Emelc - Hele 5

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納 卯 中 華 中 學


(formerly Davao Central High School)
Sta. Ana Ave. cor. J. P. Laurel Ave., Davao City
Tel. Nos.: 227-4254; 227-2051; 222-0702; Fax No.: 221-2031

Re-accredited Level II by the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) through
Association of Christian Schools, Colleges, and Universities – Accrediting Council, Inc. (ACSCU-ACI)

Enhanced Most Essential Learning Competencies

HELE - Grade 5
S.Y. 2022-2023
EMELC 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Identify opportunities for products and services at √
home and in the community
Spot opportunities for products and services √
Explains the meaning and difference of product and √
Identify businesses that are profitable at home and in √
the community
Determine the proper way of buying, pricing, and √
selling of goods
Develop honesty and sincerity in dealing with √
Develop a sense of responsibility in managing the √
retail store
Make an organic fertilizer √
Determine the benefits derived from planting √
ornamental plants
Name some indirect planting methods √
Give steps in making a compost √
Perform intensive pest control and plant infestation √
Make organic pest control and mosquito repellent √
Discuss the signs of the plant that can be harvested √
Show the right way to harvest √
Describe and follow the steps in marketing √
Care for one’s health and safety in raising animals √
Explain how proper care of animals can affect the √
success of animal raising
Give the importance of knowing the health and safety √
practices in raising animals
Explain how proper care of animals can affect the √
success of animal raising
Describe the proper management and marketing of √
Identify the body changes that occur during puberty √
and their effects
Show some personal hygiene and health care habits to √
observe during menstruation or after circumcision
Show safety and health practices be observe in caring √
for clothes
Observe personal cleanliness and care during √
menstruation of after circumcision
Name some simple repairs done on clothing √
Wash and iron clothes the proper way √
Separate white and non-white clothes √
Identify and remove blemishes in a proper way √
State the factors to consider in planning a plant √
Develop concern for the environment √
Realize the importance of a compost √
Enumerate the different ways of making the house √
clean and orderly
Give various ways of making the house beautiful and √
Describe how curtains and wall decorations make the √
house attractive
Develop creativity in making designs for a throw pillow √
Enumerate the different tools in embroidery, their √
functions and how to take care of them
Develop a plan for the development of household √

Use machine and hand tools for building household √

Determine the parts of the trench machine √
Demonstrate the proper and careful way of using the √
Generate affordable home appliances √
Create a creative project √
Select and purchase materials √
Demonstrate the process of developing the project √
Plan and cook healthy foods (breakfast, lunch, and √
dinner) according to the family budget
Determine factors in family meal budget planning, √
membership, age, etc.
Use ingredients in cooking are recorded according to √
the selected recipe
Find out how to make marketing easy √
Demonstrate excellence in choosing fresh, inexpensive √
and nutritious ingredients
Take into account the ingredients found around √
Demonstrate cooking √
Prepare the ingredients for cooking √
Follow the safety rules in food preparation and cooking √
Avoid using ingredients with food artificial additives √
Prepare food presentation √
Create some form of attractive meal preparation √
Explain the note / table preparation principles and √
principles (table in table)
Appreciate the beauty of a simple but beautiful √
Implement the different ways of making the √
house attractive and livable
Explain the physical, emotional, intellectual, and √
social changes
Explain in different processes of cleaning-sweeping, √
dusting, caring for floors, ceiling, walls, furnishing,
and others
Discuss valuable knowledge and skills in woodworking, √
metal, bamboo and other local community materials
Create creative projects of wood, metal, bamboo and √
other materials found in the community
Determine the types of tools and tools in wood, metal, √
bamboo, and so on
Discuss the types of tools and tools in wood, metal, √
bamboo and others
Follow healthy and safety rules √
Produce a project using electricity √
Discuss knowledge and skills in electrical work √
Identify the materials and equipment used in electrical √
Use the other materials in electrical work √
Develop a project plan that is designed from a variety √
of materials found in the community (e.g., wood,
metal, bamboo, etc.) used by electricity that can be
List other design and materials that can be used or √
combined to create creative products based on
gathered data
Review the product and organizes it on the basis of √
others' suggestions and rubrics
Identify different ways of presenting finished product √

Apply the appropriate finishing for the final product √

Determine the other forms of final arrangement √
(layering, painting, and polishing)
Follow the proper method of conception, painting, or √
Use productivity tools the finished product are √
Package the project before being sold √
Manage profits √
Realize the investment and revenue √
Plan a new product to make from the proceeds √
Apply the basic repair of damaged equipment and √
appliances in the home or school
Discuss the importance of knowledge and skills in √
repairing damaged home or school equipment
Explain the repair steps. (Broken chair, window, door √
knob, broken faucet, loose / loose cover screw,
extension cord, lamp shade and more)
Determine repair equipment and the proper way to use √
it for repairing damaged home appliances
Explain how the sense of responsibility is √
developed in making home repairs
Explain how the sense of responsibility is shown √
in making simple repairs
Explain the basic working processes √

Prepared by: Checked/Reviewed by:


Teacher Supervisor, GS Department

Approved by:


Principal, English Division

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