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Applications/Portals List:-

Main Portal
Is Portal – Information System
Car Pooling Application
Sales & Rent web Application
Idea Portal
R&D Portal – Research and Development
Service Learning Portal(Video Portal)
D&I Portal – Diversity and Inclusion
Moto Sport Portal
CSR Portal
Audit Tracker Application
Activity Tracker Application
SOP Application -Standard Operating Procedures
TPM Hazard Application
TPM Injury Addressal Application
TPM OPL Application(One Point Application)
TPM Tag Readersal Application
Policy Application
Guest House booking web application
Visitor Appointment Application (web/other also)
Kaizen Application
OEE Application
HM3H Portal
Ethical Portal

Hero Other Projects List:-

Hero Catalog Mgt.
Hero ERP Portal
Hero My Score-2/Best Practices
Hero Navigation
Hero PHP Up-gradation
Hero Touch Base
Hero Visitor App
Hero CI
Hero Demo TS
Hero Drupal My Score
Hero Drupal Network Evaluation
Hero Drupal PD
Hero Drupal Security Check
Hero Drupal to CI
Hero Event
Hero Moto passion Revamp
Hero My Score-2/Best Practices
Hero MyScore Network Evaluation WEB
Hero Navigation
Hero Passion
Hero Ridesmart APP
Hero Survey Enhancement
Hero Travel Plan
Hero Video Player

Main Portal :-

1)Manage portal items based on particular employee role assigned.

2)Auto role assignment based on location and department of employee.
3)Role category wise for example HR, Main portal etc.

Idea Portal:-

1)Create an idea with content from admin panel.

2)Created idea shown on main portal with title and view details and submit your idea button.
3)User can submit his/her idea may be group or individuals.
4)Idea based on category for example sports, HR policy, festivals etc.
5) All submitted ideas listed in admin side with user name.
6) Add banner(s) for idea page from admin panel side.

Guest House Booking Web Application:-

1) Add new guest house with details like images, location, address, occupancy etc.
2) All guest house listed on main portal page with book your guest house option.
3) You choose any guest house, it fill guest house details automatically.
4) Fill extra details like arrival date, time departure date and time, purpose etc.
5) All booking request listed on admin panel and managed by portal admin or others those having

Car Pooling Web Application:-

1) user can Offer a ride with details like pickup and drop location, departure and arrival timings, car
details, contact number etc.
2)Find ride – all ride listed with show interest button click on button ride detail will be shown on page
and you can send mail click on send intimation.
3)drop location search based on google search with latitude and longitude.
4) All rides managed from admin side, admin user can edit/delete any ride.

Sale & Rent Web Application:-

1) Add item for sale or rent category wise.

2)Item details like item name, price, location, description, images of item.
3)All items will be listed on main portal page with some sort of search and filters.
4)sort items based on low to high or high to low prices.
5)search item based on item name, locality etc.
6) Shown My list items which is added by logged in user on portal.
R&D Portal :-
1)Competitor product listing with detailed description, price and product image.
2) Reports based on market survey.
3) Customers satisfaction.

Service Learning Portal(Video Portal):-

1)All products shown in large view image.

2) Add products with details.
3) upload manuals of products in different kind of docs like PDF, user can view, download document.
4) add videos of product for learning and training purpose.
5) Multiple language videos, document will be available.

D&I Portal:-
1) Add event from admin panel with following information like type of event internal or external,
title,start and end date, location of event, event description, event start time and end time, images of
event etc.
2) List of all event shown in main portal page and categorized into all events, upcoming events, past
events like wise.

Activity Tracker Application:-

1) Create a task and assigned to any user from search-able drop down employee list.
2) Assigned task list those tasks assigned to logged in user only.
3) created task list that tasks created by logged in user only.
4) Pass on task list – task assignee passes his/her task to third party.
5) Revise date request made by assigned user or third party means they want to change target or task
completion date.
6) Mail functionality based on reportee and Ro of the assignee.
7) Mail frequency daily,weekly, monthly etc

Main Portal:-

a)user can see the list of employees
b)Add /Edit/Delete/view employee
c)list of employee filtered on basis of department,location,designation,grade
d)user also search any employee from table data
e)fill all personal/company information and save
f)every employee has some role according to his/her department/location
g)Add new department in company
h)Add new location of company

a)user can see the list of galleries
b)Add /Edit/Delete any gallery
c)All gallery also visible on front-end of application
d)fill some information like title of event/festival/sport,recent activity
e)create event belongs on which category like /sport/festival etc
f)we can upload multiple images at same time,delete multiple images, cancel uploaded
g)Add new category for Event
h)Front-end gallery page only showing those gallery title having images. If any one not havin
images then not shown into front-end portal
i)Click any title name for display all related images

a)list of news
b)Add new news by filling some general and meta information
c)also decide which type of news internal or external
d)all these new is visible in front- end
e)click on any news to view full details of news with date

a)list of activities
b)Add new activity by filling some general and meta information
c)also Edit/Delete/view any activity from list
d)all these activity is visible in front- end
e)click on activity to view full details of activity with date,activity image

a)create your own CMS page
b)Assign role type means who is access this page page
c)Edit/Delete any CMS page
d)uploaded multiple images for that page
e)add image title and display with image into front-page
f)user can assign these created page from MENU module.

a)You can add menu in Main front-end header/left sidebar
b)select menu type internal/external
c)choose any your own CMS page
d)on which position want to add either header or side-bar
e)select role type means who has permission to access this menu
f)Edit/Delete any menu from page

Is Portal:-

1)Banner slide shows

2)My Favorites list
3)Recent News slide shows
4)Recent activities list
5)Upcoming Birthday's list
6)Galleries Images on home page
7) Dynamic Roles, fixed Roles , Auto Roles based on location & Department of Employees.
8)SAP Integration
9) LDAP Integration
10) Rabbit MQ Server handling
11) Rest API implementation
Policy Application :-
a)list of company policy
b)Add new policy by filling some general information and assigned some role means this policy
only visible for that particular assigned role employee
c)When you edit the policy then you create/edit policy sections
d)You also select multiple policy admin users from user admin list
e)all these policies is visible in front- end
f)You can see all policy tabs, under each tab having multiple different-different sections
each section has related content.

Idea Portal:-
a)add any idea , idea can be individual, group idea, both (group + individual)
b)fill some information like how many numbers of people in group
c)select multiple category on which type of idea you want to create means sports idea etc.
d)you also add/create new category for idea
e)you can submit your own ideas on existing idea that is visible on submitted idea tab
f)also you want to add idea content that would be visible top of idea list in front-end
g)create idea banner from this idea module
h)all these ideas display on front-end
i)user can see idea detail or also submit his/her own idea
j)Create own idea choose type of participants either individual or group,category.

CSR Portal:-
Corporate social responsibility
1)create CSR to fill important info
2)you can also download my list CSR excel or completed all Dashboard CSR excel
3)Also represent all records into chart format
4)you can down load JPG,PNG images ,PDF document,svg vector image,direct print chart
5)Customized your result with date range enter date from and date to in right side of chart

D&I Portal:-
Diversity and Inclusion
c)News letters

User can add/edit/delete Event/Videos/Newsletter/Initiatives from admin panel and same will be shown
in front-end side with enabled status.

1)Home page of D&I Portal :-

a)showing some initiatives into home page with image, initiative name with sort description.
Click on read more button then redirected to detailed page of that particular initiative.

b) Showing upcoming events list on home page with information like start time , end time, sort
description with event image.
Click on read more button then redirected to detailed page of that particular event.

c)Popular Resources:-
1)Our Video Gallery
2)Our Image Gallery
3)Our News Letters

3 types of events available:-

1)All Events
2) Upcoming Events
3) Past Events

Moto Sport Portal:-

1)Action replays
2)Race Resume
3)Pit Stops

User can add/edit/delete Action replays/Race Resume/Pit Stops/Laps from admin panel and same will
be shown in front-end side with enabled status.

Note:- It's a replica of D&I portal functionality same as D&I only naming changed.

SOP Application:-
This is a application which user can create process and each process has one or multiple procedures.
This application used by only particular team member who belong from SS & SC (Supply chain
department which is id-16 in hero project)
user click on sop link and goes to Terms & Conditions undertaking page
then tick on check – box shown in red color then redirected to SOP listing page where all sop's shown
in listing format
and each sop having view option in right side of the row.
Click on view button then forwarded to view page and you can see all details about that particular SOP
and procedure levels also with feedback button where user give feedback accordingly.
User can filtered sop list by choosing section in front-end side.

The following points we have implemented in sop-

1)first user crate section (department)

2)Create new Process (SOP) by filling title, sop description and choosing any section from sections
drop down list.
3)Edit procedure then click on second tab name- Procedure
4)Click on new Procedure button shown at the top of page.
5)Procedure having 3 levels in which user can uploads pdf/excel files with titles
Level 2 – only upload PDF type file which is view, not downloadable or not printable.
Level 3 – also upload PDF type file which is only view in pop-up window from front-end side.
Level 4 – Multiple file uploaded with multiple titles on click “Add More Fields”. Files may be
PDF/Excel/Doc or both type file to be uploaded in level 4. these files only downloadable from front-
end side. level 4 is not mandatory.

6)SOP Revised:- User can revised any SOP by checked on check box.
When Sop Revised mail triggered and mail goes to all “SS&SC” department employees.

7)SOP Number:- user enter sop number in procedure that is used as identification that particular sop.

8)Level 1 – also upload PDF type file only with some title text...Its only editable for admin means
admin can't delete or not add more than one only edit existing one.

9)SOP Feedback:- User provide an feedback when he/she view sop in front-end ...Enter text message in
pop up box and submit then one mail triggered and mail goes to sop admin users.

All feedback records shown as a list on admin side then admin also give reply to feedback then also
mail triggered and goes to feedback user.

Feedback list can be filtered out with procedure name or date bases or searching by keyword.

10) SOP daily activity report:- Whatever Activity performed by end user in front-end side has been
recorded and list would be shown admin side with user name and activity description.

6 types of activity has been recorded:-

1)User viewed the undertaking page

2)User visited the SOP Application Home Page/ SOPs Listing
3)User viewed the SOP level-1 document with title name
4)User viewed the SOP level 2 document with procedure name and section name
5)User viewed the SOP level 3 document with procedure name and section name
6)User download the SOP level 4 document with procedure name and section name

Audit Tracker Application :-

This make audit process automated instead of manually,Even don't need to update excel sheet every
time on changes.

This Application provide auto trigger notification through email shall be sent to process owner, internal
audit team, reporting manager or function head as per need of work flow.

1)Only Process Owner can Add comment.(update status)

2)Only Process Owner can request for change request.(timeline change request)
3)Status monitoring of observations as implemented, partially implemented, not implemented.
4)Upload of relevant document (Doc. Type: ppt, pdf, word, excel and image).
5)Uploaded documents to be displayed in user interface.
6)We also maintained logs for any changes made.
7)List of pending and closed audit reports visible to concerned process owner, reporting manager and
functional head.
8)Only process owner can add/edit actionable, timeline, evidence.
9)Reporting manager and Functional head can view actions performed by process owner and then
approve or send it for resubmit.
10) IA team has full access.
11)IA team have permission to change timeline or process owner as well.

Case 1:-
Step 1: Details entered in system by AI team -> Name of Audit Review, function, Detailed Observation
(document can be uploaded here), Category of Observation, applicability, Risk rating, Responsibility,
Timeline, Year of Audit and Audit conducted by.
Step 2: Auto trigger mail is sent to the process owner responsible for implementation.
• Auto trigger mail will be sent to the process owner responsible for implementation of the
management comments against the respective observations at-least 30 days before the cut off date
with respective reporting manager and internal audit team in loop.
Step 3: Process owner uploads the evidence documents with/without comments.
Step 4: Reporting manager to check the document/comment & approve it or send it for resubmit with a
Step 5: Function head to check the document & approve it or send it for resubmit with a comment.
Step 6: Post approval evidence visible to internal audit team (IA) in application.
Step 7: Post verification, IA team approves or reschedule the timeline with comments/feedback.

Case:- 2
No action taken by auditee after passing timeline (cut-off date):-
If process owner does not upload evidence by cut-off date then mail is triggered as per escalation
1. On cut off date for implementation of the management comment, auto escalation mail should go to
the respective reporting manager of the process owner responsible for implementation of the
management comments with respective functional head and internal audit team in loop.
2. If no action taken, post 7 days from the cut off date, auto escalation mail should go to the
respective functional heads with reporting manager, process owner, departmental head and internal
audit team in loop.
3. If no action take, post 15 days from the cut off date, auto escalation mail should go to the
respective departmental heads with reporting manager, process owner, functional head and internal
audit team in loop.

Case 3:-
Revised actions & timeline before/at/after cut off date
Step 1: Process owner responsible for implementation of management comment shall at/before/after the
cut off date shall provide revised actionable along with time lines and comment in the system.
Step 2: Reporting manager to check the revised actionable/timeline/comment & approve it or send it
for resubmit with a comment.
Step 3: Function head to check the revised actionable/timeline/comment & approve it or send it for
resubmit with a comment.
Step 4: Post function’s approval, revised actionable along with revised timeline shall appear in the
interface of the user in the internal audit team.
Step 5: User in IA team shall approve it in system or send it for resubmit with comment.
Step 6: Approval of reporting manager (IA Team Head) shall be sought in system.
Step 7: If approved revised actionable and timeline along with responsibility shall get auto revised in
the system. Else mail triggered to process owner and his Reporting manager.
TPM Hazard Application :-
This application has two types of users

1)Initiator/Safety Officer
2)Corrector/Responsible Person

1) Initiator Officer:

a)This User will raise the request , which would be forwarded to responsible person for action to be
taken. Once actions are performed the same request will come to this person for approval, whether the
proper action has been taken or not.

b)If he approves then request will be closed else the same request would be forwarded again to the
responsible person and same process will be carried out.

Safety officer would have following options:

a. Create a new request
b. View pending request
c. Approve the action taken against the request/Complete the request
d. View completed/closed request

2) Responsible Person:

This user will have to take corrective action against each request which has been raised by initiator.
Once action has taken need to put the details into the system and send back to the initiator for

This user would have following options:

a. View pending request raised for action to be taken

b. View Approved request list

A)Initiator/Safety Officer Responsibilities:-

1)New Request:-
Create a request with data as per your need ,After submitting this form a mail will be triggered which
will be sent to the responsible person, cc to initiator/request creator and bcc to admin.
2. View pending request -
User can view all his requests which he has raised for corrective action to be taken.

3. Approve the actions taken against the request/Complete the request -

This will show list of those requests for which action has been taken and need to review. Clicking on a
request will show the details which he has submitted as well as those details which responsible person
has filled for actions taken.

Here, user has two options:


Approve - User can review the actions and after being satisfied he can approve the request and it will
be moved to the closed request

Improve - While reviewing if user found out that taken actions are not correct and need improvement
then he can select this option. While selecting this would have to submit details , that what
improvements is required or what was not correct , within a given text block.

Here also mail will be triggered to responsible person with cc to initiator and bcc to admin.

4. View completed/closed request -

User can view all his completed request in this list. At any point of time, if he has to refer that what
action was taken for an hazard then he can refer to this list

B)Corrector/Responsible Person Responsibilities:-

1. View pending request raised for action to be taken -

This will display the list of all the requests which have been raised by initiator to be corrected.
There would be an edit option against each request. It will be used to view hazard details and enter
details of actions.

Here user has two options -

b)Pending for action

Completed - This would be selected if action has been taken. After selecting this option user has to fill
some details related to the counter measure taken and the completion date. Also, an improved picture
required to be uploaded , if a picture has been uploaded for this hazards. After submitting details this
request will be sent back to the initiator for review/approval.

Pending for action - if user need some time to correct an hazards then he can select this option, where
he has to fill a target date by which the action would be taken and request will be completed. This
request would be there until the completed has not marked.

2. View Approved request list -

This would show the list of all the request which has been approved by the initiator.

Escalation - There would be an escalation matrix which would be followed, if action has not been
taken on time.

This will basically have 4 levels and each level will have some time frame to complete the task/to
escalate the issue to next level.

1) First level is first reporting officer

2) Second level is second reporting officer
3) Third level is manufacturing Head
4) Fourth level is plant head

(Manufacturing Head and plant head would be predefined for a given department of a plant. Here
department does not refer to the our department master table , It is a different value which would refer
to that base structure CSV department)

While selecting a level, user would have to set the timeframe , that after how many days/hours of
raising a request this escalation will happen. Similarly for other levels he has to set the timeframe.

For a particular application, admin would select that what all levels would be included for escalation
and as well as the timeframe would need to be set.

Escalation period would be of 3 days. If an action has not been taken for a request within 3 days then
after 3 days from the time of raising request a mail will be sent to the responsible person, cc to section
head and initiator and bcc to admin.

If a target date has been set for completing action then it would be escalated according to target date.

If target date falls within 3 days from the date on which request is raised and no action has taken then
escalation would take place after 3 days,And if target date is of after 3 days and no action taken till the
target date then escalation would take place at that day/time.

If even after escalating request to section head, no action has been taken within 1 week from the date of
raising request then it would be escalated to Manufacturing head.

And if further no action taken then it would be escalated to Plant head after 4 weeks from date of
request being raised.

TPM Charts:-

5 type of charts avaliable in TPM.

1)Dept wise chart

2)Section wise chart
3)Hazard impact wise chart
4) Impact section wise chart
5)Coorector(Assignee) wise chart

Charts would be visible to the users as:

1. Plant Head/ Manufacturing Head - All charts

2. Department Head - Specific department and all sections

3. Section Head - Specific Section

4. Individual - His/her own requests summary

Data which would be visible in the chart is count/total of the requests, divided as Notify, Pending &
Completed and further divided by Hazard Impact status(Low, Medium, High).

There would be date filter (from - to) for all reports.

Each report having filter based on category means dept/section/impact/assinee(corrector list)

Injury Addressal Application :-

The application has three types of users
1) Medical Officer/Initiator
2) Line Manager/Analyzer
3) Safety Officer/App-rover

1) Medical Officer/Initiator: This user will record the incident, which would be forwarded to Analyzer
for action to be taken. These users would only be able to initiate the request, so will have following
Create/raise a new request:-New request will be raised through submitting a form. There would be
two options - a) Employee b) Visitors.

2) Analyzer: This user will fill up the details of the action taken to prevent such injury and the cause of
injury details. And after filling all the required data request would be sent to the Safety officer for
This user would have following options:View pending request to provide preventive action

3) Safety Officer/App-rover: This user will have rights to see the details of treatment which has been
taken against an injury. This user will see the details if everything goes fine then it will be approved
and if not, then would be sent back to the analyzer for improving the details.
View pending/approved request list.

One Point Lesson OPL Applocation :-

This application having 3 types of users:

1. Initiator
2. Approver/RO
3. Opex Team

1) Initiator : -
This person will fill the form to submit an OPL. Once the user submits the form it will be send to
his/her RO for approval with the mail.

2) Approver :-
This person will approve/reject the OPLs which has been submitted by his/her reportee Once he/she
approves ,
request will go to the Opex team with mail. This person will have only an option where all the pending
list will be displayed with Approve/reject button with mandatory remarks option in case of rejection.

3) Opex Team :-
This user will have only one option which is view pending list, where he/she will approve/reject the
requests which has been forwarded by the Approver. Once this user approves, it would be published on
the homepage of this application and would be visible to all. In case of rejection this will be sent back
to the initiator with the remarks.
All published list would be visible to each user on the homepage of this application.
This application would be accessible to plant user only.
TPM Tag Redressal Application:-

This application is used to record and correct 7 types of abnormalities in equipment/ non-equipments
used in plants.

This application has two types of users

1. Creator
2. Corrector

● Creator: This User will create the request , which would be forwarded to responsible person
for action to be taken. Once actions are performed the same request will come to this person for
approval, whether the proper action has been taken or not. If he approves then request will be
closed else the same request would be forwarded again to the responsible person and same
process will be carried out. Here user can save the request as draft also.
This user would have following options:
○ Create a new request
○ View draft request
○ View pending request
○ Approve the action taken against the request/Complete the request
○ View completed/closed request
● Corrector: This user will have to take corrective action against each request which has been
raised by creator. Once action has been taken need to put the details into the system and send
back to the initiator for review/approval. If this user feels that the raised request does not have
proper details then he can sent back it to the creator.
This user would have following options:
○ View pending request raised for action to be taken
○ View Approved request list

1. Create a new request - New request will be raised through submitting a form. There would be
two options - Equipment or Non-Equipment.
In case of Equipment form will have following fields:
4. Tag Type - Option as Red, White, Yellow - Red, Yellow - White
5. Tag to be addressed by - options are Maintenance, PPC, QA, Tool Engineering,
Production Engineering,SQA ( In case of white and Yellow-White this field would not
be visible)
6. Equipment No - This would be a 7 digit no, which would already be present in database
After filling these fields there will be a search button. On clicking on that it will search
for the equipment details in the database on the basis of equipment no. if the details are not present then
a message will be displayed saying the same else a form will be displayed with some pre filled details
as mentioned below:
Pre filled fields : All 3 fields as mentioned before and 3 more fields named as Equipment Name,
Function Location and Sub Location( Line)
Form Fields :
A. Abnormality Description - Text
B. Type - Dropdown ,List will be maintained at backend
C. Explanation in case of unattended - Text
D. Priority - option as Low , Medium, High
E. Classification - Drop Down, List will be maintained at backend
F. Detected by - by default emp name , can select any other employee name as well
G. Corrector Name - List of the people in that particular department (This would not be visible in
case of white and Yellow-White)
H. Machine Part Name - Text
I. Picture

In case of Non-Equipment form will have following fields:

➢ Tag Type - Option as Red, White, Yellow - Red, Yellow - White
➢ Non- Equipment Name - Dropdown, List will be maintained at back end
➢ Non -Equipment No - Text (Only number allowed)
➢ Department - Dropdown
➢ Section - Dropdown
➢ Function Location - Text
➢ Options - In Plant / External ( If Selected External a field named as Name of company will also
be visible to fill )

All fields are mandatory except picture.Here user can send it to the corrector or can save as draft to edit
it later on.
After submitting this form a mail will be triggered which will be sent to the corrector, cc to
creator and bcc to admin. In case of white and Yellow-white this will be sent to the user itself.

2. View Draft request - User can view all his requests which he/she has saved to submit it later.
If he/she submits the request then it will be forwarded as mentioned above.
3. View pending request - User can view all his requests which he has created for corrective
action to be taken.
4. Approve the actions taken against the request/Complete the request - This will show list of
those requests for which action has been taken and need to review. Clicking on a request will
show the details which he has submitted as well as those details which responsible person has
filed for actions taken.
Here, user has two options:
➢ Approve - User can review the actions and after being satisfied he can approve the
request and it will be moved to the closed request
➢ Improve - While reviewing if user found out that taken actions are not correct and need
improvement then he can select this option. While selecting this, user would have to
submit few details , that what improvements is required or what was not correct , within
a given text block.
Here also mail will be triggered to responsible person with cc to initiator and bcc to admin.

5. View completed/closed request - User can view all his completed request in this list. At any
point of time, if he has to refer that what action was taken for a tag then he can refer to this list.
6. View pending request raised for action to be taken - This will display the list of all the
requests which have been created by initiator to be corrected.
a. if User could not find details proper then he/she can send the request back to the creator
with details and to be mentioned in remarks field.
b. If User find that he/she is not responsible for this request then he/she can pass it on to
the any other employee in same department. Once passed this request would moved
from this user’s account to passed on user’s account.
c. If all the details are correct then the user will have two options -
A. Pending for Action - if user need some time to correct a Tag then he can select
this option, where he has to fill expected completion date by which the action
would be taken and request will be completed. This request would be there until
the completed has not marked.
B. Completed - This would be selected if action has been taken. After selecting this
option user has to fill some details in form as mentioned below:
a. Spares Used - yes/no - if yes then there would be a text field to fill further
b. Completion Date
c. Action Taken - Text
d. Leads to - dropdown - Options are OPL,Kaizen,Operation Standard, PM
Standard, MP Sheet, Restoration
e. Root Cause - dropdown - options are Poor Basic condition, Poor
operating condition, Deterioration operation treatment, Poor
Maintenance, Poor Design
f. Picture
After submitting details this request will be forwarded to the initiator for

7. View Approved request list - This would show the list of all the request which has been
approved by the initiator.

Visitor pass Application :-

This application based on office location By-default logged in user location selected
Employee can change location from drop down list.
For already existing visitor, employee enter his/her mobile no. then other details related to that user
auto filled otherwise enter manually.
Group visitors having add more visitor option click on it and add more than one visitors with his/her
Multiple day pass having two date fields appointment date from & date to, user can choose from
calendar easily
Visitor pass type option shown location wise, user can choose pass type from list
Material multi select with some common predefined Martial's option (In case material doesn't match
with list items then checked others martial check box one text box will be shown below and you can
enter as you have carried.
Right side today appointment list will be shown with visitor name, appointment time, mobile number in
table format
All visitors name and other information visible in table format.
Employee can edit/delete any appointment.
When user click on edit then one pop-up window appear with time and date of visit then he/she can
change date and time and submit the form.
Employee also can cancel/delete the appointment click on delete button system ask for message “Are
you sure, you want to delete this item ? “ then click on YES button shown in bottom of pop-up window.
All raised requests shown in this page.
Pending for action either approved/reject.
Employee can approve the request click on approve button one pop-up window shown with two option
one approve another is cancel.
Employee can reject the request raised by visitor.

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