from the oilwsater chamber 96. In this regard, the system controller 28 may be configured to adjust the position of the water ine contol valve 122 from, e.., 20% open to 80% open based on the level of the oil/water interface, [0080] Also, the system controller may be configured ‘operate the gas line contol valve 118 based on a number of inputs, such as the pressure within the separator 16 (as ‘measured by the pressure sensor 170), oF the level of the ‘uid in the oilwater chamber 96 (as measured by the level sensor 168e). Ifthe pressure in the separator 16 reaches a pre-set high level, or as a secondary override ithe level of the Hid in the oil/water chamber 96 reaches « pre-set high level, the system controller will close the valve 118 10 thereby force the oil and water Irctions out of their respec- tive outlets 76, 78. Then, once the pressure within the separator 16 falls to within a pre-set soceptable range and the evel ofthe ud in the oilwater chambet 96 drops to within f preset acceptable range, the system contoller 28 will lose the gas line control valve 11. [0081] In another example, ifthe measurements from the level sensor 1680 indicate thatthe rate of change ofthe Tevel fof the Muid in the oilfwater chamber 96 is increasing at areater than a preset value (et, 6 inehes per minote), the System controller 28 may determine that a slug flow is ‘ccurring. In this event, the system controller 28 may be configured to initiate w slug handling procedure, For example, the system controller 28 may be configured 10 lose the as line contol valve 118 (0 increase the pressure in the separator 16), tthe pressare conto valve S60 25% ‘open, and! maintain the ol Tie control valve 120 and the ‘water line control valve 122 in their nonmal operating conditions. This will allow the liquid slug to be evacuated from the separator 16. Then, when the level measured by the level sensor 1682 indicates thatthe top level ofthe Mid ia the oilivater chamber 96 has fallen to a certain distance (eg, 3 inches) below the setpoint of the liquid level switeh ‘64, the system controller 28 may be configired to return the pressure contol valve $6 and the gas line contol valve 118 fo their somal operating conditions [082] In yet another example if the pressure sensor 170 senses deeréasing pressure in the separator 16 aod the flow sensors measure decreasing flow rates in the gas, oil and ‘water lines 8, 60, 62, indicating that the wells about to log ofthe system controler 28 may be configured to fully open the gas line control valve 118 in onder to decrease back pressure on the well bore [083] An example of a physical embodiment of a sepa- ration system in accordance with the present disclosure is shown in perspective in FIG, 4. The separation system of this embodiment, generally 10, is similar in many respects to the separation system 10 described above, Hence, one ean see the arrangement ofthe desander 12, the choke manifold 14 and the separator 16 on the skid 18. In addition, the vious connections of the separitr inlet line 52, the gas Tine $8, the oil line 60 aad the water line 62, as well as the

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