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The Effect of Social Media Usage

Social media has changed the way we connect and share information, but its impact on mental
health is a topic of concern. This essay talks about the effects of social media on our mental health,
both positive and negative.

Social media lets us communicate with others. It also raises awareness about mental health issues
and helps break stigmas, creating support networks.

There also disadvantages of using social media.Excessive social media use can harm our mental
health. Comparing our lives to other peoples highlight reels can lead to self-doubt. Online bullying is
also a concerning, causing d depression. It also harms our ability to focus.

To protect our mental health, we need to set boundaries with social media. Limiting screen time and
engaging in offline activities are essential. Building real-world connections and practicing mindfulness
are also vital.

In conclusion, by setting boundaries, staying fit, and gaining offline connections, we can have a
healthy relationship with social media and protect our overall health.

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